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US election result will be like ''Brexit Times Five'', Trump says.


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1 hour ago, Silurian said:

Here is an article from Richard Branson meeting DT. Branson stated that DT is planning to spend the rest of his life trying to destroy five individuals that refused to help DT after one of his bankruptcies. Yeah, that is the kind of vindictive person that should be in the White House.





That is so damning. Last nail?


What do the Trump die hards say in response?

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Like Brexit times five eh?  


oh dear oh dear.


Does that mean that after he loses he will whinge, claim those who did not vote for him are bigoted, fascists, stupid, uneducated and so on, blame the press, old people, working class people, the list goes on and on...


Will he demand another election, and another until he wins?


Will he demand that congress (parliament) overturns the decision of the electorate?


Will he launch dubiously funded legal actions to attempt to overturn the result?


And do that 5 times "more" than the remain campaigners are doing in the UK?


Oh America, a country which has much that I admire, what have you done to deserve this?



PS - I realise that the answer to my 4 questions is probably yes!

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9 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:

A load of ca ca

Who the heck is Branson, anyway?


Oh dear!


He's a successful billionaire entrepreneur. You know what virgin means?


He's from the UK. That's just across the Atlantic from you.


Do you know the last time a presidential election result was not accepted? 1860; want to know what happened?

Edited by Grouse
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24 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:

A load of ca ca

Who the heck is Branson, anyway?



He's a billionaire who pays his taxes. 

Well when he's not hiding his profits in offshore tax havens and living on his private island that is.



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He made a speech to outline his priorities for hod first 100 days in office,   He made some arguably good points and all was well. He could had walked away then and there and it would had being a good event for him. 

But then he being Trump, did the Trump thing, he stepped all over his message by talking about the lying women and how  after the election he will sue them all. 

When asked how he will do all the things he say he will he used to say " because he is smart, very smart"

Well I ask you , was him bringing up the sexual accusations, and distracting from his message  smart?

The men does not even have the discipline to stay on message.

If I did not know any  better I would think he is desperately trying to loose. 

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7 hours ago, chickenslegs said:

Millions of Americans are now asking "What the heck is a brexit, and does it come with fries and a pickle?"

I would bet that at least 10 million couldn't tell you who is running for president. I think most know that Brexit is a brand of biscuit mix.

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6 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

A load of ca ca

Who the heck is Branson, anyway?


Someone who has never declared bankruptcy.


65 things you’ve always wanted to know about Richard Branson


No  32.


His favorite sandwich is egg on brown bread. Which also happens to be mine.

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On 10/23/2016 at 6:45 AM, Ulysses G. said:

The system IS rigged against him. I just wish he was a better candidate. As much as I despise Hillary, he is not a lot better.

How is the system riggged against him? He's down in the polls because of his own big mouth, not because the system is rigged against him. "Rigged" is a word he uses as an excuse because he is losing. It also plays well with the white folks who feel disenfranchised because their numbers are dwindling and the country is changing around them. He's a spoiled, loud mouth who instead of working hard to win and listening to his advisers, continues to dig himself into a deeper and deeper hole. 

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22 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:


Correct. Hillary has done far worse than rigging the primaries.

Like what? Millions and millions of taxpayer dollars spent on investigations by Republicans in both houses nothing.  Trump has nothing on Hillary thought having been involved in 3,500 lawsuits himself. He's announced two more in the last few weeks. One against the New York Times and 11 more against the women who claimed he sexually assaulted them...


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22 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:

Do you think that every criminal gets caught at every crime that they commit?? If not for Wikileaks, we would not know about theDNC conspiring against Bernie. :sad:


If the Russkies have a truckload of stuff on HRC, they've probably got a barge-load of stuff on The Divider.  That's yet another of 1,000 reasons why Trump would make an awful prez.  Anytime Trump hints at doing something Russia doesn't like (like putting resistance to Russia taking back the Balkans, for example), Putin can send him a note:  "Uh, Comrade Trump, I don't think you want some special agents showing more of your dirty laundry to the press corps."  


.....and then there's China, which is as savvy and adept as Russians, in digging up cyber dirt.  

Possible Scenario:  China takes more territory in the S.China Sea.  Prez Trump tells the Chinese leaders that US will honor its treaty to protect the Fils.  Trump gets a note, "You would be well advised to desist, or else some stories will get released which will ensure your fat butt gets spanked and impeached."   Trump will have no choice but to stand down.  It's 2nd nature for him, as he's continually flip-flopping on issues, and making (sometimes the wimpiest) excuses for everything.


19 hours ago, Chicog said:

It's remarkable how many people are trying to find anyone to blame for Trump's demise other than his own stupidity.

Right on the mark!

HRC should tell Trump, "Don't worry. We've got a White House for you.  It's even better than white, it will be covered in gold-colored copper, like your hotels.  It will be made of plywood.  We found a vacant lot in D.C. so you can be nearby.  Sorry, size restriction dictate it will be 1/2 scale, but you and Melania can fit through a 3.5 ft. high doorway, can't you? You're good at stooping low."

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7 hours ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:


Someone who has never declared bankruptcy.


65 things you’ve always wanted to know about Richard Branson


No  32.


His favorite sandwich is egg on brown bread. Which also happens to be mine.


Thanks, I needed to know about your favorite sandwich type.

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3 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

TRUMP WIDENS LEAD – Up 2 Points in IBD Poll …(2012’s Most Accurate Poll)





3 hours ago, Pimay1 said:

CNN polls a larger number of democrats than republicans. Thus the skewed polls.


Come on guys, you can do better than this. 


I'm wondering what the future will be like for the GOP? Trump will hopefully be one of the final nails in a party built on racism, hate and utter stupidity. Good riddance to all of them, and hopefully conservatives in general. They're hurting human progress. Progress is a key word here. 


There is new definition for Conservatism now. My hope is that Republicans will learn something from the shellacking they're about to get, but stupidity is ingrained in so many, I'm not confident. 


I think it's more of the same idiocy we've seen from years of Fox News polluted koolaid. "No government is good government" doesn't move society forward. We are all in this together. 


I think the country moves in the direction of California politics where Republicans have been completely marginalized. I can dream. A good starting point will be the liberal majority on the Supreme Court. Can't stop it. 


It's over.  

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