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True Cable T.V. Disappointments


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I've been subscribed to True Cable for about two years and for the last several months I've asked myself many times, 'why I don't cancel it?'


In discussing my frustrations with friends, they have all said that they cancelled True Cable T.V. long ago for similar frustrations.


Some friends inquired about the service with other friends before signing up and after listening to the disappointments, they never subscribed. 


They all agree, free U-Tube and Net flicks are their preferred choice.


This month because of the mourning period, I could not get one movie channel I was paying for a short period of time.  I could not even get music.  I called True and explained that I was sorry for their loss, and after living here in Thailand for over 10 years, I'm a bit sad myself over recent events.  However, I'm paying extra for movie  stations and asked they do the honorable thing and credit me for the movie stations only.  They never agreed to do that.


I find myself watching free U-Tube movies daily and seldom even watch True cable as I can no longer stomach American/European news and their financial reporting.  I really enjoy the old movies and historical videos.  Most of the new movies that came out in the last 2 years  are trash in my opinion.


The other night I turned on the T.V. and after a month found an old movie on True that I really enjoyed.  Half way through the movie, True shut off the movie and replaced it with Thai news.  I then shut off my T.V. and did a search on T-tube for the movie.  I found it and watched the remainder on U-tube for free. That was my final straw.


I will be cancelling my subscription to True T.V. today.


To take my monthly fee and shut off movies in the middle of programming,  many times, combined with so many old movie repeats I've found the service unbearable in my opinion.


If a small business person in the cable business did what they currently do, he would be out of business in no time in my opinion.


Do you feel the same way I feel now?


Can anyone recommend another cable T.V. option?


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Cancelled true almost 10 years ago. 


News is available over the internet, and any movie, tv series or documentary i want to watch is available on demand, unedited and generally of higher quality.


At the time the savings of not paying for a true platinum package allowed me to subscribe to a seedbox and upgeade my internet to 30 mbps. 


Now days, the seedbox is essentailly unnessecary, speeds of 50 to 100 mbps are remarkably inexpensive and kodi with plugins like exodus make watching whatever i want instantly in 1080 p resolution effortless.


There is no reason at all to subscribe to terrestrial cable , especially since i have very little unterest in televised sports. 


I prefer watching my f1 at the pub with others anyways, tough it makes for lethargic mondays.

Edited by HooHaa
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I keep it for the Wife. She prefers Thai-Subs and of course here Soap opera.

But for myself rarely watching anything. For good Movies I still prefer to go to a Cinema.

They not even show the latest US-Sitcoms to have a good laugh.

I wish we could get Sky as a cable TV. :smile:


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Can only recommend a different True package.

Been subscribed to True Cable basic for about 5 months  l mainly got it to try the internet and it's better than the 3 others l've tried and dumped.

It's a cable WiFi internet package for 999 bht :biggrin: + free tv Thai channels with Al Jazeera and RT all free we put that in main bedroom.

Free for 1 mobile for calls up to 200 minutes, free home phone calls up to 60 mins.

Watch all movies & tv programs from 5 internet sites.   Very Appy  :thumbsup:

Edited by Kwasaki
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2 hours ago, Lammbock said:

I keep it for the Wife.


I got rid of it for this exact reason.


All she ever watches is goofy lakorns on channel 3 - free to air. The cable box would go months without being turned on.


I was throwing away money every month, and no programming that I really wanted to watch.


And since her domination of the television is absolute, I find myself in the man-cave watching Youtube and Netflix. Suits me just fine.

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Does anyone have an email address that I might complain to True about their censoring BBC World as soon as an item about Thailand comes on. True have admitted that this is their own decision and nothing to do with the government.

At the same time I will cancel my subscription that I've had since the days of U.B.C.


Email address of as senior person at TrueVisions if possible please

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35 minutes ago, Deli said:

True sucks but if you live in an area with poor internet... unfortunately no other choice


l guess it varies all over Thailand but l wouldn't say it sucks,  True fibre optic cable has taken a while to get to us,  before had 3bb and that was more than sucks.  :biggrin:   

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If you are lazy like me get ilikehdtv and you have everything at your fingertips. You can watch it on your tv or mobiles. I even watched it in Sjngapore last week. The best is that you only pay for the service and you only pay when you want to watch it. So if you out of the country for a while you have no costs. Also no expensive boxes thats linked to this service. At B 450 per month its great value and even if you add extra sport you end up with B 900 per month which beats True. Only thing is you must have internet.

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1 hour ago, Patanawet said:

Does anyone have an email address that I might complain to True about their censoring BBC World as soon as an item about Thailand comes on. True have admitted that this is their own decision and nothing to do with the government.

At the same time I will cancel my subscription that I've had since the days of U.B.C.


