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Despite no evidence, White House says Trump stands by voter fraud belief


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Despite no evidence, White House says Trump stands by voter fraud belief

By Jeff Mason




White House spokesman Sean Spicer holds a press briefing at the White House in Washington, D.C., U.S. January 24, 2017. REUTERS/Kevin Lamarque


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump stands by his belief that millions of people voted illegally in the U.S. election, the White House said on Tuesday, despite widespread evidence to the contrary.


"The president does believe that," White House spokesman Sean Spicer told reporters.


State officials in charge of the Nov. 8 election have said they found no evidence of widespread voter fraud and there is no history of it in U.S. elections. Even House of Representatives Speaker Paul Ryan, the most senior Republican in Congress, said he had seen no evidence to back up Trump's claims.


Republican Trump won the Electoral College that decides the presidency and gives smaller states more clout in the outcome, but he lost the popular vote to Democratic rival Hillary Clinton by about 2.9 million.


Trump has repeatedly said he would have won the popular vote, too, but for voter fraud. He has never substantiated his claim.


The comments were the latest in a series of distractions in the opening days of the Trump administration that run the risk of overshadowing his legislative goals and efforts to advance policy proposals.


On Saturday, the day after his inauguration as the 45th president of the United States, Trump complained about media coverage of the crowds that attended his swearing-in ceremony and described journalists as "among the most dishonest people on Earth."


(Reporting by Jeff Mason and Timothy Ahmann; editing by Grant McCool)

-- © Copyright Reuters 2017-01-25
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> President Donald Trump stands by his belief that millions of people voted illegally in the U.S. election, the White House said on Tuesday, despite widespread evidence to the contrary.

"The president does believe that," White House spokesman Sean Spicer told reporters. ... <


Well, fine then, go ahead, happens everywhere, others believe in vampires or crappy plastic-amulets, it's about the same bunch of   :crazy:'s. 

No problem really, keep them all locked up on Lemon Hill, always in a nice Non-Smoker-Jacket and just don't let them anywhere near a job with responsibility.


Oh, wait a sec, damn ... 



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I think that there is a deliberate strategy going on here. No president is an island; the Donald is surrounded by a coterie of very sharp, successful advisors who did not become successful by being nice, honest or fair. They know exactly how to manipulate people and they know exactly what he is doing when he makes all these ludicrous claims - sowing the seeds of confusion amongst the electorate, many of whom are willingly accepting of his suggestions of dark forces at work, without stopping to question whether he is simply a different variant of these dark forces.


A year ago we had never heard of the term 'fake news' and now everyone is talking about it, unsure of who or what to believe. He may be entertainment to many, but underneath the parody there is a serious strategy at play, with the deliberate intent of misleading and obfuscating the masses. He is taking the Boris Johsnon approach and has ramped it up to maximum.

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3 minutes ago, Gary A said:

Most of the illegal voters are from Kalifornia. You can buy a drivers license and a Social Security Card on many street corners. That entitles illegals to vote. No way will Kalifornia EVER investigate this so there is no way to prove it. Some posters complain about hate. They are right but the hate is coming from the losers. Over the past eight years the country is more divided than ever. Obama's former right hand man has made Chicago a huge mess. No one can blame republicans for that because there are none.

Another fake news junkie:


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He believes he lost the popular vote due to illegal voting.He actually believes this because he says it is so. There is no evidence to substantiate these belief's.He is now the most powerful man in the world.I would seriously doubt his sanity.What happens if the most powerful man in the world decides to 'bomb the bastards' just because he believes he is right to do so.It is true to say that he is unlike any other president ever elected in the USA. the last country that had a maniac in power killed 6 million Jews,simply because he believed it was the right thing to The Philippines are close on his tail.

Heil Donald

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1 hour ago, Khon Kaen Dave said:

I once posted that having Donald Trump in the White hose was like having a commoner on the throne of the UK. Uneducated,crass, vain,egotistical,and not familiar with procedure,or etiquette.I still stand by that.

I loved King Ralph, played the opening over and over.

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What do you expect from a man who keeps referring to himself ,  as in third person,  I think he likes saying his name !

 Now he started to repay the people he pandered to , the religious masses who put him in office,   Getting rid of federal funds for abortion clinics,  siphoning off billions of dollars

 To go to religious schools this will ruin public schools ,  and putting forth laws that will allow religious businesses to discriminate against anyone !

 And so many other things he just signing off on without considering the ramifications of what he's doing !

i don't see much good to come of this!

 But we're stuck with him for at least the next 4 years,   But if you give any  fool enough rope they'll probably hang themself !

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5 hours ago, Gary A said:

Most of the illegal voters are from Kalifornia. You can buy a drivers license and a Social Security Card on many street corners. That entitles illegals to vote. No way will Kalifornia EVER investigate this so there is no way to prove it. Some posters complain about hate. They are right but the hate is coming from the losers. Over the past eight years the country is more divided than ever. Obama's former right hand man has made Chicago a huge mess. No one can blame republicans for that because there are none.

^^^ Yes


Note: this is voter fraud, not election fraud.

Totally True. Dozens of examples.

Voter Fraud also includes 'Absentee Ballots'.


I do want this issue investigated.

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48 minutes ago, howto said:

^^^ Yes


Note: this is voter fraud, not election fraud.

Totally True. Dozens of examples.

Voter Fraud also includes 'Absentee Ballots'.


I do want this issue investigated.

Well this is your LUCKY DAY !!!



