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Trump denounces 'lies and smears' as more women come forward


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Trump denounces 'lies and smears' as more women come forward

MICHAEL R. BLOOD, Associated Press


LOS ANGELES (AP) — Two more women came forward Friday to accuse Donald Trump of unwanted sexual touching, including a former contestant from a reality show that starred the Republican presidential nominee.


The latest accounts come after several women reported in recent days that Trump groped or kissed them without their consent.


At a campaign rally in North Carolina on Friday, Trump sought to discredit his accusers. He said because there were no witnesses to the interactions, the allegations were not credible.


"Right now I am being viciously attacked with lies and smears," Trump said at an outdoor amphitheater. "It's a phony deal. I have no idea who these women are."


Trump also suggested the women who have come forward to accuse him were not physically attractive enough to merit his attention. "Believe me, she would not be my first choice, that I can tell you," he said when speaking of one of the women.


Summer Zervos, a former contestant on "The Apprentice," said Trump made unwanted sexual advances toward her at a Beverly Hills hotel in 2007, while photographer Kristin Anderson alleged Trump sexually assaulted her in a New York nightclub in the early 1990s.


Zervos, 41, appeared at a news conference Friday with Gloria Allred, a well-known Los Angeles attorney. Zervos was a contestant on "The Apprentice" in 2006 and said she later contacted Trump to inquire about a job with one of his businesses.


Zervos said she had an initial meeting with Trump, where he discussed a potential job with her. When they parted, he kissed her on the lips and asked for her phone number, she said.


She said weeks later Trump called to invite her to meet him at the Beverly Hills Hotel, where she said she was expecting to have dinner with the New York billionaire. Instead, she described a series of unwanted kisses and touching by Trump, which she said she repeatedly rejected.


"He tried to kiss me again ... and I said, 'Dude, you're tripping right now,' attempting to make it clear I was not interested," she said.


Zervos said Trump eventually stopped and began talking as if they were in a job interview. She said she was later offered a low-paying job at a Trump-owned golf course.


At the time, Trump had recently married his third and current wife, Melania Trump, and the couple had an infant son.


Zervos said she is a Republican and has no political agenda in coming forward. Allred said her client told her parents and others about the incident shortly after it occurred.


In a statement released by his campaign, Trump denied he was ever alone in a hotel room with Zervos and claimed to have only a vague recollection of meeting her. He lashed out at the media for creating "a theater of absurdity that threatens to tear our democratic process apart and poison the minds of the American public."


Late Friday, the Trump campaign released a statement in which a cousin of Servos said he was "shocked and bewildered" by her account.


John Barry of Mission Viejo, California, said in the statement that Zervos "wishes she could still be on reality TV, and in an effort to get that back she's saying all of these negative things about Mr. Trump."


In a story published online Friday, Anderson told The Washington Post that she was sitting on a couch with friends at a New York nightclub in the early 1990s when someone's hand reached up her skirt and touched her through her underwear.


Anderson, then in her early 20s, said she pushed the hand away, turned around and recognized Trump as the man who had groped her. Then recently divorced, Trump was then a frequent presence in the New York tabloids, and he was regular presence on the Manhattan club scene.


"He was so distinctive looking — with the hair and the eyebrows. I mean, nobody else has those eyebrows," Anderson, 46, told the newspaper. She said the assault was random and occurred with "zero conversation."


Anderson did not respond to a phone message from The Associated Press. She told the newspaper said she does not back Trump or Hillary Clinton, the Democratic nominee.


The Post said it contacted Anderson after a friend she had told about the incident recounted it to a reporter. Other friends also told the Post that Anderson recounted the same story to them years ago.


Zervos' and Anderson's decisions to speak publicly about her experience follows last week's disclosure by the Post of a 2005 video in which Trump boasted that his celebrity gave him the ability to grab women "by the p----. You can do anything." Trump apologized for those remarks, but also dismissed them as "locker-room talk."


Also Friday, Melinda McGillivray, 36, of Palm Springs, Florida, told the AP that Trump's denial in last Sunday's presidential debate that he had ever groped women prompted her to come forward after years of brushing off an incident from 2003.


She told The Palm Beach Post for a story published on Thursday that while she was backstage at a concert at Trump's Mar-a-Lago resort, when he grabbed her buttocks.


