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Off his message again: Trump vows to sue all female accusers


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2 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

I saw that. Kelly is so obviously a Trojan horse, and I think he did well to not say more than he did. It is significant that she REFUSED to say Bill Clinton is possibly a sexual predator when she just said that about Trump. Her answer was a cop out. That is why Gingrich got mad, as would I have.


Her answer was that Bill isn't running for President; that they've covered the Clinton story in detail, and that they'd had an alleged Clinton victim on her show.


Gingrich was just trying to change the subject all the time, and she wouldn't let him. That's why he got so angry.


He kept talking about "parallel universes", which is quite appropriate because he clearly lives in one.


Anyway, people can judge for themselves.



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3 hours ago, Berkshire said:

I saw that.  Gingrich is getting pathetic.  Same with Giuliani.  These guys used to be well respected leaders.  Now, they're just Trump's lapdogs.  And he's got them trained to say the dumbest things. 


I agree.  All Trump's spokespeople, with no exception, do the following:


>>>  avoid answering questions, and instead divert 100% of the time,

>>>  twist their thinking toward trying to only say glowing things about Trump,

>>>  bring up stats that are plainly and factually untrue,

>>>  interrupt incessantly, 

>>>  shout down other panelists, and sometimes even shout down the interviewer,

>>>   lie and misrepresent,

>>>  talk in run-on sentences in order to run out the clock. They know if they answer questions simply (which they're incapable of doing), then the interviewer will follow-up and/or come up with additional questions.  They don't want the interviewer setting the agenda.  Trump spokespeople don't like any questions that aren't softball q's with sugar on top, like a Fox-like question:  "Do you think that Mr. Trump, with his successful business experience, will be good for the US economy?"   



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7 hours ago, Strange said:


I can't help myself on this one. 


Its not about you either. As much as you feel that your cause requires you to try and silence me, its never going to happen. 


Please, quote me anywhere saying that its ok for a sex worker to be assaulted. Quote me anywhere saying its ok for anyone to be assaulted. This pornstar has nothing but herself to blame for being judged. 


Im 100% judging her. 


Your own words reveal you. The very definition of slut shaming.

Slut shaming is the act of criticising a woman for her real or presumed sexual activity, or for behaving in ways that someone thinks are associated with her real or presumed sexual activity.

Slut shaming | Geek Feminism Wiki | Fandom powered by Wikia


This pornstar has nothing but herself to blame for being judged


I had thought that we had left the whole blaming the victim thing in th 20thC. Clearly not. Perhaps some refreshers on the issue from the Southern Connecticut State University:


"Rape Culture is an environment in which rape is prevalent and in which sexual violence is normalized and excused in the media and popular culture. Rape culture is perpetuated through the use of misogynistic language, the objectification of women’s bodies, and the glamorization of sexual violence, thereby creating a society that disregards women’s rights and safety."



and from the Huffington Post:


17 Facts About Sexual Violence and Sex Work


Judges, police and juries often hold bias against sex workers. In Philadelphia, Judge Teresa Carr-Deni called gang-rape of a sex worker at gunpoint “theft of services” and refused to allow prosecution to press aggravated sexual assault charges. In South Africa, police routinely refuse to even pursue rape cases involving sex workers or laugh at victims when victims come forward.



Judging sex workers by blaming the victim. Perpetuating the rape culture that clearly is part of Trump's egotistical world view. Gloria Allred will have him and all the other male chauvinists who think that sex workers can be sexually assaulted without repercussions by the balls.



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3 hours ago, boomerangutang said:


I agree.  All Trump's spokespeople, with no exception, do the following:


>>>  avoid answering questions, and instead divert 100% of the time,

>>>  twist their thinking toward trying to only say glowing things about Trump,

>>>  bring up stats that are plainly and factually untrue,

>>>  interrupt incessantly, 

>>>  shout down other panelists, and sometimes even shout down the interviewer,

>>>   lie and misrepresent,

>>>  talk in run-on sentences in order to run out the clock. They know if they answer questions simply (which they're incapable of doing), then the interviewer will follow-up and/or come up with additional questions.  They don't want the interviewer setting the agenda.  Trump spokespeople don't like any questions that aren't softball q's with sugar on top, like a Fox-like question:  "Do you think that Mr. Trump, with his successful business experience, will be good for the US economy?"   




This is yet another example of Trump supporters/surrogates demonstrating what lowlifes they are.  Now they're threatening Megyn Kelly.  These are some sick bastards. 




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8 hours ago, Strange said:


I can't help myself on this one. 


Its not about you either. As much as you feel that your cause requires you to try and silence me, its never going to happen. 


