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Blacklisted Englishman desperate to return home to Thailand after being deported as his children suffer without him


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3 minutes ago, Berkshire said:

What are you on about?  The reason I asked those questions was because the article did not contain the answers.  If you disagree, how about share with us....unless you're some kind of looney bird.

"An initial relationship with a Thai woman had turned sour and she had fled abroad to marry another man - leaving him with a boy to look after who is now 14.


Thereafter he had a second relationship and a daughter with another woman who subsequently left him too and went to live in Pattaya. The girl was also being looked after by Mr Young and is now seven years old.

But things really took a turn for the worse when an argument over noise at one Halloween caused a fight between Mr Young and his female Thai neighbor and her foreign husband.


Though Mr Young suffered a broken arm and other injuries he was the one who was charged with going into the neighbor's house to cause trouble.


He was given sentences on two charges totaling 3 years in jail that was reduced by half on admission. This was suspended but he was deported leaving the children separated and in the hands of friends and relatives". --------------------------


ok Berkshire, I get it, reading is totally not your thing. But there's plenty of 7 year olds that can teach you. In the meantime, lay off the drugs dude.


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19 minutes ago, Time Traveller said:

"An initial relationship with a Thai woman had turned sour and she had fled abroad to marry another man - leaving him with a boy to look after who is now 14.


Thereafter he had a second relationship and a daughter with another woman who subsequently left him too and went to live in Pattaya. The girl was also being looked after by Mr Young and is now seven years old.

But things really took a turn for the worse when an argument over noise at one Halloween caused a fight between Mr Young and his female Thai neighbor and her foreign husband.


Though Mr Young suffered a broken arm and other injuries he was the one who was charged with going into the neighbor's house to cause trouble.


He was given sentences on two charges totaling 3 years in jail that was reduced by half on admission. This was suspended but he was deported leaving the children separated and in the hands of friends and relatives". --------------------------


ok Berkshire, I get it, reading is totally not your thing. But there's plenty of 7 year olds that can teach you. In the meantime, lay off the drugs dude.


Man, you are incredibly dim beyond words.  I asked "So who are the children staying with?"  You didn't answer that question, did you?  The kids are obviously not staying with the father, so who are they with?


"If not their mothers, why not?  Is he not paying child support?"  No answers.


Lastly, "Why was he deported/blacklisted?"  People have done worse and not been deported/blacklisted, which may suggest there's something more to this.  So you've failed on all counts.  Have you ever been right about anything? 

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Wow! you can guess all that from a photo. Do me a favour, if i send you a picture of our local lottery ticket seller, be a good chap and send me next weeks numbers, there's a good chap.

can any body believe that there are people like this still about, seriously?

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44 minutes ago, Berkshire said:

Man, you are incredibly dim beyond words.  I asked "So who are the children staying with?"  You didn't answer that question, did you?  The kids are obviously not staying with the father, so who are they with?


"If not their mothers, why not?  Is he not paying child support?"  No answers.


Lastly, "Why was he deported/blacklisted?"  People have done worse and not been deported/blacklisted, which may suggest there's something more to this.  So you've failed on all counts.  Have you ever been right about anything? 

But things really took a turn for the worse when an argument over noise at one Halloween caused a fight between Mr Young and his female Thai neighbor and her foreign husband.


Though Mr Young suffered a broken arm and other injuries he was the one who was charged with going into the neighbor's house to cause trouble.


He was given sentences on two charges totaling 3 years in jail that was reduced by half on admission. This was suspended but he was deported leaving the children separated and in the hands of friends and relatives". ---------


read the story berkshire .

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7 minutes ago, catman20 said:

But things really took a turn for the worse when an argument over noise at one Halloween caused a fight between Mr Young and his female Thai neighbor and her foreign husband.


Though Mr Young suffered a broken arm and other injuries he was the one who was charged with going into the neighbor's house to cause trouble.


He was given sentences on two charges totaling 3 years in jail that was reduced by half on admission. This was suspended but he was deported leaving the children separated and in the hands of friends and relatives". ---------


read the story berkshire .

Again, people have done worse and not been deported/blacklisted, which may suggest there's something more to this.  As for the children being in the hands of friends and relatives, what does that mean?  Who leaves their kids with "friends?"  Which relatives?  Do you guys ever read before responding?

Edited by Berkshire
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1 minute ago, Berkshire said:

Again, people have done worse and not been deported/blacklisted, which may suggest there's something more to this.  Do you guys ever read before responding?

im just trying to satisfier  your original questions which i another member have tried to do, theirs no more to the story than uve read. thats how it can go in Thailand:post-4641-1156693976:

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3 minutes ago, catman20 said:

im just trying to satisfier  your original questions which i another member have tried to do, theirs no more to the story than uve read. thats how it can go in Thailand:post-4641-1156693976:

The questions I asked originally were rhetorical in nature, i.e., the answers were not in the article.  So when you and the other weirdo tried to suggest that it was...well. 

