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Thief asking for iPhone Apple ID password


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Hi everyone,


Yes, as you would've guessed by the topic name, got an iPhone stolen last year during the period of Loi Khratong. 


Got it stolen a year ago, didn't report it to the police as we thought that it would be of no help anyway, thinking that it's hard to find the culprit with the crowd around us during the festival.


However, this thief has been messaging on Facebook periodically requesting for the Apple ID etc as we've managed to blocked the phone for usage by changing passwords etc.


I find the fact that a thief's asking for the password for the phone from someone she had actually stolen it from really amusing...


Do you think that reporting to the police now is of use at this stage? I mean I have her photos, details and such - this thief is really bold to use her real facebook account 



Edited by KhunBN
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9 minutes ago, Laughing Gravy said:

Why don't you call the thief's bluff


The only ones I would call are the police...there is a good chance the thief will just destroy or bin the phone

the police can sneak up on them unaware.

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2 minutes ago, lopburi3 said:

Are you sure this is the thief and not another victim who may have bought it and found it does not operate?


She uploaded some selfies and it got into the phone's iCloud, that's when I knew I had to change the Apple ID etc to have her logged out automatically

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1 minute ago, KhunBN said:


She uploaded some selfies and it got into the phone's iCloud, that's when I knew I had to change the Apple ID etc to have her logged out automatically


and what if the victim had really been some falang tourist, and the thief was some section44 styled  criminal, who's just put some 15 years worth of jailable content onto social media, tagged by the AppleID?

 Poor old joe blow is the poor bunny that's registered with the IMEI, and gets dragged away when passing thru the airport...

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6 minutes ago, Truscott said:

How was she able upload selfies without knowing the pass key?


She managed to unlock the phone, but not the Apple ID. So she's unable to download new apps and such for now, she's able to use the phone in the most basic way I guess...or else she wouldn't be requesting for the password

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2 hours ago, Laughing Gravy said:

Why don't you call the thief's bluff on facebook and tell them you will go to the police if the phone isn't returned. I assume they have photos and messages on facebook. Easy to cut and paste.


Don't you just love the internet.:sleep:

better  still tell them you can crack it  open for 200  baht and arrange a  meet

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Can you locate the phone via iCloud? You also should be able to lock and erase the phone and label it as stolen.

But this needs a correct setup of the phone. I recommend everybody to use the features, as the 2-step verification for iCloud.

So a stolen phone is useless for the thieve. If he brings it to a shop, the technician will see that phone was stolen.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

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Don't count on the police to help you catch the thieve. I have a similar experience when thieves broke into my house and stole among other things a car key.

Obviously I notified the police and they sent an officer who took pictures and asked me to make a list of stolen item. We did that and brought the list a few days later, but already they did not know anymore of our case.

A week later someone called and identified himself as a security guard at nearby Tesco-Lotus and told us that he had arrested a guy who had a lot of things in his possession, among others a business card of me, which is why he called and asked us to come and identify the stolen objects.

When we arrived at Tesco-Lotus, no security guard knew anything and nobody answered our calls to the original caller.

Then it dawned to me: these were the burglars who were hoping we come in the car the key of which they had stolen. But we came in another car.

Next day we went back to the police, where we had reported the burglary. But nobody knew anything about our case and nobody was willing to do anything, although we had the phone No of the guy who in all probability had broken in and had our car key.

The police here is utterly useless, so forget about asking them for help. Send a your old phone a virus which will destroy it.



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Not long agoa friend had her iPhone stolen and within a few days the thief had changed the ID Photo on Facebook or Line or some app (sorry I don't own an iPhone) and was openly using the phone.


She went to the police. The police turned up at his workplace and he was arrested.

Sometimes the police do try.

Mind you this is a lady with money and I have no idea how much she paid the police (if any at all).

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3 hours ago, KhunBN said:


She uploaded some selfies and it got into the phone's iCloud, that's when I knew I had to change the Apple ID etc to have her logged out automatically


Perhaps OT a bit, but is she hot?  May impact recommendation as to what to do.

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14 hours ago, johng said:


The only ones I would call are the police...there is a good chance the thief will just destroy or bin the phone

the police can sneak up on them unaware.

You certainly have a lot of confidence in the police here. If what you feel is to happen I would say you will need to pay some money which might be worth as much as the phone. Good luck either way.

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A few years back there was an incident of a backpacker on KSR who had his iPad (or was it an iPhone) stolen from his room.  He reported it to the police and they soon tracked it down to a Pakistani guy (who at first claimed he was Indian) who left the guest house and took a room on Suk Soi 1.  I can't find the TVF link to the story, must have been around six years ago.  Impressive story.



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On 10/21/2016 at 4:18 PM, KhunBN said:


She managed to unlock the phone, but not the Apple ID. So she's unable to download new apps and such for now, she's able to use the phone in the most basic way I guess...or else she wouldn't be requesting for the password

I bought a used Apple Ipad from a stall in MBK about five years ago for 5000 Bt.

I could not get an Apple ID. I did not really bother as I only use it for watching downloaded movies, but it would seem that it was probably stolen and sold to that stall.

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On 10/21/2016 at 7:04 PM, dominique355 said:

Don't count on the police to help you catch the thieve. I have a similar experience when thieves broke into my house and stole among other things a car key.

Obviously I notified the police and they sent an officer who took pictures and asked me to make a list of stolen item. We did that and brought the list a few days later, but already they did not know anymore of our case.

A week later someone called and identified himself as a security guard at nearby Tesco-Lotus and told us that he had arrested a guy who had a lot of things in his possession, among others a business card of me, which is why he called and asked us to come and identify the stolen objects.

When we arrived at Tesco-Lotus, no security guard knew anything and nobody answered our calls to the original caller.

Then it dawned to me: these were the burglars who were hoping we come in the car the key of which they had stolen. But we came in another car.

Next day we went back to the police, where we had reported the burglary. But nobody knew anything about our case and nobody was willing to do anything, although we had the phone No of the guy who in all probability had broken in and had our car key.

The police here is utterly useless, so forget about asking them for help. Send a your old phone a virus which will destroy it.



If you had handed them some tea money, you would have got all the help you need.

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