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Trump mocks critics: I'll accept election results... if I win


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7 minutes ago, Sooo Upto Me said:

My God, I will be glad when this circus is over.

The USA must be the laughing stock of the world at the moment.


Yes, get it over with already.:partytime2:

The laughing will subside when the adult in the room gets elected, Madame President Hillary Clinton, and the whiny man baby slithers back to his tacky golden tower.

Putin, especially, won't be laughing on that day. 



Edited by Jingthing
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6 hours ago, DM07 said:

Anyone, who thought that line was "funny", should have their head checked!

Once again, Clinton proves herself a 'humour devoid space". Liberals seem to lack any ability to see the joke, which is why the non PC infected don't want her anywhere near the big house. Obama, for all his many faults was, at times, quite humerous.

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4 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Yes, get it over with already.:partytime2:

The laughing will subside when the adult in the room gets elected, Madame President Hillary Clinton, and the whiny man baby slithers back to his tacky golden tower.

Putin, especially, won't be laughing on that day. 

Do you think he's going away, 55555555555

Not a chance. IMO he'll be whining constantly at every mistake she makes, and given she makes a lot, he'll have a great deal to talk about on his new anti Clinton tv channel, which, I'm predicting, will be a big hit among all the millions of anti Clintonites out there. I'll be signing up for the fun :cheesy:.

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6 minutes ago, dunroaming said:

Given that the voting will be against one candidate or the other will the voters against Trump be voting against him or what he stands for?  Just how much of this is going to be about the man or the flag he is flying?

IMO it's mainly against him. They never hear about his policies on their media.

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9 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Once again, Clinton proves herself a 'humour devoid space". Liberals seem to lack any ability to see the joke, which is why the non PC infected don't want her anywhere near the big house. Obama, for all his many faults was, at times, quite humerous.

...and Trump just isn't!

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1 hour ago, MZurf said:
Trump mocks critics: I'll accept election results... if I win


The people Trump mock are his supporters. Too bad that most of them don't have the IQ to realise it.


But Trump says he has a very high IQ... :cheesy:

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5 hours ago, Grubster said:

The Florida recount was very flawed and incomplete when the Grand jury elected Bush.

yes sure, argument could and were made by both sides, But my reply was not made concerning that.

My reply was concerning the insinuation that Gore also did not accept the election results, and demanded a re-count. The truth of the mater is that, there is no equivalence, between Gore and Trumps behavior. The re-count was automatically triggered by Florida law,  and by an elections board headed by a Republican.

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3 hours ago, Andaman Al said:

Why do people insist on posting such crap without ever fact checking? Is it a function of being a Trump supporter that they all have to be pathalogical liars also? The case of Al Gore is NOTHING like Trump. Al Gore had ALREADY conceded and it had to be withdrawn as the vote count in Florida was within 1/2 % and that triggered AUTOMATIC recounts by the state. The first person to contest in court was George W followed bt Al Gore both as a legal consequence of the auto vote recount. When the decision was ultimately made by the courts Al Gore conceeded and ensured a peaceful transition of power. That situation was NOTHING like what Trump has said!!


liars + limited intelligence = Deplorables     



You left out a lot of key information such as the media calling the election too early which surpressed the pro-Bush vote in the panhandle and Gore only wanting a hand vote recount in a few areas where all kinds of nonsense was going on..





"Hillary told fundraisers in 2002 that George W. Bush was “selected, not elected” in 2000.f that phrase sounds familiar, it’s because it’s been a recurring theme for Democrats for almost 16 years now. It’s a mantra that has been repeated by everyone from Joe Biden (who said Al Gore “was elected president of the United States of America”) to Jimmy Carter (who said there is “no doubt in my mind that Gore won the election”) to Jonathan Chait (who wrote a piece titled “Yes, Bush v. Gore Did Steal the Election”)..."




Edited by Merzik
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2 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Colbert reacts:



Ooooh, I guess the Donald won't be going on his show any more, or maybe he will, he'll keep us in suspense :biggrin:.


I was just thinking that if the number of secret never Hillary voters was actually enough to swing the election, there's going to be a lot of screaming going on in the US.


Never mind, however it turns out I'll miss the best reality show, EVER.

I mean, that speech at the charity dinner, was that a blast, or what? Talk about going out in a blaze. Trump really knows how to make an exit. Truthfully, my jaw dropped and I was stunned. He may be gone in 20 days, but he won't be forgotten in a long time.

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26 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

IMO it's mainly against him. They never hear about his policies on their media.

