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Kindergarten teachers bound and blindfolded five year olds "to teach them to concentrate"


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How is this over reacting?


This was not teaching infants to concentrate....it was punishment pure and simple.


These are not children...or teenagers..they are pre schoolers....Infants.


If you bind infants hands and blindfold them surely that is not acceptable.  Why not go the whole hog and have stress positions, sleep deprivation, and white noise.  Is that still acceptable?


The Police cannot do this (publicly) to known criminals and yet it is ok to do to infants?


How many law suits would this crank up in USA/UK/Aust etc.  And its not "the Thai way" clearly the Ed Dept wants to pursue and parents see this as wrong.



And the Director backed  this?   I think they shoudl all get a transfer...teachers and Director.  Pattani or Yala is screaming for teachers.


Edited by mamborobert
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4 minutes ago, natway09 said:

I agree there is no excuse for what they did but looking at the other side of the equation I would not want to be a teacher

in this day & age mainly due to a lack of good parenting allowing kids to just about get away with anything 

at home, so when they arrive at school they are still acting the same way,

A slap on the hand with a ruler, stand facing the corner for 5 minutes  never did any harm 

It never does any good.

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35 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:

Formula is age plus 5/7 minutes. 

The average attention span for humans now is 8 seconds, that's a second less than a goldfish. Smartphones, technology in general has affected us all. I can't concentrate at 60 the way I could at 40, and it's not all down to getting older. "The world went and got itself in a big damn hurry" - Brooks Hadlen, Shawshank Redemption.

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My sons' cousin used to attend a Thai Government school and would regularly return home with bruises inflicted by the teachers.

His parents thought it was perfectly normal for the teachers to use physical violence to maintain discipline.

When my son was 5 years old, I forked out the money to send him to a private school, and kept paying until he was 16.

I knew that if he had come home from his cousins school with injuries, that I would have lost it, gone to the school and dished out some punishment of my own to the supposed teacher responsible.

is it any wonder that we see the levels of violence here from young adults? It is all they have known as a form of admonishing someone for wrongdoing since they started school.

I add to this that my son now speaks, reads and writes three languages fluently and is a very well balanced young man.

His cousin can just about string half a dozen words of English together and has anger management problems.

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'All in all it just another brick in the wall'.  They are sadists and should be sacked not move to another school district to inflict more of the same on children.  If concentration were the goal teach the kids to meditate.  The goal here was only to inflict punishment.

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1 hour ago, simon43 said:

What these 2 teachers did is not only an indication that they have failed as KG teachers, it also perhaps is yet another indication that their teacher-training (did they have any?) has also failed.



The ability to control/teach a large group of small children is not instinctive. People need to be taught the necessary skills and techniques. I doubt that these teachers were given any proper training.


That does not excuse their behaviour in this instance. Any reasonable adult would know that it is wrong to bind and blindfold a child.

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How is this over reacting?
This was not teaching infants to concentrate....it was punishment pure and simple.
These are not children...or teenagers..they are pre schoolers....Infants.
If you bind infants hands and blindfold them surely that is not acceptable.  Why not go the whole hog and have stress positions, sleep deprivation, and white noise.  Is that still acceptable?
The Police cannot do this (publicly) to known criminals and yet it is ok to do to infants?
How many law suits would this crank up in USA/UK/Aust etc.  And its not "the Thai way" clearly the Ed Dept wants to pursue and parents see this as wrong.
And the Director backed  this?   I think they shoudl all get a transfer...teachers and Director.  Pattani or Yala is screaming for teachers.

It will be bloody water boarding next!!!!!!!

Sent from my SM-G920F using Thaivisa Connect mobile app

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40 minutes ago, wvavin said:

When are the students going to learn from an intelligent teacher in Thailand?

There have to be some good ones out there.  Like everything that is good you just never hear about it.  Good usually goes unrewarded.

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Teaching use to be a profession and teachers were dedicated  to teach knowledge, today they are more like a go with with the flow because of the parents do not give a rat ass of what their kids are doing at school it is like the kids are going to baby sitting time.

I would never become a teacher i got no patience for non discipline kids.

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Pretty sad. Surprised they didn't go further and sling them in solitary! On the other hand, maybe they could use this method on EVERY adult in power and let the kids run the country. With the current state of affairs, I can't see the downside.

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At that age children swap between doing this and doing that, and this is how children learn what they like and don't like...in fact who they are. I have taught Martial Arts to children both in Thailand and home country and it isn't easy but one gets to know how to put them in small groups rotating from one thing to another. Helps those who get bored quickly.

I will always remember my first day at school. Blonde lady teacher wearing a flared dress. She smacked me because I opened my eyes during prayers. Ha, was she psychic or did she have her eyes open too?

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Human rights watchdog would be very pleased to see taping kids to educate them.....what part these educators had not been given ....no understandings of psychology side effects......I had seen these treatment in my army time in Africa inspection camps folding prisoners.

