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Video: Find this farang temple thief!


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Just now, roo860 said:



He's a troll mate, does it all the time.

Sent from my SM-G920F using Thaivisa Connect mobile app



Thanks for the heads up know they are on here. Some of the other comments were of the tar and feather type. He will be caught as a foreigner he sticks out like a sore thumb. I sincerely hope his punishment exceeds that of the lady who feeds the fish. 

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4 hours ago, Canceraid said:

The immigration should reconsider the Bt 800,000 bank balance for retirement visas and instead raise it to 8 million baht and start doing a crackdown on all these farang illegal overstayers etc.



4 hours ago, Canceraid said:

The immigration should reconsider the Bt 800,000 bank balance for retirement visas and instead raise it to 8 million baht and start doing a crackdown on all these farang illegal overstayers etc.


My experience is the bigger the bankroll the bigger the thief. Kenway as an example. 

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1 hour ago, johnhw said:

Another not unusual TV post: How to manufacture a cheap shot w/tunnel-visioned adaptation, manipulation, misrepresentation and  arrogant, ignorant skill.

Cant' find a single good thing to say, except booze is cheap and so is the replacement costs of furniture I broke at my last fun bar fight.

Not tunnel vision at all.

You cannot deny that there have been a lot of reports of thieving monks over the last few years.

You ever been to Dtuk com or a similar store and seen monks buying phones and computers that many hardworking Thais cannot afford?

Where do you think that money comes from if not stolen from the donations to the temple?

My brother-in-law is a monk. His daughter goes to a private school and she gets a healthy allowance, which he pays for. He has also bought her a motorbike. He paid for a room and bathroom to be built on the side of his other sister's house so his daughter could sleep there.

It just makes me sick when these monks pretend to be Buddhists, but are only in the temple for the easy money.

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4 minutes ago, Paruk said:

Or the ones that are behaving like drunk morons in the bars. Or the ones that come here and think they know it all and are little rich kings, although only having a small shitty pension that just happens to be a lot over here. Or the ones that behave like little children in a candy shop. Or the ones that hiding here for law and order at home. Or the ones that ......... do I forgot any?

Yeh, a shit that needs to steals a few baht from a Temple..........:coffee1:

Edited by transam
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1 hour ago, ttthailand said:

Before you judge the man walk in his shoes. Perhaps he is down on his luck and needs the money to eat, perhaps he has mental issues, perhaps he did not take anything as the video is not really 100% clear. We don't know why he did this. And shouldn't that money go to help those in need. Monks have all the robes they need as most buckets with soap and food that are given include a robe.
The temples get rich while people starve and do without .... shame on the system as it is for not reaching out to people in need.
My 2 cents worth .... for what it's worth

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

The monks collect a lot of food in the morning and anyone is welcome to come to a temple and share the food with the monks. At least in the Thailand I live in, there is no starvation or desperate poverty here as everyone knows they can get food. 


what we do know is that the money on the tree was a gift for the temple, not for anyone just walking through who wants a hand full. 

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9 minutes ago, ROGER DUNN said:

I hope they catch this Lowlife , its people like these that give westerners a very bad name.

i agree entireley    my neighbour Thai   asking what sort of person is this stealing from a temple  i must say i felt shame  trying to explain


and saying that it is an individule    .but Thai being Thai   will take time  to repair the damage

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I have seeds for money tree for sale.

You can choose over Euro seeds, Dollar seeds & Baht seeds.

Euro seeds @ € 999.- / pc.

Dollar seeds @ US $ 999.- / pc.

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ROI in ? years, depends how much you (take) care !!!


Edited by FredNL
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May be he is just trying to find out if Thais are real Buddhists, if they are, what would they do when they caught him later.

A good Buddhist would ask him to sit down get him a cup of tea or coffee and tell him the money he stole is no big deal, just some small change really.

Then tell him that it's your countrymen from Oz, NZ, Britain, USA......they are not happy with you because you made them loose face. Have you thought about that? So, just go back to the temple and give the money back and feel free to come back here for coffee anytime. We will be happy to have coffee with you again, we are still friends you know.

That's what good Buddhists would do, and he is waiting for that to happen I guess.