"I wanted to do this so I can be a role model for my daughter," McGillivray said. "I wanted to be that courageous woman that she sees every day, but in that moment she saw vulnerability and she saw a scared little girl."


-- © Associated Press 2016-10-15
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Reading this put me in mind of Oscar Wildes downfall:


Saying he was ignoring his own advisers by commenting on the allegations, he (Trump) suggested that he would never have been attracted to Jessica Leeds, one of this accusers.:

"Believe me, she would not be my first choice, that I can tell you."


Oscar Wilde was suing Sir John Sholto Douglas for libel because Douglas had denounced him as a "sodomite".  In his defence Douglas claimed Wilde had solicited 12 boys to commit sodomy between 1892 and 1894.


During the trial Wilde was asked directly whether he had ever kissed a certain servant boy, Wilde responded, "Oh, dear no. He was a particularly plain boy – unfortunately ugly – I pitied him for it."


Things went rather badly for him after that witty (and self destructive) reply.  Ultimately it resulted in a sentence of 2 years hard labour for Wilde.



Edited by Enoon
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'Trump also suggested the women who have come forward to accuse him were not physically attractive enough to merit his attention. "Believe me, she would not be my first choice, that I can tell you," he said when speaking of one of the women. '


When in a ditch stop digging .........

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5 minutes ago, sandrabbit said:

'Trump also suggested the women who have come forward to accuse him were not physically attractive enough to merit his attention. "Believe me, she would not be my first choice, that I can tell you," he said when speaking of one of the women. '


When in a ditch stop digging .........


I would never grope a dog. Take a look at her.  Do you think I would ever grope such an ugly woman?  I only grope pretty women and they all want it because I'm a star. The more he talks, the more he reveals himself. Fantastic.

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5 minutes ago, keemapoot said:


I would never grope a dog. Take a look at her.  Do you think I would ever grope such an ugly woman?  I only grope pretty women and they all want it because I'm a star. The more he talks, the more he reveals himself. Fantastic.

He's the gift that keeps on giving, and maybe it's an impossible dream, but hoping that gift includes the senate AND the house!


trumpists ... save yourself some grief ... abandon all hope. You've backed the biggest LOSER. 

Edited by Jingthing
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15 minutes ago, sandrabbit said:

'Trump also suggested the women who have come forward to accuse him were not physically attractive enough to merit his attention. "Believe me, she would not be my first choice, that I can tell you," he said when speaking of one of the women. '


When in a ditch stop digging .........


Actually Donald when it comes to men sexually assaulting her, you weren't her preferred choice either.

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2 minutes ago, dunroaming said:


Actually Donald when it comes to men sexually assaulting her, you weren't her preferred choice either.


There's certainly nothing between his ears that would merit attention, other than that animal he wears on his head, and from all reports,  there's nothing between his legs that would merit anyone's attention either, other than to ridicule.

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Here in the UK the liberal run media especially the BBC and the LBC Radio Station have gone into overdrive in their vilification of Trump. There seems to be more coverage of the US election in the UK than there was of our EU referendum. 


Many Britons have a soft spot for Hilary because she claimed a few years back that she was named after Sir Edmund Hillary the first man to conquer Mount Everest.


What is peculiar about her claim is that she was seven years old at the time and prior to his reaching the summit he was unheard of outside his immediate circle of explorers and mountaineers. He was also a New Zealander rather than a Briton. You've gotta laugh at some of these politicians.



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18 minutes ago, yogi100 said:

Here in the UK the liberal run media especially the BBC and the LBC Radio Station have gone into overdrive in their vilification of Trump. There seems to be more coverage of the US election in the UK than there was of our EU referendum. 


Many Britons have a soft spot for Hilary because she claimed a few years back that she was named after Sir Edmund Hillary the first man to conquer Mount Everest.


What is peculiar about her claim is that she was seven years old at the time and prior to his reaching the summit he was unheard of outside his immediate circle of explorers and mountaineers. He was also a New Zealander rather than a Briton. You've gotta laugh at some of these politicians.



I sometimes watch BBC, and I have never seen such blatent bias by so called journalists. They play everything anti Trump and mention nothing that would cast doubt on HRC. When the bus tape came out they plugged that, but said nothing about the WikiLeaks.

