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TOT Fiber2u New Packages 50-200 Mbps (700-1200 thb)


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23 minutes ago, Crossy said:

@clokwise this is worrying, was it ever OK and got worse or bad from day one?


We shall see how things go, I'm still getting good speeds to Japan and my seedbox in Amsterdam.

From day 1 it was slow. I forgot to mention that streaming is now also rubbish. I'll give it a month, if nothing improves I'll pay the penalty and switch back -- assuming they still offer the same old plan.


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15 minutes ago, clokwise said:

From day 1 it was slow. I forgot to mention that streaming is now also rubbish. I'll give it a month, if nothing improves I'll pay the penalty and switch back -- assuming they still offer the same old plan.


I doubt they have old package.

You use most expensive plan in extreme packages yet streaming is bad?


Have you tried complaining to TOT customer service by using a Thai person to speak in your behalf?

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16 hours ago, muratremix said:

I doubt they have old package.

You use most expensive plan in extreme packages yet streaming is bad?


Have you tried complaining to TOT customer service by using a Thai person to speak in your behalf?


Definitely have a good whinge at TOT


I just got my best ever testmy.net result to Japan, same 200/80 package.





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20 minutes ago, attrayant said:


It wouldn't surprise me if they were simply oversubscribing the local access ports.

Getting close to the truth now :) 

No different to the Electricity Authority Of Thailand. Let the line voltage drop to 185v before we consider an upgrade.

Edited by maxpower
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Definitely have a good whinge at TOT
I just got my best ever testmy.net result to Japan, same 200/80 package.

May be time to consider putting a circuit speed breaker on your fiber line...maybe a 350Mb breaker...otherwise you may damage your computer. Would hate to hear your computer caught on fire due to internet overspeeding. [emoji1]
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3 hours ago, KhunBENQ said:

My fear too.

But do I have another chance than follow the crowd and ask for upgrade?


To be honest for us it was a no-brainer, less money for a potentially much faster service. Even if we saw no improvement in performance the 300 Baht a month reduction (yes we had a small business connection) is a few extra beers :)


EDIT @ 18:15 I was going to publish my latest TestMy.net speedtest, but I could be accused of being a TOT mole :)



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5 hours ago, Crossy said:


To be honest for us it was a no-brainer, less money for a potentially much faster service. Even if we saw no improvement in performance the 300 Baht a month reduction (yes we had a small business connection) is a few extra beers :)


EDIT @ 18:15 I was going to publish my latest TestMy.net speedtest, but I could be accused of being a TOT mole :)



I'm going to guess it was these two tests to Tokyo.   Can't complain about those speeds.


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And just for comparison to your TOT fiber 200Mb plan, I ran the same 200Mb testmy.net download test to Tokyo at around 8pm (two hours after your probable tests above) with my AIS Fibre 100Mb plan and here is what I got....around half your speed.  


Now at 8pm I'm more in the prime time of usage time frame so maybe my speed was slowed down a little.   I rarely test to Tokyo (mostly Singapore and LA) so I don't really know what my average speed to Tokyo is throughout the day-night. 







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For you folks who want to look at testmy.net results for TOT, below link will take to the TOT test results in the testmy.net database.




Now the results do not tell you what speed plan a person is on but in many cases you can figure it out like if someone is pulling speeds significantly above 100Mb, well, they must be on the TOT 200Mb speed plan.   There are other things you can figure out from the data but I leave that to you folks to play with and figure out.


One thing I find interesting with the TOT 200Mb plan is it seems to briefly "burst" way above its 200Mb speed during the 15 seconds of so a test takes.   Like in in below test were the person pulled a 149.64Mb result on TOT.  From looking at the Test in Process (TiP) chart during the test the person reached a peak speed of 413.68Mb--that is smoking fast.  But that burst only lasted a second or so and then it feel back to a lower speed.   While bursting probably won't help you for streaming live video, it can surely help if just browsing the web, loading webpages, and downloading files.  


With my AIS Fibre 100Mb my TiP charts usually show a 20% burst of speed up to around 120Mb "during the very first part of the test" and then it levels off to a lower and fairly flat speed for the rest of the test.



TOT TiP Chart for a test to Tokyo where the person pulled a 149.64Mb test result


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3 minutes ago, maxpower said:

Guess it all depends on where you plug your PC in.






you plugged it into the server at ToT perhaps. maybe you are employed there.

Edited by bangkok101
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24 minutes ago, Stocky said:

They've fixed my upload speed I now have 50/20 at least within Thailand.



Can you also test your speed on speedof.me (just one test, no server selection, it chooses singapore by default)

and testmy.net please?



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45 minutes ago, muratremix said:

Can you also test your speed on speedof.me (just one test, no server selection, it chooses singapore by default)

and testmy.net please?


I don't like sites that tell me to turn adblocker off, but here we are. I ran Testmy.net as well also to Singapore.





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36 minutes ago, muratremix said:

Can you also test your speed on speedof.me (just one test, no server selection, it chooses singapore by default)

and testmy.net please?



You know with that "speedof.me" tester I've never been able to get a speed faster than 20Mb to Singapore.  I'm on AIS 100/10.  Just not sure about the quality of that tester.  Maybe it some magic setting I haven't been able to figure out with that tester.


My tests are always throttled at around 20Mb.   But if I use speedtest.net or testmy.net and I can pull 100Mb speeds to Singapore.


For example, ran the test just a few minutes ago on speedof.me, testmy.net, and speedtest.net to Singapore.  Mmy download speed is always truncated/clipped at 20Mb on speedof.me....it's like a glass ceiling I can break through.  But on testmy.net and speedest.net there is no truncation/clipping.throttling.   Any ideas what might be causing this issue when using speedof.me?  Maybe it's just an AIS Fibre thing...I don't know.  But one thing I know for sure, I'm definitely getting 100Mb speed to Singapore regardless of what speedof.me says.


I've never been able to get that speedof.me tester to work right...at least while on AIS.  When I was still on True cable I only had a 15Mb plan so the 20Mb truncating didn't happen.


Speedof.me Test to Singapore (notice how the download speed is throttled/truncated at around 20Mb



Testmy.net to Singapore




Speedtest.net to Singapore


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7 minutes ago, Stocky said:

I don't like sites that tell me to turn adblocker off, but here we are. I ran Testmy.net as well also to Singapore.






That speedof.me tester seems to be giving you truncated/clipped/throttled results also.   I've tried the tester with and without an adblocker turned on and it didn't make any difference.  The adblocker is not affecting the speed test at all....the site just tells you that to make you think that and turn the adblocker off so you can see some ads.

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32 minutes ago, Stocky said:

I don't like sites that tell me to turn adblocker off, but here we are. I ran Testmy.net as well also to Singapore.





It seems on a single connection, TOT throttles singapore to around 20 mbps.

Speedtest is multi threaded (4 or 8) so you get max speed.

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