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In day of pro-Trump rallies, California march turns violent


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8 minutes ago, Ahab said:

Too bad those same sized crowds did not turn out when it mattered on Election Day. That is what is truely pathetic about these anti-Trump protest.  That and the violence, vandalism, and destruction of other people's property.

The vast majority of the anti-trump resistance has been non-violent.

I agree it would have been better to beat trump at the ballot box but it's too late for that. 

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4 hours ago, hdkane said:

When I was a young man, I worked for the Democratic party in Chicago...we were actually instructed on how to disrupt political rallies of Republicans...and how to register individuals incapable of voting (e.g., delusional people in nursing homes, senile folks, illegals, etc.), and watched my fellow Dems try to intimidate Whites/Republicans going to vote.  We were instructed how to skew polling results, and on and on. More than once, the Dems even went out into communities pretending to be Republicans...putting posters and bumper stickers on private property.  The thinking was that people would get angry with Republicans for trespassing and damaging property.  There activities were practiced nationwide. I know this because some of the people who assisted in these activities were from the DNC.  I changed political parties because of these activities, and often volunteered for the Libertarian and Republican parties. Over 30 years, I never observed any of the practices that were openly advocated by the Dems. 


So when I see reports of violence, racism, and sexism at Trump or Tea Party rallies, I'm always skeptical...anyone can be brought to violence if they are provoked enough...and decades ago the Dems had such provocation as an actual and active strategy to "prove" that Republicans were racist...if there is violence at a political rally, you really should use caution before deciding who is really responsible. Just sayin'


When I was younger, I volunteered for the Repubs who taught me how to post all kinds dribble about the evil that the Dems teach their spawn to do.


Sad thing is, though my post is a fib, I'm sure it happens on both sides, and even Dem on Dem, as we saw happen to Bernie (and I'm sure it happens Repub on Repub, too).

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45 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

This is too big a topic. There is massive evidence. Do more research yourself. I refuse to be your google bot.



Some of us just oppose illegal immigration because it is against the law. It does not make me a racist even if some neo Nazi also thinks enforcing immigration laws is the right thing to do. 

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1 hour ago, Jingthing said:

It's worth noting the crowds supporting trump are much, much SMALLER than the massive street protests AGAINST trump


Could that be because only those with sour grapes to spill take it to the streets?

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58 minutes ago, Ahab said:

Some of us just oppose illegal immigration because it is against the law. It does not make me a racist even if some neo Nazi also thinks enforcing immigration laws is the right thing to do. 

I never said you are a racist. I don't know you to say either way. This isn't about you or me. It's about trump and his alt-right WHITE NATIONALIST movement in the white house. Duh!

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4 hours ago, hdkane said:

I worked for them in the early 80s...my job of record was for the street department in Chicago...I and others were paid by the city of Chicago...but we never went to the facility or did work for the street department...we paid union dues and everything...we would meet at the Democrat offices and be given jobs to suit the Democratic party...the only thing we ever did that resembled actual work for the street department was to cut the lawns of houses belonging to Democrats...quite a few people who retired and drew pensions never did any work for the city, only the Democratic party...


As for being racist, I've seen exponentially more racism directed at Whites than Blacks...and Blacks/Hispanics were always the culprits...against Whites and Asians particularly...I am convinced that the this reality is simply not reported...but anyone nonBlack who has taken a walk in a Black neighborhood can probably recount an act of racism directed toward them...especially White and Asian women...and on the job racism by Blacks is truly amazing...as a professor, I observed and documented Blacks receiving preferential treatment that would be considered pervasive and institutional...degrees awarded to people who could not read above the 6th grade level...doctorates awarded to people who openly plagerized dissertations...promotions that were clearly unwarranted...i've been in administrative meetings at universities where we had to draw up a list of people who would be presented to visitors (e.g., accreditation reviewers)  to represent Black faculty...the list was basically "professors" who could speak coherent sentences...because many Black faculty were just too stupid to hold a conversation...


people like to cling to the notion of a "good ol' boy network" in government and education and business, but it really doesn't exist now...for the past 50 years or so, if you are Black and Hispanic, you are treated with kid gloves and coddled...the only place I ever worked that was truly colorblind was the military...and that environment was pretty insensitive to women at the time (again, mostly harassment from Black male soldiers to female soldiers and Black females to White/Asian soldiers)...racism is a strawman that closed minded people have constructed to feel morally superior or for actual monetary gain...That was my subjective impression...and over the course of a couple of decades, actual empirical research has actually substantiated those impressions...