Shame on these educators to use such way

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If I recall recent news correctly, I believe flinging at coffee mug and hitting the student in the head with it is considered an appropriate disciplinary measure in some Thai schools. :ph34r:  Simply beating often goes a long way as well, slapping in the head/face, etc etc.


All hallmarks of an exceptional educational enterprise here.


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4 hours ago, Lingba said:

What the "<deleted>" is the matter with this country and their stupid ass backward educational system?...This is hideous!..No wonder why kids come out of schools in this country so lost...

You said it and are 100% right

Its not an education system its all about how much power I have? and then money digs you out of going to jail.

Those two teachers in the UK would be jailed and banned from teaching for life.

Here next week new school same standards.

Thainess knows better

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Teachers are supposed to be looked up to, admired, and respected by the children and their parent for their hard work and dedication to a honourable profession.

What future is there for this country when all these people have as role models in society are Teachers such as these moronic scum.



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4 hours ago, greenchair said:

Now that discipline has been all but banned in schools the teachers come up with ways that in hindsight were not a great idea. 

Ministries/ parents that do not discipline their kids, do not give teachers any alternative technics to follow. All of the children cannot learn and suffer greatly because of the one undisciplined child. In my country the teachers lost their jobs for locking the kids in a time out room. The story is. ..my kid is gifted, that's why he bites, kicks, runs around the class, refuses to follow the schedule. 

Or my kid is bored, she doesn't want to write or do math like the other kids  .  Or you must talk to him, explain why he is wrong, whilst 30 other kids are sat nicely waiting for the lesson.  In my day a kid stopped biting when the teacher bit them back. We got the cane on the palm of our hand. We were not allowed to play if we did not finish work and the parents wanted their kids well disciplined.


No no no, this is the 21st Century. We want teens out of control. They're our future...

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Following the meeting the director said that both teachers had admitted what they had done and agreed to pay the parents of each child 20,000 baht. They also asked for a transfer.


       My bird started to freak out reading this bs. 

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39 minutes ago, EnlightenedAtheist said:

And, no, it is not the stupid teachers or the stupid students or the stupid phonics or the stupid new programs, it is the stupid spelling system. 

Languages are filtered through a child's mind (learnability).  In other words, a language will not survive if it is not learnable by a child.


As far as the Op, a properly trained teacher can teach any subject matter.  These teachers are not qualified because they weren't trained (and supervised) correctly.

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6 hours ago, greenchair said:

Now that discipline has been all but banned in schools the teachers come up with ways that in hindsight were not a great idea. 

Ministries/ parents that do not discipline their kids, do not give teachers any alternative technics to follow. All of the children cannot learn and suffer greatly because of the one undisciplined child. In my country the teachers lost their jobs for locking the kids in a time out room. The story is. ..my kid is gifted, that's why he bites, kicks, runs around the class, refuses to follow the schedule. 

Or my kid is bored, she doesn't want to write or do math like the other kids  .  Or you must talk to him, explain why he is wrong, whilst 30 other kids are sat nicely waiting for the lesson.  In my day a kid stopped biting when the teacher bit them back. We got the cane on the palm of our hand. We were not allowed to play if we did not finish work and the parents wanted their kids well disciplined.


Since when was discipline banned in Thai schools? Every day kids are physically assaulted, but unlike the whip or the strap or the belt or even a clip around the ear that used to get dealt out in British schools in the past, the Thais resort to some sort of S.E Asian / Japanese sick perverted tortures, for some sort of sado masochistic feelgood factor.


We used to get disciplined, we used to get a crack on the knuckles a bamboo stick across the ass or the hands, a sandshoe on the ass, thing is, we actually KNEW WHY WE WERE GETTING IT! WE ASKED FOR IT!


None of our teachers that I remember ever inflicted this kind of sick perverted power games on 5 year olds. Caning and physical discipline was only dished out when we were about 13 or above, when we actually knew right from wrong.

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6 hours ago, greenchair said:

Yes, then the teacher loses their break. 

Have a party with 30 kids for 6 hours with no break and no helpers.

Add 1 autistic child and 1 ADD child. 

Stir in a couple of crying  kids. 

Mix in some games, arts. Add writing, math and science.

Sing songs. 

Serve to feed all of them, brush their teeth, comb their hair.

More games, more arts.

Next clear all dishes, sweep the floor, mop the floor, clean the toilets, clean up the vomit, wipe up the piss . 

finally smile when the parents come late to give you a rest. 

do that everyday for a week. 

you will know the pressure kindergarten teachers are under. 

they all make mistakes sometimes. 

Fully agree with all the above, teaching kids of almost any age in Thailand is a challenge, let alone when they mis-behave..

not agreeing with what happened but ณ do sympathise, answer... contact the kids parents & ask them to come to a meeting to discuss why their children will not behave in class, ask them to talk to their child & tell them if it continues they can keep their child at home or make other arrangements for schooling !

Put the onus back onto the parents to discipline how they like!


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