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The anti-Trump resistance takes shape: 'Government's supposed to fear us'


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McCabe: FBI has 'great number of folks' working for Trump-Russia special prosecutor


"The acting head of the FBI said Wednesday that his agency is providing a substantial number of personnel to support the special prosecutor appointed last month to look into alleged Russian influence in the 2016 presidential election, including possible connections to the Trump campaign."


"Acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe, who took over after President Donald Trump fired FBI chief James Comey on May 9, told a House appropriations subcommittee that the FBI is giving special counsel Robert Mueller all the help he needs."


"We have a great number of folks that have already been detailed to that team and I have assured Director Mueller that we will do everything necessary to deliver the resources and meet the needs that he has to do that work," McCabe said."



I suppose they are allocating all these additional resources because there is no evidence...  :whistling:


It's just beginning to heat up Trumpeteers.

Just leave it to the professionals. :thumbsup:


Not some dolt who believes "Tweets" are sufficient.

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Trump Doesn’t Want to Be President

He wants to be communications director. (sub-title)


"If he did, he’d nominate candidates to the 404 important but vacant administration jobs and get on with the job of governance."


"He doesn’t seem to want to be commander in chief of the armed forces, either, having outsourced Afghanistan troop-level decisions to Secretary of Defense James Mattis."


"Don’t burden him with foreign policy—which so daunts him that he’s postponed an official trip to Britain because (as some report) he fears the inevitable protests that will greet him."



Ineptness personified.

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Lawsuit accuses Trump of violating federal records law


"Two watchdog groups filed a lawsuit against President Donald Trump and his office on Thursday alleging that the White House is failing to adhere to federal records law by communicating via confidential applications like Signal and deleting some of the president’s messages on Twitter. "


"Specifically, the plaintiffs, the Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington and the National Security Archive, accuse the White House of running afoul of the Presidential Records Act, which requires the preservation of certain White House communication records."


"The lawsuit cites news reports about White House aides using “certain email messaging applications that destroy the contents of messages as soon as they are read, without regard to whether the messages are presidential records,” as well as tweets from Trump’s account that have been deleted after they were sent, as examples of records that were not properly preserved."



Destroying public records?

It appears they believe they are a law unto themselves.



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5 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

I honestly don't understand where you're coming from. I get the strong feeling you're more opposed to hyperbole than trump and the trumpist movement itself. If you say that isn't the case, sorry, I think that's how your posts come across. 


I think that the "hyperbole" (and it isn't just that) detracts from the message and the messengers. Makes them less worthy. Muddies the differences between sides. Going on about intolerance, fake information, and hyping up public sentiment, while dabbling with the same elements is both wrong (for the same reasons these things are denounced when applied by the opposition), and worse, perhaps - I do not see them as terribly effective.


It is often insinuated, one way or another, that those opposing Trump are better. More educated, more informed, superior morals and whatnot. If that's the case, then intuitively, a less "hyperbolic" approach should resonate better with them. Rather, a lot of them posts disintegrate into diatribes, rants and "hyperbole".


If the Anti-Trump Credentials Committee bases it's rankings upon vehemence, guess I don't make the cut. Sorry about that. Finding it odd that the embrace-diversity crowd seems to have trouble with any form of criticism or divergence from creed. Purism is all very fine, but it's not exactly a core concept of the side you're cheering for. Or at least, not supposed to be.


My other standing concerns go a step further beyond Trump. These revolve around the divisions within the US and the difficulties in bridging them, the proliferation of extreme positions and speech, and possible trends which might see the whole thing crack. Trump is certainly bad news with regard to all of the above. The "hyperbole" (as applied to the "resistance") doesn't seem effective as a counter-measure, and is making things worse on other fronts.



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Intel chiefs tell investigators Trump suggested they refute collusion with Russians


"Two of the nation's top intelligence officials told Special Counsel Robert Mueller's team and Senate investigators, in separate meetings last week, that President Donald Trump suggested they say publicly there was no collusion between his campaign and the Russians, according to multiple sources."


"Sources say both men went further than they did in June 7 public hearings, when they provided little detail about the interactions."
"Both men told Mueller's team they were surprised the President would suggest that they publicly declare he was not involved in collusion, sources said"
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White House: Trump to give details on possible James Comey tapes this week


"President Trump will soon shed light on one of the mysteries surrounding his administration and the Russia investigation: Whether or not he has secret tapes of conversations with former FBI Director James Comey."


"I can tell you that there will be something this week," White House spokeswoman Lindsay Walters said Wednesday."


Trump has refused to say whether or not tapes actually exist, only telling reporters he will make an announcement "soon." 




Since May... :whistling:

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Trump's tease of possible Comey tapes fits familiar pattern

If they don't, it will be yet another tease in Trump's long history of making outsized claims. (sub-title)


"That big tease played out in 2011, when Trump promised to reveal what his private investigators had found in Hawaii about President Barack Obama's birth certificate. (Trump never did release anything.)"