You do not seem to know the difference between prejudice and racism. What you see directed at you and other Whites is not racism. If it was, you could tell us exactly how you have been oppressed by the non Whites. Since you cannot, you are not talking about racism.


Your claim that empirical research supports your 'observations' about Blacks and Hispanics is clearly false otherwise you would have cited such evidence.


Your clear racism marginalises you. If you wish to discuss racism, you should learn how to do so in a proper and dignified manner. Since you are a Trump fanboy I will not hold my breath on this.


Enjoy your white privilege. The rest of us will tackle the serious business of human equality.

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2 hours ago, Ahab said:

Nearly half the voters in the USA are not racist. Racism is not what got DJT elected, inaction, ineptitude in Washington DC, and a desire to change the status quo is what got him to the White House.


Yeah. Right. You may wish to rejoin the real world now.


Trump was elected with 8 percent of the black vote, 28 percent of the Hispanic vote and 27 percent of the Asian-American vote, according to the Reuters/Ipsos Election Day poll.



The real America consists of many non White non Male non Conformist citizens whose interests are now in jeopardy from the election of an incompetent, pandering egotist to the Presidency. No amount of wishful thinking will change reality.

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7 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

Not at all.  The Trump supporters seem to be dwindling in numbers.  Those against him are hardly thugs, looters and criminals.  Both sides have these elements, but they are not the majority.  Luckily!



From where are you getting your facts that Trump supporters seem to be dwindling. I see no evidence of that.  

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2 minutes ago, kowpot said:


From where are you getting your facts that Trump supporters seem to be dwindling. I see no evidence of that.  

Forum posts would not be a scientific indicator anyway. But trump's approval rating remains historically LOW for any president at this early stage in his presidency. I don't see that improving. 

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Just now, Jingthing said:

Forum posts would not be a scientific indicator anyway. But trump's approval rating remains historically LOW for any president at this early stage in his presidency. I don't see that improving. 

Well, I guess if YOU don't see that improving. All is lost


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Just now, kowpot said:

Well, I guess if YOU don't see that improving. All is lost


That's right. I predict that trump, elected by a minority, will NEVER have high approval ratings. That's a safe bet for anyone, dude.

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16 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

That's right. I predict that trump,

Honestly JT...after months of wrong predictions re the election & your love child Hillary , one would think you wouldn't use that phase again..........:coffee1:

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7 minutes ago, CharlieH said:

I predict that someone will try (possibly succeed) to assasinate him. 


That has been my prediction ever even before he was elected, I always have said that if he get elected he will be a third Kennedy.


Ever had more thorough thoughts about why the Kennedy's were assassinated ?

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4 hours ago, tallthai1016 said:

If you can't see what's happening to America with this white racist B.S. constantly spouted,  please do something like join the military, read the constitution or anything else that will get you off your fat ass and quit whining.  Donald Trump IS the president of the USA and nothing about your constant name calling and whining can change that.


Have a semi-good day.



I have to agree.  I find myself very conflicted by the man.  What I like is that he is the very first President in ages that is focused on changing many things that desperately need change.  The Democrats, other than Sanders, were content to let the same disgraceful practices continue.  Does Immigration need overhaul, is education in need of change, does big pharma need to be brought down to earth, is free global trade really benefiting the American public and can it be managed less for the benefit of corporations and more for the public, are the EPA and FDA in need of major reorganization, does government regulation and bureaucracy need to be slashed. can the affordable care act be dramatically improved etc etc.  YES. Of course the downside of this man is the way he gets things done/wants to get things done and his obsession with the cult of Donald.  


The original poster is right.  He is the President for the next four years and maybe longer .... deal with it.  Why not channel all that negative Trump energy into positive action to get the kind of change that is needed but done but in a way that the country can live with.  

