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I so really hate Thai Lakorns - I really do !

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I hate the damn things with a vengeance - they pollute the airwaves seeminglly every bleeding night with their high-so , look-kreung saccharine unchanging lame storylines and seem to have the vast majority of Thai women and ladyboys in their thrall. And I reserve a special place in hell for the 'historical' versions - that use the same horse and trap and Thai teak house for their hackneyed clap-trap extended excuses for cream whitening products. Never a dark hued Isaan wench in sight  just the over-entitled hi-so twerps parading their wealth and rubbing the noses of the poor in their endless pathetic machinations - who in real ive would run some poor sap over and get off with 7 days in the Wat and crocodile tears on Facesuck.


In the early days the superficial beauty of the female protagonists would just about excuse a glance up from the laptop to leer - but that  thin gruel has long since gone. To be replaced with an wearingly overiding visceral hated of the time wasting effluent that takes over my otherwise lovely wife for extended periods of time - 90 bleeding minutes virtually every bleeding night.


The missus spends an inordinate time watching them - and it's always the last one. I wouldn't mind but we've been married for 14 years in the UK and enjoy a varied diet of other more wholesome cultural offerings including a healthy appetite for live music and movies - things that have been finessed over and relate to real lives well lived - and universal stories - so she isn't without cultural reference points to judge this crap by. When the extended family get together then a female-fest of judge and jury assembles to cluck and fawn over the <deleted>.


Don't they realise they are both being had and inoculated with  a heavy dose of  cultural an politcal poison.


Just had to get that off my chest - ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.



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To the OP: If you hate them so much, why watch them??


Fortunately for me my Issan wife finds these Thai soaps silly and boring and she never watches them. Fortunate for her also because, otherwise, I'd never have married her. 

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My wife likes them, and if she gets some happiness from them, fine with me (she looks forward to Mon & Tues tripe on Mono29, so not all week....). We joke about the plot lines, as all basically follow same path. You've got a computer, right? Plenty of good series on youtube, could get into how the universe was made or something like that.

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Every country has his soaps and they are all made for the dumb masses, not really fair to act like its a Thai thing. 


Besides we all like different things to watch some like to watch sports (I think i would prefer Lakorn over the american sports and certainly over soccer, i feel sports is something to do yourself not watch it). Then again I watch action and science fiction series and movies that would probably not go down well with others. Why moan about it just get a second TV and enjoy your own free time.

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6 hours ago, Major4608 said:

Don't take it too serious. My wife watches them a lot also. I just go in another room. No big deal.


..a short distraction from the miserable existence some have..just filling your head with nonsense for a short while is therapeutic for some.

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Most modern tv's you can delete channels. Whether at home or hotel, first thing i always do is delete "chong sahm" chl 3. Wife doesnt seem to have the ability to rescan the tv.

The alternative is having a non responsive partner that sits watching (and learning behaviour) this rubbish constantly. Driving you mad.

I remember not being able to get served in an empty cafe because the staff were too busy watching chnl 3.

Yeh tv's have an off button but it doubles as an on button. No obstacle for the chong sahm lover.

Rubbish should be banned. As thais seem to mimic the behaviour in these lakorns so much then maybe the government should use this to rid the place of corruption and instill some manners and conscientiousness into the population.

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3 hours ago, Hedghog said:

The OP seems to be an authority on the Thai soap programme's. 

Despite not watching them.!


Many farangs are self-proclaimed authorities on a lot of things in Thailand on the same dubious basis. Sort of like the experts on every detail of life in Pattaya and who declare in the same breath they would never and have never visited the place.

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The acting is offensive. My favorite BKK restaurant has them on TV. Otherwise I wouldn't know how bad they are. They are one tragedy after another. I guess it takes your mind off you own problems. I would rather be uplifted. Hey, but that's me. Thai preoccupation with piis is funny. Everyone likes to be scared. And they are into spirits.

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HAHA excellent write-up and I think we all share your sentiments and feel your pain.

I learned a good trick - I think it came from this forum - which is to actually sit and watch the shows and dream up creative ways that you would kill each character. 

By the time you're laughing out loud at the thought of your 3rd brutal killing either the Mrs gives up and switches off or she turns it up to drown you out. Either way win-win! Good luck.

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I don't let it eat me up but I agree it's offensive.  Same goes for the advertising images of people who are from some asian country I am sure but not Thailand.  GF watches sometimes and she always makes the same comments "He's mixed...she's mixed...she's mixed also...he's from Kowlee but speak Thai perfect..he's not gay jing but act gay so perfect..." and on and on and on.

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Not just Lakorn, Singing shows are on many other channels.

The worst for me is these childish slapstick comedies with Disney sound effects or drum rolls every 5 seconds which we had 30 years ago.


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