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Racism, anger and why dual pricing makes sense to Thai people


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5 hours ago, overherebc said:


I don't visit national parks in Thailand, most likely never will. I might do in other countries for so many reasons that don't exist here.


Your choice, I choose to support them wherever I go, for me they are not about what I immediately get out of the experience but what we all benefit in the long term from having them.  The only point being, my willingness to pay more to the parks does not make me arrogant, unlike your assumptions make you.

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10 minutes ago, Shawn0000 said:


Even though it clearly says it is not?  Do you have a link to somewhere that sells this pass that does not state that it is only available to non Swiss residents, every site I see says the same.

you can google for Halbtax Abo SBB and its in german language initally but you can choose between more languages on top of the site, good luck https://www.sbb.ch/abos-billette/abonnemente/halbtax.html

Edited by thetruth revealer
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Formal differential pricing is commonplace - look at the airlines and their "yield management" systems that allow them to maximise their revenue for, effectively, the same seat. That's just one example. It's called "charging what the market will bear". If the punters decide to forego the opportunity because they don't perceive that the cost is equal to or less than the value to them of the merchandise or service, that's one thing, but to get all hoity-toity because the merchant has decided to differentiate the price based on their nationality or skin color may elevate their blood pressure and their concomitant sense of self-righteousness but I just don't see the point

Edited by SaintLouisBlues
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4 minutes ago, thetruth revealer said:

you can google for Halbtax Abo SBB and its in german language


Oh, you thought they were the same?  No, they are not, they are quite different.  So back to the actual question, is it discriminatory to offer a discount train pass only for tourists?  Those poor Swiss can only buy the Halbtax card, they miss out on the free airport links and museum tickets that the Swiss card offers, is that racism to offer the tourists more?

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Dear Thai visa members,

Dual pricing is common in Europe and you will see in most of the touristic places separate price for locals and separate for toursits and visitors.

It is common sense that people who pay taxes and live there should pay less.

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1 hour ago, digibum said:


Sometimes violence is the answer.  Unfortunately, a whole generation (possibly two) of people have grown up and not learned some of life's harsh lessons via the business end of a belt or, as adults, fists.  


Life is cheap in Thailand and anybody who thinks that they can rip off a street vendor and the worst that is going to happen to them is they get arrested and face a fair jury has a lot of emotional growing up to do.  People can lose their lives over something that stupid so getting the snot beat out of them is, perhaps, doing them a favor before they anger the wrong person.  




There you go again making up your ideas on someone you've never met.

9 years service in the army and two active service tours might and I say might give me an insight into violence. But then again what do I know.

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15 minutes ago, LolaS said:

Dear Thai visa members,

Dual pricing is common in Europe and you will see in most of the touristic places separate price for locals and separate for toursits and visitors.

It is common sense that people who pay taxes and live there should pay less.


Yes, I posted a few links that confirmed this, those here calling racism just ignored the evidence and carried on grumbling about how this type of discrimination would not be allowed in their country.

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2 minutes ago, Paruk said:

Not true! Dual pricing is illegal in Holland for sure and most likely all over the EU. If it happens, walk up to police and they WILL get a fine.


Unlike America where it seems they might use their fists and teach you to grow up using violence.

Can't imagine where I got that idea. !!!

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3 minutes ago, Paruk said:

Well, you've been all over this topic the whole bloody weekend! Don't you have something else to do? Get a live....or is yours practically over and trolling on TV topics is all there is left for you to do?


Don't do that and scare him away, it's fun.

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8 minutes ago, gannyriverkid said:

Xenophobia is alive and well in this extremely insane country. Go to another country and stop blowing your hard earned cash in the LOS.


Which begs the question why you have just signed up to a forum about Thailand if you have no intention of visiting the country?

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7 minutes ago, Paruk said:

Not true! Dual pricing is illegal in Holland for sure and most likely all over the EU. If it happens, walk up to police and they WILL get a fine.


