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4 days in Chiang Mai - places to see, places to avoid?

Na Fan

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Hi all


First time going up North with gf and looking for some input on what's fun and worthwhile to go and see. Not interested in tourist traps with buses full of Chinese and stuff like that (e.g. what the floating market in Pattaya has turned into unfortunately).


What's a good area to stay? We're both young and like going out, but would like to see some of the beautiful countryside as well. 


Any tips?




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Whatever you do, do not stay at the Vipa House Hotel unless you like cockroaches and ants......LOL


If you have transport, you can ride/drive up into the hills (heading west) and circle right round coming back to Chiang Mai. Allow the day and the scenery is fantastic, also a lot cooler in the hills.

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Hire a motorbike and head out on road 108 south. Then right on 1013 towards Mae Wang, this is the back way into Doi Inthanon, and far more scenic.


Ride north to Mae Rim and left to Samoeng 1096 and 1269 a great loop around the mountains west of Chiang Mai.

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It really makes sense to stay in CM and then hire transport out to various places. There are many shops that offer tourist advice, which will not necessarily involve cramming in with Chinese people. Friends of mine always try and stay at the Top North hotel or guesthouse both of which are right in centre of the old city and within spitting distance of every day and night entertainment/sights you might want to enjoy, including dozens of temples, hundreds of restaurants, many night-life bars with live music, and a few nightclubs etc.  


Above posts are good suggestions for days out and I would add a guided jungle trip or trekking adventure - ideal for a young couple. Hope you enjoy your time here in CM. It is really a lovely place to live.

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Not that easy to target answers without more info.

Where to stay? As you may expect depends on if you want to be in the city in which case probably around the night bazaar is a good base. Hotels, there are lots of them and budgets vary quite a lot. If you fancy out of the city my Mrs has a chalet or 2 to rent. PM me if interested.

Where to go again partially depends on your interests. I would include Queen Sirikit Botanical garden and lunch at a place close to flight of the gibbon called Tharnthong Lodges. A trip up to Chiang Dao and the Wat / Cave may be nice and perhaps a stay / meal at Chiang Dao Nest.

I have put together a few maps if you want to look on https://www.tripline.net/AlanTrinder 

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1 hour ago, Srikcir said:

Queen Sirikit Botanic Garden

Night Safari

Panda bears @ Zoo


Yes!.. Avoid all of the above...


Rent a scooter...

Have lunch Kow Soi here

Coffee stop at Doi Pui

Hike the Monks Trail to Wat Pha Lat

Do a picnic here

Edited by sfokevin
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It depends on what you're interested in... and what your budget for a hotel is.   You can make a deal at many places that the longer you stay, the cheaper the cost over all..     My first month there, I stayed at the Lanna Lodge Hotel, not far from Tha Phae Gate and the night entertainment and bar area on Loi Khro Road.  But then I found a real nice place on Huay Kaew Road,  Malin Residence at the Malin Plaza.   Lovely rooms, and I got a cut rate price for staying three months with them.  Not a five star hotel..... but also not a cheap rundown place...  Nice.  

     I would advise the Chiang Mai Zoo... Tiger Kingdom to the north of the city.  Sunday Walking Street that starts at Tha Phae Gate,  the Night Market on Chang Klan Road. There is also a Saturday market on Wua Lai Road....  and several other smaller nightly markets in various areas.  Have dinner at some nice places on Nimmanhamin road.    The best salads in the world at the Salad Concept at Nimmanhamin road soi 13.  Have some "Chiang Mai Noodles"   (Khao Soi).  Many places make it.  I like it at Garden Restaurant on Loi Khro Road.  

Try Khao Nam Sen from a street food vendor.... with chunks of coagulated blood.    


Go to the Umbrella factory...  


  Go to Chiang Dao, and then into the mountains north west of there and visit some tribal villages...  but be prepared for no hotels, no wifi, and language difficulties... I went with a student from the university who spoke English, Thai and also a couple of tribal languages....  miles and miles deep into the mountains along windy, narrow dirt roads often with steep cliffs of one side,  and ended up spending a few days in the village, staying at a family home....poor shacks... but tidy and organized..    Like out of National Georgraphic magazine...   Only westerner there, and childen wanting to touch my skin and hair. One child wanting to hold my hand wherever I walked, and the people getting me to dance with them at night.... teaching me their ethnic dances... and insisting I eat with them....  They were not even Buddhists.... they were what we in the west call "Animists".  Honouring ancestor spirits....and spirits of the land... nature...  with a village elder Shaman ...    But wonderful....wonderful people. 


    Interested in history and Buddhism ? ? ...   Wat Umong, Wat Chedi Luang, Wat Chiang Man, and many others..     But some people say that if you go to Chiang Mai and do not go to Wat Phra That Doi Suthep.....then you have never really been to Chiang Mai. 


   I spent time at many temples in Chiang Mai.... including three times at Wat Chedi Luang in the old city... and Wat Phra That up on Doi Suthep.

                   You have to try the street food.....and the great yellow corn on the cob at the night market and walking street bazzars.  


  For a more authentic market that not so many westerners go to, that more Asians go to for themselves... spend at day at Wararot Market near the Ping River... and the Tom Lam Yai market..  


  Take a cruise up the Ping River with Mae Ping River Cruise.....   you can get to them through Wat Chaimongkol on the west bank of the Ping River.  The will take you upriver to the "Thai Farmer's House" where Sylvester Stallone filmed the "snake pit" part of his movie "Rambo". 


   Lots to do in, and around Chiang Mai.  For me?  I love the temples the most......partly because I am Buddhist of course... but the walking street markets are fun.... and if you are there for Songkran....  just make sure your important papers and phone are in ziplock bags or otherwise in some sort of waterproof container... (they sell them there... )   Even in my 60's.... I had a blast during Songkran....  I felt like I was back in my 20's or 30's.    


 Can't wait to get back to Thailand......I feel that Chiang Mai is in my blood ......  


  Have a good safe trip....  

Edited by Catoni
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14 hours ago, Srikcir said:

Queen Sirikit Botanic Garden

Night Safari

Panda bears @ Zoo


Golden Mountain Temple. Get a songthaew outside the zoo and you can do the Botanic Garden and the Temple. The views are terrific on a clear day.

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