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Police harassing tourists on Koh Phangan: piss tests, dogs searching through things

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17 minutes ago, impulse said:


Slippery slope you're on there.  What privacy (or other human right) do you figure they're going to violate next- that you'll be fine with?

Why is it a violation to test for illegal substances in your body what rights are being violated?. The law like it or not is the law drugs are against the law live with it and you need to stop whinning about human rights violations which in the case of drug testing is not a violation

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      A big joke, as most people are attracted to Ko Panghan because of the availability of all sorts of drugs.


          Just another farang friendly move to finally make it happen that they also lose backpackers on this island?


   They made it happen that a lot of NES teachers left who spent all money in Thailand, without sending it to mom.


Most are now replaced by guys who do not even speak a good English, not even mentioning the written skills now. 


    They made it happen that many people don't come back because of their visa changes.


          And when they receive their wake-up call it might be too late to get these people back.


Enough is enough. The joke is that they never get rid of the real gangsters in uniform.     


   And it's not a secret that the whole drug business on all islands is run by them. Carnival in Thailand. 



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15 minutes ago, lostinisaan said:


      A big joke, as most people are attracted to Ko Panghan because of the availability of all sorts of drugs.


          Just another farang friendly move to finally make it happen that they also lose backpackers on this island?


   They made it happen that a lot of NES teachers left who spent all money in Thailand, without sending it to mom.


Most are now replaced by guys who do not even speak a good English, not even mentioning the written skills now. 


    They made it happen that many people don't come back because of their visa changes.


          And when they receive their wake-up call it might be too late to get these people back.


Enough is enough. The joke is that they never get rid of the real gangsters in uniform.     


   And it's not a secret that the whole drug business on all islands is run by them. Carnival in Thailand. 



5555 nice pointless rant

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12 hours ago, Goingmad said:

Yes, all the cops in Thailand Carry a Case of Meth Positive piss bottles !

Just as likely as tourists carrying negative piss samples other than in their bladder?

It does come across a bit 3rd world to ask for random samples. Raids on a party or late night venue operating illegally is fair enough, or perhaps a full moon party would be more fruitful.

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10 hours ago, whitemouse said:



Thanks for heads up!

Random urine tests for foreigners is outrageous, mainly because the possibility of abuse while testing. But notice how many here are cheering for it, unreal! I suspect the reason behind their support for police actions is simple - most are over 70, never leave the house and since these tests  do not affect them directly.  People often aplaude the misery of others, very common here at TVF.  

But when possible changes to Retirement Visa come up in News forum there are 700 pages of them freaking out. 


Again, thank you posting, this is important for travelers to know!

What the 2 or 3 % of real travelling people who read this?

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Thanks for heads up!
Random urine tests for foreigners is outrageous, mainly because the possibility of abuse while testing. But notice how many here are cheering for it, unreal! I suspect the reason behind their support for police actions is simple - most are over 70, never leave the house and since these tests  do not affect them directly.  People often aplaude the misery of others, very common here at TVF.  
But when possible changes to Retirement Visa come up in News forum there are 700 pages of them freaking out. 
Again, thank you posting, this is important for travelers to know!

I am as judgemental as the next guy. I am also 43 and have no life.... However I'll always stick to the fact that I was well aware of coming to a developing country and I'll act accordingly which includes all the 3rd world injustice that may come my way.

Sorry, but you just sound like a whiny kid. You came here for cheap drugs and cheap women, but except no consequences for your actions? At least with drugs there is a fair warning....Don't use them. I don't buy bs of hanging around people who smoke it and somehow it stays in your system as many marijuana websites claim that this is simply not true. Just a snowflake victim excuse.

BTW, when I was here more than 10 years ago visiting with my dear farang gf, there was this smelly kid with dreadlocks smoking pot in songtaew that we all took. At that time I did nothing, I was just extremely pissed off that I was in the same company with this dirtbag who had no regards for fellow passengers in the vehicle as he could get us all in trouble. These days, however, I'd probably throw him out of a moving vehicle.

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7 minutes ago, samuijimmy said:

My guess would be this is probably only happening in Haad Rin and perhaps Thongsala / Ban Tai bar strip... and not in the other parts of KP where I've never come across tourists being checked for anything... The whole island is not full of "pot heads" ...



  It all depends on how you present it. What about a couple of high people :stoner: with a very high social standard who smoke, but do not inhale Cannabis sativa,  and are surrounded by highly influent people who run a whole country.


The words  "pot -head" must be used by people with a very low IQ who are good friends with Johnny Walker and Jim Beam.


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5 hours ago, jacko45k said:

Just as likely as tourists carrying negative piss samples other than in their bladder?

It does come across a bit 3rd world to ask for random samples. Raids on a party or late night venue operating illegally is fair enough, or perhaps a full moon party would be more fruitful.

Enjoy it, Maybe better taste with ice.

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11 hours ago, PoorSucker said:

OMG, They even have alcohol breath test on Samui now, friend of mine Samui resident for 18 years had show his driving licence.



Get real,  hippy days are  over.

Thailand wants to be a family destination now.



Several troll post by mainlanders removed..

"post by mainlanders removed" :tongue:

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17 hours ago, ethaniel said:

The only suspicion they have on Koh Phangan is the amount of money they could make on bribes.


Do you really think that that is the only suspicion the police could have in that location?  Get real.

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4 hours ago, lostinisaan said:


  It all depends on how you present it. What about a couple of high people :stoner: with a very high social standard who smoke, but do not inhale Cannabis sativa,  and are surrounded by highly influent people who run a whole country.


The words  "pot -head" must be used by people with a very low IQ who are good friends with Johnny Walker and Jim Beam.

"...a couple of high people..." and "surrounded by highly influent people" and you have the brass neck to try (but fail, very successfully) to denigrate users of the term "pot head".

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On 12/30/2016 at 8:37 AM, theguyfromanotherforum said:


I am as judgemental as the next guy. I am also 43 and have no life.... However I'll always stick to the fact that I was well aware of coming to a developing country and I'll act accordingly which includes all the 3rd world injustice that may come my way.

Sorry, but you just sound like a whiny kid. You came here for cheap drugs and cheap women, but except no consequences for your actions? At least with drugs there is a fair warning....Don't use them. I don't buy bs of hanging around people who smoke it and somehow it stays in your system as many marijuana websites claim that this is simply not true. Just a snowflake victim excuse.





I don't like women, and I don't use any drugs. Try again!

Edited by metisdead
Please do not modify someone else's post in your quoted reply, either with font or color changes.
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2 hours ago, michemiche said:

Totally wrong....
Nothing like that happen at all in real.
Cops make sometimes random check at a few point.
Just have to stop, they look in your bag, your pocket, your motorbike and that's all.
All very polite and friendly, in my case.
I live in Koh Pha Ngan since 12 years , and this have allways exist.
No worry about it.
So, ethaniel

I dont know where you get these"numerous reports from people living on Koh Phangan", but for me its just totally stupid to make a post like this.


Are you on Koh Phangan right now?

Perhaps you don't go out a lot at night time.


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On 12/29/2016 at 4:56 AM, Goingmad said:

Did he keep the case of tainted Piss bottles under his hat ?

Come on, get real, please.

Have a great day.


Up to you if you wish to deny reality. The event happened at the station, so was easily orchestrated. Hope it never happens to you.

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