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Meet "Uncle Ghost of Pattaya" - caught pimping 15 year old girls

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8 hours ago, NextStationBangkok said:

With in few months, he will be back to Pattaya streets.


There are many coming to Thailand for underage girls for any price.


As long as there are customers, these scums cannot be cleaned up.



The chances are the customers are also Thai,Line is the clue.

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6 hours ago, SHARX said:

I don't believe that any child of 15 years old has the maturity of age to make a decision of that magnitude. On principle alone he has a moral obligation to the younger generation to tell them this is wrong.

All that seems to matter to some people is making a living off someone else’s miss fortune.

Hanging this man is an easy option. I would put him in a room with the mothers and fathers of these girls for an hour, and then hang him.

Just my opinion.


    The girls  parents  ,  were  probably on the payroll .

      Nothing new in LOS.

3 minutes ago, DrPhibes said:

I'm the male of the species, my basic biological role is to try to get with as many women as I can. 


Lot's of women and girls out there with the same aim for getting off with men.  The difference with men and women being attracted to each other and shagging themselves to excess is not comparable to paying a woman/man for sex.  I am not criticising paid for sex but let's not kid ourselves that it is anything more than a business transaction, hopefully for the benefit of both parties.  As long as everything is consensual and both are willing participants then I can't see anything wrong with it, but it will never be as satisfying as a proper relationship.


"Na Phee" means Devil's Face or Ghost Face. Uncle Ghost face that is.

 If you could see the real problem how it was connected you will be amazed by the magnitude of the problem. You will also realize it is an impossible task to do anything.

Anyone (be they politicians or any naive citizen) try to make things difficult for this prostitution business will disappear. It's like touching a small colourful frog in the Amazon Jungle. It's so poisonous just touching it lightly you drop death.

You will be amaze by the network especially the big ones in nightclubs and private transactions- the money is so big and it goes round and you will be shock who are the people who receive the money. (I don't even dare to mention it here, less I become a walking target while in Thailand).

China was in the same situation before communist took over. The communist did a good job at that time. Now things are going back to similar situation in China.

If you are smart guy you pretend the problem doesn't exist and get on with life. If you are a journalist and get too smart while in Thailand you will get into accident of some sort. Classified as "Sudden Death" on your death certificate.
















A baiting post leading to a personal attack and a threat have been removed


An off topic post suggesting an earlier post has been removed has also been removed, for your information, none of your posts have been removed. 

"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"

Arnold Judas Rimmer of Jupiter Mining Corporation Ship Red Dwarf


I have seven Thai nieces age ranging from 11 to 16.  They live in relatively small town Thailand in a  semi rural area. The 16 year old is engaged, has been since she was 15 and gets married to her 17 year old fiancé next month.  The 15 year old recently had an abortion after her boyfriend did a runner .  All the girls (bar the 11 and 12 year old) have now had contraception implants because of the threat of unwanted pregnancies even though they are not all sexually active. Bad parenting? Maybe in some eyes but I think it is taking a realistic approach.  The families are not poor or uneducated and the older girls will probably go on to university when they are old enough.


The only reason for posting this is to illustrate that life in Thailand cannot always be compared to the west.  Having said that I don't honestly think that it is far removed from the youth everywhere.

3 hours ago, DrPhibes said:

Look, throughout human history men have been paying for it.  That is a fact of life.  I'm the male of the species, my basic biological role is to try to get with as many women as I can.  Look at how much social and religious programming has to be thrust upon us to try and keep us males from knocking up (or trying to) every women we can get our hands on.  Some of the smartest women I know (as in rocket scientists) said they absolutely understand this, acknowledge it, and accept it to their benefit.  Given all this social hassle to put up with to get laid, many find it easier to satiate their needs through hiring some.  No hassle, just get what you need to keep your head clear to do something productive without sex in your mind every 10 seconds.   So far in my personal experience, I think the Japanese are the most realistic about this fact of life in their daily lives.  It is a basic biological need to be satiated and not just for men. 


As far as age for sex, that has been subjective in history as well.  You might want to educate yourself on the history of the age of consent https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Age_of_consent .  The situation is, while our life spans have been pushed out, the biological aspect of when we get the urge to merge has not.  In fact, because of good nutrition and such, girls are coming into estrus at an earlier age.  As far as sexual maturity from a psychological level, I have met some 15 yr olds here in Thailand that were more naturally mature enough for sex than some 30 yr olds I have been with in the US.  Just my opinion.