"Now, Trump has stretched out a new high-stakes guessing game, this time in the White House, by hinting that he might have recordings of his conversations with fired FBI Director James Comey."


"If they don't exist, questions will be raised about why the president would stake his reputation and political capital

on promoting something that just isn't real."




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Gingrich just admitted Trump was being dishonest about White House tapes — because nothing matters


"President Trump is supposed to reveal this week, six weeks after making the initial suggestion, whether he actually has tapes of his White House conversations."


“I think he was in his way instinctively trying to rattle Comey,” Gingrich said.


“He's not a professional politician. He doesn't come back and think about Nixon and Watergate, his instinct is: 'I'll outbluff you.'”



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On 11/20/2016 at 11:23 PM, Maverell said:

Very similar to what's happening in Britain and later it will spread to other countries in Europe....

The stunned losers are just a bunch of out of touch so called elites who seem unaware of what is happening in the real world, or if they are aware they don't give a hoot about the normal person in their country. :partytime2:


Yeah, lol, the resistance is taking shape alright, the shape of a turd!

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Senators, Please Ask Jared Kushner About 666 Fifth Avenue

A Chinese financier has pulled out of a bailout for Trump's son-in-law. Now let's talk about his meetings with a Russian bank. (sub-title)
"The background: Anbang, an insurer and prolific deal-maker close to China's government, had considered investing $4 billion in 666 Fifth Avenue, Kushner had overpaid for the building in 2007, when he bought it with the help of bank loans for $1.8 billion."
"Kushner's family still owns a building that needs a financial lifeline, so 666 Fifth Avenue presents something that Congress may want to examine more closely when Jared Kushner meets with the Senate Intelligence Committee as part of an inquiry into possible collusion between Trump's campaign team and Russia during the 2016 presidential election."

"Kushner's meetings with Russian bankers during the presidential transition last fall and winter apparently help explain why the Senate is interested in speaking with him."

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53 minutes ago, iReason said:

Gingrich just admitted Trump was being dishonest about White House tapes — because nothing matters


"President Trump is supposed to reveal this week, six weeks after making the initial suggestion, whether he actually has tapes of his White House conversations."


“I think he was in his way instinctively trying to rattle Comey,” Gingrich said.


“He's not a professional politician. He doesn't come back and think about Nixon and Watergate, his instinct is: 'I'll outbluff you.'”




39 minutes ago, johnefallis said:

What a bunch of nonsense. Any idiot who posts this kind if shit is an enemy to America and Mankind. 

CNN is now reporting that Trump says there are no tapes of the Comey conversation(s).


So Trump insinuates there are tapes, neither confirms nor denies the existence of the tapes for weeks, makes a big deal about finally coming clean on the tapes, then says there are no tapes.  If this was not to rattle Comey then I assume it was because he does idiotic things to keep himself in the news.  Any idiot who does this kind of shit is an enemy to America and mankind.


Oh, and anyone who posts like johnefallis is definitely a clueless troll.

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CNN is now reporting that Trump says there are no tapes of the Comey conversation(s).
So Trump insinuates there are tapes, neither confirms nor denies the existence of the tapes for weeks, makes a big deal about finally coming clean on the tapes, then says there are no tapes.  If this was not to rattle Comey then I assume it was because he does idiotic things to keep himself in the news.  Any idiot who does this kind of shit is an enemy to America and mankind.
Oh, and anyone who posts like johnefallis is definitely a clueless troll.

Why can we not impeach this lying buffoon NOW???

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11 hours ago, Morch said:


Change is needed. Agreed. What isn't agreed is what this means. Considering the existing divides, it seems far-fetched that an honest, agenda free understanding can be achieved. Even something not so complicated, like acknowledging Trump's flaws and incompetence is troublesome because of partisanship. I think for many of Trump's supporters (or Republican voters), the reluctance to denounce Trump stems from being aware it would not stop there, but be used by "the other side" for political gains.




You are describing what needs to be changed, not how it can be changed. I don't know that repairing the system is possible by using the same corrupt constructs and procedures one wishes to change. Tearing it apart in favor of who knows what may not be all that great too.

Spot on.  That article I posted awhile back regarding the psychology of voters was interesting.  The number of people considered FAR right or let has more than doubled in recent years.  These are the ones less likely to compromise.  IMHO, one of the big problems.


I think the politicians feel if they denounce Trump, they open Pandora's box.  Especially if they acknowledge Russian hacking.  De-legitimizes his election and opens the door for a big legal mess.  I think the supporters are still hardcore on what he campaigned for.  Especially the fact MSM is just out to get him. LOL


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11 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

Cenk and I see eye to eye, but Cenk expresses it better than I . . . . . . . 



