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New "Model policemen" to be launched in Bangkok - better than the flesh and blood variety!


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New "Model policemen" to be launched in Bangkok - better than the flesh and blood variety!



Picture: Sanook


BANGKOK: -- A new kind of "model policeman" is undergoing testing in Bangkok with traffic chiefs confident they will be much better than the real living thing.


The latest version of what the Thais call "jaa cheuy" (fake models of police) have been installed at a busy intersection to catch motorcycle riders with no helmets Sanook reported.


Traffic chief Jiraphat Phoomjit said the latest "model cops" were fitted with state-of-the-art cameras that could accomplish much more than an ordinary human.


Jiraphat said the cameras - for there would be several at work in unison at an intersection - could identify riders with no helmet, take a picture of the license plate and issue a ticket all in one seamless, interconnected fell swoop.


And it could all be done in the blink of an eye, even if the models can't actually blink.


What is more, these wonder cops and their accessories can identify the difference between helmets and just caps or head scarves.


So the force is confident that mistakes will be kept to a bare minimum.


In tests at the Bot Mae Phra intersection the model cops managed to nab 25% of motorcyclists passing by and successfully issue tickets. This meant hundreds of fines issued every day at one intersection alone.


Now the force plans to get a whole army of fake cops and cameras out on the streets to make riders wear helmets and save lives.


Jiraphat said the technology came from abroad and the public can expect to see them everywhere in the future - so beware!


Source: Sanook

-- © Copyright Thai Visa News 2017-03-01
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If you look carefully above his medal ribbons there's a slot to insert the tea money :)


Seriously, why does it have to look like a cop? Doesn't the camera work if it's just on a pole.


Also, unless there is little traffic the general melé of motorcyclists at any major junction will likely defeat any automatic plate reader, we're having enough trouble with plate readers in the controlled conditions of car parks.

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3 hours ago, Crossy said:

If you look carefully above his medal ribbons there's a slot to insert the tea money :)


Seriously, why does it have to look like a cop? Doesn't the camera work if it's just on a pole.


Also, unless there is little traffic the general melé of motorcyclists at any major junction will likely defeat any automatic plate reader, we're having enough trouble with plate readers in the controlled conditions of car parks.


I guess they figured out just a pole won't be too big of a value when tabulating their commission... So why not have something fancier and cost more? 

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At least these dummies (I mean the models not the real dummies) are visible.


For the amount of cops on the payroll it is very rare to see one out on the street even pretending to do their jobs.


I haven't seen more than 3 or 4 cops on Sh 11 in the last year. They do have a table set up on Sukhumvit around soi 13, for what reason who knows, but they just sit there while little babies are used for begging at all hours of the night, while the extortion taxis glog up the streets and sidewalk areas, while motorcycles drive in the footpath etc. etc. etc.


Again, fire them all and start over!!!

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So I wonder if this means that the drivers of motor-cycle taxis will now have to buy helmets for customers  ?  Because its the drivers who will get fined, not the helmet-less customer who will be virtually untraceable.   None of the drivers I use have 'spare' helmets.

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Wait until you have one of these guys sitting in your living room to control your every move.

Maybe then you will find out that there is nothing funny about this at all !


This is Orwell on Steroids and complete insanity !!!


Whoever finds anything positive about this has some serious mental issues. [Including the people who try to implement this]

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8 hours ago, webfact said:

Now the force plans to get a whole army of fake cops and cameras out on the streets to make riders wear helmets and save lives.

I guess that means the end of the OK corral check points. Sure will cut into BIB revenue unless its divvy up time in the office after beers. 

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Anything has to be better than the real thing. I know this has been said many times previous but I just wanted the chance to say it too. Glad to hear that we will "see" them all over the place quite a change from what we have now. The thing that scares me is that they may give them AI and wheels and make em mobile. I can just hear one saying "No sir the fine for no helmet has been increased from 200 bahts to 500 bleep. Guess they have to recoup the cost of the artificial cop somehow. 

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Put one outside each school gate ... they'll make a fortune

in fines and might even get parents to force their offspring

into wearing helmets. Two birds with one stone, so to speak :post-4641-1156694572:

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12 hours ago, Crossy said:

Seriously, why does it have to look like a cop? Doesn't the camera work if it's just on a pole?


There is a brief instant between the time you see him, and the time you figure out it's a fake, that causes a response from people- and lasts a while to remind people to quit speeding.  You don't get that from a pole, especially since it may be weeks between the violation and the ticket in the mail.


It's actually a good idea.  Lots of cities back home park empty squad cars on the side of the road for a similar effect.

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