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Prayut calls for calm over rice crisis


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Prayut calls for calm over rice crisis



Soldiers from an Army camp in Buri Ram help an elderly couple harvest their rice paddy yesterday. Soldiers from an Army camp in Buri Ram help an elderly couple harvest their rice paddy yesterday. Soldiers from an Army camp in Buri Ram help an elderly couple harvest their rice paddy yesterday. 679bef24024c687316f020c07bd64e6e.jpeg

Soldiers from an Army camp in Buri Ram help an elderly couple harvest their rice paddy yesterday.


Pheu Thai slams govt after price drops to Bt5 a kilo


Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha has called on all sides to stop the war of words over the rice-price crisis.

Government Spokesman Lt-General Sansern Kaewkamnerd quoted the PM as saying that anyone could say anything they like, but the government should refrain from reacting to those words. To ease the conflict, everyone should use reason and logic to explain the current situation, Prayut was quoted as saying.


Full story: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/news/politics/30299262



-- © Copyright The Nation 2016-11-06
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Now you've got a crisis at last you have finally admitted you have problem and you've sat on your hands and done nothing except try a recoup costs from former Prime Minister Yingluck,  the only redeeming feature about this popularity and  buying votes mess is that at least Ms Yingluck was elected..............................................................:coffee1:

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Prayut calls for calm over rice crisis ; how the farmers can do it . They depend on the money to feed their families, pay the (free ) schools for the kids, paying the harvesters, vertelizer and so on.These people do not have your annual income Mr. Prayut. You want to help the people than use your power and order the greedy rice millers to pay fair prices.


Edited by Jai Dee
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6 hours ago, bushmill said:

Prayut calls for calm over rice crisis ; how the farmers can do it . They depend on the money to feed their families, pay the (free ) schools for the kids, paying the harvesters, vertelizer and so on.These people do not have your annual income Mr. Prayut. You want to help the people than use your power and order the greedy rice millers to pay fair prices.



Are the rice millers on paying fair prices? Or are they paying low prices because Global prices are down and they unwilling to buy at a price higher than they can sell. Are the millers charities or businesses?

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So now rice is at 5 Baht per kg, and the junta are paying a maximum of 13,000 baht per kg for top quallity rice,  ok.

So anyone out there have the official price for rice during the YL government and her 15,000 baht for top quallity rice?

Some here say the YL government paied doubble the standard price per kg for rice.

Be very nice to know the offiial numbers.   Time for a little googling me thinks.

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14 minutes ago, smutcakes said:


Are the rice millers on paying fair prices? Or are they paying low prices because Global prices are down and they unwilling to buy at a price higher than they can sell. Are the millers charities or businesses?

If you read the statistic , I think you are wrong, sorry


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1 hour ago, chainarong said:

Now you've got a crisis at last you have finally admitted you have problem and you've sat on your hands and done nothing except try a recoup costs from former Prime Minister Yingluck,  the only redeeming feature about this popularity and  buying votes mess is that at least Ms Yingluck was elected..............................................................:coffee1:


"you've sat on your hands and done nothing except try a recoup costs from former Prime Minister Yingluck"


On the contrary, the current PM/government are still struggling to sell-off the rice-stocks, which former-PM Yingluck's administration built-up, and on which a truly MASSIVE loss has been incurred.


And wouldn't you agree, that the existence of those ageing/rotting rice-stocks in Thai warehouses, are one (but I'd agree only one) of the factors, which have weakened global-prices, as NOT forecast by the scheme's original inventor ?

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"Peasants, peasants, peasants, ... ho ho, ... chuckle, chuckle,  ... come oooon, now, settle down, settle down, ... just because you face record low prices and I have no intention of really helping you, ... that is no reason to be upset now is it... settle down, settle down... "


Moron... :coffee1:

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4 hours ago, rooster59 said:

Government Spokesman Lt-General Sansern Kaewkamnerd quoted the PM as saying that anyone could say anything they like, but the government should refrain from reacting to those words.

