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Intellectual Whore


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1 hour ago, amykat said:


Yes I read and understood everything and I asked you reasonable a question that as an educated person you should appreciate.


Really, what is that is point exactly??  Spell it out.


I haven't raved or been nonsensical but I appreciate the attempts to discredit me, you must think I am very credible, otherwise you would not need to try to discredit me at all. Bravo


You have made many references to me being crazy: I am in a mood, looking for a fight, a bit touched, not sure what you're on about, no matter what you'd argue, raved and been nonsensical, things you made up in your mind, don't attribute words I didn't say ...and a few more things.


You spent more time on this then all the words I even wrote you. 


Your intentions were not good. You are a lawyer and you know what you are saying to me and how you are using these words and what effect they will have and you have done this intentionally. 


Your posts were meant to imply that yes, women do best in divorces, I believe because you wanted to side with the men.  But you know you can't prove that so you don't want to state that explicitly.  So because I didn't let it go, you then engaged in this little war to discredit me.


If that wasn't the reason, you still did it, and you know you did it intentionally.


Can`t believe you are still going at it hammer and tongs on this thread. You have even surpassed the OP with your postings.


Sorry to be blunt, but you obviously have problems, could be health issues, a failed relationship, the loss of someone dear, or found yourself living a lifestyle that hasn`t met your expectations. Maybe you are struggling, could be financial or whatever it is I hope you can sort out your issues and enjoy a happy life in Thailand.

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Many more flames, personal attacks and answers have been removed.

By far the majority have been by one member who is advised to desist or expect a holiday.

If you think only your comments or opinions are the only correct ones, please think again.


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11 hours ago, Khon Kaen Dave said:

Folk Guitar.

My  wife was an absolute nightmare.She was a violent drunk who abused my daughter and me.When i divorced her,i got full custody,care and control of her,with no visitation rights for her. I brought up my daughter for 13 years,from when she was 6.I was both mum and dad.There were times when i didnt know where my next mortgage payment was coming from,and i knocked my head against the wall more times than i could count.My ex married again and a few years later her husband murdered her.It was in the national newspapers for some time. It was a violent and grisly death for her.I used to warn her years before that she would die young,she would either die from being so pissed that she would get knocked over by a bus or someone would kill her.i wish i had kept mu mouth shut.This is no lie because its Google available. My girl has grown into a wonderful woman.She is a fire woman,she speaks French and Spanish,and she passed her stage 3 sign language.She has just given birth to a baby boy and is the star in my sometimes dark sky. I know that judges nearly always like to give the child to the mother,but she had no chance.She was never a mother she was a violent,nasty bitch.In this case She lost literally everything,including her life.She was 37.I think i have served my apprenticeship.

You have my utmost respect.....I raised my daughter from 3 months on, do to the same type of violent circumstances......Unfortunately my Daughter perished in a car crash at 26 & the ex is possibly still around somewhere......Don't know for sure all communication was severed....She probably is not aware of my Daughter's passing......

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I don't think a feminism debate leads to anything, and I also can't see how it's directly related to this topic.  


Also everyone has a different definition of feminism, including a lot of women.  


Plus all the joys or horrors of feminism debated so far seemed to happen outside of Thailand so it's very hard to relate to, and also off topic actually.  


If there were examples of active feminism or active advancement of women's rights in Thailand then that would be a good topic for a different discussion though.


Edited by WinnieTheKhwai
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My god,mate,you must have been devastated.My heart goes out to you.Twenty six is no age at all.Do you still cry? I know i would,everyday.And you had her from a very early age too.Do you have any way of contacting the ex,family or something.She should be made aware,even if its only to give her a little heartbreak.Its all very well when these judges give custody to the mother and every body knows that they arent fit to raise chickens,let alone children.And they use the Father simply as an ATM,(rather like some Thai girls)my ex used to tell me that rather than give me any visitation,when,not if,when we got divorced,that she would move to the ends of the earth to destroy my relationship with my girl.But she found out that sometimes,being a nasty,violent,hard bitch,can come back and bite you on the ass.

You also have my deepest respect.

Live on and never forget.:sad:


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12 hours ago, Khon Kaen Dave said:

Folk Guitar.

My  wife was an absolute nightmare.She was a violent drunk who abused my daughter and me.When i divorced her,i got full custody,care and control of her,with no visitation rights for her. I brought up my daughter for 13 years,from when she was 6.I was both mum and dad.There were times when i didnt know where my next mortgage payment was coming from,and i knocked my head against the wall more times than i could count.My ex married again and a few years later her husband murdered her.It was in the national newspapers for some time. It was a violent and grisly death for her.I used to warn her years before that she would die young,she would either die from being so pissed that she would get knocked over by a bus or someone would kill her.i wish i had kept mu mouth shut.This is no lie because its Google available. My girl has grown into a wonderful woman.She is a fire woman,she speaks French and Spanish,and she passed her stage 3 sign language.She has just given birth to a baby boy and is the star in my sometimes dark sky. I know that judges nearly always like to give the child to the mother,but she had no chance.She was never a mother she was a violent,nasty bitch.In this case She lost literally everything,including her life.She was 37.I think i have served my apprenticeship.

I am sure many of us have tales of sadness and tragedy in our past lives and we could all tell stories of broken relationships, cheating partners, dysfunctional families, hardships and deceptions against us. I too went through went through a rough divorce, children involved ended up losing everything and had to kick my life into restart.


Maybe that`s why many of us are here? Escaping our pasts, being in a place where no one knows us and we can become new people and create fresh starts.  The problems I see is that many who come here are not taking advantage of being given a second chance and bringing their bitterness and bad past memories with them that can have a strong influence and affect their attitudes towards others. This in turn mars their progress towards happiness here by pushing people away that can place them into social isolation because they are too cautious of others making judgements of people from their bad experiences of the past and therefore are making themselves unapproachable and others reluctant to befriend them.