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5 hours ago, Andaman Al said:

You come across as an old, white racist. A typical Trump supporter.

I'm not that old...I'm white...objective...you come across as a fragile punk who cannot stand someone who actually thinks differently from your own point of view...;


I would gladly compare my life's record of sacrifice and work towards the common good to your's anyday...


1.  served in the us army 7 years...combat vet.

2. taught elementary school in the poorest zip code in the usa

3. donated 5,000 hours of professional service to the poor, mostly minority

4. donated more than 250000 usd to charity

5. established a charity

6. worked for the governments pro bono in 3 third world countries...including thailand 


Published over 30 refereed scholarly articles on multicultural issues

paid for the university of 3 students in therd world countries


you are a punk who thinks calling someone a racist puts an end to the conversation...do something you lazy punk...tell me and everyone about the good you've done for the world...you think just by calling racism you're doing something impressive...i've spent so much of my life dealing with punks like you, this is too easy.

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6 minutes ago, chilli42 said:

I have to agree.  I find myself very conflicted by the man.  What I like is that he is the very first President in ages that is focused on changing many things that desperately need change.  The Democrats, other than Sanders, were content to let the same disgraceful practices continue.  Does Immigration need overhaul, is education in need of change, does big pharma need to be brought down to earth, is free global trade really benefiting the American public and can it be managed less for the benefit of corporations and more for the public, are the EPA and FDA in need of major reorganization, does government regulation and bureaucracy need to be slashed. can the affordable care act be dramatically improved etc etc.  YES. Of course the downside of this man is the way he gets things done/wants to get things done and his obsession with the cult of Donald.  


The original poster is right.  He is the President for the next four years and maybe longer .... deal with it.  Why not channel all that negative Trump energy into positive action to get the kind of change that is needed but done but in a way that the country can live with.  

You're thoughts are spot on...if people would relax a bit, I'm sure they would be surprised at how much Trump might address their wishes...after all, he's not a conservative, but a populist...he doesn't have a core of beliefs that guide his choices...my thinking is that he will bend wherever he finds praise...like a plant toward the light...

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He's a "populist" only for his base and his key adviser is a radical "alt-right" white nationalist. He doesn't need his own set ideology. He's got bizarre alt right Bannon for that.  He's favors authoritarian styles. Loves authoritarian leaders. Packs his cabinet with elites that give a lie to his support of his "populist" base and also most his cabinet picks are dedicated to DESTROYING the functions of the agencies they head.

A government of the WORSE people!

The man is extremely dangerous. Resistance is the only sensible response. 

Calm down? ... he's normal, he's doing good.

NO! He's not normal, he's extremely destructive and there is no rational reason to be calm in this situation. 

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1 hour ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:


You do not seem to know the difference between prejudice and racism. What you see directed at you and other Whites is not racism. If it was, you could tell us exactly how you have been oppressed by the non Whites. Since you cannot, you are not talking about racism.


Your claim that empirical research supports your 'observations' about Blacks and Hispanics is clearly false otherwise you would have cited such evidence.


Your clear racism marginalises you. If you wish to discuss racism, you should learn how to do so in a proper and dignified manner. Since you are a Trump fanboy I will not hold my breath on this.


Enjoy your white privilege. The rest of us will tackle the serious business of human equality.

no problem...you asked how I was oppressed as a white...let;s go...the government in the usa has an established policy of hiring on the basis of race and gender...if you are a white male, you fall to the bottom of the pile for hiring, promotion, and retention...


being Black gives an individual a benefit of 200 SAT/GRE points...for Asians, it is a 50 point deficit...consequently...simply because of skin color, whites/asian are excluded from schools such as harvard, stanford, and yale that would obviously not only provide a better education but employment opportunity...also, there are housing loans that are targeted toward blacks when it comes to buying a home, which is the major financial asset of most people...and of course, there is welfare, which is targeted specifically to Blacks because they have children out of wedlock at a rate that is more than twice whites and asians...


let's go...i'm ready to address my white privilege anytime...

