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Neighbors dogs bite my cat....flogging on thaivisa wanted


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Hi folks,


Of course I'm opening myself up to catcalls here on TV but anyway... My next door neighbors dog recently nearly killed my cat, along with another dog that lives down the street a bit. The cat pulled through to the tune of 7500 baht and 8 days in the hospital. Both dog owners saw the cat getting bitten by the dogs and my wife also saw it happen. Neither neighbor came by to ask about the cat after this event nor, surprise surprise, to offer any help with the vet bills (nor to drive us to the vet though we have no car). We have since been to both neighbors to ask them to pay the bill and got a lot of hemming and hawing..again, surprise surprise. They have not blatantly refused to pay but both women claimed they had no money and that they had to speak with their husbands about it, etc... The dog next door is menacing to any moto rider that comes down the soi (they are the last house on a dead-end soi) and has previously killed cats, so I recently heard (of course, this is from the OTHER dog owner...MY dog LOVES cats) and has menaced us in the past, as well. In my mind, if you have a dog that kills cats and bites people, it should not be running around loose. Also, in  my mind, if my dog bites my neighbors cat, I should pay for the vet bills. It is the right thing to do, especially as a next door neighbor.

What do other folks think and do I have any legal recourse or any recourse at all, other than beating the dogs to bloody pulps with a stick (which I can't and wouldn't do). I do not have a lot of extra money floating around and 7500 baht, sad as it may seem to some, is painful to absorb.




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I think cats and dogs should both be kept in the home. If i let my dog out and others let their cat or dog out and there is a fight then its shared responsibility. Dogs and cats always seem to fight its natural by letting your cat out your taking a risk. You expect them to lock their dog up while you don't do the same with your cat.


I know my dog goes after cats and could get in a scrape with other dogs so I don't let him out (or if i do with a muzzle). But point is both should have supervised their animals not just the dog. Cats do their damage when free too. Killing of the birds and so on. 

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You're right. This is TV and here's my opinion. 


If you don't have money for vet bills then why have a cat at all?


I live in Thailand (a "developing" country) and I try to limit myself to the least amount of liabilities as a foreigner who has very little rights here. This includes owning a car/motorbike, buying a condo and having a domestic animal. 


You obviously love and care for this animal and I respect you for saving it.


Just don't forget where you live.







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Im more surprised that someone hasnt taken action against this offending dog by now.  If it is agressive towards people as well as animals, the Thai neighbourhood normally take care of it one way or another.


Im sure people will come on here and say its not the dogs fault but the owners yaada yaada yaada... but that doesnt help you or anyone when the dog attacks.


Methinks the dog should be destroyed.  As for getting reimbursement from the owners, good luck.  Not sure if the police would get involved in this one.

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Glad to hear your cat pulled through. That's very good news. That is exactly why I never let my cats out unless I take them out in the garden for a few minutes and stay with them. As for the vet bill, I doubt you will collect a Satang from the neighbors - TBH; although anything is possible. Just part of the costs of pet ownership if you take the risk of letting your pets outside unattended.


Having said that, quite a few years ago our neighbor ran over our old Golden Retriever's foot by accident in his truck. He's not a very friendly guy and other than saying he was sorry and that it was an accident, he took off. The next morning he sent his housekeeper over and she said the neighbor wanted to pay for all medical costs. She had 10K in her hand. My wife gave her the bill and the neighbor paid everything. It was a surprise.

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The attack took place in the street in front of my house. I appreciate the view of keeping the cats indoors and realize it is dangerous for them to be outside. Or perhaps I am realizing that truly just now. I had assumed, wrongly I guess, that cats were smart enough to keep away from the dogs. After all, they have their own walled in area in which to carouse and they are neutered/spayed so that desire has been nullified. And they enjoy so much being outside that I did not want to keep them from that pleasure. It seems I have over-estimated the survival skills of the one that was injured.


In my book, a dog owner who takes no responsibility for their dog mauling a neighbors animal, that shows zero concern or compassion and does not offer to pay the vet bills, or at the very least to contribute, is a class A ass. I really find it surprising. Call me stupid.

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So your cat was out of your yard and you asked your neighbors to pay the bill as though you had absolutely no responsibility?

They may yet pay something but it appears that you have a share to pay or perhaps all.

Sorry, I have read too many stories authored by irresponsible people faulting others. And yes you are being a bit stupid but only up to a Class B- ass. <snip>

Edited by Jai Dee
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In my book, a dog owner who takes no responsibility for their dog mauling a neighbor's animal, that shows zero concern or compassion and does not offer to pay the vet bills, or at the very least to contribute, is a class A ass. I really find it surprising. Call me stupid.


Well, Stupid, welcome to Thailand (and SE Asia). 


