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Suan Dusit Poll: 85% of Thai public think today's youth are out of control!


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Suan Dusit Poll: 85% of Thai public think today's youth are out of control!



Picture: Thairath


BANGKOK: -- Thailand's youth have been slammed in a poll published in the wake of a road rage shooting last week.


Even though the shooter was in his 50s - engineer Suthep who has been charged with murder - the public seem to be reserving their anger for the young people who allegedly threatened him.


The poll talks of youths in society deemed as out of control, high on drugs and fuelled on alcohol, engaging in frequent acts of violence, too early sexual relations and disobeying parents, reported Thairath.


But respondents also blamed parents and elders in society for not caring enough about youth and many felt that a poor example was being set for youth to follow.


Less than half of those who replied thought there might be a problem with the Thai education system.


Nowhere in the Thai Rath report of the poll findings was there any mention of guns being part of the problem.


The poll commissioned by Suan Dusit University asked 1,129 people throughout the country a series of questions between February 7 and 11 last week.


Some 75% of people expressed the view they were worried about youth and the influence of social media. About 72% agreed with the statement that youth today exhibited bad behavior and overreaction.


A total of 70% said parents need to be more responsible for their children.


Asked to pinpoint the top problems regarding youth the poll reported:


85% saying that the main problem was violence

83% pointed to problems with drugs and alcohol

78% said too many youth having sex too young was to blame

69% pointed the finger at social media influence


Regarding the story about the road rage incident in Chonburi when a 17 year old was shot dead:


84% of the public said the case pointed to a severe problem with arguments leading to violence in society 75% said the case showed that people were just unable to control their temper anymore 73% said it highlighted problems with youth in Thai society


Asked how the problem of today's youth might be solved the responses were as follows:


78% thought parents needed to show more love and care

74% said the elder generation should set a better example and advise the young

65% thought there should be stricter punishments and control of the media

56% thought youth needed to engage in more sports and exercise while 49% thought the Thai education system needed to be overhauled.


Source: Thairath

-- © Copyright Thai Visa News 2017-02-14
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I am starting to think more about my family's safety every time we plan to visit LOS, with every time I get closer to saying this is the last time. I have two girls who I cherish more than a cheap holiday.

I see things in black and white and feel the level of risk for my children to become victims of sexual assault is too high. The corruption and greed that see's innocent people have their lies destroyed for someones personal gain represents an almost unacceptable level of risk. Israel, Lebanon and Turkey is looking good for future holiday's and my lovely Thai wife agrees. Once her parents have passed then that will be Thailand done for us.


I squarely blame drugs.

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This is the direct products of the social media generation, to emulate, to impress,

to dare to take a selfies for the whole world to see, so the more crazy, outlandish

and stupid you're, the more ' likes ' you get form the other brain numbs social

media zombies......

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Police violence as exampled with the coffee lady and widely seen the on the internet hardly set's and example. If they conducted the same pole on the police the public might say likewise that 85% of them are out of control in a variety of ways and for a variety of reasons.

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A needless tragedy whose trigger was in the mind
By Jintana Panyaarvudh


File photo: At the funeral of the 17-year-old high school student who was killed following a road rage.


BANGKOK: -- The past decade has seen a rising level of sensationalism in Thai society, super-charged by the opinions and emotions expressed through the social media. 


One example came with the fatal shooting on February 4 of a 17-year-old high school student by a middle-aged engineer.


The shooting took place in Chon Buri after an argument between Suthep Poshsomboon, 50-year-old engineer, and a group of teenagers over parking at a local market. The argument turned into a fistfight before Suthep, who was driving a car occupied by his wife, his mother and his nephew, drew a gun and fired the fatal shot. 


Debate on the incident has raged in both the mainstream and the social media.


Ambiguous facts and sketchy details have helped fuel fiery online clashes over the circumstances that led to the killing.


