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The anti-Trump resistance takes shape: 'Government's supposed to fear us'


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2 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

I still don't understand how his "mind" works. The majority of stuff out of the mouth of the failing donald trump is obvious lies but does he even believe what he says himself? He often contradicts himself in the same sentence ... how does a person keep track of all that? Obviously at least some of his chaos tactics are consciously calculated but sometimes I wonder if he is just some kind of random hot mess that magically tripped into the way for an insane man to gain the highest office in the planet with no experience or qualifications. 

I think it´s his narcissism that gets the better of him. 

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6 minutes ago, mesquite said:

Please let this be true!

They can always get Australians to take all the roles. Where's the crackdown on Australian actors in Hollywood? 


I admire the sentiment but it doesn't sound like the greatest idea. I like Amy Schumer a lot but I can live without her working. It would give a chance for lesser known actors to get breaks though. It also plays into the failing donald trump's demonization of coastal elites. 

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2 minutes ago, Skywalker69 said:

I think it´s his narcissism that gets the better of him. 

It's weirder than that. He must realize the majority of people watching him lying almost all the time know he's doing that and he's figured that his minority base will never care ... he can keep distracting the masses with daily fresh twitter outrages and people will forget about what he said yesterday but there is always INCOMING.


Like it's just a big reality t.v. PERFORMANCE piece. Entertaining yes but about as abnormal as it comes. 

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1 minute ago, Jingthing said:

It's weirder than that. He must realize the majority of people watching him lying almost all the time know he's doing that and he's figured that his minority base will never care ... he can keep distracting the masses with daily fresh twitter outrages. Like it's just a big reality t.v. PERFORMANCE piece. Entertaining yes but about as abnormal as it comes. 

He has been lying his whole life and gotten away with it, so he just keep on. One day it will bite him. Bigly.

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Christie says Trump made him order the meatloaf at meal together


"TRENTON, N.J. — New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie says President Donald Trump made him order meatloaf when they dined together at the White House this week."


"The Republican governor said while guest hosting a New York sports talk radio show Thursday that Trump pointed out the menu and told people to get whatever they want. Then he said he and Christie were going to have the meatloaf."


‘‘This is what it’s like to be with Trump,’’ Christie said. ‘‘He says, ‘There’s the menu, you guys order whatever you want.’ And then he says, ‘Chris, you and I are going to have the meatloaf.’’’



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It could be time to invoke the T word.

Not trump.






KremlinGate Enters Uncharted Waters as Russian Links Overwhelm DC

We are now discussing things worse than mere impeachment. If members of Trump’s team colluded with Russian intelligence, the Espionage Act comes into play, and we’ve entered uncharted waters, presidentially speaking.

For the foreseeable future, the still-forming White House will be enmeshed in fighting for its political life as disturbing allegations mount in Washington. Donald Trump promised to shake up American politics, and less than a month into his presidency he has surely done so. But not in the way he promised.



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Was a Trump Server Communicating With Russia?


This spring, a group of computer scientists set out to determine whether hackers were interfering with the Trump campaign. They found something they weren’t expecting.




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57 minutes ago, Skywalker69 said:

He used the server communicating with a russian bank.


10 hours ago, Skywalker69 said:

He has been lying his whole life and gotten away with it, so he just keep on. One day it will bite him. Bigly.

I loved his press conference. About time the press got it between the eyes!


they were ready to anoint Hilary as new queen and the American people said no. 


Lower taxes, get rid of the lazy government workers, and put bad guys in jail. Rock n Roll baby!

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John McCain just systematically dismantled Donald Trump’s entire worldview


"During a speech at the Munich Security Conference in Germany, the Republican senator from Arizona delivered a pointed and striking point-by-point takedown of Trump's worldview and brand of nationalism."


"[The founders of the Munich conference] would be alarmed by the growing inability -- and even unwillingness --

to separate truth from lies.”


"They would be alarmed that more and more of our fellow citizens seem to be flirting with authoritarianism

and romanticizing it as our moral equivalent."


Read on for more:


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Trump tweets: Press ‘is the enemy of the American people’


“The FAKE NEWS media (failing @nytimes, @CNN, @NBCNews and many more) is not my enemy,

it is the enemy of the American people. SICK!” Trump tweeted. The post was deleted shortly after."


"He revised his tweet 16 minutes later to include more news organizations in his category of so-called fake news: ABC and CBS."


“The FAKE NEWS media (failing @nytimes, @NBCNews, @ABC, @CBS, @CNN) is not my enemy, it is the enemy of the American People!” the amended tweet said.



The Clown is becoming (more) unhinged.

Lovin' it!


