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Savage new teacher took stick to seven year old 99 times


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8 hours ago, thetruth revealer said:

you clearly seem to be a classic example how this worked .......are you even justifiyng such violence towards children ?????

...somewhat sick.....


As the saying goes "a good flogging never hurt anyone!". It's up to each person as to how they bring their kids up, there's the "don't be naughty Johnny" brigade who let their kids get a way with murder, so long as it doesn't inconvenience them, then there's the child abusers who like to flog their kids! How about trying the middle way, you know," spare the rod and spoil the child?", it's worked for millions of people who aren't frightened by the idea that their kids will hate them (if the kids can remember that is!), it's obvious that no discipline means undisciplined, the evidence abounds.....are you prepared to socially clean up your community after an undisciplined teenager wreaks havoc because "it's not fair" they have to obey rules they think are meant for other people?   :wai:

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1 hour ago, duanebigsby said:

Lumping all people   from a place into a category is what? Racist.


I didn't write all Thais, did I? But many do not, otherwise they wouldn't do such idiotic things - like hitting a child 99 times in front of witnesses. Don't belittle real racsim.

Edited by Bangkok Barry
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12 minutes ago, TPI said:

As the saying goes "a good flogging never hurt anyone!". It's up to each person as to how they bring their kids up, there's the "don't be naughty Johnny" brigade who let their kids get a way with murder, so long as it doesn't inconvenience them, then there's the child abusers who like to flog their kids! How about trying the middle way, you know," spare the rod and spoil the child?", it's worked for millions of people who aren't frightened by the idea that their kids will hate them (if the kids can remember that is!), it's obvious that no discipline means undisciplined, the evidence abounds.....are you prepared to socially clean up your community after an undisciplined teenager wreaks havoc because "it's not fair" they have to obey rules they think are meant for other people?   :wai:

Long been shown physical discipline is unnecessary.

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7 minutes ago, Bangkok Barry said:


I didn't write all Thais, did I? But many do not, otherwise they wouldn't do such idiotic things - like hitting a child 99 times in front of witnesses. Don't belittle real racsim.

When you say, "Thais always, or Thais never" you are saying ALL Thais.  You made a blanket statement indicating all Thai people. I'm not belittling racism, perhaps you are.


Edited by duanebigsby
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"A teacher - recently qualified"  

Qualified by whom and what standards. How severe of a beating she could dish out for even small infractions of the schools rules. Very sick woman. And has received nothing in the way of an apology. I thought that actions such as apologies, blood money, brief visits to monk hood, etc were way to absolves oneself of any and all sins.

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38 minutes ago, jeab1980 said:

I know for fact this woman has been found and some other justice has been given corrective adjustment shall we say. I hope she never teach again. Make me ashamed to be a thai with things like her.

What do you mean by found? 

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For those of you who are for the beating, have you considered that the teacher is breaking the law? So often people on here look down on many things Thai because of an apparent local disregard for law. In this case it's funny how suddenly a law doesn't seem to matter to some TV posters and people say stuff like,

17 minutes ago, riclag said:

I hope the kid learned his lesson

and other similar idiotic comments.
Ever think that when a child sees (and experiences) an authority figure abusing their authority might grow up to disregard/disrespect authority? It has been shown over and over again. Not always, of course, but that isn't the point. Laws are usually put in place for a good reason. And when they are broken they need to be enforced. This teacher should get some punishment fitting her crime. I don't know what the books give for the penalty for this, but I hope they give the maximum.

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22 minutes ago, TPI said:

As the saying goes "a good flogging never hurt anyone!". It's up to each person as to how they bring their kids up, there's the "don't be naughty Johnny" brigade who let their kids get a way with murder, so long as it doesn't inconvenience them, then there's the child abusers who like to flog their kids! How about trying the middle way, you know," spare the rod and spoil the child?", it's worked for millions of people who aren't frightened by the idea that their kids will hate them (if the kids can remember that is!), it's obvious that no discipline means undisciplined, the evidence abounds.....are you prepared to socially clean up your community after an undisciplined teenager wreaks havoc because "it's not fair" they have to obey rules they think are meant for other people?   :wai:

Violence isn't discipline. 


They are not the same thing. 

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This topic has brought out some people who are from a totally different world and century.You will never convince me that beating a child teaches him good manners in the future.The child grows into an insolent,sullen rebel that looks for his revenge in the public at large.The mental need for revenge on the people that beat him will remain and will be carried on down to his children and,sorry to say,his wife.A child so young really doesnt know why he is being thrashed,because there is no one to tell him why.Alcohol,bitterness and revenge are always in the heart of a child beater.They will die very unhappily,looking for closure that will always escape them.

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9 hours ago, tominbkk said:

Waiting for those old-timers of Thaivisa to come out talking about their own glory days of being whipped by the headmaster and how it did them a lot of good.


Hopefully the new teacher is punished with jail time and forever banned from a classroom.  


Maybe she can find a job as a dominatrix somewhere. 

What you and your ILK seem to forget that there is a HUGE difference in getting a couple of whacks of a cane on the hands or maybe 6 on your arse! Canings were usually done to kids that were of an age where they understood the fuXXed Up, I never ever recall any situations in the UK where a teacher would BEAT a 7 year old on his ass and back to the point that they were bleeding!


Back in the 40's, my mother had a teacher stick a pencil into her eardrum!


What I am saying is that in general a whack with a cane did no one any harm, you learned a lesson, but beating a 7 year old with 99 whips of a stick? Seriously, I would find that bitch and cut her throat! She would never do that to any kid again, she is a piece of scum!