Full story: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/news/national/30306296

-- © Copyright The Nation 2017-02-14
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I think it's the social media age. Nearly every fight or minor infraction is recorded on someones smart phone and uploaded to facebook or similar social media sites where just like Thaivisa people need their fix of gossip and news to comment on.

This new social media revolution across the globe is addictive. But the stories they tell each day are only usually of interest for one day and people want more.

Nothing new, gossip and news has been around for centuries. It's just now available in the palm of our hand in real time with photos, videos, updates, comments, comparisons and you can add your own opinions too.

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I find TV and polls funny. Most polls in the world interview a handful of people (a few thousand at best in massive countries like USA). Whenever there's a poll saying things like "People Love Yingluck" "People love Prayuth" "People happy with Soi Dogs", the TV brigade are out in force: "1234 people...hardly an accurate reflection!" etc etc. BUT when a poll comes out saying things like "Thailand most dangerous place in the world" "Most Thais hate the police" etc etc. the TV brigade comes out with "Sh t, I better pack my bags" " Aha, that's what I've been saying" etc etc :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

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When I first had anything to do with Thailand teenagers were still tied to their parents at 17 , in the course of three decades I've seen a general gradual deterioration , however this is in line with outside social  media services, that have just really thrust Thailand into the 21st century , even though some still want to be in the 18th,  the kids of today are no different to those in any other country, every country now has problems with youth and not only youth, adults as well,  it will get worse with Automation, the other day in Perth West OZ  a 19 youth just layed down in a park and died from synthetic drugs, then you look at the youth in Frank Sinatra's , Elvis and the Beatles era,  everyone said we were all outa control , Yeah baby............................................................:coffee1:

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This poll could have taken place in most countries in the world and produced the same result about heir own youth.


It could have taken place 30 years ago with the same result.


No doubt the youth of today if polled in 30 years time will say the same.

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In 2011, then Thailand’s Minister of Culture, H.E. Mrs. Sukumol Kunplome, came up with a guideline to solve all these problems.

In the opinion of the Minister, the program "How to raise your Thai child culturally correct" was necessary because a survey showed that young people are already using drugs, cigarettes and alcohol at the age of 15. Reasons for this were learning difficulties, family and financial problems. If you are in the mood for a good laugh, see the English translation of her “space cadet program” here:


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5 hours ago, damo said:

I am starting to think more about my family's safety every time we plan to visit LOS, with every time I get closer to saying this is the last time. I have two girls who I cherish more than a cheap holiday.

I see things in black and white and feel the level of risk for my children to become victims of sexual assault is too high. The corruption and greed that see's innocent people have their lies destroyed for someones personal gain represents an almost unacceptable level of risk. Israel, Lebanon and Turkey is looking good for future holiday's and my lovely Thai wife agrees. Once her parents have passed then that will be Thailand done for us.


I squarely blame drugs.

How about Aleppo.

Gosh Thailand is from away from the warzone u describing.

what country u from? Never incidents overthere?

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“The poll talks of youths in society deemed as out of control, high on drugs and fuelled on alcohol, engaging in frequent acts of violence, too early sexual relations and disobeying parents…”


As it was with every previous generation.

Edited by jaltsc
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I think it comes down to where they can look for a good example in Thailand.


Police? Army? Politicians? Hiso's? Monks?


Or maybe escape from reality for a while and watch a Lakorn. No wonder there's some screwed up kids. Look at the adults they're supposed to look up to.




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I have two friends both young female student teachers aged 22 & 23 working as interns in different schools.

Both site the children's behaviour as their worst problem during the day.
Both say they are not allowed to chastise or discipline the children or notify the parents of bad behaviour..

The head teacher & principals reasons are that they will grow out of it! 

Both have said to me that they entered the teaching profession hoping to make a change but are held back by the older generation saying the kids must be left alone to do as they please.

Both have said they are actively looking for other work & no-longer wish to be in the education system even to finish their internships!!

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