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Newbie Stupid question: Are the locals friendly?

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As the title said and I will apologize now for stupidness of the question but I got to ask: Are the locals friendly? Friendly not like  the way to sale you stuff or try to trick you to doing something stupid, but genuinely want to insure you have a safe and happy time?  I know, the best answer is to come here any look for myself but I don't appreicate the advance warning if there is any.

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No one can insure that you have a safe and happy time.

Similarly, it is not the locals responsibility to ensure the same

It's probably safe to say that very few people, who you have never met before, actively wish you harm in any way.


Short answer is Yes. Basically friendly and nice people. You can find bad people anywhere if you look hard enough or do stupid things. There are a few Thais that have had bad experiences with westerners and have grown to dislike them. Alternatively there are westerners that will have you believe the revolution is coming any day now and we will all be in trouble.


A lot like mirrors, they're about as friendly to me as I am to them.


Some days, I don't like what I see in the mirror, but that's generally my bad.

23 minutes ago, what2do said:

Thanks all. How about business wise? Any problem with dishonest merchants and what not?


You're right OP, your thread question is a stupid one.  But seriously, if you treat people with dignity and respect, you'll most likely get the same in return.  Same in your homeland, no?


As for merchants, ask yourself this:  If a tourist who you will never see again is willing/happy to pay you 200 bt for your product, why would you charge them 150? 


Thais are not different from the average human being. It's kind of pointless to make any generalization like they are nice or not IMO.

There are nice people, there are nasty a*holes, there are honest and trustable people, there are thieves and criminals. Like in any country.

The only point is that as a foreigner, presumably with more money than the average Thai citizen and as a newbie, you are much more likely to be targeted by the bad guys (to reuse an expression "à la mode")

28 minutes ago, what2do said:

Thanks all. How about business wise? Any problem with dishonest merchants and what not?


Its all about making money. You need to remember Thailand has no pensions, wefare etc, people need to eat. Lots of creative ways to have you part with your money. Normal practices like asking how much something is before buying, checking the bill, pay as you go etc, you wont have problems. Bill padding and higher price for westerners will happen, actual theft is not common.



1 hour ago, what2do said:

As the title said and I will apologize now for stupidness of the question but I got to ask: Are the locals friendly? Friendly not like  the way to sale you stuff or try to trick you to doing something stupid, but genuinely want to insure you have a safe and happy time?  I know, the best answer is to come here any look for myself but I don't appreicate the advance warning if there is any.


I have no idea what "friendly" means here. What I would say, based on nearly 40 years' experience, is never trust anyone in Thailand regardless of skin colour or nationality. As long as you bear that in mind you can have loads of friends here without needing to worry too much.


If you respect them , they'll respect you.  Follow the simple rules and people will remain friendly. But don't expect them to pay for your meal , you're always a rich foreigner in their eyes.




Is there perception that it is okay to cheat? Here in China where you go to restaurant and order 1 kg fish it's probably 700 gram. Is it like that in Thailand?


Sure, you can easily get ripped off and there are some real bad eggs, but I have never experienced such generosity of spirit when in need (broken down etc). Not the doey-eyed, just off the plane type; have spent serious time here and well travelled.


Certainly be respectful at all times, but don't be a target either. Be sure of yourself and look like you know where you're at.


As far as cheating is concerned, well, law enforcement in these domains is almost nil (at least not until someone sues) so yes, there is ample room for cheating in shops, restaurants etc. One has to be much more careful when buying than e.g. in western Europe.

Large businesses, chain stores etc. usually don't play that kind of game (stress on usually) but smaller ones, well, they do. Faked or very low quality goods are common.


"....genuinely want to insure you have a safe and happy time? "  .................No! Thais do not know the meaning of the word 'Safety'. Nor is your happiness any concern of theirs beyond providing what you pay for. I actually think that they are, on the whole, a very self-centred and selfish people. They dont give a damn about you! The flip side of this, which I really like,  is that, on the whole, they just ignore you and, as long as it doesnt interfere with them, they just  leave you alone to do your own thing.


...........But it is a joy sometimes to meet the exceptions that prove the rule.


Business wise , i would say the only thing straight about them is their hair!

Thais dont even trust Thais.



The following is a great story about finding what you seek.