Thanks for your opinion.  However, whatever way you look at it, prostitution involving girls or boys who are under the age of 18 is illegal, in almost every country with Thailand being no exception.

5 hours ago, elliss said:


 11 hours ago, SHARX said:


"making a living off someone else’s miss fortune."

Sorry, but just have to admire this choice of words! Freudian slip, maybe, or if not, maybe a couple of capital letters would help i.e. "Miss Fortune"?

20 hours ago, i claudius said:

Gosh how things have changed ,when i first came here 20 odd years ago , these were the normal ages for most of the girls in the bars , i used to remember a bar i think on beach road called "school days" and the girls at the door wore school uniform , ,another time in soi cowboy in BKK a pole dancer came on to me , she was 16 .

And likely many were working bar to support a child.....

22 hours ago, ChrisY1 said:

I guess when kids from poor families are offered such rewards, there'll always be a supply.

These scumbag individuals are everywhere......just a shame that the penalties don't often match the crime here.....no doubt he'll confess and get a halved sentence.

OR...he will negotiate a deal with the police and they become his new but silent shareholders and sit on the board of directors.

I mean, it does not make any sense at all to shut the man down as there are revenues to be generated and shared...right?

A quick calculation estimating the daily, weekly or monthly revenues to be shared with the police makes for an enticing argument while he profusely Wais the head police officer and repeatedly apologizes for not coming to the police earlier and negotiate a peace treaty.



13 hours ago, DrPhibes said:

Look, throughout human history men have been paying for it.  That is a fact of life.  I'm the male of the species, my basic biological role is to try to get with as many women as I can.  Look at how much social and religious programming has to be thrust upon us to try and keep us males from knocking up (or trying to) every women we can get our hands on.  Some of the smartest women I know (as in rocket scientists) said they absolutely understand this, acknowledge it, and accept it to their benefit.  Given all this social hassle to put up with to get laid, many find it easier to satiate their needs through hiring some.  No hassle, just get what you need to keep your head clear to do something productive without sex in your mind every 10 seconds.   So far in my personal experience, I think the Japanese are the most realistic about this fact of life in their daily lives.  It is a basic biological need to be satiated and not just for men.


As far as age for sex, that has been subjective in history as well.  You might want to educate yourself on the history of the age of consent https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Age_of_consent .  The situation is, while our life spans have been pushed out, the biological aspect of when we get the urge to merge has not.  In fact, because of good nutrition and such, girls are coming into estrus at an earlier age.  As far as sexual maturity from a psychological level, I have met some 15 yr olds here in Thailand that were more naturally mature enough for sex than some 30 yr olds I have been with in the US.  Just my opinion.

This is true ..yes it is.

The problems we now face are not so much needing to be addressed concerning the age of consent rather the end result of "free for all sex", with minimal restraints, results in 7.5 Billion people.... and counting....by the second or minute.

In many of the poor countries, old enough to bleed means old enough to breed while young pregnant girls are not uncommon....with no father around to help raise the child or children the men created and the result of men fulfilling their "natural desires"...as mentioned in your post.

Truth of the matter is, the population explosion is more of a Man Made problem than a problem created by Women who all too often suffer the burdens of the male libido and their lust......better known as:

Horny as Hell and needing to get laid.

Just saying, as your post made me think of the end results or ramifications of sex.




Many tears ago when i used to go barhopping , i went back to a girls room in N Pattaya ,she must have been about 30 ,when we got there i was quite surprised to see a young girl of about 14/15 , "oh dont worry she said to me , my daughter is just off to work at the bar" , it runs in the family i suppose , more money than picking rice every day . !!

21 hours ago, brewsterbudgen said:


Thanks for your opinion.  However, whatever way you look at it, prostitution involving girls or boys who are under the age of 18 is illegal, in almost every country with Thailand being no exception.


