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Why aren’t Thai drivers getting the message?


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Why aren’t Thai drivers getting the message?
By The Nation


We need to slow down public transport and make sure the drivers are well rested


The fatal road crash in Chon Buri on Monday, which left 25 people dead and two other people injured, added dramatically to the statistics of vehicular accidents during the “seven dangerous days” of the long New Year holiday.


A passenger van heading to Bangkok crashed head-on with a pickup truck also full of passengers. The van’s driver is believed to have fallen asleep at the wheel. The speeding vehicle ploughed into the ditch separating the highway lanes, emerged into oncoming traffic and rammed into the pickup. Both vehicles caught fire on impact.


Many of the victims were young adults with promising futures ahead of them, including a second-year medical student and a medical-science researcher at Chulalongkorn University. Dr Suttipong Wacharasindhu, dean of the school’s Faculty of Medicine, described their deaths as a “great loss”. “We do not want to see a tragedy like this happen to any family. It’s a loss of valuable human resources,” he said.


Full story: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/news/opinion/today_editorial/30303450

-- © Copyright The Nation 2017-01-05
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The problem is that there are greedy transport-business operators who force their drivers to work long hours to earn a decent living, denying them sufficient rest.

This is the situation I expected.

Not a big surprise.


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Its not that thais dont know. 

From social media to talking with the person on the street, everyone knows about the need to drive safely.

But the moment some of these guys get behind the wheels, a different person comes out. 

Its not just the uneducated or van drivers, the behaviour of rich kids behind their mercedes benz and minis are also horrendous.

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a big problem is that you cant say to someone that their driving is bad (to their face) creating loss of face and some drivers will kill anyone who complains no matter how bad they are . a lack of proper on the road driver training is also to blame so most drivers don't know nor understand what they should be doing behind the wheel of a car or on their motor bike .

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1 minute ago, MaxLee said:


Irreparable brain damage and elimination of any human dignity and common sense via propaganda from a very young age.

Their brains are 


10 minutes ago, Moonmoon said:

Its not that thais dont know. 

From social media to talking with the person on the street, everyone knows about the need to drive safely.

But the moment some of these guys get behind the wheels, a different person comes out. 

Its not just the uneducated or van drivers, the behaviour of rich kids behind their mercedes benz and minis are also horrendous.

Their brains are not wired to learn about safety, traffic, danger, whatever.

We are invincible, we can not die!

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A combination of lack of proper training, the need to retain face linked to immaturity and an inflated ego (in some mostly male cases) a belief in karma and a total lack or even pretence at enforcing traffic laws have combined to cause a perfect storm.

The first and last of the causes I have listed could be relatively simply addressed if the will was there.

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I'm sure it had nothing to do with nobody mainting the laws...The police was right on the road, couldn't be closer and there were like 10 policemen in each tent....nope that sure can't be the issue, even the big General said they did a good job so it must be something else.



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20 minutes ago, hansnl said:

Their brains are 


Their brains are not wired to learn about safety, traffic, danger, whatever.

We are invincible, we can not die!


Yes and purchase many lucky amulets to compensate for inexperience

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The government is the mother and father. They are just not doing their job. You need to start with the basics and from a young age. The parents must play their part in supporting a complete change in attitude. I've come to the conclusion that there is no awareness here. I'll jump on the motorbike without a helmet. I'll go the wrong way up a road. I'll turn right on the right side of the road, no problem .. Thai drivers are very forgiving when you make a mistake.
Change will happen, but not in my lifetime.

Sent from my i-mobile_i-STYLE_219 using Thaivisa Connect mobile app

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I keep reading topics about the problems of a lack of education,training and retraining, health and safety.all this blah blah blah ain't going to happen,this is Thailand and any of the above is just pi55ing into the wind.i think we should just try to live with it as we ain't going to change it.this is a 3rd world country and will be for the foreseeable future.

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Because Thais live in a different world than us; a world filled with ghosts and karma. All accidents aren't caused by speeding, or carelessness, but, by fate, a fate that cannot be escaped from. Therefore if their time to die has come, then no action will change that.

There is no thought of consequences or, cause and effect. This is the mentality you are up against.

The only way to change a mentality that has been drummed into them from birth is to affect the one thing that supersedes all belief. Money.

Hit them in the pocket and actions will change. This will never happen as it's not "fair" and the very people that are supposed to enforce the law act exactly the same as the law breakers.

Edited by KarenBravo
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1 minute ago, Thaiwrath said:

Never heard of the Amulet that saves them ?

I've got some for sale,I got them from the bloke who runs the local morgue.he said they've had one careful owner.20,000 b each be quick ive only got 500 left but should have another batch next week but some might have a little fire damage.

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1 hour ago, Reigntax said:

Thick as a brick. Maybe?


46 minutes ago, hansnl said:

Their brains are 


Their brains are not wired to learn about safety, traffic, danger, whatever.

We are invincible, we can not die!

I gave you a like. I like part of your answer as I can think back to the time when I thought I was invincible. Throw in a few drinks and a testosterone boost and I was good to go bad. I also accept partially the brain wiring part. But one learns so much watching their maker and if he is a bad example another bad example is born and breeds the idea thereafter. I have yet to read about safe driving courses in schools or see cars around with the sign on top reading "Student Driver" It seems that basic training is lacking. Some basic training was also required to drive an oxcart but the step up to cars seems to have been short circuited. 

Edited by elgordo38
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Ban tinted windows on new car purchases and remove all film from cars within 30 days or face 5000 baht spot fines.


Once they are clearly visible, eyeball to eyeball and no longer a faceless part of an anonymous speeding car, they'll finally get the message.

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2 minutes ago, Luckysilk said:

I don't trust any Thai when it comes to wheels, it's their submissive conditioning and hence the madness when they get their freedom and wheels.


Ever seen those mad women at Lotus with a trolley ?

OK, that's a different issue from speeding and cutting into traffic. That's more related to their inability to park or, as a sage member of these hallowed pages observed last year, "Thai drivers don't park, they just stop driving."

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