IMO the BBC should be outed as a Clinton surrogate. No wonder people think the sham news corporation should lose their taxpayer support.

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Just tell everybody that because you love and respect women so much you were just giving them free pap-smear exams. I'm sure your supporters will readily accept this explanation. Ergo, problem solved!



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Just wait. You ain't seen nothing yet.


The American media moguls have been building up an arsenal of weaponry to use against Trump in the last week or two of the final run up to the election. More women are going to be accusing him of sexual misbehaviour and other such smears. The American Establishment will not be taking any prisoners.


It can go two ways,  turn people against him or make them even more determined to support him. I for one won't be heading for the bookies shop!

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1 minute ago, stevenl said:

He has been using the media, and now they are his downfall. All was good but now they are an evil empire.


Yup. He always boasted about all this massive free publicity he was getting, how he didn't have to spend money for anything but the media beat a path to his door. Now they are really beating a path to the doors of every woman he's ever abused.


That same publicity machine he has manipulated for his own benefit for so long is now turning on him, and it will consume his sorry ass.


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21 minutes ago, yogi100 said:

Just wait. You ain't seen nothing yet.


The American media moguls have been building up an arsenal of weaponry to use against Trump in the last week or two of the final run up to the election. More women are going to be accusing him of sexual misbehaviour and other such smears. The American Establishment will not be taking any prisoners.


It can go two ways,  turn people against him or make them even more determined to support him. I for one won't be heading for the bookies shop!

Sure, some people will be more determined to support him, but many more will be turned against him. 


There were not enough supporters to get elected in the first place, and with more going the other way he is doomed now.

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4 minutes ago, stevenl said:

Sure, some people will be more determined to support him, but many more will be turned against him. 


There were not enough supporters to get elected in the first place, and with more going the other way he is doomed now.


The bookies were giving 4/1 against our leaving the EU.


Our media pulled out all the stops in the Fear Campaign against Brexit and even Farage was getting set to concede defeat as the evening of the 23rd of June wore on. But in the end the hitherto great silent  majority came out and won the day.


The WWC majority along with many others who had been hit in the pocket by immigration and establishment policies made their voices heard. It could be a similar story in the US on the 8th November. Folk are getting cheesed off with mainstream politicians.


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1 hour ago, yogi100 said:

Here in the UK the liberal run media especially the BBC and the LBC Radio Station have gone into overdrive in their vilification of Trump. There seems to be more coverage of the US election in the UK than there was of our EU referendum. 


Many Britons have a soft spot for Hilary because she claimed a few years back that she was named after Sir Edmund Hillary the first man to conquer Mount Everest.


What is peculiar about her claim is that she was seven years old at the time and prior to his reaching the summit he was unheard of outside his immediate circle of explorers and mountaineers. He was also a New Zealander rather than a Briton. You've gotta laugh at some of these politicians.




Yogi I am also here in the UK and I also watch the BBC and most other news channels.  I also listen to LBC and some of their presenters are pretty left wing, especially J.O'B.  However they try for balance and also have as presenters Katie Hopkins ( a Trump defender big time) and Trump's very own Nigel Farage.  Hardly liberal!


The BBC has always leaned towards the left and everyone knows and expects that from them.  No more so than Fox leans the other way.  One channel that has always been praised for being impartial is Channel 4.  However the way they are ripping into Trump is not impartial although they also regularly also cover the infamous e-mails.  ITV are also focussing on Trumps hypocrisy as is Channel 5.


I think the problem for the various news channels is that at the moment all the current stories are about Trump and the accusations and screw-ups he is making.  It may change direction if anything new comes to light about Clinton.

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25 minutes ago, yogi100 said:


The bookies were giving 4/1 against our leaving the EU.


Our media pulled out all the stops in the Fear Campaign against Brexit and even Farage was getting set to concede defeat as the evening of the 23rd of June wore on. But in the end the hitherto great silent  majority came out and won the day.


The WWC majority along with many others who had been hit in the pocket by immigration and establishment policies made their voices heard. It could be a similar story in the US on the 8th November. Folk are getting cheesed off with mainstream politicians.


Sure mate.

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