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Don't brew beer at home (or in toilet), Prayuth says


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11 hours ago, rkidlad said:

Does anyone know if Beer Leo have changed their ingredients? Haven't had it for a while and sunk 5 bottles last Friday night. Woke up with the worst headache. Was similar to a Changover.  Never had that problem before. 


As for him telling people not to brew their own - absolutely. People might discover what a real beer can taste like and not wanna buy the sub par few beers on offer. 

I am sure the recipe changed at the same time as the relabelling.


I drank Leo for years and suddenly I cannot stand it any more. I have converted to Chang, and now with its lower alcohol is not so  much danger.

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14 minutes ago, maoro2013 said:

I am sure the recipe changed at the same time as the relabelling.


I drank Leo for years and suddenly I cannot stand it any more. I have converted to Chang, and now with its lower alcohol is not so  much danger.

Yea, I have a friend who now drinks Chang Export. Chang still scars me, but I can't take another Leo headache. I think I'll have to try a Chang and see. 

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“You can’t just brew it in the back of a shop, in the back of your house, or in your toilet,” Prayuth said. “There have to be rules and regulations.”


I look forward to the government's rules and regulations for brewing beer in the toilet.

Thailand - the Hub of Toilet Beer

Good to the very last Flush.



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12 hours ago, Tilacme said:

If the beer making process lacks the smallest amount of hygiene then the beer will go bad, smell like eggs, and be undrinkable.  So the case of hygiene and safety is a non starter.


I believe that. One of the great things about Vietnam is all the locally made bia hoi. Really nice to stop in some little town or roadside resto and enjoy a few glasses. All I had tasted just fine. :)

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President Obama brewed his own beer in the white house.  


Is this idiot saying that craft beer is likely to be less clean than the Pad Thai cooked along most streets in Thailand ?   If you ever thought he was not protecting the 1%, this likely to change your mind. 

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8 hours ago, chickenslegs said:

Amazing that the two major brewers in Thailand can't come up with a range of decent beers to satisfy the tastes of their "captive" customers.


With their economies of scale and duopoly they could cut any microbrewery competition dead - instead they are continuing to produce a mediocre product and rely on protectionism to maintain their market share. 

Now, why would they? 99% of consumers here have no clue of diversity or taste, just down the hatch as it's the alc-content they're interested in.
10 Baht for every complaint after the elephant-piss had it's volproz reduced and i'd be a very rich mon by now ... 

Edited by jollyhangmon
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12 hours ago, White Christmas13 said:

Correct I do make my own beer in OZ I spend hours cleaning my equipment 

otherwise it will be off so you can ban me but that guy is an arfffhole and knows nothing about the real world

My mum caught me cleaning my own equipment in the bath once.

I just told her 'it's mine and I'll wash it as fast as I like'

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52 minutes ago, rkidlad said:

Yea, I have a friend who now drinks Chang Export. Chang still scars me, but I can't take another Leo headache. I think I'll have to try a Chang and see. 

They stoped making Chang Export long ago.

Along with Chang Draught and Chang Lite.

Now they only produce  Chang Rats Urine and it is ghastly. :sick:


Worth paying the extra for Beer Laos.

Edited by Lite Beer
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1 minute ago, Lite Beer said:

They stoped making Chang Export long ago.

Along with Chang Draught and Chang Lite.

Now they only produce  Chang Rats Urine and it is ghastly. :sick:

My local seven doesn't have a lot on offer. Don't like Singha or Thai Heineken. How I miss being back in Prague enjoying an insane number of beers on offer. 

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12 hours ago, simon43 said:




That'll be the Formalyne that they put in the beer to increase the shelf life, (same as injecting Formaldhyde into dead bodies to preserve them until the funeral)

My mission is to leave a well-preserved, yet flammable, albeit not so good looking corpse. For this reason you will have to pry my Sing from my cold, dead fingers. As for the headaches? Why do you think 'god' gave us morphine?

