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Cost of vice to skyrocket - cigarettes and soapy massage charges expected to rise dramatically!


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2 hours ago, Misterwhisper said:

These two short words sum it up quite accurately. Yet I could think of more two-word combinations that'd shed additional light on the situation...


banana republic

inept government

financial mismanagement

empty coffers

factual bankruptcy  

Revo lution :)


Coming soon at 7/11 near you... 

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Let them carry on until the dam breaks - and it will break. Then all hell goes loose and the aliens are better off going into hiding for a few months until the dust has settled. 
The soapy is getting excised in a country where there are no soapies; by law that is?  

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That's good. It will help transform a vice into revenue for the government. The problem is that too many people smoke because of the image thing - they're men, work in a factory, drive a scooter, so they need to smoke to complement that. This is the kind of stuff that needs to end. At least now, people who decide to continue to make their lungs bleed and smell like garbage rotting under the sun will pay more. Once they get tired of that and they realize that they invest half of their wages into self-destruction, they'll quit. Sure there is contreband, but not many people have the resources to get that.


There is a difference between drinking and smoking. Both are hazardous to your health.

- Drinking is a social activity that isn't done everyday, and that harms only yourself.

- Smoking is a pointless activity done 20 times per day, with devastating health effects, stinks, incomodates people around you, costs money, and serves no purpose.


I think Australia has the best system - why not follow them? The first step would be plain packaging - no more "hey, look everyone, I'm smoking expensive Marlboro!". It'll now just be someone stinking and holding a plain ugly pack.

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That's good. It will help transform a vice into revenue for the government. The problem is that too many people smoke because of the image thing - they're men, work in a factory, drive a scooter, so they need to smoke to complement that. This is the kind of stuff that needs to end. At least now, people who decide to continue to make their lungs bleed and smell like garbage rotting under the sun will pay more. Once they get tired of that and they realize that they invest half of their wages into self-destruction, they'll quit. Sure there is contreband, but not many people have the resources to get that.


There is a difference between drinking and smoking. Both are hazardous to your health.

- Drinking is a social activity that isn't done everyday, and that harms only yourself.

- Smoking is a pointless activity done 20 times per day, with devastating health effects, stinks, incomodates people around you, costs money, and serves no purpose.


I think Australia has the best system - why not follow them? The first step would be plain packaging - no more "hey, look everyone, I'm smoking expensive Marlboro!". It'll now just be someone stinking and holding a plain ugly pack.

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4 hours ago, Sphere said:

How about skipping the soapy to opt straight for a happy ending? Is that tax-free?

Unless you opt out after the Happy Ending and just tug the sucker back in?  At this rate they might even charge you for the alcohol wipe? 

Looks like a attempt to put soapy out of business for that type of increase? Now the power struggle will really start?

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36 minutes ago, SiamBeast said:

That's good. It will help transform a vice into revenue for the government. The problem is that too many people smoke because of the image thing - they're men, work in a factory, drive a scooter, so they need to smoke to complement that. This is the kind of stuff that needs to end. At least now, people who decide to continue to make their lungs bleed and smell like garbage rotting under the sun will pay more. Once they get tired of that and they realize that they invest half of their wages into self-destruction, they'll quit. Sure there is contreband, but not many people have the resources to get that.


There is a difference between drinking and smoking. Both are hazardous to your health.

- Drinking is a social activity that isn't done everyday, and that harms only yourself.

- Smoking is a pointless activity done 20 times per day, with devastating health effects, stinks, incomodates people around you, costs money, and serves no purpose.


I think Australia has the best system - why not follow them? The first step would be plain packaging - no more "hey, look everyone, I'm smoking expensive Marlboro!". It'll now just be someone stinking and holding a plain ugly pack.

You obviously have the moral high ground [according to your standards] where freedom and choice is not an option.


Apart from most of the info you give is just plain wrong you are the perfect slave to any Government [or authority]

as all you just did was repeating the Government propaganda you have been told all your life !


Freedom is a choice ... but it requires the will to let others be free ! Which you obviously don't have.

Sad story, really.

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19 hours ago, lovelomsak said:

read the whole thing. this is max over 20years



Many bars will try to implement this immediately in the full amount.  Why wait?  This is Thailand.   :partytime2:


3000 baht tax on 1 (ONE) litre of beer is absolutely rediculous.  Talk about pricing yourself OUT of the market.   Whoever came up with this is stupid beyond belief.



Right now, a 3 litre column of beer at Tawandang is about 750 or 800 baht.  So this increase would put that 3 litre column up to at least 10,000 baht.  That's more than I spend for a night out at Tawandang with 6 or more girls.