Really? Seems like they are tripping over their tongue to respond.  Dear Mr. General I think they are getting your goat so to speak. 

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3 hours ago, bushmill said:

If you read the statistic , I think you are wrong, sorry



Price rice return to its price level before 2006, speculators are artificially rise raw materials (like rice) price to make profit during West economical crisis,

now they are overproduction of rice in world, with Vietnam is always cut his rice price 


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4 hours ago, chainarong said:

Now you've got a crisis at last you have finally admitted you have problem and you've sat on your hands and done nothing except try a recoup costs from former Prime Minister Yingluck,  the only redeeming feature about this popularity and  buying votes mess is that at least Ms Yingluck was elected..............................................................:coffee1:


 In its first year of his scandalous scheme, the cost to the Thai government was US$12.5 billion (Source The Economist Aug 10th 2013). since the beginning this scheme was already in deficit for the budget


In 2011 Thaksin and his proxy try to manipulate rice market for their profit..... 


Thaksin advisers said that withdrawing rice from world markets in this way would force up the price

(Source The Economist Aug 10th 2013)


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To ease the conflict, everyone should use reason and logic to explain the current situation, Prayut was quoted as saying


He better watch what he is saying.....:unsure:


If everyone starts using reason & logic to explain the "current situation"

they will realize why the country is in such  state

Edited by mania
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12 minutes ago, than said:


Price rice return to its price level before 2006, speculators are artificially rise raw materials (like rice) price to make profit during West economical crisis,

now they are overproduction of rice in world, with Vietnam is always cut his rice price 



So USD 400 per tonne should calculate to about B 13.60 per kg.  (400 / 1000 x 34 = 13.6)

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The current program subsidy is lower (and no double-dipping like the last one). Unfortunately still to be un-done is the collusive network of pro-Thaksin rice millers who prey upon poor farmers like vultures (and with associated politicians, allegedly colluded to drive prices down even further, using poor farmers to take advantage of a sick political 'opportunity').

Meanwhile, here's just a sample amongst 853 Yingluck (Thaksin) rice scheme corruption cases - this one involves:
Faked rice deal  links a red-shirt leader and a Yingluck Pheu Thai party MP and a Thaksin crony insider:
Dummy firm tied to govt figures
*Guangzhou-based GSSG Import and Export Corporation, was actually represented by a Thai man called Rathanit Sojirakul, who later authorised Phichit-based Nimon Rakdi to (sign) a contract to purchase 5 million tonnes of rice on the company’s behalf. ...Rathanit was a close aide to Pheu Thai MP Rapeephan Phongruangrong, who is the wife of red-shirt leader Arisman Phongruangrong. ...Rathanit, who claimed to be the authorised representative of the Chinese firm, only has Bt64.63 in his bank account...
Telling comment from Yingluck's (Thaksin's) Commerce minister:
“(After buying the rice) I won’t be investigating what buyers do with it,” he said.
Obviously Yingluck + Commerce Minister were not at all interested in investigating their own corruption laden program but some may ask, so what did happen to the rice in this supposedly 'innocent normal subsidy deal'?
*The G-to-G deal was a fake because no rice was exported to the Chinese firm. Instead, the huge amount of milled rice was sold locally at below market price by the Foreign Trade Department to a ghost buyer who then sold the rice at market price to the two Thai firms which have their own rice mills and later on the same amount of rice were pledged with the government at pledging prices which are about 40 percent above market price.
The gang, it was alleged, made double profits from the same amount of rice.
*Meanwhile, the poorest farmers weren't even part of the program.
The program was a calculated fraud from the outset.
Yet Shin-shills on here would forgive all because as Yingluck stated 'We came from election' (therefore can do whatever they wish apparently). However, once you have MASS CORRUPTION combined with MASS ABROGATION, SUBVERSION and MANIPULATION of  CHECKS and BALANCES which form the very underpinnings of democracy, then you have made the very intent of democracy VOID. Ergo: Democracy was ceased by the Shins actions (yet again, nevermind amnesty for 'the boss').
The past 2 coups became an unfortunate response to the above, all brought about by the avarice and self-serving over-reach of Thaksin. Simply stating 'but we came from election' is moot once they have all but destroyed the very intent and underpinnings of democracy. But these are the low woeful standards which Shin supporters seem to 'aspire to' for the Thai people... Others reluctantly agree a re-set was sadly needed or the road to an unhindered & autocratic dynasty similar to a Marcos or Suharto or Hun Sen was assured.
Ultimately in the rice scheme/fraud, unfortunately Yingluck chose to go along with 'Thaksin speaks / Yingluck does'. In fairness, she had no choice. The result is she willfully turned a blind eye to an 8+ billion USD plunder, therefore is guilty at the least of 'gross negligence of duty'  which is specifically NOT excused under the civil liability law to protect public servants - despite Shin-shills hard 'at work' spinning, deflecting and ultimately defending on behalf of a despot multi-billionaire task master.


