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Trump calls for return to enhanced interrogation


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7 hours ago, JaseTheBass said:

I quess you hadn't noticed that he is actually retarded.



The Latest: Trump calls for return to enhanced interrogation


D'you think this is to put the wind up HRC because she knows she'll be the first to be boarded when he gets in?

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6 hours ago, Jingthing said:

I see trump says to be honest with you. I suppose that means when he usually doesn't preface his comments with that phrase, we can assume he is lying. Objectively speaking, he lies much much more than Hillary Clinton. 

He must not be getting much sleep then.

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Trump just can't help himself.  It's almost as if he wants to lose.


Most of the voters who support these interrogation techniques were already going to vote for Trump.  In other words, he's preaching to the choir.


I firmly believe that the majority of undecided voters would indicate that they generally don't support these techniques.  In other words, he's gone out of his way (again) to scare off potential converts to his candidacy.  


How many times has he done exactly this sort of thing?  Why can't he just shut up and let Secretary Clinton's email scandal be the headline? If he'd just keep his mouth shut, she could be the pinata for a few days.  No, Trump the blathering egomaniac has to have all the attention.  Even if it's negative attention.

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7 hours ago, mamypoko said:

He broaches a controversial subject like this because it plays well with the chicken hawks.


There is no controversy, only the ignorance of the right, physical torture does not work.  Best book on the subject, that I have read, is Ali Soufan's "The Black Banners".  But yes indeed it does play well with the Chicken Hawks like Trump, who is the new poster boy for those folks.



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11 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:

I am all for it, but IN SECRET. Why is he broaching this controversial subject just when he is on the verge of possibly winning? I am starting to wonder of he really does want to lose. :sick:


Read the headline and thought...why? What tiny bit of an advantage he gained from the HRC email nonsense...squandered. 


He can't be President of the United States. He's just way too much of an idiot. This guy makes George W look like a genius. 


He can't just shut up. He's a fool. 

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Trump scares the sh*t out of me and I am not American.  It is hard to understand how any sane minded person would want him to represent them and their country.  Can't say I would want Clinton either but looking at the options she has to be the lesser of the two evils.

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6 minutes ago, dunroaming said:

Trump scares the sh*t out of me and I am not American.  It is hard to understand how any sane minded person would want him to represent them and their country.  Can't say I would want Clinton either but looking at the options she has to be the lesser of the two evils.


I agree with much of what you say, but in reverse. If Hillary gets elected, it makes it obvious that the system is rigged in favor of the rich and powerful.


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8 hours ago, Jingthing said:

I see trump says to be honest with you. I suppose that means when he usually doesn't preface his comments with that phrase, we can assume he is lying. Objectively speaking, he lies much much more than Hillary Clinton. 

You must be kidding?  I hope!

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14 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:

I am all for it, but IN SECRET. 

You were born 500 years to late. There would have been a great job for you back with the Spanish Inquisition.



5 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:


They were also used by the USA and England, because they - despite the PC nonsense - work.

No they do not work ! - FACT!

Yes look how useful torture was in extracting the truth - recorded in all the historical confessions in writing in Europe of women who confessed to riding the sky on broomsticks and sleeping with the Devil?


Torture does not work. You are told whatever you want to hear.



1 hour ago, Ulysses G. said:


I agree with much of what you say, but in reverse. If Hillary gets elected, it makes it obvious that the system is rigged in favor of the rich and powerful.



So you swallowed Trumps bile. If Hillary wins the election is rigged. Shame on you. If she wins it is because more people vote for her than Trump.    Clinton has never spoken a truer word." Deplorable's" !

Edited by Andaman Al
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1 hour ago, 212Roger said:

You must be kidding?  I hope!

Not at all. Perhaps like most trumpeters, you haven't paid attention.



But Trump is another story — or rather, tells other stories. “He is unapologetic about saying things that are completely and verifiably untrue,” DePaulo said. Experts find Clinton’s lying habits to be more “normal” among politicians in this respect.

“I think Trump is borderline pathological,” Serota said. “But the only person that would know that for sure is his psychologist.”



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2 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:


I agree with much of what you say, but in reverse. If Hillary gets elected, it makes it obvious that the system is rigged in favor of the rich and powerful.