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Lookes like its going to get even more expencive.Its the thai way.less come ,make it more expencive for those that still come.Do they not understand.People used to go thailand because it was cheap,And they had resect for you and looked after you.Ice towels in bars.cut your nails.remove hair from your ears,Happy to stay with you for as long as you are there for 15.000 a month and beautifull also.They could not do enough for you.And now Buy me a drink.and you havnt even got one yourself.All have thai boyfreinds now.only want short time and a lot more money.Pattaya capital of robbing lady boys.I have no reason to ever go back there.To be scammed robbed and treated like <deleted>.And have to cross half of the world to get there.To also breath car fumes all day long.I have stopped going now for over 2 years.and i used to spend a minimum of £20.000 a year .There are thousands that did the same as me,that will never go back.There idea is were do we get more taxes.Charge the farang more.At end of year .oops why no more money.and we raise prices.Ah .i think we not raise prices enough.must raise again.

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It's not about repeating the government's propaganda, but about being to able to enjoy a meal on a terrace without receiving drafts of smoke,  being able to go everywhere without smoke, and not being forced to breathe smoke. Freedom is good, but it becomes bad when someone introduces an irritant in the air. Imagine you're eating peacefully with your wife, and I come beside your table, and start farting. I do it non-stop for 8 minutes ( the average time for a cigarette). I force you to smell all of it because of my "freedom". Not sure you would enjoy it.


Smokers cannot smell themselves, but we non-smokers can smell it, and believe me, it stinks.

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I can understand an increased tax on cigarettes. It's a commodity sold in every 7/11, so output and sales can be measured.

I can't understand how the government can measure the difference between customers having a basic massage, and those who want a happy ending or more complicated scenarios. That's privately negotiated, and can't be measured unless the government starts putting surveillance cameras in every massage parlor.

People subjected to bad laws are very ingenious at circumventing them.

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5 hours ago, tomacht8 said:

Or if you have a tight budget.
Buy one of these.
Simply blow up in the hotel room, fill up and have tax-free fun.


Wow !!!! where do you buy her......best looking blow up doll I have ever seen........

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5 baht increase per cigarette?

you can buy a cheap packet of 20 for around 60 baht now... that's one hell of an increase!!

I can see a lot of Thais kicking the habit!

As for the "soapy massage" that's always been negotiable & I guess always will be.. if the price is right you'l get customers if not you'll go bankrupt!

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1 hour ago, SiamBeast said:

That's good. It will help transform a vice into revenue for the government. The problem is that too many people smoke because of the image thing - they're men, work in a factory, drive a scooter, so they need to smoke to complement that. This is the kind of stuff that needs to end. At least now, people who decide to continue to make their lungs bleed and smell like garbage rotting under the sun will pay more. Once they get tired of that and they realize that they invest half of their wages into self-destruction, they'll quit. Sure there is contreband, but not many people have the resources to get that.


There is a difference between drinking and smoking. Both are hazardous to your health.

- Drinking is a social activity that isn't done everyday, and that harms only yourself.

- Smoking is a pointless activity done 20 times per day, with devastating health effects, stinks, incomodates people around you, costs money, and serves no purpose.


I think Australia has the best system - why not follow them? The first step would be plain packaging - no more "hey, look everyone, I'm smoking expensive Marlboro!". It'll now just be someone stinking and holding a plain ugly pack.

Was it really necessary to post that twice

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There going for the max,you wait. Those subs cost money and they have figured out how to pay for them over the next 20 years.

But they did not figure in the cost of lost tourism .

That will take a few years to figure that out.

But at least they can count on there people to cough up the money for sub maintenance.

Things are bad here. I see it everywhere.

I just had a robbery for first time here.phuket Immigration had 5 people at 9 am this morning. Took 15 minutes to get a extension. Several years back used to take all day.

Writing is on the wall.

People just arent here,like before.


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3 hours ago, Bob12345 said:

It seems like you do not understand it though.


It is the maximum. That does not mean it will actually happen the way you describe.


Other options are:

- no increase till 2035 and then a sudden increase in price from 45 baht to 3,000 baht overnight (unlikely)

- no increase at all. So even in 2036 the price will still be 45 baht (unlikely)

- the price will go from 45 baht to 3,000 tomorrow and then 20 years long no further increases (unlikely)

- the price will increase the coming 20 years but in no way as much as the maximum (most likely). For example 1-3% per year.


Ok Sherlock,
then please explain to us, what this tax increase law, then has for a meaning?
Here the formal juridical framework for flat-rate future tax increases is laid.
The maximum values are clear.

But this shows nevertheless in which tax raising categories here is thought.

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7 hours ago, webfact said:

prices of playing cards

Not many have commented on this! gonna be a big earner for sure!

The bridge players of Pattaya thought they had got away -555

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The Baht keeps getting higher so the fundamentals of the Thai economy must be strong. It beats me how a country can deplete its foreign reserves by 80%, over a few years, and still be considered to be economically on track by the international community. Oh well, what do I know about economics. I'm sure the government knows best.

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