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Furious Thai wife pulls MACHETE on boozy husband who went out on all night drinking session


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2 hours ago, NongKhaiKid said:

I wonder if she always has it in the pickup or just took it along for the occasion ?

Was thinking the same thing.


Doesn't folk lore claim many Thai drivers have a weapon of some sort of other in the car at all times?

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1 hour ago, monkey4u said:

So far this guy is lucky

I saw 1 pissed off woman who was sick of hubby bashing her

She pulled a knife out in the bar and sliced and diced him very neatly

As she left with his wallet  he was sitting on the floor holding his intestines literally

Lovely lass she was  :smile:

Whereas the thug who used to beat her was a lovely fella?


As ye sow, so shall ye reap

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17 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:

Perhaps she has been driven to this state by a husband who spends all monies earned [possibly by the wife] on drink rather than food, rent, kids etc.

I shall make some discrete enquiries as soon as I have a minute, and report my findings back to the forum

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3 minutes ago, Dukeleto said:

Can you imagine the scene if she had found him with another bird! They would both be chopped liver and being served up to the food stall customers the same day.

The food stall would be offering deep fried testes and BBQ weiner.  

Buy quick, we're in short supply of these freshly cut parts. 

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5 hours ago, chiang mai said:

My ex girl friend (issan) still SMS's/email's me 14 years on, "I just want to be friends" she says, a certifiable head case. 


Have similar experience. Usually communication frequency (always one way only) increases in low season.

Edited by ThailandLOS
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4 hours ago, Robbman2000 said:

Anyone with half a brain knows where he found this lady.  A decent Thai lady wouldn't be yielding a freaking machete.  Thai girls are possessive already, damn Isaan girls are nuts.  I speak Isaan too.  Which I used to consider an advantage but it turned out to be a curse.  Better to be dumb and blissful.  My mother is from Udorn so I picked up the language quick when I got here.


Can't really stick up for either side with only this short clip.  Maybe he's neglecting his duties of providing.  But they have a car which is more than most do here.  Either way I would never be with a girl who would show up with a freaking knife.  That would have been the end for me whether I was wrong or not.


I talk big though.  Anyone with dating experience knows how hard it is to break up with an Isaan girl.  Holy balls!!  My last girl I dated for 3 weeks only, not even a live in.  It took almost 2 months to rid of her.  Changed my mobile and had to tell security not to let her into the building.  I gotta get away from these Sukhumvit girls.  I don't date bar girls but it seems any girl anywhere near Sukhumvit thinks the same.  


I may be judging here.  Who knows what the backstory it.  FYI - Thai guys go thru the exact same thing we do. haha


All women have jealousy, some more than others, it's all about how you manage it, whilst at the same time telling them that there is no room for jealousy in your relationship, if a woman doesn't get it, it's time to say bye bye, otherwise you will end up worse off.


I personally think the problem doesn't stem from Isaan girls, I believe the problem stems from men not being man enough to let the woman (Isaan or not), know up front what his intentions are, e.g. if a guy misleads a women, then she will let him know he will pay the price for his deception, in this instance he probably neglected to advise her that he was not coming home as he was enjoying him self too much to call it a night.


My wife is from Isaan, when we met, I told her that "my life", was mine, and hers was hers, and that I have been enjoying "my single life" after divorcing my x in 1999, and if I was to remarry, "my single life" wouldn't change unless I wanted it to change, i.e. I would still go out with the boys, sleep with other women when I wanted too and do whatever it was that I wanted too in "my life" because I like to be with my mates every now and again, and being with other women, it is an urge that comes now and again on the women's side, like 24/7, like a sweet I would like to eat, should I rob my self of enjoying a sweet every now and again, I think not, it is merely a sweet, as going with another woman is to rid me of the urge to have some sweet, however there would only be one love in "my life", no mistresses, short time stints only, week away alone at a time or with the boys, just like in "my single life", but I would be a good provider and a loving husband, which I have been to date and have no reason to change.


Most of you by now are calling me a tosser or whatever, well that's ok, 4MyEgo has his cake and I eats it too. 


I was man enough to put it up front, sure most women, especially western women wouldn't accept this, suffice to say I am not into western woman, and my wife accepts me for who I am, and for being up front with her in the beginning of our relationship, because she then had a choice to be with me or not, and too this day, she has had no regrets, you can say she is naive or in it for the money or whatever negative comments you want to say, which you are entitled too, but I have never had an issue or a doubt about her in 10 years, this is "my life" unchanged, and I am comfortable with that.


I tell her where I am going, for how long and I return, all she has asked is that: I be careful, I wear a condom, I don't sleep with the same girl twice, I don't kiss them, I don't tell her about any of my activities while I am away unless she asks, and for me not to fall in love with another woman and come back to her, so far so good, her requests are hers, condoms without thinking twice, fall in love with another woman, never, not tell her about my activities while I am away, too easy, sleep with the same girl twice, and not kiss her, well.......555


The moral of this in my opinion is; woman are not superior to men, they are neither inferior to men, they should be treated with respect, not spoilt, and not allowed to get away with tantrum's like in the video, suffice to say if it was a female waiving that thing at me, she would want to behead me, before I behead her.


Anyways that's my 2 bobs worth.

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3 hours ago, 55Jay said:

Seems like he blew her off at first so she got some extra persuasion out of the truck. 


I used to pull the occasional late night at my neighborhood local in my mid-20s.  One time about midnight, we were having a great time, well lubed, when all the sudden the small bar got really  quiet, like one of those 1980's E.F. Hutton television commercials.   I followed everyone's gaze around to the front door and there was my Mexican girl friend, stood there in the doorway like a super hero, arms folded across her chest, jaw set, staring at me like a laser beam.   :crazy:

Similar to me here about 4 years ago.  My mates wife was well pissed and fell off her scooter , my wife went to the hospital to tend , I thought she was staying all night so I went out to the only bar in town ( I live up in woop woop ). There I was squeezed between 2 girls , 1.30 in the morning . No elbow room , lots of noise when suddenly I found to my delight I had more room , the place went silent , you could hear the big clock ticking . Now my wife is a bit feisty and a good 10 " shorter than me .............................. I paid up and left .

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2 hours ago, FlorC said:

I never get 403 errors , and it isn't the new blocking screen from the boyz in Bangkok.

I get the error when trying to access 

"Hockey inside out" The powers to be must think it is a porn site. 555


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4 hours ago, Thaiwrath said:

I would not have been at a street stall having breakfast.

He should have gone home and demanded she cooked it for him.

Reminds me of the possessive nature of my Lao ex-wife. After waking up mid-morning in a hotel room with two Walking Street honeys. I knew my goose was well and truly cooked. Making my way home around noon full of remorse and struggling with excuses, I had an epiphany and decided to tell the truth which I did.


I admitted to too many drinks, two barfines and (I think) a night of hedonistic pleasure to which she responded, "You lying piece of sh!t. You think I'm stupid? You've been over at Danny's playing bloody poker again!"

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3 hours ago, Wilsonandson said:

My wife always waits up for me when a I go out for a drink with the lads. She's always there on the sofa waiting in her nightdress and dressing gown. Then she's checking my mobile phone.

It starts slowly. Watch out for the future to come. LOL

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