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Welcome to Pattaya - Finnish couple on first day in the resort latest victims of snatch theft

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Pattaya, never seems anything good reported from there, just crime of one sort or another and foreigners going off the rails,  getting killed in accidents, being shot or topping themselves.

17 minutes ago, robertthebruce said:



Please don't mention Singapore and Pattaya , in the same sentence....it's like daylight and darkness..


Singapore is pure class, amd the Quality Tourists are in Abundance..


I cannot fault the place...


Totally safe and enjoyable.



As for Pattaya ??? Well say no more.....




Not defending Pattaya, but found no great shakes in Singapore... After we checked out of the hotel, we had to wait 30 minutes in the lobby for a bus to the airport. I dozed off sitting upright in a chair and was rousted as if a street person loiterer and told that I could not sleep in the lobby... just sayin... you can take proper too far. 

1 hour ago, sahibji said:

Are you suggesting sitting at home. No man, go but dress up in such way that no attention is attracted.

Dress down would be a better approach.


1 hour ago, captspectre said:

For years this has been happening, not just in Pattaya but all over, and it HAS been  made public in all news sources. some people just NEVER learn!

You just read TVF too much and your statement is a huge exaggeration. You think this info is all over Finland? Really get a grip.  I also would be more prudent ONLY in Pattaya. I wear an expensive watch and sometimes a ring and never feel it's foolish in Bangkok. I  have friends who live here full time and I'm here 1/2 the year and I talk to many tourists  and I've met no one who has had this happen in Bangkok. I am not saying crime is non existent,  but for Bangkoks huge population the tourist and busy areas are quite safe.


What I think should be mandatory is every hotel and guest house in Pattaya give a friendly but truthful notice to everyone in their room about snatch and grab crimes and a few others like pickpockets in several different languages. Ive seen this in a few hotels here and in other countries and I always appreciate it and it just makes me THINK a little but never scared or frightened. 


8 hours ago, hansnl said:

A much better advise would be to stay away from Pattaya until the authorities realise something need to be done to get the tourists back.

Maybe the police could do a better job?

You a very naive to say the least,the police are supposed to be doing the job now but involves work for them with very little monetary reward,setting up check points where financial gain is guaranteed is more to their liking.

The "authorities" could not care less T.I.T. because the tourists still keep coming  :whistling:


7 hours ago, thai3 said:

Pattaya, never seems anything good reported from there, just crime of one sort or another and foreigners going off the rails,  getting killed in accidents, being shot or topping themselves.

"Good news" doesn,t produce good headlines :sleep:

3 hours ago, BruceMangosteen said:

Why don't people ever learn that when visiting a third world country or any tourist area, wearing jewelry is asking for trouble. The lack of common sense is befuddling.  

Tourist area arent considered third world thats why.

2 hours ago, sahibji said:

I feel it is OK to wear jewellery but it should be suitable covered so that it does not attract attention easily.


Err, if you are going to cover it up why wear it at all?

2 hours ago, Dararasmi said:

Don't go to Pattaya...just too much of a risk. 

Nonsense, I have been going to Pattaya for years now, and never had a problem, but then I am never drunk, don't wear jewelry or medalions like these

effeminate guys. Use common sense, and you will be 99.9% safe anywhere in Thailand. I am referring to crime here, not road safety.

2 hours ago, sahibji said:

I feel it is OK to wear jewellery but it should be suitable covered so that it does not attract attention easily.

But surely the whole idea of these girly type guys is to show it off. By the way, I am not referring to guys who wear a small thing on a small chain for maybe sentimental reasons, that is hard for anyone to see.

1 hour ago, robertthebruce said:



Please don't mention Singapore and Pattaya , in the same sentence....it's like daylight and darkness..


Singapore is pure class, amd the Quality Tourists are in Abundance..


I cannot fault the place...


Totally safe and enjoyable.



As for Pattaya ??? Well say no more.....



and can you enjoy yourself in Singapore  or are there too many restrictions ? 

2 hours ago, captspectre said:

For years this has been happening, not just in Pattaya but all over, and it HAS been  made public in all news sources. some people just NEVER learn!

Be fair, they came unprepared, Finland is a civilized country.

2 hours ago, johnbarpic said:

Why don't people learn stealing is wrong. Being able to buy such items comes with hard work. The reason people still steal is the punishment is way too soft in many cultures. I apprehended a thief while in Singapore by the time it came for me to make a second interview with police to be given a citizen commendation. The guy was serving 3 years with no parole. Tried to deny it was him on cctv & refused to regret his crime no mercy from the judge he also faced deportation after sentence served (result) plus the roughing up he received trying to evade my capture.

One might also ask why people actually buy expensive ornaments? Gold, Platinum etc etc what are they, really. Materials dug out of the ground and the fashioned in some way. They have been given an 'artificial value' and the whole of society now can't function with these 'artificial values'. Call it what you like, greed, possession etc etc. but it is just part of human nature...and while these values remain so criminal activities will too. And don't forget our laws are artificial too so steeling is 'wrong' (as well as killing or harming someone) by such laws which are meant for our guidance. But they are not Natures laws by which the universe, galaxies, the solar system etc. all the way down to quantum, function.

