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Dhammachayo evades capture


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18 minutes ago, AGareth2 said:

The thing is 

did they really want to catch him?



The answer to your question is no they did not want to catch him, why do you think they waited so long.

Too many hi-so, influential people wll be named and shamed if he is caught.

Edited by colinneil
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4 hours ago, rkidlad said:

DId they check in between the sofa cushions? 



That's it....follow the money:)


What a ruse....I bet the guy hasn't been there for weeks....just resist attempts for authorities to enter, giving the impression he is still in there. 

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Left empty handed,because he's not there,he has more sense

than the police and would have left ages ago,we better be careful

what we post as the police are ultra sensitive about been called

useless. inept,

regards worgeordie

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1 hour ago, the guest said:

Zippy, Bungle & George could do a better job than these Muppets. The whole world is laughing at Thailand, what a charade!


Do you really think the world gives a toss what happens here!

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Good to see Prayut enforcing the law against the powerful and corrupt in Thailand regardless of who they are ...& doing it in a controlled, measured, respectful  and peaceful way! 


Maybe he can advise the US the next time they have a David Koresh situation ;)


The monk might have escaped, then again the Thai authorities might not have expected him to be there(contrary to all the assumptions made on this thread), however his assets have now been seized, including his flagship temple/HQ. ...match point Prayut!

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6 hours ago, docshock13 said:

Headline should read: "Dhammachayo evades capture as planned. Yet, authorities continue to insult intelligence of public with charade." 

Oh yesss, ...this is the best one of the day !!!!

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6 hours ago, yellowboat said:

Are the RTP, army and DSI trying to look foolish ?  Wouldn't be surprising if the ex-abbot is in a neighboring country .  Ho Chi Min pretended to be a Thai monk in Thailand to avoid French Government.   The fox seems to be way ahead of the hounds at this point.

Hounds, you give them too much credit.

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2 hours ago, khunPer said:

There must be plenty of secret hiding-space inside that huge complex...:whistling:

why would he even consider hiding, you can bet your left one he beat it weeks or even months ago.

That you see now is like a magic show gone wrong - you know the one, the one where the magician shoots himself in the head  instead of the apple on his assistant head.

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10 hours ago, Laughing Gravy said:

Just how incompetent can you get! If you want the world to look at you and think.... stupid, then this is a great example.

Incompetence level: Thai 

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6 hours ago, DavisH said:

That's it....follow the money:)


What a ruse....I bet the guy hasn't been there for weeks....just resist attempts for authorities to enter, giving the impression he is still in there. 

 And IMHO, the authorities should now get serious about finding and punishing any monks or whoever who have aided the monk to 'disappear'. 

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