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Thousands demonstrate in London against leaving the EU


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1 hour ago, Nigel Garvie said:

Fortunately Scotland has the chance to leave the sad Little Englanders to go on fantasising about the glories of the Empire and imagining the UK is still a big player on the world stage. Meanwhile the older voters responsible for Brexit, Trump, and other right wing successes have betrayed their children's generation who can't work in Europe, can't buy a house, and are paying for the "Boomers" mainly largely inflated pensions. For those of you whose brains are small enough to think that not listening to experts ( as Michael Gove advised) is clever, I recommend the Daily Mail, the Daily Express, and the Sun, you can get your idiotic prejudices confirmed there. 


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Sadly, you are absolutely correct


However, the exception proves the rule; I'm in my 60s!! 

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1 hour ago, KunMatt said:

You might have missed it, but Scotland had a "once in a lifetime" vote on Independence a few years ago.  Despite totally loading the hand in favour of the SNP, the Scots voted to remain a part of the UK.


Lucky for you really seeing as your biggest commodity (which the UK owns) dropped to $20 a barrel soon after.


Dodged a bullet there, didn't you?

Whisky at 20 USD a barrel where?


I note you don't consider Brexit a material change?

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Just now, KunMatt said:


Yeah, you must be the only OAP to have voted remain.


Your arrogance is beyond belief.  Haha.

Sorry but you wrong on that and I know several other OAP's who voted remain. 

Just to clarify something you stated earlier, No we don't finally Brexit on Wednesday, we just fire the starting pistol you really should get better informed.

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32 minutes ago, KunMatt said:

Free schools, free decent doctors and hospitals, a real emergency service who will come as soon as you dial 999.  One of the safest and brightest countries to bring up children. 


Pretty sure him and I made the correct decision of where to raise our kids.

My goodness! You really don't know! I see clearly now why we lost the referendum. We assum d people knew stuff; they don't ?

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3 minutes ago, pitrevie said:

Sorry but you wrong on that and I know several other OAP's who voted remain. 

Just to clarify something you stated earlier, No we don't finally Brexit on Wednesday, we just fire the starting pistol you really should get better informed.


Not good at detecting sarcasm are you?


And yes, we finally begin the Brexit process on Wednesday. Despite all of rhe underhanded tactics to undermine and derail it.by the Remoaners,  Brexit is finally happening on Wednesday.


I'll be back on Wednesday for your epic tantrum and meltdown.  It's gonna make Brexit day even more fun.

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27 minutes ago, KunMatt said:

It was the best decision for the future of the UK and the fact it has triggered you so badly and for long is just a delicious cherry on top of the  cake.

Why is it good that it "triggered" me? What kind of chav speak is that? 


BTW, I suggest you move your family out of England and move to any northern EU country if you want what's best for them. Don't worry, they all speak English (correctly).

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1 minute ago, Grouse said:

My goodness! You really don't know! I see clearly now why we lost the referendum. We assum d people knew stuff; they don't ?


Again, a post with no point and a couple of lame insults. 


You were rhe one talking about the monetary issue of education in the UK.  Schools are free until University, unlike international schools in Thailand which cost about the same for 1 year than the entire university course costs in the UK.


Also, healthcare is expensive in Thailand if you want it done properly.  No doubt you are going to come back and tell me that you are happy for you children to be educated in a village school for free and go to village clinics for 20 baht, but I never took those chances with with my family''s welfare in Thailand.

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23 minutes ago, KunMatt said:


Yeah, you must be the only OAP to have voted remain.


Your arrogance is beyond belief.  Haha.

My arrogance is only exceeded by your ignorance. Pensioner? Not yet; I'm not an EU citizen. I have to rely upon UK parsimony.

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5 minutes ago, Grouse said:

Why is it good that it "triggered" me? What kind of chav speak is that? 


BTW, I suggest you move your family out of England and move to any northern EU country if you want what's best for them. Don't worry, they all speak English (correctly).

You think that triggered is a chav term just shows how out of touch you are with the modern world.  As if your entire post history wasn't already evidence of that fact.


And you are constantly wrong so I give zero credit to anything you have to say or think about anything.

Edited by KunMatt
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2 minutes ago, Grouse said:

My arrogance is only exceeded by your ignorance. Pensioner? Not yet; I'm not an EU citizen. I have to rely upon UK parsimony.

So if you don't live in the UK, then how did you vote on the referendum?

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Just now, KunMatt said:


Not good at detecting sarcasm are you?


And yes, we finally begin the Brexit process on Wednesday. Despite all of rhe underhanded tactics to undermine and derail it.by the Remoaners,  Brexit is finally happening on Wednesday.