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12 minutes ago, chilli42 said:

I have to agree.  I find myself very conflicted by the man.  What I like is that he is the very first President in ages that is focused on changing many things that desperately need change.  The Democrats, other than Sanders, were content to let the same disgraceful practices continue.  Does Immigration need overhaul, is education in need of change, does big pharma need to be brought down to earth, is free global trade really benefiting the American public and can it be managed less for the benefit of corporations and more for the public, are the EPA and FDA in need of major reorganization, does government regulation and bureaucracy need to be slashed. can the affordable care act be dramatically improved etc etc.  YES. Of course the downside of this man is the way he gets things done/wants to get things done and his obsession with the cult of Donald.  


The original poster is right.  He is the President for the next four years and maybe longer .... deal with it.  Why not channel all that negative Trump energy into positive action to get the kind of change that is needed but done but in a way that the country can live with.  

Well, Trump has  already reneged on Big Pharma.

And as for your patently obvious rhetorical questions here's a few for you: Does Dodd Franks need to be eliminated so Wall Street can do exactly what it did before and bring on another terrible recession? Do the richest Americans need to have their taxes slashed so that they can be richer and more powerful than ever before? Do we need a huge increase in the Federal deficit that will follow such a tax cut? Do we need  Supreme Court justices who favor big corporations at the expense of the average working American?  Do we need the EPA's budget slashed despite that fact that a big majority of Americans approve of its work? Do we need the IRS' budget slashed so that they will be less able to go after the tax evasions of the super wealthy and less able to provide service to the middle class?  Do we need Obamacare repealed and replaced in such a way as to favor the wealthy and hurt the poor and middle class?

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10 hours ago, aircarepilot said:

 He is putting his life in Jeopardy by becoming president. remember there have been 4 presidents shot and killed, and of course some nut shot President Reagan, so yes, he has put his life on the line by becoming President! I am sure his motives are not all altruistic, but like any other man or woman, their motives or reasons are many. Obama said he wanted to be a uniter ,not a divider, boy was that a bunch of crap words!

Obama went out with an approval rating of 60%, one of the highest of any leaving president, that is not the mark of a president leaving a divided people.  Now Trump, he came in with an approval rating of 44%, one of the lowest in history, he has started out by causing a division of the people.

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6 minutes ago, hdkane said:

no problem...you asked how I was oppressed as a white...let;s go...the government in the usa has an established policy of hiring on the basis of race and gender...if you are a white male, you fall to the bottom of the pile for hiring, promotion, and retention...


being Black gives an individual a benefit of 200 SAT/GRE points...for Asians, it is a 50 point deficit...consequently...simply because of skin color, whites/asian are excluded from schools such as harvard, stanford, and yale that would obviously not only provide a better education but employment opportunity...also, there are housing loans that are targeted toward blacks when it comes to buying a home, which is the major financial asset of most people...and of course, there is welfare, which is targeted specifically to Blacks because they have children out of wedlock at a rate that is more than twice whites and asians...


let's go...i'm ready to address my white privilege anytime...


Your bourgeoise objections to Affirmative Action are not examples of your oppression. You wish to discuss Affirmative Action, fine, but it is not the same topic as the non-existence of Reverse Racism.


If you have been overlooked for promotion or scholarship in favor of a person of different skin color, then you may wish to attribute that to your contribution to compensating for historic and systematic oppression. I see, however, a particularly narrow-minded, petty and self-serving attitudes towards Affirmative Action and it is quite easy to see how such a mundane mind would interpret this as racism against whites.


Perhaps you might come up with something more substantial by way of your perceived oppression by non whites or we can look for a topic on Affirmative Action to discuss the issues that clearly have perturbed your white privilege to date.

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2 hours ago, impulse said:


When I was younger, I volunteered for the Repubs who taught me how to post all kinds dribble about the evil that the Dems teach their spawn to do.


Sad thing is, though my post is a fib, I'm sure it happens on both sides, and even Dem on Dem, as we saw happen to Bernie (and I'm sure it happens Repub on Repub, too).

I never said that the Republicans didn't engage in dirty tricks...I"m old enough to remember Nixon...but when I was an employee or volunteer, the Republicans and Libertarians that I worked for  never engaged openly in this activity...the Dems did, and seemed to proud of these efforts.

