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Neighbors dogs bite my cat....flogging on thaivisa wanted


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i wonder how many times a dog chases a cat and actually gets a bite ?  i have 5 cats and see it happen alot, the chase, not the bite.  the cats always get away.  my cats like to stay inside during the day and go out and hunt at night (in buriram, a residential neighborhood in the city not a farm).  i can't imagine forcing them to stay inside at night, they love hunting at night.  as others have noted, i consider the neighborhood a free for all.  may the best animal win.  if the dog kills one of my cats, i just get another one or live on with 4 instead of 5.  it can be tough (i realize the OPs cat didn't die) but i've found a new cat can replace the old one pretty quick. 



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Some cats are quite nasty and can really do some damage in a fight. Suppose your cat had manage to blind one of the dogs in one eye. The neighbors come around and want you to pay. Now what? I think you need to wake up to what happens in a dog and cat world. I have 2 dogs and I take my responsibility for their behavior seriously. they are seldom outside my gate on their own and if they caused a problem I understand it would be all my fault for letting them out.

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Cats and dogs are considered personal property of the owners under Thai law.

This is a civil case though and not a criminal case.


If your serious to take the matter further, notify your neighbours first and give them a chance to see common sense.

Then you need to file a Police report, and take that to a lawyer.

However as the attack took place in a public place, then as someone suggested, you are partly responsible.

Remember it could get heated and a create a lot of bad feelings, but they'll still live next door.


In these situations you either bite the bullet or your tongue.

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I am in agreement with the other posters that if this wasnt on your property, dog bites cat isnt headline news and I cant see anyone being legally responsible for your roaming animal. 


To counter that though, if a dog bits a person and its not in someones yard / private property then the owner is liable.. 


So why is it that way for people but not cats ?? 

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This is thailand, best to see if you can amicably get a contribution to the vets bill


Forget the courts, I have a strong medical malpractise claim for substantial sums and I will do my very best to avoid the courts here


We have two adult Alsations and seven puppies we will keep two of them, the locals do poison and kill our dogs sometimes, but we have learn to keep them inside our fences in our six rai, and have some in reserve just in case


The locals fear our dogs more than ME !! !!


Very sorry to hear about your cat it can be very traumatic, I hope you all recover

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I think it is pretty common knowledge about the relationship between cats and dogs... We have both dogs and a cat in our compound. Just the presence of the cat antagonizes the dogs... the cats seem to know to walk on top of the wall where the dog cannot climb, but mostly, the cats keep out of the dog's way. 


I am really sorry for the cat and the vet bills, but I think part of the responsibility of pet ownership is protecting them from harm. But it is not just cats and dogs that fight, cats and cats fight, dogs and dogs fight... if you own an naimal, there can be unexpected expenses.


I hope the cat is ok now... and you keep the cat out of harms way.

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13 hours ago, elektrified said:

Glad to hear your cat pulled through. That's very good news. That is exactly why I never let my cats out unless I take them out in the garden for a few minutes and stay with them. As for the vet bill, I doubt you will collect a Satang from the neighbors - TBH; although anything is possible. Just part of the costs of pet ownership if you take the risk of letting your pets outside unattended.


Having said that, quite a few years ago our neighbor ran over our old Golden Retriever's foot by accident in his truck. He's not a very friendly guy and other than saying he was sorry and that it was an accident, he took off. The next morning he sent his housekeeper over and she said the neighbor wanted to pay for all medical costs. She had 10K in her hand. My wife gave her the bill and the neighbor paid everything. It was a surprise.

Strange story what u dish up here about your neighbour?

did he ran u dog over with his car in u livingroom?guess not so seems its the dogs fault so why he offers to pay then? Or did u just make up some feel good story here?

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I'm sorry the cat was hurt and happy to learn that the OP has paid the vet bills to restore the cat to good health.  


I think enough has been written about how it's unrealistic to expect the owner of the dog to pay anything toward vet bills given where the attack occurred.   Also, much has been written about keeping the cat indoors, or under control. Currently, we have two cats living happily in a high rise condo who never go outside.  In a former life, we had cats who went outside, but only in areas with very high fences that they couldn't scale and/or only while we were around to watch.  


I grew up with cats and parents who had the attitude that it was OK to let  the cats come-and-go and had the heartache of having the cats come home with injuries.  None of my parents cats ever lived more than six or seven years.  All the cats Hubby and I have had lived at least 20 years.

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I have a cat and there are a few dogs around. It has had to learn where it is safe to go and where it isn't. To be honest it stays mostly on my property and fortunately my neighbours also keep their dogs on theirs. There are a lot of loose dogs though.

I don't think you should press this with your neighbours, incidents happen and you have to be responsible for your own animals.

Sadly if your dog does any damage to their dogs (or some accident with a vehicle), I am quite sure they will expect your contribution.


I actually think keeping dogs is being a bad neighbour.

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22 hours ago, robblok said:

I think cats and dogs should both be kept in the home. If i let my dog out and others let their cat or dog out and there is a fight then its shared responsibility. Dogs and cats always seem to fight its natural by letting your cat out your taking a risk. You expect them to lock their dog up while you don't do the same with your cat.


I know my dog goes after cats and could get in a scrape with other dogs so I don't let him out (or if i do with a muzzle). But point is both should have supervised their animals not just the dog. Cats do their damage when free too. Killing of the birds and so on. 


My dogs live in a place with a dog-proof fenced garden - which of course is not cat-proof. If a cat comes into the garden at night, when the dogs have been let out for a pee, it had better make a hasty exit, because they will chase it,as they will chase any intruder.