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5 minutes ago, Berkshire said:

The questions I asked originally were rhetorical in nature, i.e., the answers were not in the article.  So when you and the other weirdo tried to suggest that it was...well. 

ok have it your way it all makes sense to me and all the other TV members. if your having a bad day carry on dont let us stop you.

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21 hours ago, jonclark said:

Well clearly his children need "such a bloke"

 BTW if you have a valid visa and commit a crime a migrant will not be deported and familes broken up. Unless there are extenuating circumstances whereby the individual staying might be a threat to national security. 

Thailand could learn a lot from the UK when it comes to human rights and the value of family. 


But your 'Thailand only' filter won't allow such a radical idea through. Shame really.

I like your jokes:

Thailand could learn a lot from the UK when it comes to human rights and the value of family.

Thailand should learn how to throw out migrants e.g. Poles and others? Or even try to avoid any refugee to enter  UK?  Or start again with nationalism instead of creating a greater EU? Rising borders again? I like the idea of my Scots. Leave the inhuman sinking ship apply for separation from UK and  become again EU member. There is nothing Thais can learn from UK.

BTW. If you (as a refugee)  commit crime (in UK) you would be deported from your beloved UK. And this bloke here? Why not clean this country? Throw out the useless ones.!

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19 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:


I was one of those men you mention...

.... With the pushchair or son on a backpack carrier...
Or in the restaurant - just my son and I....

But you have it wrong... This was just to give my Wife a break...

.... Boys shopping... Or Boys night out - just my son and I having a beer and a bite...

It was great to have some alone time with my son... I used to take him out for breakfast and give my Wife a break...

People often choose to see the negative.. You may have made such a mistake...

That said, and back on topic... This is a tragic tale, but I wonder... More to the story which seems rather one sided...
Broken arm in a fight with the neighbours about his noisy bar... He was at their house... Seems as though he may have been the agressor...

Nonetheless. A suitable solution is wanting... The children are missing out and they must come first.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect


My livein girlfriend's son got a woman age 15  pregnant and she abandoned the child and basically her son showed signs of abandonment  toward his son,so my girlfriend to go over responsibility and that basically broke us up because I didn't want to baby in the home at five. 

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6 minutes ago, Kabula said:

My livein girlfriend's son got a woman age 15  pregnant and she abandoned the child and basically her son showed signs of abandonment  toward his son,so my girlfriend to go over responsibility and that basically broke us up because I didn't want to baby in the home at five. 

Your ex-girlfriend came out best in that story ... how sad.

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19 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:


I was one of those men you mention...

.... With the pushchair or son on a backpack carrier...
Or in the restaurant - just my son and I....

But you have it wrong... This was just to give my Wife a break...

.... Boys shopping... Or Boys night out - just my son and I having a beer and a bite...

It was great to have some alone time with my son... I used to take him out for breakfast and give my Wife a break...

People often choose to see the negative.. You may have made such a mistake...

That said, and back on topic... This is a tragic tale, but I wonder... More to the story which seems rather one sided...
Broken arm in a fight with the neighbours about his noisy bar... He was at their house... Seems as though he may have been the agressor...

Nonetheless. A suitable solution is wanting... The children are missing out and they must come first.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect


 I don't choose to see the negative, I choose to convey the facts. I've lived in Thailand for 11 years and I have never seen so many single men pushing children around and caring them on their backs as I have in the last year.


I lived with a Thai woman for seven years and her son age 15 got a young woman pregnant; she abandoned the child  and he abandoned his son emotionally so my girlfriend took responsibility of the baby which broke us up. 


 Over the years everyone of my American friends that married a Thai woman the relationships ended because the women found a better deal.  The children were left with my friends and then the children went back to the villages when visas changed, contract jobs ended or extensions were rejected. Many children suffered abandonment issues from being left behind. 


 Ask most women that work in the bars or service people from Issan how they were raised and who raised them. And you'll find that many of their young mothers went to the tourist cities to work leaving them with their grand parents or neighbors as the father left.  Many don't even know who the father was. 


In many cases the father either abandoned the children emotionally or physically because the young girlfriend/wife was gone working in bars or turned to alcohol/drugs and the children were ignored.    


Because of the  abandonment issues and being ignored, many children suffer mental health issues, the worst being a covert narcissist.  Their child core was damaged leaving them with no soul to feel nothing the rest of their lives.


 I experienced this disorder first hand recently when my girlfriend explained exactly why she feels nothing and took me to Udon Toni to meet her sister and we had a long discussion about this very subject. Both her and her sister were ignored  

while growing up.  The drunk father divorced the mother, she remarried and both ignored the children.


