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Thai girls that dont like Thai guys- Red flag?


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1 hour ago, tifino said:


falang, new to Thailand, arrives, and meets Thai girl


He's heard that foreign girls will be hard to understand, and her/him vice versa.


He's so over the moon, that the very first good looking Thai girl met is fantastic with English


and doesn't link that to (the fact she is a bar girl), why she likes him / loves him sooo easily

Ok now are you trying to say that every thai lady that talk English is a bar lady ? . 

 I think that is just bs if you believe that .

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39 minutes ago, TPI said:

It seems fairly obvious when you read the survey that says that Thai men had an average of 18 sexual partners while women had 1......! And we all know that surveys don't lie! :wai:



grossly unfair. please allow me to help the better looking girls even that score

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34 minutes ago, holy cow cm said:

What foreign guy do you think the Thai girl likes most? Her Januarys man, February man, March man? If the girl is in the bar position then she is looking for a better way of life or simply to say, to have a life which could be just able to have money in her pocket. Standard Thai jobs like factories etch do not pay nearly what she could get from the guy doing the deed several times a month. Some gals love the excitement, and can\t say I blame them if can pick and choose fro the most part. .So I don't think it really matters as there are good guys and jerks on all sides. Foreigners seem to complain a lot though.


Do you know what Thais call bar moles hookers  ? . 

Lazy  prostitutes and that is very true.


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4 hours ago, CharlieK said:


you of little experience!  It doesn't matter if it is a western lady or a Thai lady. The guy always picks up the tab. Think about it?

SOUNDS LIKE WEVE HIT A NERVE. me of little experience. unlike you it would seem.

 my tab would be a lot smaller as i would not date or get involved with any woman farang or Asian with young children and i would NOT be falling for that one. I GOT PREGNANT BY ACCIDENT.:cheesy:

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3 hours ago, georgemandm said:

Ok thanks yes I have seen all of that here but when I open my mouth here and say what you just I get put down .

thais are good non bar that is  but the bar moles are just a joke and money hungry moles .

my friends seem to get themselves in trouble with the girls they think are not bar girls. is hard to distinguish between them really. key is to find one that genuinely wants to finish working in the bar. problem is they will all tell you that is what they want. either way it is hard work. i only did it cos i wanted kids. otherwise  i would still be living on my own. thailand is a single mans paradise.

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3 hours ago, mcfish said:

Western women will marry for love alone. Even if the guy earns less most will go with the heart.

Try telling an isaan girl that you, like her have no money and see how far that conversation goes

Sent from my SC-01D using Tapatalk


I obviously met the wrong western ladies. In my experience it wasn't just about love, it was also about living in the style they had become accustomed to. 

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19 minutes ago, catman20 said:

SOUNDS LIKE WEVE HIT A NERVE. me of little experience. unlike you it would seem.

 my tab would be a lot smaller as i would not date or get involved with any woman farang or Asian with young children and i would NOT be falling for that one. I GOT PREGNANT BY ACCIDENT.:cheesy:


you have missed my point by a mile. 

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Thais mostly recognize farang men who spend the time in a bar. Especially when they try to talk little bit thai. Because they not learn a good thai....
I not want say, that learning Isaan is a bad thing.. but for most thai girls it's a hint, that the foreigner is a sexpat. And they not interested in that kind.


I have 3 female friends who not have boyfriends. 2 of them would also like to have a farang bf, but 1 is much to shy to ever start a conversation with one. The other is more or less to busy with work so no time for meet up with a farang. both works in office and had bachelor degrees. I would rate them as middle class thai.


There are thais which never would think of meet up with a farang.. and there are also some which really don't care if thai or farang. They want a good men, which take care of them.


Many horror stories I have read, I guess are because a tourist maried a girl from bar or massage or similar shop. How else a normal tourist on a 2 week holiday could meet up with a good thai girl.. this really not easy. this also takes time.

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Sipi, could it be that Thai girls like farang men because they have a beer belly, wear muscle shirts, speak no Thai and she no English, is on a 4 weeks yearly holiday, don't like Thai food, need already a beer in the morning, like to sit on a bar chair, has to work shift at home, is divorced, have hardly seen something else than Pattaya, Koh Samui, Phuket and may be Chiang Mai, doesn't tell her that he had to work a full year for this holiday?

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14 hours ago, Peterw42 said:

Money and security underpins any relationship or prospective partner. Try dating a girl in the west, tell her you are unemployed and live with your mother, Chances are you wont get a second date (or end up seeing her naked)

Or better yet do f&!@k all go on a lao kao bender then come home and smack seven shades of shit out of her.

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6 hours ago, YeahSiam said:

So why do so many of these Westerners have to pay an allowance?


The truth is though that there are lots of decent, hard-working and responsible Thai men who have the kind of choice that we can only dream of.



I would guess when some of those decent, hard-working responsible Thai men are shacking up with a dreamy Thai girl 30 years younger than they are that an allowance would occasionally enter the picture.

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Every bar girl I've ever met in Thailand has 1 to 3 kids back home being raised by mom and pop with no help from the father. When asked "What happened to your husband/boyfriend?". The answer is always "He found another Phu ying". A recent study conducted found that 72% of the 20-35 age group men were in secret love relationships which means they are also accomplished liars. Two-thirds of them also thought they "owned" their wives meaning they could do whatever they want inluding abusing them when drunk and forcing them to have sex. A large per centage also thought is was OK for "real men" to flirt and binge drink. Might partially mean that more than money is involved in prefering a farang.

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wow64, that's a crude generalization and only valid for "entertainment" locations, frequented by farangs. There are plenty of Thai girls who prefer Japanese and Korean men. Also, Thai ladies who "service" Thai men, and that is the majority, don't even look at farangs.

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I am very suspicious and skeptical of any Thai woman that says she doesn't like Thai men. The reasons why tend to vary from "Thai man no good" to "I don't like". (Yeah, I've never probed too deep on that one, to be honest.) But I find the Thai women who claim to prefer foreigners tend to be defective in some way. Immature. Boring. Naive. Whatever. All reasons Thai guys wouldn't want em, nor would any of us if they weren't hotter than their western counterparts. And I'm not even including the big one: has a kid or kids. Also, it seems like most of em have an idealistic view of foreigners, but don't really care about em that much. These girls usually have a group of friends that found a steady partner in a foreigner and are only interested in the apparent benefits that come with having one. As is usually the case with love, the best way to find a good Thai girl is to stumble upon one who wasn't looking for you.

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On 11/20/2016 at 3:59 PM, YeahSiam said:

Thai women who berate Thai men are the equivalent of Western men who slag off Western women.

In both cases, they're pissed off because the desirable members of the groups they're disparaging aren't interested in them.


Nailed it. I'd just add that for these women foreigners represent an appealing numbers game. As is the case for starry eyed foreigners who are led to Thailand seeking a more feminine, more docile partner, I think Thai women are led to foreigners b/c they believe a higher percentage of us possess the qualities they want in a man, the big one being money. I present as evidence the way these women seemingly turn their back on all Thai men b/c one of em did them wrong, yet proceed to get hosed by countless playboy foreigners and will still give the next guy a fighting chance.

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