People have to learn to let go and move on otherwise they`ll never find fulfillment, peace and happiness in their lives. If they can`t find peace with themselves, then they`ll never find peace with others.





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Your comments are quite correct.It is how you pick yourself up after a fall.Some cant forget it and hide it away and come here to try and start anew.But just because you change your location,the sickness doesnt go away.And after a while it will rear its head.

When i divorced my wife,the only think i felt was(as Jimmy Boyle said)a sense of freedom. But then,every thing had gone my way.Of course my anchor was my daughter,but when the time was right and she was settled with her life,i made the transition to here.Also you must remember that,with my wife's death,came a feeling of closure.

I have since met and married a lovely Thai woman,who has taught me a simpler life.I now live in a village of farming people,we came here from Pattaya after having two bars,so i have seen the lights of gay Paree,and its not hard to keep me down on the farm (as the song says)I am Happy,my daughter is happy,and i have not long returned from the Uk after seeing my new grandson for the first time. Sometimes,when i am sitting on a chair,out in the back yard,looking at a harvest moon,big,round,and orange,having a fag,yes,i look back,and i know just how lucky i was,and am,but i dont reflect for long.I have let go,and taken advantage of my second chance.

I thank you for your post,its not often that posters get a chance to bare their souls,beause some other posters are not sympathetic to such as we.

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1 hour ago, Khon Kaen Dave said:


Your comments are quite correct.It is how you pick yourself up after a fall.Some cant forget it and hide it away and come here to try and start anew.But just because you change your location,the sickness doesnt go away.And after a while it will rear its head.

When i divorced my wife,the only think i felt was(as Jimmy Boyle said)a sense of freedom. But then,every thing had gone my way.Of course my anchor was my daughter,but when the time was right and she was settled with her life,i made the transition to here.Also you must remember that,with my wife's death,came a feeling of closure.

I have since met and married a lovely Thai woman,who has taught me a simpler life.I now live in a village of farming people,we came here from Pattaya after having two bars,so i have seen the lights of gay Paree,and its not hard to keep me down on the farm (as the song says)I am Happy,my daughter is happy,and i have not long returned from the Uk after seeing my new grandson for the first time. Sometimes,when i am sitting on a chair,out in the back yard,looking at a harvest moon,big,round,and orange,having a fag,yes,i look back,and i know just how lucky i was,and am,but i dont reflect for long.I have let go,and taken advantage of my second chance.

I thank you for your post,its not often that posters get a chance to bare their souls,beause some other posters are not sympathetic to such as we.

So true and I am no exception to the rule.  I tell it how it is, I don`t care about losing face, have nothing to hide and I can read in-between posts and feel the despair inside people. Sometimes not knowing how to deal with their pent up emotions they can come across as depressing, angry and bitter, but what they are really trying to convey is they are craving for attention, I`ve had a rough time will someone please have sympathy and give me the feel good factor. I really do understand and I also realise that dealing with such issues is even harder for over 50s western women living in Thailand who maybe feel they have become invisible and no one is listening to them.


But from all the knocks we take in our lives that can cause weaknesses, from those weaknesses we can build our strengths, because we have experience and become better and stronger persons for it, way much less vulnerable then we were in the past. I like to see the past as the negatives and have a positive outlook for the future which is the key to happiness that for those of us getting on in years is the final chapter of our lives so we have to make the best of it.





Wise words.jpg

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Wow, this thread has turned into the most banal, self-pity forum I've ever seen. 


The OP was bitching about being smart and having men wanting to talk to her, which she saw as gratuitous and, apparently, mildly offensive. 

But now we have custody battles, dead children, domestic violence, murder and depression (cue the violins....). 

I'll be back later, for now I must continue gnashing my teeth and wringing my hands....

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19 hours ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

I would concur that extended discussions of alimony and divorce settlement practices are pretty far afield from the OP's issues and topic in this thread.



I would submit that this alimony and divorce talent rather gets straight to the heart of the issue for many here.

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1 hour ago, Trujillo said:

Wow, this thread has turned into the most banal, self-pity forum I've ever seen. 


The OP was bitching about being smart and having men wanting to talk to her, which she saw as gratuitous and, apparently, mildly offensive. 

But now we have custody battles, dead children, domestic violence, murder and depression (cue the violins....). 

I'll be back later, for now I must continue gnashing my teeth and wringing my hands....

makes a good read though, women's lib is a red flag like immigration and Muslims

Edited by soalbundy
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29 minutes ago, tigerbeer said:

wow this topic if more popular than pizza and burger threads!

At least it helps prove that there are some people still around in Chiang Mai who don't have one foot already in the pizza trough. It was getting a little quiet so at least it helped liven things up.

If it goes on much longer it will overtake immigration threads !


Not sure that I would see it as a "self pity" topic. Most people seem to appreciate that its advisable to make the best of the situation.

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22 hours ago, HooHaa said:


I would submit that this alimony and divorce talent rather gets straight to the heart of the issue for many here.

For me it's worse. 

I was never married and never had children in the West, so divorce and alimony doesn't apply to me. I was severely bashed by Farang women like the OP before I moved to Thailand, and so was my Thai girlfriend. 

These women came up and said "You want to go to Thailand again? There's only apes in heels, underage sex and ladyboys in Thailand. So you're a pervert" 


Dear Simbaya, 

come on, I'm one of these men that were bashed as overage perverts. All these bashings I heard in Germany were nothing but sheer racism. And now you come after Farang men in Thailand. Didn't you know we're all perverts?  

Oh, you're looking for a pervert, on a non-intellectual base. Come on, tell us what you're after, don't be shy. Make sure you can pay.

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