Don't misunderstand me! I am not condoning acts of misconduct and all I am saying is that our artificial laws are breakable by choice and there will always be someone willing to do that and the rest of us must learn to take necessary precautions (and even these won't 100% criminal proof). Criminals have to take the consequences of their actions if caught and the rest of us have to take the consequences of displaying our valuables. This is the reality of the society we have built. 

44 minutes ago, alex8912 said:

You just read TVF too much and your statement is a huge exaggeration. You think this info is all over Finland? Really get a grip.  I also would be more prudent ONLY in Pattaya. I wear an expensive watch and sometimes a ring and never feel it's foolish in Bangkok. I  have friends who live here full time and I'm here 1/2 the year and I talk to many tourists  and I've met no one who has had this happen in Bangkok. I am not saying crime is non existent,  but for Bangkoks huge population the tourist and busy areas are quite safe.


What I think should be mandatory is every hotel and guest house in Pattaya give a friendly but truthful notice to everyone in their room about snatch and grab crimes and a few others like pickpockets in several different languages. Ive seen this in a few hotels here and in other countries and I always appreciate it and it just makes me THINK a little but never scared or frightened. 


I agree with all you say especially the last paragraph . I have said before that tourists coming to Asia should be given an health & safety induction cos the likelihood of getting done in one way or another if you're not streetwise is high . Maybe if informational pamphlets were given out on aircraft and hotels outlining the basics of what to avoid and keep safe and healthy plus telephone numbers of police , embassy etc  would be a good start .

3 minutes ago, superal said:

I agree with all you say especially the last paragraph . I have said before that tourists coming to Asia should be given an health & safety induction cos the likelihood of getting done in one way or another if you're not streetwise is high . Maybe if informational pamphlets were given out on aircraft and hotels outlining the basics of what to avoid and keep safe and healthy plus telephone numbers of police , embassy etc  would be a good start .

Or people could join the 21st century and research on the internet before travelling.

2 hours ago, arrowsdawdle said:

Not just Pattaya, don't wear jewelry on the street anywhere, anytime.

In my civilized country, this sort of thing is hardly ever heard of but it doesn't mean it's not happening. But like they say "Out of sight, out of mind"


...when will they officially start warning tourists....???


...embassies....travel agencies...tour guides...hotels......???


...and stop blaming the victims of violent crimes.....???


....because they pretend the phenomenon/problem doesn't exist....!!!


...same for unsafe beaches....cliffs...waterfalls...rock formations...!!!


...and lack of insurance coverage when renting a vehicle....!!!


...is it too much to ask...for the sake of 30+ million tourists a year...???




...and your jewelry and cash...as we have read multiple times.... is often not 'safe' even in the hotel safe.....!!!

...so what options are there for the victims that some of you so haughtily blame....???

3 hours ago, arrowsdawdle said:

Turn a 3-iron upside down and use it as a cane...until some idiot steps over the line and does something stupid, whereupon you get the pleasure of showing him your knock-down shot. Graphite shaft is less likely to break than steel, but steel makes a good skewer if it does break.

Yeah, I carry a baseball bat; never know when a game will sprout-up.

1 hour ago, superal said:

and can you enjoy yourself in Singapore  or are there too many restrictions ? 



Singapore is Beautiful...


I can enjoy myself wherever I go....



2 hours ago, hawker9000 said:

Talking about the expensive. flashy stuff that attracts thieves, if you're going to have to cover it up, then what's the point in wearing it?  I know there are some who'll hold forth with a rant about their "right" to wear what they choose, so I guess that just makes it a must-have ego booster.  'Seems a bit dysfunctional though.



I wear my 4 baht gold chain all the time, because its meaning is important to me. I have worn it all throughout Asia for 50 years, but I do wear it under my shirt. I think it cost about $100 back in the day of $35/oz gold. So, even if it was stolen, the bad part would not be its worth, but the loss of the meaning it has to my life.


About the only crime that the bib have not been accused of or caught at is the physical snatching of jewerly. Lots of people dress as policemen and are not, maybe it works the other way also. The bib are very good at riding 2 to a  cycle.

Thailand ain't that far behind...

Nonsense, go to the outskirts of any city as whitey in Brazil and your throat will be slashed just to see what's in your pockets!!

I have a neighbour who wears heavy gold jewellery and real stones . She's been here a few times running through winter. I have warned her about this jewellery as you can't really miss it. She hasnt taken it off tho. I was badly hurt when two guys on a motorbike tried to rip my small bag off my arm. Unfortunately the strap didn't break ( I didn't try to keep it !) and I was dragged on the ground, facial, ribs and knees badly marked. A few hospital visits and sat in my condo for 6 weeks to heal. 

So i know I shouldn't carry a bag, but where the hell do you put a comb, your keys, some money and a pack of Kleenex when you go shopping ? 

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