Please, quote me anywhere saying that its ok for a sex worker to be assaulted. Quote me anywhere saying its ok for anyone to be assaulted. This pornstar has nothing but herself to blame for being judged. 


Im 100% judging her. 


Bad enough that we can't trust candidates campaign trail statements, now it spreads to posters:





Welcome to my ignore list. 








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21 minutes ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:


Your own words reveal you. The very definition of slut shaming.

Slut shaming is the act of criticising a woman for her real or presumed sexual activity, or for behaving in ways that someone thinks are associated with her real or presumed sexual activity.

Slut shaming | Geek Feminism Wiki | Fandom powered by Wikia


This pornstar has nothing but herself to blame for being judged


I had thought that we had left the whole blaming the victim thing in th 20thC. Clearly not. Perhaps some refreshers on the issue from the Southern Connecticut State University:


"Rape Culture is an environment in which rape is prevalent and in which sexual violence is normalized and excused in the media and popular culture. Rape culture is perpetuated through the use of misogynistic language, the objectification of women’s bodies, and the glamorization of sexual violence, thereby creating a society that disregards women’s rights and safety."



and from the Huffington Post:


17 Facts About Sexual Violence and Sex Work


Judges, police and juries often hold bias against sex workers. In Philadelphia, Judge Teresa Carr-Deni called gang-rape of a sex worker at gunpoint “theft of services” and refused to allow prosecution to press aggravated sexual assault charges. In South Africa, police routinely refuse to even pursue rape cases involving sex workers or laugh at victims when victims come forward.



Judging sex workers by blaming the victim. Perpetuating the rape culture that clearly is part of Trump's egotistical world view. Gloria Allred will have him and all the other male chauvinists who think that sex workers can be sexually assaulted without repercussions by the balls.


"Your own words reveal you"


Yep, deductive genius you are. Im 100% judging. 


If feminists think that I'm slut-shaming this pornstar for being an unethical, immoral, opportunist, who does not care about actual victims, then yes, I'm slut shaming. 


I literally do not care, at all, about anything to do with feminists. I don't even take them seriously. I don't even take you seriously. I just can't help myself. I have to look at what you bring because it amuses me, the ridiculousness of it all. 


Lmao the "Objectification of Womens Bodies" we are talking about a pornstar here. She is objectifying herself. 

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20 minutes ago, Morch said:

Bad enough that we can't trust candidates campaign trail statements, now it spreads to posters:



I know.... A quick look at "Hill" flip-flops over the last 3 decades is an amazing thing. 

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23 minutes ago, Strange said:


"Your own words reveal you"


Yep, deductive genius you are. Im 100% judging. 


If feminists think that I'm slut-shaming this pornstar for being an unethical, immoral, opportunist, who does not care about actual victims, then yes, I'm slut shaming. 


I literally do not care, at all, about anything to do with feminists. I don't even take them seriously. I don't even take you seriously. I just can't help myself. I have to look at what you bring because it amuses me, the ridiculousness of it all. 


Lmao the "Objectification of Womens Bodies" we are talking about a pornstar here. She is objectifying herself. 


"The lady doth protest too much, methinks."

Hamlet Act 3, scene 2, 222–230


Clearly you take this seriously otherwise you would have kept to your Ignore threat delivered in the manner of a Drama Queen.


I guess we must give blessings for small mercies. You now introduce anti-feminism into your countless repetitions of apathy on the issue of porn stars. I do not believe that the word feminist is an insult yet you attempt to use it as one to further try to demean and marginalize the words of a sex worker who has been assaulted by Trump. Again, we see references to morality and ethics. It may surprise some people but these words actually mean something and have for many thousands of years, yet here they are thrown out as dog whistles to mobilize the manly men who resent their neutering by 'feminists'.


We await with baited breath any justification of the words unethical and immoral. One assumes the reference is to the occupation of the victim. So yes, you are slut shaming.


Those who don't care about an issue do not feel the need to make such declarations. It would be useful to hear actual rationalizations of why a victim of sexual assault cannot make such accusations if they are sex workers and what precisely does 'feminism' have to do with anything? I believe that there are quite a few male sex workers around. If they are sexually assaulted and complain, are they also to be tarred and feathered as 'feminists'? The arguments are spiraling down quickly into irrationality. I guess that is a consequence of such arguments having no moral foundation.


Please read some tracts on ethics if you intend to continue that line.

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1 hour ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:


"The lady doth protest too much, methinks."

Hamlet Act 3, scene 2, 222–230


Clearly you take this seriously otherwise you would have kept to your Ignore threat delivered in the manner of a Drama Queen.