I will order ‘major investigation’ into voter fraud: Trump




The thing is Donald just backed himself into a corner, because this investigation will find nothing. What does he say then???

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3 hours ago, Gary A said:

Another fake news site. The article you linked to offers no proof just allegations that it might happen. But there was another article on the front page about Trump's latest allegation that definitively established that this is a fake news website. They cited Gregg Phillips head of votefraud.org.  Here's how they characterize Phillips

Gregg Phillips, spokesman for the VoteFraud.org organization, recently tweeted that after completing an analysis of a database of 180 million voter registrations, 'We have verified more than three million votes cast by non-citizens.'”

It turns out that Phillips has never offered any proof of his claim and now denies that he is in any way connected to votefraud.org. I don't have any more time for this nonsense but here's the link to politifact. Read it and weep


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4 hours ago, dunroaming said:

I don't think he will last 4 years. problem is then you have Pence who would obviously be more balanced (slightly) but how many of Trumps knee jerk policies would he reverse?

Pence is no gift.  But not an insane clown like trump.


The Radical Crusade of Mike Pence

He's trampled on the rights of women, LGBTQ folks and the poor. Then there's the incompetence. Meet, quite possibly, the next president



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Trump has just announced that he is going to launch a major investigation of voter fraud

Trump Promises ‘Major Investigation’ of Voter Fraud

By PETER BAKER 59 minutes ago

President Trump reasserted a false claim of cheating and promised an inquiry, even though his lawyers and experts have said no cheating occurred.

Mr. Trump has been widely criticized for making such assertions without any evidence, and even top Republicans like House Speaker Paul D. Ryan said they saw no indication of such widespread illegal voting. Mr. Trump’s legal team challenged the Green Party candidate Jill Stein’s recount petitions in Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin after Election Day with a broad assertion: “All available evidence suggests that the 2016 general election was not tainted by fraud or mistake.”


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11 hours ago, RuamRudy said:

I think that there is a deliberate strategy going on here. No president is an island; the Donald is surrounded by a coterie of very sharp, successful advisors who did not become successful by being nice, honest or fair. They know exactly how to manipulate people and they know exactly what he is doing when he makes all these ludicrous claims - sowing the seeds of confusion amongst the electorate, many of whom are willingly accepting of his suggestions of dark forces at work, without stopping to question whether he is simply a different variant of these dark forces.


A year ago we had never heard of the term 'fake news' and now everyone is talking about it, unsure of who or what to believe. He may be entertainment to many, but underneath the parody there is a serious strategy at play, with the deliberate intent of misleading and obfuscating the masses. He is taking the Boris Johsnon approach and has ramped it up to maximum.

Trump's latest tweet might give a clue to what's really at play here. Taking the totally unsubstantiated illegal voting as a given, he wants to  "strengthen voting procedures" —which sounds suspiciously like accelerating On-going Republican efforts at voter suppression.

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CNN pipes in.

I'm sure the man baby is gonna love that!

I really don't fully understand how American voters made this mistake considering he gave so many WARNING SIGNS for the entire campaign, not to mention his history with the racist birther movement. 




President Donald Trump's thin skin

President Donald Trump's refusal to let sleeping dogs lie now threatens to harm his presidency.






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8 minutes ago, Thakkar said:

Trump's latest tweet might give a clue to what's really at play here. Taking the totally unsubstantiated illegal voting as a given, he wants to  "strengthen voting procedures" —which sounds suspiciously like accelerating On-going Republican efforts at voter suppression.

It's worse than that. He's showing signs of going full on Putin. 

This is what Bernie Sanders warned about after trump won. The real serious permanent damage risk with such an authoritarian extremist is if there any semblance of a democracy left after he's done with it. We already know trump's campaign was not normal, and he is not normal. 


What's not clear though is exactly HOW to stop this. 

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Notice that Trump has changed his numbers from "3 million voting illegally" to 3 to 5 million voting illegally". I guess it must've occurred to him later that 3M would only mean he's neck and neck with HRC and that can't be. He has to win bigly, hence the 5 million number. As long as you're pulling stuff outta your ass, why not add another 2 million?


Watch how hard it is to vote illegally Trump himself once tried to vote at the wrong polling station and was sent away:



Now, granted your average undocumented Mexican is a lot smarter and more resourceful than Trump, but still...3 to 5 million?

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The fact that the majority of Americans are seriously questioning his LEGITIMACY is really getting to him. Evidence the Women's March day after his poorly attended dark inauguration that had crowds possibly FOUR TIMES larger. His ego can't take this. He may just internally combust or something! 


I've said before there were rational ways for him to fix this but he's failed MISERABLY and isn't even trying.


He failed to reach out people that weren't his fans as president elect. Instead, he made it clear he sees them as ENEMIES.


His inauguration speech ... enough said ... probably the worse in U.S. history and spoke only to his fans.


Health care  ... he has a historic opportunity to push for single payer health care that no president has ever had. He won't do that. Instead he'll let the republicans have their B.S. "replace" that will result in tens of thousands of dead Americans annually.


Supreme court -- he could send Garland. Obama's moderate pick that the republicans blocked from even getting any hearing. That would be a huge UNIFYING gesture. But he won't.


Instead of Garland, he could still help himself and help unify the nation by sending a MODERATE scotus pick with the rationale that Obama had rightfully deserved a pick before as he was president then, and then trump can save his ideological picks for later ones. 


But he won't. He'll pick someone like Scalia. 



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