What policies would those be?  Deregulating hedge funds and big banks?  Letting credit card companies get away with even more than they do now?  Disproproportionately cutting taxes for the superrich? Introducing a bigger tax loophole for real estate developers?

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1 minute ago, ilostmypassword said:

What policies would those be?  Deregulating hedge funds and big banks?  Letting credit card companies get away with even more than they do now?  Disproproportionately cutting taxes for the superrich? Introducing a bigger tax loophole for real estate developers?


So why does Hillary have the big donations from the hedge funds and big banks like Goldman Sachs? Of course they know Hillary has a public policy and a private one...per Wikileaks. The banksters fear Trump not the Clintons. The Clintons have always done their bidding despite her campaign speeches.




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Arrogance and hubris from the Dems as the noose tightens. The Veritas film is being watched by more and more people and the White House refuses to explain why a convicted felon who was responsible for agitprop and conspiracy to commit voter fraud was invited to the White House to see Obama 47 times.

Now John Podesta of Hillary's campaign is shown on a Wikileaks email to have advised how illegals with a driving license could simply attest to their eligibility to vote.


The U.K. Press are onto this now, the Dems can't stop the dam bursting.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect

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22 minutes ago, Merzik said:



You left out a lot of key information such as the media calling the election too early which surpressed the pro-Bush vote in the panhandle and Gore only wanting a hand vote recount in a few areas where all kinds of nonsense was going on..





"Hillary told fundraisers in 2002 that George W. Bush was “selected, not elected” in 2000.f that phrase sounds familiar, it’s because it’s been a recurring theme for Democrats for almost 16 years now. It’s a mantra that has been repeated by everyone from Joe Biden (who said Al Gore “was elected president of the United States of America”) to Jimmy Carter (who said there is “no doubt in my mind that Gore won the election”) to Jonathan Chait (who wrote a piece titled “Yes, Bush v. Gore Did Steal the Election”)..."




Glad to see you're agreeing that your earlier post was crap without any fact checking.

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4 minutes ago, Steely Dan said:

Arrogance and hubris from the Dems as the noose tightens. The Veritas film is being watched by more and more people and the White House refuses to explain why a convicted felon who was responsible for agitprop and conspiracy to commit voter fraud was invited to the White House to see Obama 47 times.

Now John Podesta of Hillary's campaign is shown on a Wikileaks email to have advised how illegals with a driving license could simply attest to their eligibility to vote.


The U.K. Press are onto this now, the Dems can't stop the dam bursting.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect

Unfortunately, unless the FBI arrest her on the way to be sworn in, it's too late. If the GOP lose either the house or senate she is safe.

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I went to the center for responsive politics article and it noted that 86% of the money came from politically liberal donors.  These are atypical in the hedge fund world because they are willing to pay a lot more in taxes.  On the other hand 63% of congressional donations from hedge funds went to Republicans in the House and Senate.

Also, Trump has hedge fund managers on his advisory team. It's dubious that they've only given such a small amount to him. And these are politically very very right wing people who are pressing for further tax reductions on the super wealthy.

Also, the article is dated Aug 3.  


It's a fact that thanks to the Supreme Court and the Citizens United Decision the wealthy can now give unlimited amounts to political campaigns and keep it secret. That decision came from the conservative judges of the Supreme Court. Just the kind of judge that Trump has pledged to appoint.

Here's a list of some billionaire backers of Trump. Plenty of Wall Streeters among them.


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3 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Yes, get it over with already.:partytime2:

The laughing will subside when the adult in the room gets elected, Madame President Hillary Clinton, and the whiny man baby slithers back to his tacky golden tower.

Putin, especially, won't be laughing on that day. 




"Putin, especially, won't be laughing on that day."


I am not sure Putin actually had any real interest in Trump's victory. Trump may be easier to play, but he is too unpredictable and talks too much. The main benefit of Trump's campaign, from Putin's point of view, could have been the further weakening of HRC's public position, the maintenance of ongoing rifts within the US and the growing doubts many Americans express with regard to the political system. If Trump will indeed launch his media/news outlet - these things will continue to gnaw at the US for quite a while.

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4 minutes ago, Morch said:


"Putin, especially, won't be laughing on that day."


I am not sure Putin actually had any real interest in Trump's victory. Trump may be easier to play, but he is too unpredictable and talks too much. The main benefit of Trump's campaign, from Putin's point of view, could have been the further weakening of HRC's public position, the maintenance of ongoing rifts within the US and the growing doubts many Americans express with regard to the political system. If Trump will indeed launch his media/news outlet - these things will continue to gnaw at the US for quite a while.