Amsterdam's Museumkaart is available for both locals and tourists, however for tourists it lasts a month whereas for locals it lasts a year, and it costs the same!  And what about the NS Discount Travel Card, their offer of free travel days is only available to resident OAP's!   And what about the Delftpass, their discounts are all only available to Delft residents.  OMG, someone call the police!

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5 minutes ago, Paruk said:

Yeah, you should do that if it is the case. Locals only go once in the month to a museum at best. Tourists try to visit all of them in a month holiday. Fair pricing I would think. NS discount Travel card is not offered to tourists, because it is related to government subsidy which is paid for by the locals. Logically tourists that don't pay taxes in Holland are exempted. Same for the Delftpass. So what now?


Perhaps you stop applying one rule to one country and another to Thailand?  The national parks in Thailand are mainly paid for by government subsidy so is it not logical that tourists are exempted from the discount given to Thais and instead charged the full rate?  And now what?

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12 minutes ago, gannyriverkid said:

I live here but will bail as soon as I finish up on some personal business.


It's a cool story, but it still doesn't answer the question of why you joined the forum if you hate Thailand so much and just about to leave.

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5 hours ago, overherebc said:


Last week I had to buy an item from the local hardware shop,  I use the place quite often. It's run by a mother and daughter. The item wasn't priced and although never used had been in the shop for a long time. When I asked for the price neither of them really knew so the mother just said 50 baht. It was worth more than that so I gave them 100 and I was very happy with the deal and so were they.


if you knew the value why did you ask them for the price?

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25 minutes ago, Paruk said:

Wow dude! I'm not applying any rule to any country. I fully understand and agree with public services being charged at higher rates to tourists to cover the extra costs of facilitating those tourists, since they don't pay local  taxes.


However, a commercial operation charging more to tourists or foreigners for the same service or product is a total different story. For them it does not matter where you come from, the cost price is the same, the margin should be also the same as to locals. A commercial operation is in general not subsidised with tax money. That's the big difference, you see? So charging higher prices to foreigners as a commercial operation is discrimination of the foreigners. Now, discrimination is a very normal human behaviour. We all do it in some way all the time. We all understand that red is not green, which is the essence of discriminating. It's necessary to live.


This does not mean that I endorse higher prices for foreigners in the case of commercial products and services. For that reason I give the shop keeper a choice. Charge me the going local price or you won't sell it to me and I won't return to your shop. Simple.


Frankly, I don't care if the higher prices are instigated by racism, discrimination or pure xenophobia. If I go for a cheap dinner I don't need to analyse the deeper psyche of my host. I'm only interested in the quality of his food and the reasonability of his price. If the two don't match up, I go a door further and have a try there.


Now what?


OK, these are two very different issues, there are the official dual prices as seen at government tourist attractions, then there are traders starting the bartering higher when they see a tourist, the former being dual pricing while the latter is just life, it happens everywhere and a trader can offer whatever price they like, they offer repeat customers deals, offer discounts on slow days and hike the price up when they think they will get away with it.  Unless they actually were to state that they were giving you a higher price due to your race, religion, sexuality etc, then there will be no laws broken.  So back to the original claim that dual pricing is illegal in Holland and probably the rest of the EU, no its not!

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4 minutes ago, Paruk said:

Proof it, or shut up.


You mean prove that government institutions have dual pricing in the EU?  Already done that and you accepted it, remember?  As for the private traders, I am sure you are actually aware that many places do not have fixed prices.  Try buying some timber, go by yourself wearing a shirt and tie, then go with a carpenter and see what the price difference is, would that be discrimination against people in ties or a trader making the sensible decision to give the one who is likely to offer repeat business the better price?  Same goes for locals and tourists in the market, it is just basic common sense to offer a local a better price than a tourist as they might become a life long customer whereas the tourist might be gone tomorrow, get it now?  And do not tell me to shut up just because you yourself haven't one scrap of evidence to back up your own wild claims.