Yes I get that but,  Trump constantly tells us he is very rich and maybe more infamous than famous.  However in his world he is very powerful thanks to the money.  I also get the vitriol towards Clinton which is very understandable.  However  I don't get how anyone can see Trump as a better choice

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3 hours ago, Andaman Al said:


Torture does not work. You are told whatever you want to hear.



Including the truth and intelligence agents have techniques to tell the difference.


Again, let me emphasize, I am not defending the morality of torture, or of other methods of enhanced interrogation. I am simply suggesting that others who, like me, oppose the techniques should stop pretending that nothing useful ever comes from them. One does not have to endorse what the police did to Magnus Gäfgen to recognize that had he been threatened with torture a little earlier, his 11-year-old victim might be alive to this day; and one does not have to endorse whatever our own interrogators may have done to recognize that had they not done it, Osama bin Laden might still be safe in Abbottabad, plotting another attack.


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2 hours ago, dunroaming said:


 I also get the vitriol towards Clinton which is very understandable.  However  I don't get how anyone can see Trump as a better choice


Supreme Court picks are of the utmost importance and I have no doubt that I will agree with his far more than Hillary's. Also, the court is pretty evenly divided, which I prefer. Hillary would push it far to the left. Also, I agree with him on enhanced interrogation under certain circumstances. However, I do not think it should be made public.

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11 hours ago, Linzz said:


He's already got his base sorted and doesn't need to play to them. Going off on a tangent again will just cause another unnecessary storm.

Can't agree with Trump on this one. Torture doesn't always get the answers you want, just any answer to make the pain stop. 

Sorry about that UG, dunno what the answer is.

A base of chicken hawks,,,I get, that's funny.

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12 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:


Because you do not seem to understand plain English: Crooked Hillary is worse.

Hillary is The devil you know....(alright, the devil you think you know).

the problem with the Don, is that faced with a choice of WW3 and his personal interests (be they money, ego or cats - or a combination of all three), you just cannot rely on him to act responsibly as POTUS, representing the best interests of the US..

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I suspect the majority of sane observers (citizens or not) agree that the political process in the US of A needs to be overhauled: do away with super delegates, PACS, and the lack of a genuine choice. Ironically, with the coming into prominence of Sanders and Trump, there are indications that the old system is fragmenting. Just look at Dems voting for Sanders; Republicans dumping the chosen ones in the Primaries and the GOP's continuing slug-fest.

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Of course the system is rigged by the rich and powerful for the rich and powerful. What do you thin rump is? He is rich and powerful and every policy he acts on and changes will be for the rich and powerful. He could care less about the middle clss and the poor. He has never walked among the comon man. He lives in his penthouse in wealthy Manhattan shielded from the poor who clean the streets of New York and drive Taxi. Why anyone would believe this man will change anything for the better eludes me- he will make everything worse and take down the stock market and the dollar in the process.

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1 minute ago, Thaidream said:

Of course the system is rigged by the rich and powerful for the rich and powerful. What do you thin rump is? He is rich and powerful and every policy he acts on and changes will be for the rich and powerful. He could care less about the middle clss and the poor.


Sounds like a bunch of biased opinions and poor attempts at fortune telling to me. :whistling:

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Its amazing all the negative news out there about Trump from stalling on legal investigations to not paying his pollster to stiffing people that have done work for him to using tax dodges that are barely legal and a host of others yet people still treat him like some Messiah. Wake up people there is only one thing the rich want from the poor their vote.

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That is correct- the only thing Trump wants is your vote. He will do nothing for you except cause misery from policies that are divisive; ill thought out; and that will cause a World wide drop in the stock markets and the loss of value for the dollar of at least 20%. You don't have to believe me. There are dozens of economists Worldwide that are saying this, some have which won the Nobel Prize.  All of them are wrong and only Trump is correct?  His tax plan has been derided as nothing more than a gift to the wealthy who will do nothing for the middle class or poor- they will pocket the gain. Shall I believe Trump or the economists. Trump wants to increase the US defense budget, which is already the largest in the World and would be used to send US Forces to Syria , a quagmire in the making. Shall I listen to Trump or a plethora of former American Generals and defense experts who indicate this is a plan that will not work,


Trump is a demagogue; a man who spins a story and you hope against hope he will deliver. The truth is he can't. He just does not have the experience; the impermanent or the connections to do anything positive. If elected. all he will do is cause a huge division in America by trying to build walls and deport 11 million people who do all the dirty and low paying jobs Americans refuse to do. I want to see how many Americans are going to into the fields and pick the vegetables we eat; climb the trees and pick the fruit we eat; skin chickens in process plants and work  in slaughterhouses.  These are the kind of jobs Trump will give us- all paying $7.25 per hour, a wage he considers too high.