I'll be back on Wednesday for your epic tantrum and meltdown.  It's gonna make Brexit day even more fun.

Nice attempt to cover up your mistake as for the rest of your remarks the usual. If you had read any of my posts I accepted the result as far back as last June. I happen to think its the wrong decision but that's democracy I am entitled to that view unlike Farage who as I quoted stated he was not prepared to accept the result along with Bill Cash another Brexiter. 

As for underhand tactics do you mean our own courts and Parliament deciding things. I thought that was one of the complaints that we were being dictated to by the EU and that our own courts and Parliament should decide. Or do you think that our own unelected PM should have been allowed to use the Royal prerogative to get the ball rolling?

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1 hour ago, KunMatt said:

Love it when Remoaners bring up "the bus", because if that's really the best you have after all of this time then it just shows that you have no true argument or case to make.


Your smoking gun is a suggestion written on the side of a bus which cannot even have happened yet.  That's how pathetic your case against Brexit is.

You were the one who mentioned lies - but if you are suggesting that Boris was not lying, and that the money will be forthcoming then I would love to hear more.

Next you will be telling us that the Brexit campaign was not funded and run by a collection of corrupt, lying, cheating racists.

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1 hour ago, vogie said:

When you say 'we' you are referring to the SNP and not the Scots right?

Not at all - Scots of all persuasions overwhelmingly backed staying in the EU, and the Tories have been shown the door repeatedly.

Edited by RuamRudy
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4 minutes ago, KunMatt said:


Again, a post with no point and a couple of lame insults. 


You were rhe one talking about the monetary issue of education in the UK.  Schools are free until University, unlike international schools in Thailand which cost about the same for 1 year than the entire university course costs in the UK.


Also, healthcare is expensive in Thailand if you want it done properly.  No doubt you are going to come back and tell me that you are happy for you children to be educated in a village school for free and go to village clinics for 20 baht, but I never took those chances with with my family''s welfare in Thailand.

I was referring to tertiary education and for your information both Scottish universities and EU universities are free. What has Thailand to do with this? My UK kids did fine thank you. My son is an airline captain here in Asia now and my daughter is a physician in the U.K. My eldest Thai daughter is off to university in Vancouver later this year and the younger one is in. Thai curriculum fee paying school here. My point is that services, including support for tertiary education is much better in other parts of the EU. Think about it.


I agree that education in Thailand is far from acceptable and I agree there is no proper health service. But what's that to do with the EU? 

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Just now, RuamRudy said:

You were the one who mentioned lies - but if you are suggesting that Boris was not lying, and that the money will be forthcoming then I would love to hear more.

Next you will be telling us that the Brexit campaign was not funded and run by a collection of corrupt, lying, cheating racists.


It's not a lie.  How can a suggestion be a lie?  "Let's fund the NHS".  I totally agree.  Once we stop paying the EU £20bn a year, let's use some of that cash to fund the NHS.


The only people who are against this are Remoaners as they used their vote to make sure that nothing changed and the NHS would get ZERO funding.


Now about that £4,000 punishment budget which was going to happen one week after the vote.  That was literally a blatant lie to blackmail and scare people into voting to remain.  Never hear any Remoaners mentioning that ever again.

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11 minutes ago, KunMatt said:


It's not a lie.  How can a suggestion be a lie?  "Let's fund the NHS".  I totally agree.  Once we stop paying the EU £20bn a year, let's use some of that cash to fund the NHS.


The only people who are against this are Remoaners as they used their vote to make sure that nothing changed and the NHS would get ZERO funding.


Now about that £4,000 punishment budget which was going to happen one week after the vote.  That was literally a blatant lie to blackmail and scare people into voting to remain.  Never hear any Remoaners mentioning that ever again.

A deliberate (and clearly successful) attempt to mislead the public through sophistry - why else would it be used other than to lure people into thinking that the answer to the problems in the NHS was to leave the EU. The irony is that leaving the EU has made the future of the NHS more precarious than ever, as our vulturous government is lining it up to sell off to the highest bidder. Well done, you Brexiter geniuses.

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9 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:

A deliberate (and clearly successful) attempt to mislead the public through sophistry - why else would it be used other than to lure people into thinking that the answer to the problems in the NHS was to leave the EU. The irony is that leaving the EU has made the future of the NHS more precarious than ever, as our vulturous government is lining it up to sell off to the highest bidder. Well done, you Brexiter geniuses.


And yet not one person based their vote solely on "the bus", it'd only a massive issue for Remoaners because they have nothing else big enough to bring up.


Now about that £4,000 punishment budget.  You have zero complaints about that being used in the Remain campaign?

