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Trump accuses U.S. spy agencies of Nazi practices over 'phony' Russia dossier


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16 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:

The BBC is now reporting that a Brit. MI6 officer was behind the documents claiming Russia has compromising material on Trump.



This was in the original story. He was commissioned during the primaries by the GOP to discredit Trump and advantage other candidates. The dossier was passed to the DNC along with the MI^ agent whose name is Christopher Steele of Orbis Business Intelligence in Belgravia London. His partner in the agency, Burrows, refused to confirm or deny that he had produced the dossier. Steele himself has gone underground for a few days.

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17 minutes ago, retarius said:

This is quite interesting if you think about it. The reports says that Trump staying in the same bedroom as Obama and wanted to defile the bed so had the infamous girls in to do their thing. It also said that the KSB 'run the hotel'….it's actually a Ritz Carlton. Now when the President goes or stays anywhere his Secret Service guys vet the place with a fine tooth comb before he arrives, and so they would find any hidden camera, microphones etc. As apparently it was common knowledge that Russian intelligence had the place bugged, one wonders why they let Obama stay there.


Or perhaps they removed them because they knew the SS would find them.  Or perhaps SS did find them and removed them and they were replaced after Obama left.  


During the Cold War it was fairly common knowledge that if you stayed at a hotel in East Berlin, there was about 99% chance that the room was bugged.  100% chance if you were in the military.  

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Declaring anything that supports a contrary view "off topic" is becoming tedious and not a dismissive, it that's your intention.
This is about the credibility and veracity of the intelligence community and security services. WMD is an example of where, for whatever reasons, their assertions weren't actually true. The legacy of that incorrect assertions are still very much in focus, or hadn't you noticed?
Whilst their jobs aren't always easy, their performance levels do leave a lot to be desired.

I don't think you will find that the US intelligence community said there were WMD. The Bush administration managed that piece of disinformation.
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3 hours ago, Kasset Tak said:

I do love the way how CIA/NSA explained that it must be state sponsored/Russia who was behind the hacking... the hackers had used the same kind of technology as NSA use (spying on leaders in other countries like Russia/China/Germany/France)! 


What is your point?  That all spy's are using the same technology to spy on freind and foe?  

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1 hour ago, IMA_FARANG said:

I don't want to be 'inappropriate" but anyone who has any experience with "intelligence reports" knows very well to doubt them until verified by futher information.

No professional analyst would say otherwise.

There are people who dedicate their whole lives to analysing information and verifying what they can by crosschecking that with other available sources.

That is the job of the CIA.




Since you seem to be so clued into the CIA, you'll also know that within the intelligence community few know of your successes but everyone knows about your failures.  


Typically nothing would ever get to the president's eyes before it has been vetted at multiple levels.  They don't generally pass along stuff that is likely to be untrue.  


Of course, we can all point to the WMD debacle but the fact that there are so few incidents like that to cite is in itself a testament to the fact that the process normally works pretty well.  


Very little is going to be 100% certain.  Unfortunately that's just a fact of life.  Very seldom are you going to have a smoking gun.  It's about putting together multiple data sources and confirming the facts that you can confirm and then determining the level of confidence you have in the data that can't be confirmed.  



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Forget about "where there is smoke there is fire", the fact that Trump protests way to much and too hysterically etc.  We will never know what happened, will we? OK maybe in 20 years when Putin writes his memoirs.  Those responsible for bringing this to the attention of the world at CIA/FBI/NSA etc are all about to be flushed down the toilet.  The new leadership of these agencies will cover this up and do what they were appointed to do ... kiss the boss's backside.  

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Is there anything left that the scumbag CNN et al won't try to come up with?

I loved the press conference, really peed CNN reporter off. In future don't let

CNN occupy any seats near the front.

In a normal world, a world that no longer exists, a scandal besieged politician would want to move on from the issue as speedily as possible. He would be heard with silent embarrassment and after a few minutes the event would switch to more elevating issues.

Not with Donald Trump. Standing in front of 10 US flags, with his daughter Ivanka to one side of the stage, he was itching to talk about the story - almost moreso than the jouros. He was loving it, if you sent this guy to Pamplona for the bull run he would quite possibly run towards the bull. And the beast might as well, in such circumstances, do a quick U turn and gallop to safety.  You American's really are lucky to be rid of Hussein and get a real man. 

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14 minutes ago, chilli42 said:

Forget about "where there is smoke there is fire", the fact that Trump protests way to much and too hysterically etc.  We will never know what happened, will we? OK maybe in 20 years when Putin writes his memoirs.  Those responsible for bringing this to the attention of the world at CIA/FBI/NSA etc are all about to be flushed down the toilet.  The new leadership of these agencies will cover this up and do what they were appointed to do ... kiss the boss's backside.  


Depends on how this all plays out.  


Let's face it, Trump's refusal to denounce Putin is starting to rub even those who support him the wrong way.  Republican hawks in Congress are going to have none of it.  Those blue collar rust belt folks are going to start asking why he wants to be friendly with Putin so badly.  


He may flip on Putin and in order to win over the public if it gets bad enough.  Then if Putin has the goods on him they may end up on YouTube.  


Or, given his unpredictability, the CIA or some other similar agency may just decide it might like to have some dirt on him in case he decides he wants to nuke Japan because he got some bad sushi.  They could leak it and basically run him out of office.  



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6 minutes ago, uptheos said:


Not with Donald Trump. Standing in front of 10 US flags, with his daughter Ivanka to one side of the stage, he was itching to talk about the story - almost moreso than the jouros. He was loving it, if you sent this guy to Pamplona for the bull run he would quite possibly run towards the bull. And the beast might as well, in such circumstances, do a quick U turn and gallop to safety.  You American's really are lucky to be rid of Hussein and get a real man. 