A traveler came upon an old farmer hoeing in his field beside the road. Eager to rest his feet, the wanderer hailed the countryman, who seemed happy enough to straighten his back and talk for a moment.
“What sort of people live in the next town?” asked the stranger.
“What were the people like where you’ve come from?” replied the farmer, answering the question with another question.
“They were a bad lot. Troublemakers all, and lazy too. The most selfish people in the world, and not a one of them to be trusted. I’m happy to be leaving the scoundrels.”
“Is that so?” replied the old farmer. “Well, I’m afraid that you’ll find the same sort in the next town.
Disappointed, the traveler trudged on his way, and the farmer returned to his work.
Some time later another stranger, coming from the same direction, hailed the farmer, and they stopped to talk. “What sort of people live in the next town?” he asked.
“What were the people like where you’ve come from?” replied the farmer once again.
“They were the best people in the world. Hard working, honest, and friendly. I’m sorry to be leaving them.”
“Fear not,” said the farmer. “You’ll find the same sort in the next town.”


Imho option the last few years I've noticed a changing in attitudes and Thais are getting a bit territorial and don't like you in there bars ogling there women and sitting there nursing a bottle of chang why the Thai table is on the 2nd bottle of Sam song.

2 hours ago, what2do said:

Is there perception that it is okay to cheat? Here in China where you go to restaurant and order 1 kg fish it's probably 700 gram. Is it like that in Thailand?


I would say only a very small percentage... people are mostly friendly by nature - the further you get from the busy cities, the friendlier they tend to be... but that might be everywhere too... 


"the local" is friendly. "many locals" are friendly. "some locals" are not (at all!).


IMO most thai people i deal with/encounter are HIGHLY tolerant people. but i'm not in tourist-ruined-thailand. where i live/reside if i have a problem, even in the sticks where people are very "basic" i have been helped / fed / assisted / etc when i needed it!


but, i speak enough thai to smooth things. if u don't speak thai MANY thai people not capable speaking english, will ignore u or react "cold" (ie. saving their face).

3 hours ago, what2do said:

Is there perception that it is okay to cheat? Here in China where you go to restaurant and order 1 kg fish it's probably 700 gram. Is it like that in Thailand?


I can honestly say that I've never taken a scale into a restaurant to weigh the fish that I ordered. 

7 hours ago, Berkshire said:


You're right OP, your thread question is a stupid one.  But seriously, if you treat people with dignity and respect, you'll most likely get the same in return.  Same in your homeland, no?


As for merchants, ask yourself this:  If a tourist who you will never see again is willing/happy to pay you 200 bt for your product, why would you charge them 150? 


Integrity, honesty, probity, take your pick of words, better than trying to defend the indefensible. So overcharging is treating with dignity and respect is it?  The Ops question is reasonable but i have seen a stupid reply.

10 hours ago, what2do said:

Is there perception that it is okay to cheat? Here in China where you go to restaurant and order 1 kg fish it's probably 700 gram. Is it like that in Thailand?


Stealing, lying and cheating seem to attract little or no serious penalty in Thailand, even when someone is caught red-handed, so I would say that there is not much pressure on people not to cheat.

Is there perception that it is okay to cheat? Here in China where you go to restaurant and order 1 kg fish it's probably 700 gram. Is it like that in Thailand?

No problem here, Thais catch their fish at exactly one kilogram weight.
14 hours ago, what2do said:

As the title said and I will apologize now for stupidness of the question but I got to ask: Are the locals friendly? Friendly not like  the way to sale you stuff or try to trick you to doing something stupid, but genuinely want to insure you have a safe and happy time?  I know, the best answer is to come here any look for myself but I don't appreicate the advance warning if there is any.

Are the locals friendly to strangers in your home country? In mine, some are, some aren't, depends on where you are, who they are, who you are perceived to be. Same here.

11 hours ago, what2do said:

Is there perception that it is okay to cheat? Here in China where you go to restaurant and order 1 kg fish it's probably 700 gram. Is it like that in Thailand?


Most places that sell by weight have the scale visible to the customer.


Yesterday I bought tangerines at the market, I needed a kilo, but the vendor was on his phone, so he left it to me to pick and weigh my fruits, and that was after I tasted one of them, to ensure it was sweet.


In general I find people here friendly, to the extent that strangers may offer you to join them for lunch, but as others have said, it depends on the circles you travel and how you act.


That said, China is really the exception, it’s the only country where I have felt people were outright hostile toward me, and many I have spoken to have had a similar experience travelling  in China, so I don’t think it was just me.


Of course there were exceptions, and just yesterday in Bangkok, a Chinese woman on her way back to Chengdu noticed my suitcase and me looking around for the proper MRT exit (for the airport rail link) so she promptly told me it was exit 1, and we had a nice chat on the way to the airport.


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