Good Buddhists do not condemn or criticize, when he realize that he becomes a monk.

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5 hours ago, Canceraid said:

The immigration should reconsider the Bt 800,000 bank balance for retirement visas and instead raise it to 8 million baht and start doing a crackdown on all these farang illegal overstayers etc.


been hiding under a rock? they did have a crackdown... 

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1 minute ago, transam said:

Tell us all your woes...We are a very understanding bunch here...

With 21,000 comments yourself I am sure you've been there done it seen it as I have after 14 years here slowly watching the decline of enjoyment & the price hikes & increase in the wrong types coming here 

I've learnt to keep myself to myself & have nothing to do with 99% of the Thais 

that way life is better and my pants stay on longer & I don't endure daily shaftings 

but thanks for your concerns ?

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1 hour ago, See Will said:

Respectless and sad to see that people are capable for comitting such a shameful crime.

Your right of course. Sometimes even the best of people are hit with a desire to push the envelope and damn the consequences. I know that I  have been a couple times in my lifetime. 

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1 minute ago, Itsnottheplaceitwas said:

With 21,000 comments yourself I am sure you've been there done it seen it as I have after 14 years here slowly watching the decline of enjoyment & the price hikes & increase in the wrong types coming here 

I've learnt to keep myself to myself & have nothing to do with 99% of the Thais 

that way life is better and my pants stay on longer & I don't endure daily shaftings 

but thanks for your concerns ?

I haven't made 21,000 comments, but that is not important..Price hikes, well your own country will FAR out way that one...Wrong types coming here have nothing to do with me or to be concerned about...I personally in my life get on better with Thai folk than farangs..Which shows we are all different with our expectations and fitting in with a very different culture.....

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5 hours ago, NextStationBangkok said:

Stealing from religious places, shame on you, no comments!


Preferable punishment should be cleaning a temple for a week.

And washing the monks undies, assuming they wear them.

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9 hours ago, daak said:

He will never have peace again. 

Kamma Vipaka

This guy just ultra multiply his bad kamma....but forgivness and compassion  ( about the mountains of misery this poor chap just created for himself )) should be the action to be applied...not reactions (like hang him higher etc. ).....I am sure the authority's, the falang community and the Thai police will have him soon... whatever worldly punishment ( if any ) he will receive change little to the sorrow and suffering inside and around him  he will start receiving soon....

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1 hour ago, madusa said:

May be he is just trying to find out if Thais are real Buddhists, if they are, what would they do when they caught him later.

A good Buddhist would ask him to sit down get him a cup of tea or coffee and tell him the money he stole is no big deal, just some small change really.

Then tell him that it's your countrymen from Oz, NZ, Britain, USA......they are not happy with you because you made them loose face. Have you thought about that? So, just go back to the temple and give the money back and feel free to come back here for coffee anytime. We will be happy to have coffee with you again, we are still friends you know.

That's what good Buddhists would do, and he is waiting for that to happen I guess.

Good Buddhists do not condemn or criticize, when he realize that he becomes a monk.

maybe u mean ur comment sarcastic .... what i want to say is there is always a possibility to the change to the better buddhist or not ... 

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6 hours ago, 12DrinkMore said:


As religions have been telling outright lies, stealing from the ignorant populations and been the cause of millions of deaths over the centuries, taking a few Baht from a wealthy temple shouldn't be a big issue.


And anyway, these buddhist monks are supposed to give up worldly goods, so he is simply helping them out.

All religion advises us to give to the those who cannot afford. But it is widely mistaken, because we show off to the world where and what we are giving.


True charity should be unknown to unknown. If we are bribing the God and Godmen something in return, we are all praying wrong for ever!

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6 hours ago, Canceraid said:

What is his TV member name? I am sure that he is one of those TV members who online claim that they are so rich, making monies online or something else, are married to hiso thai-chinese wifes, live like a king upcountry, etc etc.


By the way, this news has appeared in all the thai dailies and also appearing in more and moreTV  morning news today. Good PR image for farangs!

No just extra fuel for xenophobes ! People everywhere love to blame ' outsiders ' for all the ills of the world , many Thais are particularly enthusiastic in playing that game.

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