When I say this conference in full length, Trump standing in front of (so many) US-flags I had the impression this egomaniac was farting against the flags symbolizing a lot of US values.

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9 minutes ago, uptheos said:

Is there anything left that the scumbag CNN et al won't try to come up with?

I loved the press conference, really peed CNN reporter off. In future don't let

CNN occupy any seats near the front.

In a normal world, a world that no longer exists, a scandal besieged politician would want to move on from the issue as speedily as possible. He would be heard with silent embarrassment and after a few minutes the event would switch to more elevating issues.

Not with Donald Trump. Standing in front of 10 US flags, with his daughter Ivanka to one side of the stage, he was itching to talk about the story - almost moreso than the jouros. He was loving it, if you sent this guy to Pamplona for the bull run he would quite possibly run towards the bull. And the beast might as well, in such circumstances, do a quick U turn and gallop to safety.  You American's really are lucky to be rid of Hussein and get a real man. 


Well, sometimes when you charge a bull you've got the biggest, baddest brass balls of them all.  And sometimes you're just stupid.  

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4 minutes ago, uptheos said:


 America voted him in, says a lots for 62,000,000 Americans

It also says a lot about those who believe everything said/printed (that supports their own preferences) by Intelligence Agencies/politicians/media....


Trump (IMO) is an unfortunate consequence of the populace finally getting a chance to vote against the 'status quo'.


So blame the politicians and big business that eventually pissed such a large proportion of the electorate enough to vote for Trump!

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1 minute ago, dunroaming said:

This is off the scale now as far as bizarre is concerned.  Cannot believe the circus is escalating as it is.  What a ride this is turning out to be!  Really can't see how Trump will survive the first year, yet alone four!

Couldn't agree more about how the circus is escalating.


When the Brit. MI6 get involved with preparing documents 'showing' that Russia has compromising documents about Trump - you know its well and truly a circus and a media show.

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11 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:

Couldn't agree more about how the circus is escalating.


When the Brit. MI6 get involved with preparing documents 'showing' that Russia has compromising documents about Trump - you know its well and truly a circus and a media show.


Ex MI6 employee and not the actual MI6, but hey! let's not split hairs.  What makes this so interesting is the panic coming from Trump and his camp.  Also how willingly so many think that "it could be true"!  Says a lot about what the world think's of the man.


Thought I was finished with this phrase but...  More popcorn over here please!

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22 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:

Couldn't agree more about how the circus is escalating.


When the Brit. MI6 get involved with preparing documents 'showing' that Russia has compromising documents about Trump - you know its well and truly a circus and a media show.


5 minutes ago, dunroaming said:


Ex MI6 employee and not the actual MI6, but hey! let's not split hairs.  What makes this so interesting is the panic coming from Trump and his camp.  Also how willingly so many think that "it could be true"!  Says a lot about what the world think's of the man.


Thought I was finished with this phrase but...  More popcorn over here please!

Not sure how Trump and his camp are panicking?  But I agree that he's not exactly respected by 'the world'.


More interesting IMO is how the anti-Trump circus is escalating - and I gather you agree with this?


FWIW, I don't trust Trump as far as I could throw him either - but get tired of the political and media spin against him.

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24 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:


Not sure how Trump and his camp are panicking?  But I agree that he's not exactly respected by 'the world'.


More interesting IMO is how the anti-Trump circus is escalating - and I gather you agree with this?


FWIW, I don't trust Trump as far as I could throw him either - but get tired of the political and media spin against him.

When someone claims that they don't like Trump but the  press is spinning against him,  it seems pretty clear to me that what we have is a concern troll. A concern troll is someone who lays claims to a certain impartiality, but then reveals his true views. The press does not have to spin against Trump. All it has to do is quote his tweets. No one could do as good a job of spinning against Trump as Trump does  against himself.

Edited by ilostmypassword
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22 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:


Not sure how Trump and his camp are panicking?  But I agree that he's not exactly respected by 'the world'.


More interesting IMO is how the anti-Trump circus is escalating - and I gather you agree with this?


FWIW, I don't trust Trump as far as I could throw him either - but get tired of the political and media spin against him.


I agree the anti-Trump circus is escalating and I also agree the frenzy promoted by the media is over the top.  This Presidential election is enormously important to the whole world as to have a loose cannon in that position of power could be disastrous for us all.  On the other hand he could turn out to be a hero for the people, which is what his supporters believe.  I don't think we will hve to wait that long to find out.

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8 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:

But we have no evidence for that. But we do have the Financial Times now reporting on Trump's ties to lots of shady russians.

Your acting just like the nut bags that said Obama was a muslim and various other things. Who is the Financial Times, I guess you know that wall street was very much against Trump.

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5 minutes ago, Grubster said:

Your acting just like the nut bags that said Obama was a muslim and various other things. Who is the Financial Times, I guess you know that wall street was very much against Trump.

If you have to ask who is The Financial Times, then it's not worth answering. Wall Street may have been against him before the election, but now that they see that he's appointed Wall Street insiders to most of the important financial posts, they love him.

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10 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

If you have to ask who is The Financial Times, then it's not worth answering. Wall Street may have been against him before the election, but now that they see that he's appointed Wall Street insiders to most of the important financial posts, they love him.

OH I'm sorry Mr financial Guru. Lets just see how accurate their reporting is then ok.

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50 minutes ago, Grubster said:

Your acting just like the nut bags that said Obama was a muslim and various other things. Who is the Financial Times, I guess you know that wall street was very much against Trump.


"... just like the nut bags that said Obama was a muslim and various other things."


What....like Trump pushing the birther thing?

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