They both have a tendency to sabotage relationships and have been in and out of relationships/jobs their entire, miserable lives.


 I believe this scenario is now an epidemic worldwide with the financial retreat, jobs being lost, the high divorce rate and more. 



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12 hours ago, Berkshire said:

As for the children being in the hands of friends and relatives, what does that mean?  Who leaves their kids with "friends?"  Which relatives?


it's quite normal to leave the kids with grand parents here, or uncles/aunties. It's the Thai way, nothing wrong with that as long as they are looked after . 


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Plenty of Thai kids in same situation. Live with grandma, grandpa, family, friends because parents have died, slit up and both left leaving the kid(s). Plenty of different scenarios. This bloke has hooked up with (maybe) bargirls. One leaves him for another farang. Why? Maybe more money, maybe he's not such a good fella, maybe both. The second one splits for Pattaya. Greener pastures? Brawls with the farang and his Thai missus next door. Can't go back to England. I wonder why he wasn't deported back to England. Sounds like another quality export from Old Blighty.

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On 3/22/2017 at 2:25 PM, cyberfarang said:

Only for the losers. Most of us have no problems.

For the most part, I think you are correct...many dodgy characters in Thailand for sure, both Thai and expat...but in my short time here, I've personally observed how quickly a situation can get out of control, usually at the hands of Thais who know too well that white expats are at a disadvantage when it comes to the law...example...Thai gf are quick to claim rape and assault if they feel their expat bf will leave or cut off support...Thai men will swarm an expat at the slightest perceived insult...I'm an old guy who stays to himself, and even I have had encounters that could have turned violent in a flash...a few years back, a Thai neighbor told her bf that she had sex with me, just to make her Thai bf jealous...the guy came to confront me, and it took some time for him to realize that his gf was just trying to manipulate him...he later beat the shit out of her, but better her than me...I moved to get away from the drama and gossip.

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On ‎3‎/‎22‎/‎2017 at 0:20 AM, claffey said:

When you have a child with a Thai lady the first thing you do is get two passports for them. One for Thailand and one for your home country. He deserves no sympathy. They are British citizens and he could easily arrange for them to receive British passports and join him abroad. His kids do deserve sympathy having somebody like that for a child.

Its not quite that simple to obtain U.K. passports for half Thai kids, especially as he isn't living here.

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On 3/22/2017 at 1:51 PM, nev said:

Lesson to us all living in Thailand, keep your head down and keep out of trouble or one day your dream of living here will be wiped out in a instance.

One can accidentally "step into crap" here or anyplace and fear the wrath of others, but this guy sounds like he is and has been always a looser. looking for trouble. He can find sympathy in the dictionary between sorry and syphilis.

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Too many 'unknowns' in this story.


He "had some problem regarding living in his homeland " - what are the problems?


If he's living in Malaysia, why can't the children move there to live with him?


What is the full story behind him going to the neighbours to complain, and ending up with a broken arm?

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On Thursday, March 23, 2017 at 10:11 AM, sanemax said:

Have you never had an argument with your neighbour and has a woman never left you ?

No, I've never had an argument with any of my neighbours, neither here nor back in Faranigstan. 

One gf left me, many years ago. The rest and I parted on good terms. 

You're not posting from Malaysia by any chance, are you? ?

A lot of posters here seem to see the man for what he really is; bad news. 

Nobody's perfect, especially not me, but some people are just rotten to the core. 

Edited by djayz
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the guy seems stitched up to me. Two scheming thai women who got their money from him and abandoned their kids. The guy then gets an extreme sentence for a minor fight with a neighbour and gets deported, Can't believe many of the posters here are against him. Obviously don't know the full story but from the media story it is a complete farce and the usual fit up the falang type scenario.

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9 hours ago, djayz said:

No, I've never had an argument with any of my neighbours, neither here nor back in Faranigstan. 

One gf left me, many years ago. The rest and I parted on good terms. 

You're not posting from Malaysia by any chance, are you? ?

A lot of posters here seem to see the man for what he really is; bad news. 

Nobody's perfect, especially not me, but some people are just rotten to the core. 


   Posters are basing their views on the fact that two gfs have left him and he had an argument with his neighbor and also just one photo of him .

   Thats not enough info to come to any conclsuion about what type of person he is

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 Mr. Young's sojourn in Thailand is over if he wants to take care of his kids he needs to man up and take responsibility for them own country (or some other place that will have him). Even a Thai person has no right to a noise free environment here and barging into a home is no way to deal with it. Sure thing most of the dodgy foreigners  have a long history of anti social behavior before they wash up here like beach detritus, the scum of nations who commit grisly murders, become biker gang extortionists, crims and boiler room scammers. All longterm visas and extensions should require police checks. People who cannot behave in Western countries certainly will NOT be able to do so here.