So- go ahead and vote for him and if you need a job- there will be plenty plucking chickens and doing other manual labor at the lower minimum wage. I am sure your children and grandchildren will also enjoy doing these jobs- which will lead to nowhere- except pushing America in the the 3rd World.

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7 hours ago, sendintheclowns said:

I suspect the majority of sane observers (citizens or not) agree that the political process in the US of A needs to be overhauled: do away with super delegates, PACS, and the lack of a genuine choice. Ironically, with the coming into prominence of Sanders and Trump, there are indications that the old system is fragmenting. Just look at Dems voting for Sanders; Republicans dumping the chosen ones in the Primaries and the GOP's continuing slug-fest.


Yep and I have been saying this for years now.  "Democracy" doesn't work as it is.  The principle is still sound but it needs a complete re-working.  Not just the USA either

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On 10/31/2016 at 6:44 AM, elgordo38 said:

Buffoonery or lunacy or cunning that is the question. With Teflon Trump he can pretty well say what he wants or grab the handiest woman by the unmentionables and it does not stick. He seems to mantra his way out of everything. 

Spot on, except certainly can leave "cunning" out of the equation...

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18 hours ago, Jingthing said:

You mean to tell me that weighing two decades plus of Hillary's lying does not add up to the number of lies Trump's twenty minutes of campaigning has?  Really?!?

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23 hours ago, Thaidream said:

That is correct- the only thing Trump wants is your vote. He will do nothing for you except cause misery from policies that are divisive; ill thought out; and that will cause a World wide drop in the stock markets and the loss of value for the dollar of at least 20%. You don't have to believe me. There are dozens of economists Worldwide that are saying this, some have which won the Nobel Prize.  All of them are wrong and only Trump is correct?  His tax plan has been derided as nothing more than a gift to the wealthy who will do nothing for the middle class or poor- they will pocket the gain. Shall I believe Trump or the economists. Trump wants to increase the US defense budget, which is already the largest in the World and would be used to send US Forces to Syria , a quagmire in the making. Shall I listen to Trump or a plethora of former American Generals and defense experts who indicate this is a plan that will not work,


Trump is a demagogue; a man who spins a story and you hope against hope he will deliver. The truth is he can't. He just does not have the experience; the impermanent or the connections to do anything positive. If elected. all he will do is cause a huge division in America by trying to build walls and deport 11 million people who do all the dirty and low paying jobs Americans refuse to do. I want to see how many Americans are going to into the fields and pick the vegetables we eat; climb the trees and pick the fruit we eat; skin chickens in process plants and work  in slaughterhouses.  These are the kind of jobs Trump will give us- all paying $7.25 per hour, a wage he considers too high.


So- go ahead and vote for him and if you need a job- there will be plenty plucking chickens and doing other manual labor at the lower minimum wage. I am sure your children and grandchildren will also enjoy doing these jobs- which will lead to nowhere- except pushing America in the the 3rd World.

Thanks for the long follow up. I tried for 2 likes but that is not possible. The guy is a shill a huckster a charlatan a naive a sideshow barker at best. Don't get me started. If this guy becomes president he will have pulled off the biggest con of all time. Instead of just conning his charities he has 360 million different pockets to pick and sorry folks he does not issue tax receipts. He is definitely Jonestown material. This guy is toxic in plain words.  

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On 1/11/2016 at 1:06 PM, Thaidream said:


clipped -So- go ahead and vote for him and if you need a job- there will be plenty plucking chickens and doing other manual labor at the lower minimum wage. I am sure your children and grandchildren will also enjoy doing these jobs- which will lead to nowhere- except pushing America in the the 3rd World.

this will be good for Thailand....no longer a Third World country, as we will move up in the pecking order..

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