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Law on Smoking in Restaurants


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20 minutes ago, ujayujay said:

Sad,but  a Friends Dad is 96Years now and smoke every single Day one or two  Cigars sience he was 22. Hes healthy and mobile.

He might be healthy, but what about the people who has had the displeasure of breathing his exhaust smoke?

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18 minutes ago, georgemandm said:

Why not I come and go to thailand so because I not live full time dose that mean I can't have a say .

why do you read what I say and why reply to my  comments . 

It is a free forum and a free world you are not my maker or my boss .


So you come to Thailand as well as hangout in a Thai forum?



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1 minute ago, thedemon said:


So you come to Thailand as well as hangout in a Thai forum?



Some people just can't cut it in Thailand and then have to tell everyone how happy they are to be back but meanwhile keep posting on the Thaiforum because they miss Thailand so much. Not saying that is the case but seen it before.

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4 minutes ago, robblok said:

Some people just can't cut it in Thailand and then have to tell everyone how happy they are to be back but meanwhile keep posting on the Thaiforum because they miss Thailand so much. Not saying that is the case but seen it before.

It is like a old news paper in my country called tell the truth use to like reading it , now I read this forum and makes me laugh about the bs in thailand and like it , it is fun to read .

me , I not get  serious at all but lots on here get up set about things . 

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41 minutes ago, ujayujay said:

Sad,but  a Friends Dad is 96Years now and smoke every single Day one or two  Cigars sience he was 22. Hes healthy and mobile.


Good for him.  Doesn't make it acceptable for him to subject us to his second-hand smoke any more than anyone else.

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As is always the case here, it is all about enforcement. Or lack thereof. While I lived on Samui, there was zero enforcement. I would walk into a restaurant, and ask where is the no smoking section. And they would reply "no problem sir, you can smoke anywhere". There were only two restaurants that enforced the law, and I was a big sponsor of both of them. It is a heinous thing, for a non smoking diner, to have to endure the toxic second hand smoke, from someone who does not have the decency to take a break, for an hour, from this filthy, disgusting habit, that according to some of us, betrays an incredible lack of personal discipline, hygiene, and self respect. Why would a self respect soul want to pollute their body in this manner? 


I usually look for an indoor table, as far away from other diners, as possible, and always check the tables of other patrons I plan to sit next to, to see if there are any cancer stick packs on the table. 



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35 minutes ago, alocacoc said:

I think there is too much hysteria about smokers. In the 60's everyone smoked everywhere. Then propaganda starts against smoking. However, where is an ashtray, I smoke. Smoking doesn't kill instantly. And the passive smokers should be grateful, since they smoke for free while we pay their taxes.


I assume that was meant in jest? Hard to tell. It is probably pretty hard for a smoker, to fathom how incredibly obnoxious it is, for a non smoker to be within their vicinity, while they are smoking. I try to sit or stand as far away as possible from the toxic emissions. And always look for a place upwind of them. Some of my friends who have quit smoking, later tell me they had no idea how horrendous second hand smoke was. 


In the 60's a large percent of the population was ignorant about smoking. The tobacco industry suckered the population, including the medical industry, into this scam of believing it was safe. Now we know better. Any fool who thinks tobacco does not harm his body is overlooking alot of easily available information. Whether or not it kills you, depends on the individual. Personally, I lost my mother, father, and grandfather to cancer, caused by tobacco. I have an ax to grind. 

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5 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

As is always the case here, it is all about enforcement. Or lack thereof. While I lived on Samui, there was zero enforcement. I would walk into a restaurant, and ask where is the no smoking section. And they would reply "no problem sir, you can smoke anywhere". There were only two restaurants that enforced the law, and I was a big sponsor of both of them. It is a heinous thing, for a non smoking diner, to have to endure the toxic second hand smoke, from someone who does not have the decency to take a break, for an hour, from this filthy, disgusting habit, that according to some of us, betrays an incredible lack of personal discipline, hygiene, and self respect. Why would a self respect soul want to pollute their body in this manner? 


I usually look for an indoor table, as far away from other diners, as possible, and always check the tables of other patrons I plan to sit next to, to see if there are any cancer stick packs on the table. 



Hahaha , I did laugh well put go on you .

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2 hours ago, smotherb said:

Do you really think tobacco smoke displeasure is faked?

Unfortunately I do believe here some people do a fake cough to voice there displeasure but I just ignore it. I never smoke and drink simultaneously unless I'm outside away from all. I smoke on the side of the road where cars pump out fumes. I take away the social aspect and get my hit and return to restaurant. Wash my hands and a mint too. I have been in a car park 30 metres from nearest person and person faked that cough cough pointing at me speaking to her daughter maybe. I put it down to having nothing better to say or do but yes I have witnessed it. I try to be as considerate as possibble but like anything you cannot please everyone.

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3 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:


I assume that was meant in jest? Hard to tell. It is probably pretty hard for a smoker, to fathom how incredibly obnoxious it is, for a non smoker to be within their vicinity, while they are smoking. I try to sit or stand as far away as possible from the toxic emissions. And always look for a place upwind of them. Some of my friends who have quit smoking, later tell me they had no idea how horrendous second hand smoke was. 


In the 60's a large percent of the population was ignorant about smoking. The tobacco industry suckered the population, including the medical industry, into this scam of believing it was safe. Now we know better. Any fool who thinks tobacco does not harm his body is overlooking alot of easily available information. Whether or not it kills you, depends on the individual. Personally, I lost my mother, father, and grandfather to cancer, caused by tobacco. I have an ax to grind. 