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32 minutes ago, hdkane said:

no problem...you asked how I was oppressed as a white...let;s go...the government in the usa has an established policy of hiring on the basis of race and gender...if you are a white male, you fall to the bottom of the pile for hiring, promotion, and retention...


being Black gives an individual a benefit of 200 SAT/GRE points...for Asians, it is a 50 point deficit...consequently...simply because of skin color, whites/asian are excluded from schools such as harvard, stanford, and yale that would obviously not only provide a better education but employment opportunity...also, there are housing loans that are targeted toward blacks when it comes to buying a home, which is the major financial asset of most people...and of course, there is welfare, which is targeted specifically to Blacks because they have children out of wedlock at a rate that is more than twice whites and asians...


let's go...i'm ready to address my white privilege anytime...

<removed> .i'm not ready to let you go just now...let's debate...for me, I believe that the problems of Blacks in the USA is attributable to the fact that there are average group differences in intelligence, with blacks scoring 85 on IQ tests, while other groups score significantly higher...consequently, they have fewer problem solving abilities and this impacts everything from academic achievement to criminality to adaptive behavior...<removed>

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It's no secret that some of the worst anti-Trump bigots show up on here to bash the president. To hear them tell it, republicans are racist thugs who have subverted all forms of civilised living, yet it is democrat mobs that are fomenting all the violence and destruction of property.


Their hypocrisy beggars belief. All they have is unsubstantiated claims trotted out by their anti trump media outlets.


I read a piece in the new yorker that basically agreed that nothing wrong was done with sessions  and flynn meeting the russians.

But they just had to add this barb: looks like we have a cover-up but no crime. I have to laugh at these morons.


Truth is, I don't care if his people spoke to the russians…as long as they didnt pass on any technology secrets(and if they did we want conclusive proof, not accusations). The democrat strategy seems to be to implement death by a thousand cuts…so every week they will come up with some inconsequential accusation with no real proof. better get used to it for the next 4 years…maybe even 8.





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20 minutes ago, hdkane said:

also, if you call someone a racist without proof, you're an intellectual pussy who has exhausted their argument...go home snowflake...i'm no longer employed by institutions that pay people to be quiet and passive...and i've got about 300 years of data on my side...so shut up or let's debate without name calling.


5 minutes ago, hdkane said:

Hey pussy...i'm not ready to let you go just now...let's debate...for me, I believe that the problems of Blacks in the USA is attributable to the fact that there are average group differences in intelligence, with blacks scoring 85 on IQ tests, while other groups score significantly higher...consequently, they have fewer problem solving abilities and this impacts everything from academic achievement to criminality to adaptive behavior...your turn mary

so much for no name calling ...................

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The two largest welfare states in America is California & New York. These radicals, causing problems, are mostly paid by Moveon.org financed by George Soros & the DNC. They lost the election and can't MOVE-On. Their worried about their welfare & Food Stamps being cut, so you expect problems in those states especially the city of Berkeley. They hate freedom of speech unless your a lefty! I'm in

the states now and no problems in 95% of other areas. I can't wait for the 2018 elections because the Dems will be slaughtered especially in the Red States where 10 Dem Senators are up for re-election. Most Americans are tired of the BS from the Left!

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5 minutes ago, tomwct said:

The two largest welfare states in America is California & New York. These radicals, causing problems, are mostly paid by Moveon.org financed by George Soros & the DNC. They lost the election and can't MOVE-On. Their worried about their welfare & Food Stamps being cut, so you expect problems in those states especially the city of Berkeley. They hate freedom of speech unless your a lefty! I'm in

the states now and no problems in 95% of other areas. I can't wait for the 2018 elections because the Dems will be slaughtered especially in the Red States where 10 Dem Senators are up for re-election. Most Americans are tired of the BS from the Left!


Even the 5% of areas effected are hardly experiencing big problems, this was a total of a few hundred people.


And I wouldn't count on the dems being slaughtered, Trump is hugely unpopular, that will bring out the voters in a bid to limit his power, it could well be a republican slaughter, in reality the majority of Americans are already tired of the daily BS their president keeps producing.

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