Where was the OP's cat when attacked?

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21 hours ago, Trujillo said:


Well, Stupid, welcome to Thailand (and SE Asia). 


If you thought that the Smiles in this Land equated to a place with touchy-feely regard for others and honor amongst neighbors, no micro-aggressions (or real ones either) and social responsibility (haha....sorry, made myself laugh), then you got off at the wrong airport. In the wrong city. In the wrong country. 


By the way, 7,500 baht for getting the remaining lives back for a cat sounds suspiciously dear. For that price here you could pull out the old cat and install a completely new one. 


7500 baht is not onerous depending on the injuries.  It appears that you don't have beloved pets.  But you know,  if your son or daughter costs too much to rehabilitate after an accident or illness, just let them go and get another one.  Easy.  I still miss my cat who was run over and killed wo years ago.  

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Thank you for the replies. It's interesting that with the folks I or my wife talk to in person, both Thai and farang, they all agree that the neighbors should pay. Yet virtually no one on TV thinks that. If my cat was in the neighbors yard when it was bitten, then yes, I would not consider them responsible for the vet bills. The soi in front of the house, however, is not a lawless land where anything goes. If I (or you) was bitten by their dog on the street in front of my house, would they be considered accountable? If I hit their dog with my car on the street could I just say, well, too bad, not my problem? Or if I hit them with my car? Why is it different because it's a cat? In my opinion, it's not. And as for being good neighbors...why aren't THEY concerned with being good neighbors?


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1 hour ago, bamboozled said:

...why aren't THEY concerned with being good neighbors?


Are they not good neighbors for the other people in the neighborhood or just for you?


Do you really know the peoplt in your neighborhood or do you rely on what your wife tells you about them?

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As 6pm rolls around at the end of each day and the temple bells start ringing, Iam overtly reminded of the sound that characterizes the 3rd-world over....barking,barking and more f#$%ing barking!!!.


I used to like dogs until living in this part of the world and would gladly prefer a cat as a pet,but as one poster so eloquently put it "it's a dog eat cat world".....and with the mongrel-mutts that patrol the soi in our moo-baan Im sure kitty-cat would run out of lives sooner than later.


In a situation that involves a form of litigation,such as yours; Farang + cat  Vs.Thai + dog, the end result will likely leave you with a bitter awareness of the hierarchical structure in Thai-society and your place in it.

Best of luck in recovering SOME costs...don't expect all.


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On 1/19/2017 at 2:34 PM, bamboozled said:

The attack took place in the street in front of my house. I appreciate the view of keeping the cats indoors and realize it is dangerous for them to be outside. Or perhaps I am realizing that truly just now. I had assumed, wrongly I guess, that cats were smart enough to keep away from the dogs. After all, they have their own walled in area in which to carouse and they are neutered/spayed so that desire has been nullified. And they enjoy so much being outside that I did not want to keep them from that pleasure. It seems I have over-estimated the survival skills of the one that was injured.


In my book, a dog owner who takes no responsibility for their dog mauling a neighbors animal, that shows zero concern or compassion and does not offer to pay the vet bills, or at the very least to contribute, is a class A ass. I really find it surprising. Call me stupid.

OK then, you are stupid

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2 hours ago, sandemara said:

A great deterrent for cats - especially if you don't have any pets yourself - is to provide a water dish for visiting cats. Keep up a fresh water supply - I recommend a mix of 6-8 Panadol crushed to  fine powder per half litre of water. Very few cats return after tasting this.  Set up your welcome water dish whenever a new crop of cats start visiting.

That's a new one on me. I'll give it a go. Thankyou.

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21 hours ago, Destiny1990 said:

Strange story what u dish up here about your neighbour?

did he ran u dog over with his car in u livingroom?guess not so seems its the dogs fault so why he offers to pay then? Or did u just make up some feel good story here?

Nice troll. It's called compassion by another dog owner.

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When I was in the UK a dog had to have a license that mean`t the dog becomes a sort of citizen and if any harm comes to a dog even by a driver hitting a dog, a person could be held legally responsible. It is also the law in England that if a driver runs over a dog the driver has an obligation to stop and report the accident. But licenses are not required for cats and I believe even considered vermin the same as foxes. But people can still be prosecuted if they perpetrate intentional cruelty to most animals, probably excluding animals that are considered pests.


In Thailand I guess the laws are similar and cats don`t amount as animals of much value.  If the dog mentioned in the OP does attack people and someone gets seriously injured, especially a child, then the locals have their own ways of dealing with it, most likely throwing in meat bait laced with poison. But as far as the OP`s situation is concerned, I doubt there is much he can do about it.

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On 1/19/2017 at 9:21 AM, theguyfromanotherforum said:

You're right. This is TV and here's my opinion. 


If you don't have money for vet bills then why have a cat at all?


I live in Thailand (a "developing" country) and I try to limit myself to the least amount of liabilities as a foreigner who has very little rights here. This includes owning a car/motorbike, buying a condo and having a domestic animal. 


You obviously love and care for this animal and I respect you for saving it.


Just don't forget where you live.







This is the most sensible piece of advice for you op. 


When I read the heading 'legal recourse...' I thought to myself ... is OP american

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Cat lover here, coming to the city in a couple of weeks. I'll bring the flogging club and see you and yiur neighbours mongrel dog soon ! 


In all seriousness, if your cat is in danger, keep him or her confimed to indoors or a courtyard that is inescapable. 

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