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^ Young Bank came into my class one day with a bag of dripping ice. He sat down the back which was unusual as he always sat up front, second row far left.  No matter for me but I did say he needed to leave the ice outside. Dutifully he did so, but a bit teary. 


Class collected and there was strange chatter, a cohesive banter about something, going on. It was a good class and Bank their best student, so i enquired what was up/. Turns out Bank was caned for not coming to school the day before. He told the young female teacher his story, [the song teaw did not come] so she beat the living shit out of him for lying. He was not lying as the road had been flooded and the song teaw could not get through. That was why he  had the ice bag on his hands. Ten years old mind you. 


I walked outside, got his ice bag gave it back to him, stuck the textbook down my pants and let all the kids have a crack. Sure, some nihilistic recompense for that moment but put some levity back into what was taken from them collectively, not just Bank, but all their dignity, . Next morning I went down to that line dispensing rough justice, said i was late and forced same lady to issue same punishment to me publically. School went nuts, chaos and she never did it again. 


Moral. Ego is a strange combatant,  Thai teachers do not have evolving teaching pedagogies, my MEd was of no use in this situation, listening to young people garners trust and trust cancels lies, perception of being known /face/ is a horrible cancer and ridicule its best cure.. could go on but point is that teacher was just a very limited person herself and did not really know what she was doing.


Thai teaching academies will never breach the kind of developmental progression needed to kill such methods inside one generation. Thais do not have 'reflection' as a professional development teaching tool. 

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  Even when people say that the spirit lives in a human's head, my colleague taught me how to hate her a lot when she hit grade two kids on their back of their heads with full power that you could hear the impact in the next room, closed with a sliding door.


The old and unsatisfied woman went through huge problems with her 77-year-old foreign husband and she thought he'd have a younger chick somewhere just because this guy's friend made a joke.


   I was on my way to stop her when someone else came into the classroom. I couldn't watch that anymore and drove home 2 hours earlier. And some Thais might think that foreigners can't control little students.


If there's a hell, I hope that she'll be there forever, but as an atheist, I'd rather tell her the truth. One foot is already out of the door anyway. So there's nothing to lose.


  And she hit all who wrote an incorrect answer on a test paper, that was only the preparation for the real test. Grade two kids are in no way able to defend themselves.


Thainess in the purest form. And now she hates me because the kids really love me a lot.


     What's wrong with these old witches? I should have a chat with the boss even when I know that it won't change anything. 


        The farang is now back in Europe has serious cancer and must live in a camper from what I've heard.


         What would you do if you were me? Can you just ignore such things? 





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19 minutes ago, jeab1980 said:

If you read my post its  Obvious what it means. 

If it was obvious why would I ask?


Are you saying some one has assaulted this teacher?


If so I hope those responsible are arrested and prosecuted for doing so.


They are no better than she is, if what you claim is true.

Edited by Bluespunk
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The bigger story is the denizens of this board who have made excuses for the pathetic bully.  They arrest people here for gambling.  They put citizens in prison for selling drugs.  Why is this CRIME any different?  You miserable trolls who think it's ok to ASSAULT a child, shouldn't have children.  



Edited by TonyClifton
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4 hours ago, itsuptome said:

The punishment should fit the crime. All the boy did was leave the classroom without permission.


I reckon what this teacher did was far worse. Perhaps the boy's father should make an unannounced visit to her teacher's classroom with a stick of his own. Start counting and see if he can get up to 99 without the staff intervening as well.



And let's remember the little kid is just 7 years old and still working out the rules / why we have rules / is the rule applicable to every small few steps outside, etc. 


Further, the story says the teacher is new, why wasn't her 'attitude' noticed earlier during her teacher education and/or during school work experience?


In SIngapore (and other countries) trainee teachers are watched and monitored closely, and this tragic event shows exactly why! 

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10 hours ago, tominbkk said:

Waiting for those old-timers of Thaivisa to come out talking about their own glory days of being whipped by the headmaster and how it did them a lot of good.


Hopefully the new teacher is punished with jail time and forever banned from a classroom.  


Maybe she can find a job of the stick a dominatrix somewhere. 

She needs to feel the sting of the stick 100 times....



Edited by 6thST
skipped a word made a correction.
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6 hours ago, Maggusoil said:


That's a crime. Its criminal. Its intention to do bodily harm. Its a defenseless child. I'd give her at least two years and 10,000 blood money. That would put other teachers off pretty quickly.


Make it at least 100,000 and in cash.


Then take her to court and jail her plus a lifetime ban of working with children anywhere.

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5 hours ago, dinsdale said:

Even student teachers walk around with sticks in their hands. Kids are constantly wacked at my school. Usually the same ones. So what purpose does it serve? As for this one, she's a nutter. This is GBH and should be dealt with as such. A criminal act.


I spoke to my 12 year old son about this tonight when he came home from school. I asked him if children got beaten at his school in Khampaeng Phet.


He told me that they didn't and I believe him.


Not every school in Thailand beats children.

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3 minutes ago, billd766 said:


I spoke to my 12 year old son about this tonight when he came home from school. I asked him if children got beaten at his school in Khampaeng Phet.


He told me that they didn't and I believe him.


Not every school in Thailand beats children.

I'm not saying they beat kids as this teacher did. And yes, not all teachers hit students. Sometimes it's only a small tap that's no meant to hurt but i have seen some teachers give a real wack that can be heard at quite some distance. There's also a viciousness that's quite disturbing.  

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