Millions of criminals are locked up in my country and can't take care of their kids (due to their own bad decisions). Should they all be given a pass and let out ?



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1 hour ago, Dipterocarp said:

 Mr. Young's sojourn in Thailand is over if he wants to take care of his kids he needs to man up and take responsibility for them own country (or some other place that will have him). Even a Thai person has no right to a noise free environment here and barging into a home is no way to deal with it. Sure thing most of the dodgy foreigners  have a long history of anti social behavior before they wash up here like beach detritus, the scum of nations who commit grisly murders, become biker gang extortionists, crims and boiler room scammers. All longterm visas and extensions should require police checks. People who cannot behave in Western countries certainly will NOT be able to do so here.


Millions of criminals are locked up in my country and can't take care of their kids (due to their own bad decisions). Should they all be given a pass and let out ?




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20 hours ago, sanemax said:


   Posters are basing their views on the fact that two gfs have left him and he had an argument with his neighbor and also just one photo of him .

   Thats not enough info to come to any conclsuion about what type of person he is

You have a very valid point there sanemax, but humans make assumptions, rightly or wrongly, based on the information they have/see. 

These assumptions are based mainly on past experiences.  



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On 22/03/2017 at 9:29 PM, wakeupplease said:

Never a truer word has been said Well Done Thaiguzzi

Why thank you sir for your kind comment.

Yeah, unfortunately these type of topics always bring the "hang 'em high haters" out of the shadows...

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On Thursday, March 23, 2017 at 4:52 PM, sawadee1947 said:

I like your jokes:

Thailand could learn a lot from the UK when it comes to human rights and the value of family.

Thailand should learn how to throw out migrants e.g. Poles and others? Or even try to avoid any refugee to enter  UK?  Or start again with nationalism instead of creating a greater EU? Rising borders again? I like the idea of my Scots. Leave the inhuman sinking ship apply for separation from UK and  become again EU member. There is nothing Thais can learn from UK.

BTW. If you (as a refugee)  commit crime (in UK) you would be deported from your beloved UK. And this bloke here? Why not clean this country? Throw out the useless ones.!

I like it! ?

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  • 1 month later...
On 3/23/2017 at 7:55 PM, Kabula said:

 I don't choose to see the negative, I choose to convey the facts. I've lived in Thailand for 11 years and I have never seen so many single men pushing children around and caring them on their backs as I have in the last year.


I lived with a Thai woman for seven years and her son age 15 got a young woman pregnant; she abandoned the child  and he abandoned his son emotionally so my girlfriend took responsibility of the baby which broke us up. 


 Over the years everyone of my American friends that married a Thai woman the relationships ended because the women found a better deal.  The children were left with my friends and then the children went back to the villages when visas changed, contract jobs ended or extensions were rejected. Many children suffered abandonment issues from being left behind. 


 Ask most women that work in the bars or service people from Issan how they were raised and who raised them. And you'll find that many of their young mothers went to the tourist cities to work leaving them with their grand parents or neighbors as the father left.  Many don't even know who the father was. 


In many cases the father either abandoned the children emotionally or physically because the young girlfriend/wife was gone working in bars or turned to alcohol/drugs and the children were ignored.    


Because of the  abandonment issues and being ignored, many children suffer mental health issues, the worst being a covert narcissist.  Their child core was damaged leaving them with no soul to feel nothing the rest of their lives.


 I experienced this disorder first hand recently when my girlfriend explained exactly why she feels nothing and took me to Udon Toni to meet her sister and we had a long discussion about this very subject. Both her and her sister were ignored  

while growing up.  The drunk father divorced the mother, she remarried and both ignored the children.


They both have a tendency to sabotage relationships and have been in and out of relationships/jobs their entire, miserable lives.


 I believe this scenario is now an epidemic worldwide with the financial retreat, jobs being lost, the high divorce rate and more. 



Some good points and i will never understand why people feel the 'need' to have kids. I got the snip 20 years ago in a proactive stance to avoid the scenarios. Thailand should offer vasectomy services to stem the tide of neglected and unwanted kids (which is a problem the world over).

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6 hours ago, LannaGuy said:

Some good points and i will never understand why people feel the 'need' to have kids. I got the snip 20 years ago in a proactive stance to avoid the scenarios. Thailand should offer vasectomy services to stem the tide of neglected and unwanted kids (which is a problem the world over).

Macho Thai guys get the snip, no way - loss of face if anyone ever found out. 

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The border of Thailand is thousands apon thousands of miles long. Surely not every square mile can be watched and guarded. There must be somewhere you can sneek in. Look at that murderer who cut up a body threw it in a river then fled through the jungles into Cambodia. Theres got to be a way in or out without a passport. So why doesn't this bloke do that. Instead of whining on like a beach.

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