A must watch for Trump supporters.  Especially ones who don't like MSM. LOL


Amazing stuff.  Seems it's all going to come out.  And many are going to be caught up in this.  If proven, it's going to be a disaster for the US.  Stunning.

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In One Rally, 12 Inaccurate Claims From Trump


"President Trump returned to familiar rhetorical territory during a raucous campaign-style rally in Iowa on Wednesday night, repeating exaggerations and falsehoods about health care, jobs, taxes, foreign policy and his own record."


Here’s an assessment.




FactChecking Trump’s Iowa Rally


"The 2020 presidential campaign is more than 1,200 days away, but President Donald Trump held yet another Make America Great Again rally —

this time in Cedar Rapids, Iowa."

"And, as he did in past campaign speeches, Trump spoke for a long time and reeled off numerous false and misleading claims:"



It is disgraceful that the inept one continues to lie to and dupe his most faithful.

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I was neither pro nor anti Obama.  Middle of the fence.  Here's an interesting analysis from a pretty reputable source.  It's a pretty good analysis, highlighting the good things he did as well as the bad.  I highlighted the last sentence.





In the end, a thick and noxious cloud of partisanship and pettiness cast a shadow on everything Obama did.


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In One Rally, 12 Inaccurate Claims From Trump

"President Trump returned to familiar rhetorical territory during a raucous campaign-style rally in Iowa on Wednesday night, repeating exaggerations and falsehoods about health care, jobs, taxes, foreign policy and his own record."


Here’s an assessment.




FactChecking Trump’s Iowa Rally
"The 2020 presidential campaign is more than 1,200 days away, but President Donald Trump held yet another Make America Great Again rally —
this time in Cedar Rapids, Iowa."
"And, as he did in past campaign speeches, Trump spoke for a long time and reeled off numerous false and misleading claims:"
It is disgraceful that the inept one continues to lie to and dupe his most faithful.

All the buffoon has are his lies and deceit. That the deplorables continue to buy into his idiocy is telling. They don't care that he's lying as long as he spreads their hate.
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3 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

Spot on.  That article I posted awhile back regarding the psychology of voters was interesting.  The number of people considered FAR right or let has more than doubled in recent years.  These are the ones less likely to compromise.  IMHO, one of the big problems.


I think the politicians feel if they denounce Trump, they open Pandora's box.  Especially if they acknowledge Russian hacking.  De-legitimizes his election and opens the door for a big legal mess.  I think the supporters are still hardcore on what he campaigned for.  Especially the fact MSM is just out to get him. LOL



It is a conundrum. Addressing the full implications of Trump's election, the Russian intervention, petty partisanship, identity politics, economic disparity and a host of other issues - all this would require facing to some unpleasant truths and hard choices. Some opine that this is the only way forward. They may be correct. But given the state of the nation, the ramifications of opening it all to discussion (if this was at all possible) could also lead to further divisions, fragmentation, polarity and the like.


If it comes down to a choice between an imperfect (but somehow functioning) system, and the risk that trying to overhaul it might cause it to break down - what would it be?

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Just now, mogandave said:


That's just not true, there is an easy answer.....

IMPEACH 45!!!!!!!


Understood, but that's not easy either! LOL  Though desperately needed:






Trump ends his self-made crisis where it started: Twitter

It was a surreal new twist to a presidency that has often already stretched the limits of credulity, and has challenged conventions on the decorum and gravity expected in the behavior of the person who holds the office itself.



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Getting rid of trump only treats the symptom. The antitrump panickers would do  better on trying to fix the real problems. IMHO, the current VP will continue with trump's ultra-conservative anti-obama agenda, only with better skill and more support from congress. 

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48 minutes ago, Rob13 said:

Getting rid of trump only treats the symptom. The antitrump panickers would do  better on trying to fix the real problems. IMHO, the current VP will continue with trump's ultra-conservative anti-obama agenda, only with better skill and more support from congress. 

Agreed, and I hate the idea of a President Pence.  However I am less concerned about the agenda, terrible though it is, than I am frightened of the erratic, incompetent and (apparently) mentally unstable fool who currently has the nuclear codes.

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Agreed, and I hate the idea of a President Pence.  However I am less concerned about the agenda, terrible though it is, than I am frightened of the erratic, incompetent and (apparently) mentally unstable fool who currently has the nuclear codes.

Pence will go down with Trump. At a minimum he is part of the cover-up
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52 minutes ago, heybruce said:

Agreed, and I hate the idea of a President Pence.  However I am less concerned about the agenda, terrible though it is, than I am frightened of the erratic, incompetent and (apparently) mentally unstable fool who currently has the nuclear codes.

That, and Pence (or if not him, Ryan) odious as they are to a progressive agenda, don't seem to share trump's radical and  total disdain for the norms of American democracy. trump is a wannabe dictator. Pence or Ryan are more like wannabe republican presidents. 

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