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Mor Chit employee detained after innocent passenger shot waiting to buy a bus ticket


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5 hours ago, colinneil said:

Gun went off accidently.

What the hell was the dipstick doing with a gun at work????

Works at a busy bus station carrying a bloody gun!!!

Brain dead bloody brain dead.

At least 30% of the thai males i know carry a gun (at work) with licence. These people are NOT  guards but still they carry the gun all the time in their car. 

Edited by Mook23
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Meanwhile, the head of operations at Mor Chit Jakrapong Jameuang has announced a tightening up of security at the bus station. He said that the shooter managed to enter the bus station from the rear so there was no metal detector that would have found his gun.


Tightening up of security!? I think he means introducing some. Don't forget the side doors sir.

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3 hours ago, chrisinth said:

Is this for the staff only? Or is it new? I have been through Mor Chit literally hundreds of times and have never gone through a metal detector. Albeit last time was about 3 months ago.

The third floor hasn't had a detector there all the time but the ground floor has. Security up top was lacklustre as they are harmless north eastern folk.  

Good luck sealing the back door to morchit,  how will they screen all the arrivals by mini van or bus? 

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2 hours ago, IamNoone88 said:

You might laugh, but there is very little care, resources or even recognition in Thailand to treat common and more serious "mental issues". The result is that a huge untreated population with issues ranging from anger, sociopathic and psychopathic tendencies are left to roam the streets untreated, Couple this with the ease to obtain any dangerous weapon or drive a get a license to drive, for example, a passenger mini-van. The result is what you read in the newspapers every day. That lady was "lucky" another two inches to the right and it would not have been her ear that was grazed. 

The problem is trying to distinguish them from the rest of the population.

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I wasn't there. I don't know any of the people that are involved. I didn't talk to anyone that was there. I am not Thai, not a Thai Policeman and not a Thai attorney. I am just another pleb reading a news story from someone, who in all likelihood, wasn't there either.


I will leave the TVF arm-chair experts to arrive at their mystical conclusions.

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3 hours ago, JSixpack said:


Nice bashing posters, TVF perverted style.


Nobody claimed the country is composed only of peace loving Buddhists. Typical straw man.

can u  have  violent buddhists then, or  is  this a new  sect  of stupidity?

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8 hours ago, Thaiwrath said:

Another Thai nutter with a gun.

Although he was licensed for it, a severe punishment for discharging it in public would be appropriate.


Correction: Thai nutter with TWO guns.



He arrived at the police station with a .38 revolver and a 9mm automatic weapon.


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7 hours ago, JAG said:

Quite difficult for a revolver to go off accidentally, unless of course you are holding it, and have your finger on the trigger, in the course of your argument...

Not really that difficult if it was cocked already and it caught on something. That asides, why this guy feels the need to carry a revolver and a 9mm to the bus station maybe says a little bit more about the kind of environment he works in. At least he had a license, at least he came forward and owned up and not least of all he paid for the girl's hospital care.


Yes, it could have been worse, but it wasn't. Very lucky.

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4 hours ago, PETERTHEEATER said:

And it is single action with the hammer cocked......


Single action only revolvers are only sold to 'cowboy action' enthusiasts and similar. They are relatively dangerous and a pain to load, as the cylinder doesn't swing out like modern revolvers.  I don't think you could easily find one for sale in a Thai gun shop and, if you did it would be an expensive collectors' item.  So he must have had a double action revolver.  There is no need to cock a double action revolver manually.  That usually only happens in the movies, although it is possible that some one with no weapons training would just do he has seen in the movies.  

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14 hours ago, chrisinth said:

Is this for the staff only? Or is it new? I have been through Mor Chit literally hundreds of times and have never gone through a metal detector. Albeit last time was about 3 months ago.

Shhh, let him make his 'excuses/lies'.....

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He handed himself in ?? Why was he not arrested as soon as he done it ?

The gun went off ?? They will do that if some idiot who should not be in possession of them pulls the trigger !!

Why is his face blocked out but they give his name etc ?? Are they that proud of this guy they don't want anyone to know what he looks like !

Far too many guns in this country in the hands of people with hair trigger tempers and who are too mentally inept to be in charge of a firearm !! Nobody seems to be doing anything about it or questioning where all the ammo is coming from !!

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