I agree with you 1 million % can't stand it at all .

home now will be back in thailand soon and the one thing I can't stand is the smokers and the s??? Driving. 

Yes in the 1960 we were told it was ok to smoke,  but now there is no  excuse for some one to smoke those  dirty filthy things . 

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Fortunately there are plenty of indoor restaurants that simply ban all smoking inside. I don't see why the antismoking mafia can't just use those and stop their moaning, but I guess that moaning is part of the daily life of the retired expat.



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22 minutes ago, opalred said:

i look at it this way 

you smoke and blow smoke residue  over me 

i drink beer i piss waste   over you 


Very good, another one, draw the smokers attention, then pull a big snotter out your nose and show him it while he is eating. :bah:

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1 minute ago, elgenon said:

I think there must be an exception in the law for Japanese and Koreans in Go-Gos. Read it again! : )


I think there is an exception where there is money to be made.

Try Ho Chi Minh. It's hard to find anywhere where there is someone not smoking!



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6 minutes ago, Chicog said:


You obviously don't know the difference between "frequent poster" and "keyboard warrior".

I'm guessing you're another whinging Thailand coffin dodger.

Haha boy some of you blokes make me laugh. 

What the f??? Is a coffin dodger have no idea .

Mr key board warrior . 

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1 hour ago, ujayujay said:

Sad,but  a Friends Dad is 96Years now and smoke every single Day one or two  Cigars sience he was 22. Hes healthy and mobile.

Well I can only add I have been a smoker all my life and I gave up a year ago

not because of health reasons but financial my grand father died at the ripe old

age of 111 years he smoked like a chimney and drank like a fish if you are  an aussie

you will know Pauline Hanson and what she used to say "Explain please " 

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10 minutes ago, Chicog said:

Fortunately there are plenty of indoor restaurants that simply ban all smoking inside. I don't see why the antismoking mafia can't just use those and stop their moaning, but I guess that moaning is part of the daily life of the retired expat.



I am one of your so called anti smoking mafia and I think smoking should be banned everywhere.

have you walk past one of those so called smoking   Areas out side it is a f????? Joke . 

Yes moaning right , but if people did not smoke around food and bars and everywhere we would not  moan would we .

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If the "anti smoking mafia" guys don't want eat in restaurants where others smoking, why they go? Go to McDonald's or KFC, Burger King. Is smoking free there. Or, cooking in your condo/house.


Since we know that the law enforcement is lax in Thailand, may be the "anti smoking mafia" should look for another destination. Singapore should be safe. Or Luxembourg. But please stop whining. mimimi

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30 minutes ago, Rc2702 said:

Unfortunately I do believe here some people do a fake cough to voice there displeasure but I just ignore it. I never smoke and drink simultaneously unless I'm outside away from all. I smoke on the side of the road where cars pump out fumes. I take away the social aspect and get my hit and return to restaurant. Wash my hands and a mint too. I have been in a car park 30 metres from nearest person and person faked that cough cough pointing at me speaking to her daughter maybe. I put it down to having nothing better to say or do but yes I have witnessed it. I try to be as considerate as possibble but like anything you cannot please everyone.



You sound like you are not only very respectful, but very considerate. Thanks for that. There is nothing wrong with a smoker enjoying a cigarette outside. It does appear that some societies are taking themselves a bit seriously by not allowing smoking in outdoor spaces. Not sure I agree with that. What we are really discussing here is smoking within a restaurant space, where people are trying to eat. That is a bit much, in my opinion. 

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3 minutes ago, alocacoc said:

If the "anti smoking mafia" guys don't want eat in restaurants where others smoking, why they go? Go to McDonald's or KFC, Burger King. Is smoking free there. Or, cooking in your condo/house.


Since we know that the law enforcement is lax in Thailand, may be the "anti smoking mafia" should look for another destination. Singapore should be safe. Or Luxembourg. But please stop whining. mimimi



Anti smoking mafia? I think you do not understand the definition of a mafia. You just do not get how uncomfortable it is to breathe in smoke, in a restaurant, when we are trying to eat. So, in order to please you, we should all avoid any restaurant that allows smokers, which is the majority of restaurants in this country? Who are you? Where does an idea like this come from? Whining? About breathing in toxic smoke while dining? Get a life, please.

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4 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:


 Who are you? Where does an idea like this come from? Whining? About breathing in toxic smoke while dining? Get a life, please.


Nah, the situation is well known. So, if you suffer from smoke, while you visit such a restaurant? The only way to avoid it is to go to another place. I don't see any other options.

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There are some restaurants where you can just smoke, i won't name them here but i like to go there.


I also don't know how it works but i think smokers also deserve a place with chairs at least. Just some corner somewhere outside with an ashtray/chairs will do.

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35 minutes ago, alocacoc said:

If the "anti smoking mafia" guys don't want eat in restaurants where others smoking, why they go? Go to McDonald's or KFC, Burger King. Is smoking free there. Or, cooking in your condo/house.


Since we know that the law enforcement is lax in Thailand, may be the "anti smoking mafia" should look for another destination. Singapore should be safe. Or Luxembourg. But please stop whining. mimimi

Did smoking make you an intellect?

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When i go out for a meal and i see people smoking inside i will not go in,plenty of other choices.

If i have ordered already and start eating and some one lights up i will ask them to stop smoking.

I am not looking for a fight but it is my good right to have a smokeless meal in an area where smoking is not allowed(by law)

The last time i asked someone to stop smoking his response was ,but they gave me an ashtray!

Other people also told him he should not be smoking,he got up and left.


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