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Racialism is alive and well in Thailand

What a weekend hope you enjoyed yourself with S+B either two lads from the USA who cannot go back or two with false Ids and writers of the lost art


What did I learn about Racialism?

The UK, Europe, USA, Australia, South Africa and many others say it wrong


My educated Thai Wife and here Friends please note S+B says its wrong


Human Rights Says its wrong


UK Queen says its Wrong !>>>>


S+B say its Ok so not a problem


So now I follow these two as they know better than an ex SAS who fought for their freedom while they lay on the beach looking at Pcats


You have now converted me guys well done


Pure Dreamers

Thanks TV opened my eyes abit

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2 hours ago, Paruk said:

Not true! Dual pricing is illegal in Holland for sure and most likely all over the EU. If it happens, walk up to police and they WILL get a fine.


Dear Paruk, prices of education and services are different for EU and different from non EU citizens in Holland,also one quick search in google denies you, entrance tickets for museum, 

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7 minutes ago, Paruk said:

Whatever makes you happy, dude. You should go in politics, twisting and turning for no means is much appreciated in those circles.


Get a grip on yourself, you made a claim, I refuted it and you got rude, nothing has been twisted, just simple facts stated.

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My god 23 pages dont you guys have better things to do

allow me to summarise.............  They dont like foreigners and try to rip everyone possible off including other Thais they certainly are racist as well as  astute business men  (thieves) 


Did i tell you my wife said Thais dont trust Thais ?? he he he      :partytime2:

Actually thinking about it..... anyone not from her neck of the woods (Phra Padeang BKK) she not only doesn't trust but hates!

I heard her muttering about the the local yokels  here lacking the  intelligence of  a plank today.... must admit fair comment luckily they never even acknowledge me.


anyway i digress byee  

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11 minutes ago, LolaS said:

Dear Paruk, prices of education and services are different for EU and different from non EU citizens in Holland,also one quick search in google denies you, entrance tickets for museum, 

You pay for what you get Holland does give vast sums of money to help others


But education is superior there and in Europe + Aus and the UK to what you get here


Name one Thai UNI that is rated above bad if you can


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1 minute ago, Paruk said:

How can you tell an idiot he is lacking intelligence? Read back and try to understand? I'm done with you.


What a response, you were the one who made the initial claim and you provided no evidence, I countered your claim with evidence, you then asked for evidence, i then gave more and you throw your toys out of your pram, you're a very sad individual.

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3 minutes ago, poohy said:

My god 23 pages dont you guys have better things to do

allow me to summarise.............  They dont like foreigners and try to rip everyone possible off including other Thais they certainly are racist as well as  astute business men  (thieves) 


Did i tell you my wife said Thais dont trust Thais ?? he he he      :partytime2:

Actually thinking about it..... anyone not from her neck of the woods (Phra Padeang BKK) she not only doesn't trust but hates!

I heard her muttering about the the local yokels  here lacking the  intelligence of  a plank today.... must admit fair comment luckily they never even acknowledge me.


anyway i digress byee  

A wolves Boy? could talk to you for 23 pages on why my team is not back up top, here is hoping, could be Hull

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21 minutes ago, LolaS said:

Dear Paruk, prices of education and services are different for EU and different from non EU citizens in Holland,also one quick search in google denies you, entrance tickets for museum, 


I shouldnt bother, Paruk is adverse to facts.

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4 minutes ago, gordon48 said:

We have the same system in the US tourists pay more and locals pay less. The restaurant uses a loyalty card, other places charge a different hourly or per job rate. It's the same thing just not as obvious.

Sent from my SM-N910V using Thaivisa Connect mobile app

Me I get fed up with offers of loyalty cards here in Thai and across the world even if I do not live there, wallet is not big enough to hold them all and my backside is big enough don't want loyalty cards making it bigger.


But if you do just ask for one and you too ,get the discount even here in 7/11

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