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1 hour ago, RuamRudy said:

A deliberate (and clearly successful) attempt to mislead the public through sophistry - why else would it be used other than to lure people into thinking that the answer to the problems in the NHS was to leave the EU. The irony is that leaving the EU has made the future of the NHS more precarious than ever, as our vulturous government is lining it up to sell off to the highest bidder. Well done, you Brexiter geniuses.


That's the sound, of silence.


And this is exactly why I love it when Remoaners bring up "the bus", because it's basically checkmate at that point.  It just shows that you have no credible argument to debate because your biggest gripe in 1 year is a suggestion that was written on the side of a bus.  That's your smoking gun.  A suggestion written on the side of a bus.  Think about how pathetic your stance is if that's the best you have!!!  Hahahahaha. 

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19 Un elected men, with no recourse to there actions, Making decisions in Secret behind closed  locked doors.. Yes that's democracy. That's the real reason people voted leave. Nothing to do with the financial Money people.

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3 hours ago, rockingrobin said:


Prior to D Carswell resignation , UKIP won 1 seat and a general election

UKIP won a general election? That one passed me by. Or is that your take on the referendum result?

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18 minutes ago, Thongkorn said:

19 Un elected men, with no recourse to there actions, Making decisions in Secret behind closed  locked doors.. Yes that's democracy. That's the real reason people voted leave. Nothing to do with the financial Money people.

Exactly right ..Evil despots in Brussels caused the brexit

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5 hours ago, KunMatt said:

I moved back to the UK 18 months ago with my wife and kids so I voted for Brexit because I want what is best for the country.


I totally understand the selfish nature that you are talking about though, how some people think it's perfectly fine to throw your own country and people under the bus so you can get a little bit more pension for a little while.


I voted for my country and the future of my children, and I was more than happy to accept any short term costs and problems.  But of course, the doomsday and punishments they promised would start the day after the vote was just a pack of lies to blackmail the UK into staying part of the EU for their own selfish needs and agenda.


Thankfully, the correct decision was made in the end.  I'm so sorry that you will have to cut down on the bar fines because the exchange rate is currently 10% lower than it was pre-Brexit, in the bigger picture I really don't care though.

I said I accepted brexit. I think it's a great idea because people like you with your narrow views don't belong in the EU. It will be much better without the UK. Yours is the  typical rant that I was referring to. You insult people who don't agree with you  with really low class childish remarks about bar fines. What has bar fines got to do with my post? I don"t live in places that have bar fines, but I guess you do.

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1 hour ago, KunMatt said:


That's the sound, of silence.


And this is exactly why I love it when Remoaners bring up "the bus", because it's basically checkmate at that point.  It just shows that you have no credible argument to debate because your biggest gripe in 1 year is a suggestion that was written on the side of a bus.  That's your smoking gun.  A suggestion written on the side of a bus.  Think about how pathetic your stance is if that's the best you have!!!  Hahahahaha. 

he is calling you a remoaner so a good name for him is a brexidiot HaHaHa

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I voted for Scottish Independence, and will do so again.  I accept that there may be some financial disadvantages, but most of my Scottish friends simply want to be free from English dominance, and community destroying Tory policies. Over 100 countries have got independence from British rule, if the English are so wonderful why are none desperate to return to it, maybe ask the Americans! This doesn't need to be a heated argument but for some perspective try inserting into KunMatt's statement Scotland and the UK.

"I voted for my country and the future of my children, and I was more than happy to accept any short term costs and problems.  But of course ...................it was just a pack of lies to blackmail the UK (Scotland)  into staying part of the EU (The UK) for their own selfish needs and agenda."

Incidentally all the children and young adults that I know feel that they have been betrayed by a generation that put their own  interests ahead of those of their children.

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43 minutes ago, gamini said:

I said I accepted brexit. I think it's a great idea because people like you with your narrow views don't belong in the EU. It will be much better without the UK. Yours is the  typical rant that I was referring to. You insult people who don't agree with you  with really low class childish remarks about bar fines. What has bar fines got to do with my post? I don"t live in places that have bar fines, but I guess you do.

The UK has bar fines??  I believe you are grasping at straws there. 


You were the one who said you only cared about yourself and your pension which is why you wanted the UK to remain in the EU.  I'm glad your selfish nature and views were not held by the majority of voters in the UK.


Most people in the UK voted for the best interests of the UK.  I doubt you'd understand given your previous statement.


And if you are living hand to mouth at your age so that a 10% decrease in a pension because of the exchange rate wrecks your whole life in Thailand, then who's fault is that??  Clearly you cannot afford or have the means to live abroad so we will welcome you back to the new UK soon.  :)

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