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Most annoying habit.


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2 hours ago, akirasan said:

Moving things.  Put down my keys and 5 seconds later she's moved them to a 'better' location.

But that's really all I have to complain about.


My wife moves the whole house around periodically and I have told her on more occasions than I can remember - do what you want with your stuff BUT leave mine alone. 

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Snakes really do come up toilets sometimes:

A man in Thailand is recovering in hospital after a python latched its fangs onto his penis while he was using his toilet earlier this week.

Rescuers arrived to find the python's head hanging from the bathroom door, secured by a rope, with the rest of the snake still stuck in the squat toilet at the man's home in Chachoengsao Province, east of Bangkok.  http://edition.cnn.com/2016/05/27/asia/thailand-snake-toilet/

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Moving my stuff from where I like it, to where she likes it, then I can't find anything. 


Iphone 6 inches from face way too much


Thinks Facebook is THE end all be all of the internet. Buy, sell, news... Must be true, its on Facebook. 


Ridiculously loud speaking voice when on the phone, in the house, while I'm getting annihilated in Battlefield 1 on PS4


Driving like an idiot

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Irrational jealousy, producing false invoice with false signature, going for expensive beautifying dental treatment, but won't have a filling repaired that causes her mouth to smell badly, pretending to be somewhere when she is not and not saying where she really is, going round bragging about how much i gave her when she a obtained a substantial chunk of it without my permission.

Nothing to complain about then!
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You mean snakes really come up the john, anyone ever heard of this really happening?

Yes all the time. I usually slip a little mongoose mask on the old fella before I squat, no problems so far but gave the Mrs a hell of a fright when I forgot about it

Sent from my SC-01D using Tapatalk

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On 04/11/2016 at 3:52 PM, tukkytuktuk said:

What is your partners most annoying habit? You love them to bits but there's always this one thing they do that totally puts you off them or winds you up. For me, my wife eats with her mouth open, munching, slurping, crunching her way throughout the meal, it's so disgusting. I put music on when we eat together now. How about you? Do tell.


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1 hour ago, Ripvanwinkle said:

Irrational jealousy, producing false invoice with false signature, going for expensive beautifying dental treatment, but won't have a filling repaired that causes her mouth to smell badly, pretending to be somewhere when she is not and not saying where she really is, going round bragging about how much i gave her when she a obtained a substantial chunk of it without my permission.

Hope for your sake that this is just a joke.:thumbsup:

If not, DUMP her fast and get out to :burp: your well deserved freedom.

Edited by bokningar
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1 hour ago, possum1931 said:

You mean snakes really come up the john, anyone ever heard of this really happening?

Never heard of snakes, but frogs & rarely, rats do.

Frogs a lot. Sometimes hear girlish screams from the toilet & then have to get rid of big green frogs.

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Probably the most annoying thing, is changing the subject halfway through a conversation, sometimes several times.

Especially when l'm driving.

l'm still trying to get my head around what she said & the reply that l will make & shes moved on & is several subjects ahead.

But thats what you get from partnering a Gemini.

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3 hours ago, GarryP said:

I would never be able to get over the open mouth and/or noisy lip smacking eating habits. I could never be with someone that did that. To this day I say I am not hungry when it comes to meal times when I am in the presence of someone I know who eats like this. I would rather miss a meal. Petty I know. But it is the one thing I have never been able to get over. 

Not petty at all. You are civilised and have standards.

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1 hour ago, RichardColeman said:

My thai (school teacher) wife's most annoying habit is telling me the time in the evening and referring to nine o'clock as 3, 10 o'clock as 4, 11 o'clock as 5. 


My wife does the same, took me a long time to work it out that an appointment for 2 o'clock was in a couple of hours, not tomorrow afternoon

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never throwing anything away...broken appliances, broken furniture, junk motorbikes, pieces of scrap metal, wood, plastic, etc, old seats from a van that we junked 5 years ago which we woulda kept but there was no place to put it...comes from a previous life of poverty, I suppose...the downstairs of one of our shophouses is a junkyard treasure trove...


but she is redeemed as she is the most capable and resourceful woman that I have ever known...which is belied by her pleasing rear aspect which is the most arousing that I have ever seen...



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Talks very loudly (almost shouts) into her telephone. Yet, she is very softly spoken when she converses with a person who is sat right next to her.


Singing karaoke at most of the party's we attend, although admittedly she marginally better than most of the her family and friends. 






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Laying on the bed with her smartphone 3" away from her nose watching the tiny picture in portrait mode (when she could turn the phone 90 degrees and it automatically enters full screen mode) .. The noise coming from the tiny treble speaker is so loud I can hear it whilst watching the tv downstairs.


and answering every question or important statement with "why?"


Dont move, don't step backwards! Why?  ( refuses to listen and steps backwards, nearly knocking over a guy behind her pulling up on his Panigale at superbike parking )

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