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2 hours ago, arrowsdawdle said:

No craft beer brewing for hygiene and safety, eh? Wouldn't have anything to do with Singha and Chang pulling the little general's strings now would it?

In Australia craft beers are very popular and currently hold about 12% of the market.  Most started out as backyard operations selling in the local areas. Micro breweries and gained recognition.  Major breweries saw oppertunities and started buying up these small operations and continued to produce the product.  The Thai government should be encouraging such enterprises and not trying to demonize them in support of the major players.  A lot of people like choice and a lot of these micro breweries have become tourist attractions just like wineries.

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The young man who was caught brewing his own beer is now a celebrity and should use that to find a good job outside of Thailand, as that is where he will realize his dreams.  Hong Kong has a large craft beer following.  Know several Thais that do well there in the food and beverage industries.  This silly old general is basically telling the inspired and capable to leave Thailand as there is no future for you here.

Edited by yellowboat
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2 hours ago, arrowsdawdle said:

No craft beer brewing for hygiene and safety, eh? Wouldn't have anything to do with Singha and Chang pulling the little general's strings now would it?

Maybe he gets B50K a month too for consulting.

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The more the ignoramous Prayuth opens his mouth, the more I despise him. He is clearly an imbecile. I would call him a retard but don't want to offend the retarded by lumping him with them. And I don't even drink so no skin off my nose. 

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"Adelaide Hills beer named best in the world

THE expansion strategy of a boutique brewer in South Australia has received a massive boost after its India Red Ale was named the best beer in the world.

Prancing Pony Brewery’s 7.9 per cent abv India Red Ale has this week been awarded the Supreme Champion prize at the International Beer Challenge in London after claiming the Trophy for Best Ale Above 5 per cent abv."


Obviously unhygienic and and not safe at all.


There are problems with distilling alcohol but brewing your own beer is safe. This is just protectionist nonsence.

The bloke who makes this beer started as a home brewer.


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I don't get how someone can complain about Singha but then say Leo or Chang is okay. I'm not so sure at all that Leo or Chang is brewed beer.... the bottles look very nice..... but the "beer" looks an awful like just yellow colored water.... obviously alcohol added, too much, and some bitter hops sludge for "taste". and if I had to guess on that.. the sludge is from a Singha plant.

but I really wonder... if the central government takes care of everything.... even what to eat or drink..... but won't pick up the trash in most rural villages.  and here we are at the start of the smoke season again.

big daddy is concerned about the quality of the beer someone can drink.... what about what folks breath? 

Edited by maewang99
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I'm glad Beer Lao is becoming more available- by far my beer of choice. Never (or rarely) get bad heads from it, which I put down to the lack of preservatives compared to Thai beers. Probably why its shelf life is shorter - I tend to buy it less than 3 months. Makro stock both mainstream varieties and more 7/11s I frequent are doing the same. Lager B53 and Dark B59 is not a great deal more than the case price from makro.


Even if it were legal here I wouldn't want to go down the homebrew route due to higher temperatures and humidity.

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Sorry,but i like Chang! i like it better now its AVB has been lowered.If i want a strongy i go for Red Horse. The local mum and dad shop sells a large one for a very reasonable 50 b.Leo,is not bad.I dont do any of the sing's or tiger's,but i enjoy a nice icy Chang on occasion.In fact its 'Changrila' where i live.:cheesy:Oh! i do make me laugh sometimes.Changrila! ged it?ged it?

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18 hours ago, rkidlad said:

Does anyone know if Beer Leo have changed their ingredients? Haven't had it for a while and sunk 5 bottles last Friday night. Woke up with the worst headache. 

I do 5-6 large leos a night when im in a certain town staying with certain people ?? Very very rarely i have headache. But i do have the inpression that there is less than 5% alcohol in it. i drink it with loads of ice cubes btw.

To mask the crappy taste. 

Leo is the best of the worst imo.

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