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Houses with black roof? What is the purpose?

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Can someone explain what it the purpose of black or dark roof on houses in Thailand?

Also, black or dark color on the balcony?

Is it used to fry eggs or meat later in the evening or just to burn your feet or maybe to warm the house to nice warm 65 - 70C ?

Am I stupid by not getting it or what?

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1) The white paint burnt off.
2) Quieter because too hot for birds on a tin roof and the geckos cook underneath
3) Black is fashionable
4) Black balcony floors discourage dogs from seeing on them.
5)The best cheap anti-termite solutions turn wood black
6)Nobody cleans them.

Any other answers?

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8 minutes ago, agudbuk said:

1) The white paint burnt off.
2) Quieter because too hot for birds on a tin roof and the geckos cook underneath
3) Black is fashionable
4) Black balcony floors discourage dogs from seeing on them.
5)The best cheap anti-termite solutions turn wood black
6)Nobody cleans them.

Any other answers?

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7) keeps the rain out?

3 hours ago, agudbuk said:

1) The white paint burnt off.

Not a problem if you clean/paint sometimes
2) Quieter because too hot for birds on a tin roof and the geckos cook underneath

I like birds. Someone might not but I do.
3) Black is fashionable

Not really, I hate it.

4) Black balcony floors discourage dogs from seeing on them.

Yes, especially on higher floors, dogs sometimes jump :)

5)The best cheap anti-termite solutions turn wood black

This I agree.
6)Nobody cleans them.

Any other answers?

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13 hours ago, agudbuk said:

Not always emoji1.png

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Correct,  I once read something regarding roofs in Thailand, especially the A-frame type.  When you look at the roofs you will see many times some type of sealant on the top as repairs have been made. Normally a cement on the top edges. The reason due to the weather and the metal being used to hold the roof material up, it expands and retract causes hairline cracks and that small crack create leaks.

The best solution is to spray form insulation today you see new construction with sland roofs instead of A-Frame.


Maybe beacuse black is cheaper.

We our self's opted for a dark green roof to blend the house into its surroundings. Then the wife picked out a nice dark brown for the foot of the walls and concrete posts. All good then a burnt orange for the walls!!! Blends in like a nun in a whore house lol. But I have to say it does look good.

House doesn't get any hotter with green roof if it's correctly insulated doesn't matter what colour you put on.

14 hours ago, agudbuk said:

1) The white paint burnt off.
2) Quieter because too hot for birds on a tin roof and the geckos cook underneath
3) Black is fashionable
4) Black balcony floors discourage dogs from seeing on them.
5)The best cheap anti-termite solutions turn wood black
6)Nobody cleans them.

Any other answers?

Sent from my Grand using Tapatalk

it cools down more rapidly in the night...

1 hour ago, kovaltech said:

it cools down more rapidly in the night...

This is a joke right?


I don't see any real benefit of having black tiles on roof, balcony or any other place that is outside.

This was my balcony before I got sick and tired of constant heat and cleaning.

Now I stay in much better house. 




Probably because its easier to look after and you don't have to keep painting it !!

Every time I paint my houses the local gecko community seem to throw a party by turning up and s**ting all over the new paint !!


Quit the bitching and complaining.

Is your roof is not black, don't worry about it ?

Buddha says, "Let go of things you can't control. "

I say, mind your own roof.

Petty bitching, complaining, and worrying about other people's roofs.

2 hours ago, DinoSabanovic said:

This is a joke right?


I don't see any real benefit of having black tiles on roof, balcony or any other place that is outside.

This was my balcony before I got sick and tired of constant heat and cleaning.

Now I stay in much better house. 



no, it is not a joke... if i could: daytime using aluminium / stainless shining to prevent heating up fast, and in the night black to cool down...

do the test by yourself or do the research,... black cools 100 times more fast then mirroring aluminium... and 10 times faster then bright white ( try to touch black or stainless just when the sun goes down and compare )


The actual roof surface might cool down quicker , but all the time during the day the sun was shinning on it it was soaking up the heat and transferring it into the roof space and the walls and they act as huge heatsinks/radiators.


A wooden house with a corrugated aluminium roof should be quick to cool down at night , but might be roasting inside during the day.


White or silver will reflect sunlight, but black will absorb it better. However, black is better at radiating heat away. This is why motorbike engines that are air-cooled are often black because they radiate away the heat better.


Having said this, if the air temperature is 40 Celcius, with sunlight all day, whether the roof is painted black or white is not likely to make any difference to the inside temperature. Similarly, if the night temperature is 30 degrees the colour of the roof will make no difference.


Maybe the answer is that, in a tropical country, it doesn't really matter what colour your roof is - the orientation, passive design, insulation, shading by trees etc. make the difference. 


So as @kovaltech  suggests  we need some sort of futuristic chameleon light reactive paint  that's a light shiny colour for day and  changes to black at night   but if the ambient temperature only goes down to 30 degrees all the futuristic paint is doing is speeding up the  cooling from 40-30 degrees  its still hot and sticky  without an aircon.


Further back along our soi is where we used to live , the roof was red but it needed painting or cleaning every 3 years as the mango trees and the ash from all the burning  caused it to discolour. , now we have a brown loof.

5 hours ago, DinoSabanovic said:

This is a joke right?


I don't see any real benefit of having black tiles on roof, balcony or any other place that is outside.

This was my balcony before I got sick and tired of constant heat and cleaning.

Now I stay in much better house. 



this picture is a roof? these look more like floor tiles

15 hours ago, Gonefortea said:

Maybe beacuse black is cheaper.

We our self's opted for a dark green roof to blend the house into its surroundings. Then the wife picked out a nice dark brown for the foot of the walls and concrete posts. All good then a burnt orange for the walls!!! Blends in like a nun in a whore house lol. But I have to say it does look good.

House doesn't get any hotter with green roof if it's correctly insulated doesn't matter what colour you put on.

Heat comes through the walls too. The hottest wall inside our house is beige on the outside, all the others are white.

8 hours ago, Anon999 said:

Heat comes through the walls too. The hottest wall inside our house is beige on the outside, all the others are white.

Not if you properly insulated them it doesnt


even better are the newly built highrises you see being erected in Bangkok, Pattaya and elsewhere with as much in glass fronts on the sunny sides as possible.


It must be that Thailand's elite architects love it when people must use their aircons 24/7  in rooms with single glass non-insulated windows and doors. I bet they all think that as long as the glass is tinted, it is mai pen rai !


If they'd only use double glass temperature insulated and shades that can be lowered on the outside (curtains on the inside don't help much!) . . but no avail . . . . 


The many new glass front highrises show how well and professional architects of this country are educated


I tried to research colour and its affects with sunlight a while ago and I have found no evidence at all to suggest  for example why cricketers and tennis player play in white....its tradition thats all.


Then there are the Arabs, wearing white...but equally the women moslty wear black.....dont they??


You will find no evidence to suggest a black roof is better than a white roof. if anything you will get a negligable amount of light reflection...heat...well sorry it doesn't say "oh dear I am going to struggle to get through here, its primrose cream" 


white is often used because its clean looking, bright  and town planners prefer uniformity.


but hey its the hot season now, why don't you try wearing a white shirt one day and a black shirt the next. anyone tells me they noticed a difference is in dreamland.


the criteria is the material composition. a corrugated steel roof will get very hot, a grass roof will never get hot, a polyester tea shirt will get very hot, a cotton tea will not

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