The current subsidy is an emergency response to rapid price drops, manipulated further by politicians and millers. The Govt needs to follow-up by having independent farmers representatives assess each batch of rice brought to the collusive millers to ensure fair pricing and no collusion.  Also, replace the subsidy with a direct payment to the poorest farmers and offer paid skills re-training programs.

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For his sake, he better start panicking. The main harvest of other paddy rice will hit the market very soon and poop will hit the fan when these farmer start to demand their subsidies. The 34 B turned 127 B Baht subsidies in just a few days will skyrocket. The world rice over production will not go away in few months and the BAAC will buckle under the high loan debts when the mortgage storage period expire in 5 months. The Pichit suicide will not be the only one due to the government slowness to seek solution. Once again history will remember this coup as another failure as in all previous coups. 

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Accordingly...the real culprits are the bloody foreigners...yes foreigners...they want to buy rice cheap , all these farangs, chinese and khaek(middle easterns, etc) , they want to buy cheap rice plus all these foreign countries like Vietnam and India and Brazil are selling all rice vely vely cheaply. So all thais must start to hate foreigners. Immigration, please start doing your rounds and send them back home or make new rules and policies difficult for them. Nasty Foreigners. Thais must love thais in this crisis and help each other. The Divine ruler, Gen Prayut is doing his best to help rice farmers, so stop criticising him but rather support him. Yingluck is doing her best to buy more rice and sell them. Thais must unite and leave behind all politics etc and instead fight against the bloody foreigners.




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4 hours ago, Ricardo said:


"you've sat on your hands and done nothing except try a recoup costs from former Prime Minister Yingluck"


On the contrary, the current PM/government are still struggling to sell-off the rice-stocks, which former-PM Yingluck's administration built-up, and on which a truly MASSIVE loss has been incurred.


And wouldn't you agree, that the existence of those ageing/rotting rice-stocks in Thai warehouses, are one (but I'd agree only one) of the factors, which have weakened global-prices, as NOT forecast by the scheme's original inventor ?

I wonder what the net profit is for the military? Much more important to buy guns, tanks, submarines etc. than to help your people through hard times I guess. A fun trip to Hawaii for 50 mil. no problem.

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47 minutes ago, Grubster said:

I wonder what the net profit is for the military? Much more important to buy guns, tanks, submarines etc. than to help your people through hard times I guess. A fun trip to Hawaii for 50 mil. no problem.


You'll hopefully admit that I've repeatedly condemned (over three or four years) the RTN's attempts, to persuade the current military-government & previous adminstrations to buy the three submarines from China, and I regard renting a jumbo-jet for the Hawaii-trip as a waste of money  ...  I hope someone sometime does investigate that, and hand out penalties. We would probably agree on that ?


I can see that, given the recent sad event, the PM himself might have other more-important state duties, beyond posturing in the North-East and buying a few kgs of rice, to re-sell in-front-of the cameras down in Bangkok.