I guess we must give blessings for small mercies. You now introduce anti-feminism into your countless repetitions of apathy on the issue of porn stars. I do not believe that the word feminist is an insult yet you attempt to use it as one to further try to demean and marginalize the words of a sex worker who has been assaulted by Trump. Again, we see references to morality and ethics. It may surprise some people but these words actually mean something and have for many thousands of years, yet here they are thrown out as dog whistles to mobilize the manly men who resent their neutering by 'feminists'.


We await with baited breath any justification of the words unethical and immoral. One assumes the reference is to the occupation of the victim. So yes, you are slut shaming.


Those who don't care about an issue do not feel the need to make such declarations. It would be useful to hear actual rationalizations of why a victim of sexual assault cannot make such accusations if they are sex workers and what precisely does 'feminism' have to do with anything? I believe that there are quite a few male sex workers around. If they are sexually assaulted and complain, are they also to be tarred and feathered as 'feminists'? The arguments are spiraling down quickly into irrationality. I guess that is a consequence of such arguments having no moral foundation.


Please read some tracts on ethics if you intend to continue that line.


Ill gladly click all the boxes you have laid out for me. 


Because Im saying you are full of shit, I am then neutered by feminists? Feminism hasn't neutered anything. I know it probably makes you "feel good" & stuff to say it, maybe even believe it, but you haven't done anything other than make people shake their head for all the rhetoric. 


This pornstar is an unethical, immoral, low-class opportunist profiting from her "publicity" as a "victim". If seeing the evidence in its entirety and coming to this conclusion is slut-shaming then yep, thats me. 


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6 hours ago, Strange said:


Ill gladly click all the boxes you have laid out for me. 


Because Im saying you are full of shit, I am then neutered by feminists? Feminism hasn't neutered anything. I know it probably makes you "feel good" & stuff to say it, maybe even believe it, but you haven't done anything other than make people shake their head for all the rhetoric. 


This pornstar is an unethical, immoral, low-class opportunist profiting from her "publicity" as a "victim". If seeing the evidence in its entirety and coming to this conclusion is slut-shaming then yep, thats me. 



Some people clearly despise those who they use for their prurient pleasure. I wonder about this. Clearly you have no shame. You fit in well with the Gingrich Bigot Club.



Keep it up and just watch all those female voters move to support Hillary. So many Trump fanboys just keep on leading with their chins.

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So, just to sum up this whole controversy , 


  • Trump was just boasting (lying) on the tape about assaulting women.
  • But now he is telling the truth when he says the women are lying when they say he did what he was lying about before.







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On ‎26‎.‎10‎.‎2016 at 3:07 PM, boomerangutang said:


I don't blame Obama for rising health care costs.  The #1 reason is the greedy health care industry.  Similarly, for Big Pharma.


Take one of a million items:  Saline solution (salt water).  It costs about $1 to produce and bag.  A hospital can charge $700 for the same 1 liter bag.   When a person gets a bill for a medical procedure (particularly if there's an overnight stay involved) ....is that person going to look at the items one by one and contest it?   He/she might do so, if they were paying for it out of pocket.  But if insurance (private or public) is paying, the patient will just go with it.   I trust people like Bernie or Warren to try to bring a modicum of sanity to the rip-off medical thieves.  Secondarily, perhaps HRC would do some good.  On the other end of the spectrum, Trump and his fellow Republicans wouldn't do anything to try and bring down costs.  They're in bed with Big Medical, Big Pharma, and insurance companies.   That's why they like a pay-as-you-go system which only the rich can afford.


        Another mega factor is Americans themselves.  They eat awful food.  Most drink alcohol.  Few exercise.  Most live in smoggy cities.  Granted, the same could be said for most people ww. but Americans are among the top 10 re; being grossly fat and out-of-shape.    Medical community and Big Pharma don't mind, because it fattens their wallets.   And then there are the millions who are mentally messed-up, .....that's a whole added topic.



It was up to the architects of the plan to anticipate such and deal with it before it became an issue. They should have gone to a socialist regime straight out, like Canada or Britain have. I have no doubt HRC will be going to single payer, but they could have avoided the stress by missing out the intermediate stage.

As for the $700 bags of saline, how else are they going to pay for free care in the ER, that they have to provide?


The medical industry don't try and make people healthy, as that would impinge on their profits. They just patch them up till the next time.

They could solve obesity very simply, by making people pay a surcharge for every kg over a healthy weight. People only respond to such if they will suffer in their pocket personally. Socialist medicine has seen a huge increase in obesity because people know they will get treated regardless.

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2 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

It was up to the architects of the plan to anticipate such and deal with it before it became an issue. They should have gone to a socialist regime straight out, like Canada or Britain have. I have no doubt HRC will be going to single payer, but they could have avoided the stress by missing out the intermediate stage.

As for the $700 bags of saline, how else are they going to pay for free care in the ER, that they have to provide?