Thank you for responding to my post,


While I am very open to all aspects of perception of reality, there is a belief that the law somehow changes basic biology and socioeconomics like magic.  The law is just a hammer that is applied with discrimination no matter what country you live in.  Even if you gave all the poor the road to education leading out of poverty that takes work, there will always be people who will take the lazy way out no matter the ethical consequences.  I believe that if your country has a legal age of consent, that's it no matter what.  Personally, I have known ladies who came from sever economic conditions, paid their dues on their backs, and emerged to become some of the most interesting people I know.  They never looked at it as being bad, it was how to get from point A to Point B while making guys happy and grateful along the way.  They were supported by their clients more than their "fees" in their effort to raise above.  Some went on to become very successful people.  It is not prostitution I have a problem with, it is forced prostitution that I would take the legal hammer to.  As good example of a more logical application of this is Holland, red light district to do what you want to do, all regulated, but outside of it, laws are tough.  Keeps it out of the local neighborhood.


Thanks for your thoughts, that is what progressive discourse is all about!

On 11/17/2016 at 3:32 PM, Acharn said:


I guess what you would say is wrong with this country is they have different laws from what your country does. What's a charge of "mischief," anyway? I know of a couple potential charges of "malicious mischief" and "criminal mischief" in American law, depending on what state (geographical location) you're in, but not just plain "mischief" in connection with sex offenses.

I'm sorry. I think you left out public mischief which is basically wasting  a former police officer's time. Is that being polite enough?

On 11/17/2016 at 11:14 AM, SHARX said:

I don't believe that any child of 15 years old has the maturity of age to make a decision of that magnitude. On principle alone he has a moral obligation to the younger generation to tell them this is wrong.

All that seems to matter to some people is making a living off someone else’s miss fortune.

Hanging this man is an easy option. I would put him in a room with the mothers and fathers of these girls for an hour, and then hang him.

Just my opinion.

The underage thing is totally wrong. I agree.

But as for the parents, they are the ones who sent their daughters to find the goose that lays the golden egg.

On 11/18/2016 at 7:57 PM, silent said:

I'm sorry. I think you left out public mischief which is basically wasting  a former police officer's time. Is that being polite enough?

It's polite enough, but it refers to an offense I'm familiar with. We have lots and lots of charges in America if you annoy a policeman, including "disturbing the peace" and "resisting arrest," but I'm not familiar with "public mischief." Well, I am not a lawyer, and there are hundreds of such offenses created by counties, towns, states, unincorporated areas, water districts, and village councils, so some of them may be named "public mischief." If none of those are convenient, there are literally thousands of crimes you can be charged with any time it suits them. There are also lots of authorities with arrest powers besides the police, and I expect things will be getting worse over the next four years.

1 hour ago, Acharn said:

It's polite enough, but it refers to an offense I'm familiar with. We have lots and lots of charges in America if you annoy a policeman, including "disturbing the peace" and "resisting arrest," but I'm not familiar with "public mischief." Well, I am not a lawyer, and there are hundreds of such offenses created by counties, towns, states, unincorporated areas, water districts, and village councils, so some of them may be named "public mischief." If none of those are convenient, there are literally thousands of crimes you can be charged with any time it suits them. There are also lots of authorities with arrest powers besides the police, and I expect things will be getting worse over the next four years.


Live and learn. You have to appreciate that the "polite enough" remark was not for your the benefit.

  • 140 (1) Every one commits public mischief who, with intent to mislead, causes a peace officer to enter on or continue an investigation by

    • (a) making a false statement that accuses some other person of having committed an offence;

    • (b) doing anything intended to cause some other person to be suspected of having committed an offence that the other person has not committed, or to divert suspicion from himself;

    • (c) reporting that an offence has been committed when it has not been committed; or

    • (d) reporting or in any other way making it known or causing it to be made known that he or some other person has died when he or that other person has not died.

  • Marginal note:Punishment

    (2) Every one who commits public mischief

    • (a) is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding five years; or

    • (b) is guilty of an offence punishable on summary conviction.

  • R.S., 1985, c. C-46, s. 140;
  •  R.S., 1985, c. 27 (1st Supp.), s. 19.
Date modified: 

Good job by the police . Underage prostitution does not belong in Pattaya. If you try to defend it you're a scumbag.

2 minutes ago, balo said:

Good job by the police . Underage prostitution does not belong in Pattaya. If you try to defend it you're a scumbag.


What are you saying.

Where does it belong then !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :crazy:

Pimping under-age girls don't not belong any place on earth.

On 11/17/2016 at 9:38 AM, wvavin said:

There are hundreds of these people around the entertertainment circle. The only reason why he was caught could be there were not enough yellow envelopes to pass around.

Hundreds??? You're a bit hyperbolic.

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