But the government does seem to be doing something, to try to help the farmers, as indeed they should  ...  although it also seems only sensible that the price offered for Hom Mali rice is several thousand Baht per-ton lower than Yingluck's government paid, in the collapsed rice-scheme. Every current thread regarding their efforts attracts posters for whom denigration seems their only strategy.


However to try to claim, as the poster I was replying to did, that " you've sat on your hands and done nothing " is simply untrue, IMHO.


And while sneering at the military, for the profit which you allege, don't forget also to sneer at the PTP-politicians & supporters who made a small fortune out of the rice-scheme corruption.  Balance is, after all, important.

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3 hours ago, sujoop said:

Yet Shin-shills on here would forgive all because as Yingluck stated 'We came from election' (therefore can do whatever they wish apparently). However, once you have MASS CORRUPTION combined with MASS ABROGATION, SUBVERSION and MANIPULATION of  CHECKS and BALANCES which form the very underpinnings of democracy, then you have made the very intent of democracy VOID. Ergo: Democracy was ceased by the Shins actions (yet again, nevermind amnesty for 'the boss').

complete and total nonsense. 

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18 minutes ago, Ricardo said:


You'll hopefully admit that I've repeatedly condemned (over three or four years) the RTN's attempts, to persuade the current military-government & previous adminstrations to buy the three submarines from China, and I regard renting a jumbo-jet for the Hawaii-trip as a waste of money  ...  I hope someone sometime does investigate that, and hand out penalties. We would probably agree on that ?


I can see that, given the recent sad event, the PM himself might have other more-important state duties, beyond posturing in the North-East and buying a few kgs of rice, to re-sell in-front-of the cameras down in Bangkok.


But the government does seem to be doing something, to try to help the farmers, as indeed they should  ...  although it also seems only sensible that the price offered for Hom Mali rice is several thousand Baht per-ton lower than Yingluck's government paid, in the collapsed rice-scheme. Every current thread regarding their efforts attracts posters for whom denigration seems their only strategy.


However to try to claim, as the poster I was replying to did, that " you've sat on your hands and done nothing " is simply untrue, IMHO.


And while sneering at the military, for the profit which you allege, don't forget also to sneer at the PTP-politicians & supporters who made a small fortune out of the rice-scheme corruption.  Balance is, after all, important.

Actually I was implying that the military only takes about half of the countries annual budget and returns nothing, 100% subsidized entity.  All construction on roads, highways, bridges, etc. 100% subsidized.  My biggest problem is after the Hi-Sos take most of the farm land from the people who have produced for this country for hundreds of years they will implement huge subsidies for themselves. The exact same thing happened in the US and others. I would rather these small farmers get it now.

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32 minutes ago, Ricardo said:


You'll hopefully admit that I've repeatedly condemned (over three or four years) the RTN's attempts, to persuade the current military-government & previous adminstrations to buy the three submarines from China, and I regard renting a jumbo-jet for the Hawaii-trip as a waste of money  ...  I hope someone sometime does investigate that, and hand out penalties. We would probably agree on that ?


I can see that, given the recent sad event, the PM himself might have other more-important state duties, beyond posturing in the North-East and buying a few kgs of rice, to re-sell in-front-of the cameras down in Bangkok.


But the government does seem to be doing something, to try to help the farmers, as indeed they should  ...  although it also seems only sensible that the price offered for Hom Mali rice is several thousand Baht per-ton lower than Yingluck's government paid, in the collapsed rice-scheme. Every current thread regarding their efforts attracts posters for whom denigration seems their only strategy.


However to try to claim, as the poster I was replying to did, that " you've sat on your hands and done nothing " is simply untrue, IMHO.


And while sneering at the military, for the profit which you allege, don't forget also to sneer at the PTP-politicians & supporters who made a small fortune out of the rice-scheme corruption.  Balance is, after all, important.



Well said, three times!!!

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