If you thought that the Smiles in this Land equated to a place with touchy-feely regard for others and honor amongst neighbors, no micro-aggressions (or real ones either) and social responsibility (haha....sorry, made myself laugh), then you got off at the wrong airport. In the wrong city. In the wrong country. 


By the way, 7,500 baht for getting the remaining lives back for a cat sounds suspiciously dear. For that price here you could pull out the old cat and install a completely new one. 


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5 hours ago, robblok said:

I think cats and dogs should both be kept in the home. If i let my dog out and others let their cat or dog out and there is a fight then its shared responsibility. Dogs and cats always seem to fight its natural by letting your cat out your taking a risk. You expect them to lock their dog up while you don't do the same with your cat.


I know my dog goes after cats and could get in a scrape with other dogs so I don't let him out (or if i do with a muzzle). But point is both should have supervised their animals not just the dog. Cats do their damage when free too. Killing of the birds and so on. 


Why handicap your dog with a muzzle. If you let him out unattended when you you know he's a biter or fighter then you can't complain if he gets hurt nor can you refuse responsibility if he hurts others.

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I think you have 2 options get rid of the cat and let the matter die or move. Your an alien in alien territory and have little legal recourse. Your a magnet for a little Thai fun and the no money part is only the opening gambit. They will have fun at your expense. Sorry a no win situation. 

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....you won't change people...the town...the country...the world.......



...having a cat...and letting it out...that is the risk....


...wonder if some people may have suffered inconvenience or loss due to your cat....



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I like cats, but couldn't eat more than one. OK jokes over. Recently I moved into a mainly muslim area in Bangkok, so, very few dogs. I've heard them but never seen them running the streets. Unfortunately there is an abundance of cats and as my garden is one of the areas not covered in concrete it's a meeting place for the cats to do their business. In this hot climate it hums a bit. Before I get any advice regarding cat deterrent, I've tried sprinkling chilli pepper, laying pebbles so they can't bury their waste, and even joining the club and doing a bit of concreting. I think I'm winning, but I just wish I had my old dog, sadly gone, then I wouldn't have the problem. Cats wandering free are fair game for dogs and always have been. If they are on the loose, killing  birds and anything that moves it's open season for dogs. Sorry sir. You live in Thailand. So be it. 

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I have both a dog and a cat (who get on reasonably well, fortunately) so I can see both side of this.


If the dog enters your land and attacks your cat then I'd support you attacking the dog - unlikely the neighour would feel responsible to help pay the cats vet bills though even if the dog jumped over a secure boundary. 

If the dog attacks the cat out in the street (or on the dog's property) then it's fair game - sorry!

If the cat attacked the dog (seen it happen) in his property then he'd have every right to attack your cat..

If your cat's a pussy, then best to keep it in.

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1 hour ago, overherebc said:


Why handicap your dog with a muzzle. If you let him out unattended when you you know he's a biter or fighter then you can't complain if he gets hurt nor can you refuse responsibility if he hurts others.

Because my dog if I let him out alone loves to chase other dogs (not bite), he also likes to follow people  (not growl or bark) who pass our home. When he has the muzzle on he does not do either of those things. But I don't often let him out alone, only rarely when it rains. 

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IMO regarding pets over here is that the owners tend to let them roam free. This would be great if you are living in a rural area where the animals can run around in fields and that, but it is rarely the case. There seems to be little responsibility shown. I say pets as this doesn't only concern dogs.


Unless a dog is socialized and has very little prey drive, they are going to go after cats, fact. In this case, where neither animal was in its own territory, I truly don't think you have any recourse in asking for compensation. I know that sounds harsh, but there you go.


I am a dog owner myself with one siberian husky (very active prey drive) and a german shepherd. I will be honest, if either of those were allowed to roam free, there would not be a cat safe for a good couple of kilometers of the house. Main reason why they are behind a closed gate and always on a leash when out walking at all times.


Glad to here that the cat is recovering; 7,500 baht is a small price to pay for a buddy's life..........................;)

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Your cat was attacked in the street so you don't really have any recall.

Of course the neighbor isn't going to come and ask how is your cat, he has more worries in life than your cat. 

Just forget the incident and move on. 

Keep the cat inside or move to a farm with land and no dogs.

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On who's property did the dogs attack the cat this has a great deal to do with your case. If on your property then they should cough up a bit twds bills if on the road or another property no chance of getting a penny

Just seen on the street then you have little to no chance other owners could easily say cat was the agresive party.plus do you really want to fall out with neighbours over animals?

Edited by Deepinthailand
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Its woof justice for the cat.


I have to agree with most of the posters if the attack took place outside in no mans land then its a free for all (no come back just the way it is)  If the dog had entered your property/land you might have had more chance of a contribution from your neighbor.

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