Email address of as senior person at TrueVisions if possible please


I cannot understand why CNN and BBC (although censored) have been made available but TV5 is still totally off the air : TV5 is a combination of French speaking government owned channels from France, Belgium, Switzerland and Canada...what harm can they do? Also the number of French speakers in Thailand must be a small one.

I am severely disappointed I could not follow the national news from Canada and Belgium about the collapse of the trade deal between Canada and the EU

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2 hours ago, Jeffrey346 said:

That's a temporary fix.. They will catch it. If you want to watch US channels, check www.ustvnow.com 

Looking at terms and conditions for ustvnow: " DutchPhone may use your computer to utilize portions of streams from other DutchPhone users simultaneously in order to improve streaming. Your use of the Site and the Services to stream, may, in turn, enable other users to utilize portions of those streams from you,..."

 Any tech types see a red flag here, or something to be concerned about?

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3 hours ago, georgemandm said:

Get a box cost you 5,000 thai bht and you get all the sports and free movies as many as you like as long as you have good internet at your home need 10 mgb or more 

you can buy a box for 800 baht on line...and its cash on delivery.....place your order...2 days later arrives at your adderss...pay the peson who brings the box   800 baht...marvellous

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3 hours ago, Patanawet said:

Does anyone have an email address that I might complain to True about their censoring BBC World as soon as an item about Thailand comes on. True have admitted that this is their own decision and nothing to do with the government.

At the same time I will cancel my subscription that I've had since the days of U.B.C.


Email address of as senior person at TrueVisions if possible please


Rather than complaining to True, you should, I feel, be complaining to the BBC about their unacceptably provocative and combative style of reporting on Thai matters at the present time. Last week, for instance, I had to endure the unedifying spectacle of the obnoxious and creepy Lucy Hocking cross-examining Jonathan Head live in Bangkok from the relative sanctuary of Broadcasting House in a totally insensitive manner with which even a seasoned pro like Head look decidedly uncomfortable, before, thankfully, True pulled the plug to spare us any further embarrassing agony. And on another occasion the plug was pulled while this gormless tw@t of a female reporter was attempting to quiz 2 Thai women live on the riverside in Bangkok in a manner which could have resulted in them being banged up for a very long time!

Edited by OJAS
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If you think the BBC are bad, then you clearly missed out on Sky News interviewing a certain overseas expert on Thailand... :shock1:


Truevisions are caught between a rock and a hard place. Do they upset their paying customers by not showing the BBC (and Australia+) or risk upsetting someone else by allowing certain content go to air.

If you managed Truevisions you would also be wary of allowing the BBC to go air right now.

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However, I'm paying extra for movie  stations and asked they do the honorable thing and credit me for the movie stations only.  They never agreed to do that.


Yes, I have True satellite. Totally understand the period of mourning and the decision to limit "entertainment" programs, but I just renewed for six months and a lot of the programs I'm paying for are not available or are interrupted. I do expect them to observe the mourning regulations, but they ought to extend my subscription or  give me a refund since I am paying for something I'm not getting.


There are a few things like CNBC, NFL, baseball and some of the documentaries that I would miss if I cancelled my subscription, but it's becoming rather expensive just to watch those few things and even more expensive if I can't even see some of them.

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Cut the cable etc and get Netflix

 No blurring out alcohol, guns and nudity like Thai tv. News you can get on the Internet easy. Tired of paying the high prices to watch cable satellite etc. Want to watch sports pay for a subscription to watch on line or use.with chromecast to see on your TV. set. still cheaper than what you pay for with cable or.satellite a year. I don't why people still use those rip off services in this day and age. There is always a alternative. Man I sound like a info commercial . ..hahaha. 

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7 hours ago, Patanawet said:

Does anyone have an email address that I might complain to True about their censoring BBC World as soon as an item about Thailand comes on. True have admitted that this is their own decision and nothing to do with the government.

At the same time I will cancel my subscription that I've had since the days of U.B.C.


Email address of as senior person at TrueVisions if possible please


Yesterday they censored an interview with the Thai Minister of Tourism.!!!   Surely that isn't a threat to national security.

I found it on the Internet.

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4 minutes ago, petedk said:


Yesterday they censored an interview with the Thai Minister of Tourism.!!!   Surely that isn't a threat to national security.

I found it on the Internet.



Actually,  it could have been this - giving 5 year visas to foreigners, which could be perceived as a threat to national security by the boys in green and requiring immediate censorship under article 44.



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Just now, bino said:



Actually,  it could have been this - giving 5 year visas to foreigners, which could be perceived as a threat to national security by the boys in green and requiring immediate censorship under article 44.




No it wasn't. I saw the whole interview.


The minister said that "some" events may be cancelled and that things were a little more subdued than usual but that Thailand welcomed tourists and that they could still enjoy themselves here.

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