We need to see some leaked photos of the buffoon shuffling around the White House in his bathrobe

before he does his hair...

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22 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

Then please, share with us your personal experience!

I have numerous times, from my 10 years in the Persian Gulf Region, to some more years in Africa, Iraq, and Afghanistan. You ever been over? Anyway, most people don't have a clue, so not really worth my time to explain things that people aren't going to accept.

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2 hours ago, funandsuninbangkok said:


I loved his press conference. About time the press got it between the eyes!


they were ready to anoint Hilary as new queen and the American people said no. 


Lower taxes, get rid of the lazy government workers, and put bad guys in jail. Rock n Roll baby!

Get rid of controls on Wall Street! Give huge tax breaks to the wealthy and powerful to make them even more wealthy and powerful!  Continue to let financial advisors lie and cheat people out of their retirement savings! Rev up pollution!

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7 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Late night television RESISTING against the dangerous ridiculousness of the failing donald trump most nights of the week!





My gosh.  That's totally insane.  He's mentally unstable.  Go to 4:45 in the Seth Meyers video.  It's embarrassing.  And people say the media are against him?  Go to 4:45 and you'll see why! LOL

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3 hours ago, funandsuninbangkok said:


I loved his press conference. About time the press got it between the eyes!


they were ready to anoint Hilary as new queen and the American people said no. 


Lower taxes, get rid of the lazy government workers, and put bad guys in jail. Rock n Roll baby!

And what has Trump accomplished so far?  He said he's done more in one month that any other president.  He's lost the plot.  He's done nothing but create chaos.


P.S. this isn't about Hillary...nor his election win...time to move on.

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1 hour ago, beechguy said:

I have numerous times, from my 10 years in the Persian Gulf Region, to some more years in Africa, Iraq, and Afghanistan. You ever been over? Anyway, most people don't have a clue, so not really worth my time to explain things that people aren't going to accept.

So you saw Hillary and Obama while you were there?  And yes, I've been to 90 countries now.  Saying most people don't have a clue is a bit rude.

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1 hour ago, craigt3365 said:

And what has Trump accomplished so far?  He said he's done more in one month that any other president.  He's lost the plot.  He's done nothing but create chaos.


P.S. this isn't about Hillary...nor his election win...time to move on.

This is pretty cool. By by Kristie. Don't let the door hit you foggy bottom






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5 minutes ago, funandsuninbangkok said:

This is pretty cool. By by Kristie. Don't let the door hit you foggy bottom




It's yet to be determine how this will pan out.  Congrats to Tillerson if he can reduce the bloat at the State department.  For now, it seems the shakeup might be too much too soon.





The move left Tillerson with a huge hole at the State Department after the departure of the officials, who had a combined 150 years of institutional experience.
Kenney's departure leaves Tillerson, who came to the State Department with only a handful of aides, a bare-bones staff as he seeks to assert his role in the administration as America's top diplomat.



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11 minutes ago, funandsuninbangkok said:

This is pretty cool. By by Kristie. Don't let the door hit you foggy bottom






Kristie is retiring next week.  She served under Bush, Obama and Clinton.  A very good career diplomat.

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for the week end ....

" If President Donald Trump insists on behaving like a self-absorbed pre-schooler, Reddit will continue to photoshop him as one.


That's the idea behind r/Tiny Trumps, a new subreddit devoted to exactly that. " http://mashable.com/2017/02/17/tiny-trumps-subreddit/?utm_cid=mash-com-fb-main-link#jdTXIOtxgEqO

  Résultat de recherche d'images pour "tiny trump" Résultat de recherche d'images pour "tiny trump"



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Trump Always Calls Out Chicago, but City Closest to Mar-a-Lago Has Comparable Crime Rate


"The city of West Palm Beach, which sits just across the Intracoastal Waterway from Trump's palatial Mar-a-Lago Resort — aka the Winter White House — on exclusive Palm Beach, had a violent crime rate in 2015 that was equal to that of the Windy City, according to federal crime records."


"There were 23 homicides in a city of just 104,919 residents. And the rate of violent crime, which also includes rapes, robberies and

aggravated assaults, was 9 for every 1,000 residents — the same as the far bigger Chicago, records show." 




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'Enemies of the people': Trump remark echoes history's worst tyrants


"Being branded an "enemy of the people" by the likes of Stalin or Mao brought at best suspicion and stigma,

at worst hard labour or death."


"Now the chilling phrase - which is at least as old as Emperor Nero, who was called "hostis publicus", enemy of the public,

by the Senate in AD 68 - is making something of a comeback."


"The US president's use of "enemies of the people" raises unavoidable echoes of some of history's most murderous dictators."


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