I think Putin would have loved to have someone as easy to manipulate as Trump as President.

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8 minutes ago, Morch said:


"Putin, especially, won't be laughing on that day."


I am not sure Putin actually had any real interest in Trump's victory. Trump may be easier to play, but he is too unpredictable and talks too much. The main benefit of Trump's campaign, from Putin's point of view, could have been the further weakening of HRC's public position, the maintenance of ongoing rifts within the US and the growing doubts many Americans express with regard to the political system. If Trump will indeed launch his media/news outlet - these things will continue to gnaw at the US for quite a while.


" If Trump will indeed launch his media/news outlet - these things will continue to gnaw at the US for quite a while. "


Is this meaning trump if/when president will establish a media outlet which is under his control / runs to his his wishes / his policies. etc.


If true, let the USA and the world beware. Frightening to say the least. 

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8 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

I think Putin would have loved to have someone as easy to manipulate as Trump as President.


Too impulsive, better two deal with a weakened reasonable known opponent. And as said, a bonus if Trump goes on with his "post-campaign" campaign. We'll have Snowden, Assange and Trump spewing the same and "corroborating" each other in an endless loop.

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6 minutes ago, scorecard said:


" If Trump will indeed launch his media/news outlet - these things will continue to gnaw at the US for quite a while. "


Is this meaning trump if/when president will establish a media outlet which is under his control / runs to his his wishes / his policies. etc.


If true, let the USA and the world beware. Frightening to say the least. 


That was a reference to Trump's possible actions in case he losses. There's quite a bit of speculation about it.

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4 hours ago, Steely Dan said:

Arrogance and hubris from the Dems as the noose tightens. The Veritas film is being watched by more and more people and the White House refuses to explain why a convicted felon who was responsible for agitprop and conspiracy to commit voter fraud was invited to the White House to see Obama 47 times.

Now John Podesta of Hillary's campaign is shown on a Wikileaks email to have advised how illegals with a driving license could simply attest to their eligibility to vote.


The U.K. Press are onto this now, the Dems can't stop the dam bursting.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect


And if you bothered to read the actual E-mail chain instead of a carefully selected segment, you would realize that he was responding to a comment on to how to give the 50 million unregistered, US citizen, but otherwise eligible, voters a chance to vote on election day.


The anti-Clinton, anti-Democrat side really should re-read the parable of the boy who cried wolf. You might get the woodcutter to come running a couple of times, but you are damaging yourself in the long run. 

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11 hours ago, alfalfa19 said:

He seems more and more like somebody who's habituated to the use of mind altering/bending substances. 


        A long term cocaine addict commented when she saw The Divider in the 1st debate:  "he's acting (with his constant sniffling) exactly how people act right after they've snorted coke."  Note: he was also sniffling at the 2nd debate, tho not quite as noticeably.


        Also: Trump was a young man during the 70's and 80's when many party-going Americans between 17 and 45 were snorting coke.  I was also a young man at that time (I'm 6 yrs younger than Trump) and can safely say over half the parties I went to, there was coke readily available.  Sometimes, there would be a 2" pile of the stuff on a coffee table, available for anyone - and I didn't hang with rich people, as The Divider did.  


       I'm not saying Trump was snorting coke before the debate, but it's certain Trump has known for decades that coke would be the ideal drug for a debate:  It makes a person's brain exceptionally bright, and there's no embarrassment, shyness or stage fright for a coke head.  I've seen coke heads on TV quiz shows, and they nail answers to questions amazingly.


2 hours ago, Merzik said:

Wall Street Journal: "Hedge Fund Money Has Vastly Favored Clinton Over Trump

Political donations from people at hedge funds have vaulted this election, and far more has gone to the Democratic nominee than to the Republican:


I never thought I'd say this, but (if what you're saying is based in fact) maybe hedge fund managers are more sensible than Trumpster's sheeple.

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UK, June 1970: every opinion poll had the Labour govt in front, by as much as 10%, as the polls opened. The conservatives won with a 3% margin as unenthusiastic Labour supporters didn't show up .

UK July 2016: most polls predicted a narrow vote for remain. Brexit carried by 4%.

Like him or loathe him, Trump has rock-solid 40% that are going to turn up no matter what.

Hillary has to get the Bernie supporters to turn out.

She should win but I can't see a landslide happening.

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