The medical industry don't try and make people healthy, as that would impinge on their profits. They just patch them up till the next time.

They could solve obesity very simply, by making people pay a surcharge for every kg over a healthy weight. People only respond to such if they will suffer in their pocket personally. Socialist medicine has seen a huge increase in obesity because people know they will get treated regardless.

Yes, they would have loved a more comprehensive health care system, but the present one was the most comprehensive one that could be achieved politically.

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3 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

It was up to the architects of the plan to anticipate such and deal with it before it became an issue. They should have gone to a socialist regime straight out, like Canada or Britain have. I have no doubt HRC will be going to single payer, but they could have avoided the stress by missing out the intermediate stage.

As for the $700 bags of saline, how else are they going to pay for free care in the ER, that they have to provide?


The medical industry don't try and make people healthy, as that would impinge on their profits. They just patch them up till the next time.

They could solve obesity very simply, by making people pay a surcharge for every kg over a healthy weight. People only respond to such if they will suffer in their pocket personally. Socialist medicine has seen a huge increase in obesity because people know they will get treated regardless.

When you make statements like "Socialist medicine has seen a huge increase in obesity because people know they will get treated regardless." why don't you actually bother to do the cursory amount of research it would take to see if the assertion is true? It took me all of a minute to determine that what you asserted is wrong. Ludicrously wrong.

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7 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

When you make statements like "Socialist medicine has seen a huge increase in obesity because people know they will get treated regardless." why don't you actually bother to do the cursory amount of research it would take to see if the assertion is true? It took me all of a minute to determine that what you asserted is wrong. Ludicrously wrong.

Are you a DR? Do you, or have you worked in public health?

Googling "reason for obesity under socialized medicine" brings 713,000 responses and everyone on here knows you didn't read them all in 1 minute.

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2 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Are you a DR? Do you, or have you worked in public health?

Googling "reason for obesity under socialized medicine" brings 713,000 responses and everyone on here knows you didn't read them all in 1 minute.

So are you saying that for any issue you have to read all or just a substantial fraction of post to be authoritative?  Because if that's the case, then anyone can say anything on any important topic since there will always be a huge number of links on the internet relating to it.  Or you can go to authoritative sources.

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12 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

So are you saying that for any issue you have to read all or just a substantial fraction of post to be authoritative?  Because if that's the case, then anyone can say anything on any important topic since there will always be a huge number of links on the internet relating to it.  Or you can go to authoritative sources.


12 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

So are you saying that for any issue you have to read all or just a substantial fraction of post to be authoritative?  Because if that's the case, then anyone can say anything on any important topic since there will always be a huge number of links on the internet relating to it.  Or you can go to authoritative sources.

I prefer to go with my own experience if it's relevant, and I do have the experience, and it is relevant.

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3 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:


I prefer to go with my own experience if it's relevant, and I do have the experience, and it is relevant.

Wow, you've traveled among all the OECD nations of the world and gotten to know a statistically significant portion of their medical systems' patients.  Well, what I did was to google the the prevalence of obesity in the various OECD nations.  I actually got a link to an OECD page with did a pretty thorough listing. But, what's that compared to your alleged experience?  


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48 minutes ago, stevenl said:

Yes, they would have loved a more comprehensive health care system, but the present one was the most comprehensive one that could be achieved politically.


What? Are you serious? 


At the time of the implementation of Obamacare, we could have easily gotten something better than what we did. People wanted it. People believed in Obama and a "Vote for Change"!


Now that we have that catastrophe, you guys say that "its the best we could do"? Shiiiiiiit 

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24 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

Wow, you've traveled among all the OECD nations of the world and gotten to know a statistically significant portion of their medical systems' patients.  Well, what I did was to google the the prevalence of obesity in the various OECD nations.  I actually got a link to an OECD page with did a pretty thorough listing. But, what's that compared to your alleged experience?  


Nice attempt to pivot off what I said. I never discussed how MANY obese patients there are in a particular country, I said that people don't mind getting obese because they know that they will still be entitled to free health care. IMO, if there was a financial penalty charged by the kg for obesity for every hospital admission, we would see a reduction in the number of obese patients being admitted.

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16 minutes ago, Strange said:


What? Are you serious? 


At the time of the implementation of Obamacare, we could have easily gotten something better than what we did. People wanted it. People believed in Obama and a "Vote for Change"!


Now that we have that catastrophe, you guys say that "its the best we could do"? Shiiiiiiit 

Obama probably couldn't move away from an insurance based system because the insurance companies probably own him.

Donald can bring in cross state lines insurance because he isn't owned by them. That is what will bring competition and lower fees.

I like socialized health care, but there is no way the US establishment is going to allow it at present.

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