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Why don’t Thai People Follow the Rules?


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Why don’t Thai People Follow the Rules?

Orlando Barton




I’m picking up a few items at Tesco Lotus in Bangkok and head for one of the “Express Checkout” lanes. There’s a big sign that clearly reads “Ten items or Less – Cash Only” in English and in Thai. There’s even a chrome pole blocking the entry of any shopping carts. With my little red basket containing only toothpaste, razor blades and toilet paper I’m thinking this is the line for me. With only two other people in the queue I’ll be out of there in no time right? Unfortunately both of the Thai shoppers in front of me are disregarding the sign completely.


The first guy being checked out when I walked up had two little red baskets overflowing with stuff. The lady in front of me was busy shuttling between her big shopping cart parked just outside the checkout and the counter itself; all the while muttering curses at the chrome pole blocking her cart’s access. In total I counted 57 items she piled up right under the “Ten items or Less” sign. When it was my turn I mentioned the flagrant rule violations to the young cashier. She looked at me as if I’d just insulted the royal family.


The next day I was heading out for a meal with my missus behind the wheel. She pulled up to the curb right in front of this little Thai restaurant we frequent. When we got out of the car I noticed that she had parked right in the middle of a 10 meter stretch of curb painted with those bright red and white stripes that from my understanding of the Thai Driver’s Manual means “No Parking Anytime”. Just beyond this section of curb was a clear and legal stretch of space about 20 meters long. When I pointed out her flagrant infraction of the rules and suggested she adjust the position of her vehicle she walked over to the car, opened the driver’s side door and turned on flashing hazard lights. Shooting me a nasty look she said “We only stay to eat, not all day”. And that was the end of that conversation. When we left there was no ticket on the window, no locking boot on the wheel.


Full story: http://www.inspirepattaya.com/lifestyle/dont-thai-people-follow-rules/


-- © Copyright Inspire Pattaya 2017-04-02
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this is what happens when people have never had to take their police force seriously.


they come to believe that no rules or laws apply to anyone anywhere, even in a super market.


no discipline. no real concern for others. a unwillingness to call out bad behavior.   



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5 minutes ago, NCC1701A said:

this is what happens when people have never had to take their police force seriously.


they come to believe that no rules or laws apply to anyone anywhere, even in a super market.


no discipline. no real concern for others. a unwillingness to call out bad behavior.   




Plus never read anything, never listen. Try teaching a class of bachelor degree students:


- Did you read the case study handout? No, but I think it's about xxxxx.


- What did I say in the last 3 minutes? I don't know, why are you so serious professor?


- Previous class, well explained several time plus hand out; next class is final exam, don't be late. Several students 30 - 45 minutes late. Why are you late this was all explained last class and you got a handout. Ohh I didn't know. 

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45 minutes ago, NCC1701A said:

this is what happens when people have never had to take their police force seriously.


they come to believe that no rules or laws apply to anyone anywhere, even in a super market.


no discipline. no real concern for others. a unwillingness to call out bad behavior.   



Your last line says it all.

No self discipline either.

But most of all, the parents are to blame.

Never really educated their children.

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Free range child rearing - no consequences tied to their kid's actions.....




Usually, it's catastrophic lessons learned opposed to guidelines & limits.....


But most adults turn out pretty much ok....But not in keeping with our western "logic" or standards....

Edited by pgrahmm
spell check changed words
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12 minutes ago, chrissables said:

Why do people from the west follow every stupid rule like lemmings? Especially victimless rules.

Rules, sir are made to let a community function.

Now then, most people from the west understand that.

But of course there are always renegades.

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Because they're enjoying the last vestiges of a relaxed, "mai pen rai", non-Nanny State society. Globalisation is changing it at quite a pace. We'll miss it when it's gone [emoji17]

Best comment I've seen on TV for ages. There's a reason all advertising use the words easy, fun, cheap, relaxed and convenient. It resonates with the nevermind and take it easy ethos of the nation.

You just have to make peace with it or you'll be constantly aggravated.
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1 minute ago, hansnl said:

Rules, sir are made to let a community function.

Now then, most people from the west understand that.

But of course there are always renegades.

Without fail in the west it became a joke, more about control than common sense. It really surprises me that it is not questioned more. As i said lemmings or sheep.

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3 minutes ago, Wilsonandson said:

Because if you don't you end up in prison?

You will notice i used the word rules, not laws. :)


Having said that, too many laws are there to control. Sometimes people should question them.

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The whole "mai pen rai" thing is just a way for Thais to not loose face and avoid confrontation. It does make THEIR life a lot easier being selfish anywhere with strangers, whether it is in the supermarket, traffic/driving, standing in line, you name it. ME FIRST, so I can afterwards be lazy all day again and do as little as possible.


Of course this does NOT go for all Thais, I and we all know that.

Edited by BrainLife
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"how do you get 200 Canadians to get out of a swimming pool?"

You stand at the edge of the pool and shout..."OK - everyone get out of the pool!"


The OP is a classic example of expat confirmation bias.


Visitors who spend any amount of time in a foreign country inevitably feel the need to pass comment on their host society;.

For some sadly this proves to be an exercise beyond their intellect so they grasp certain memes, myth and misunderstandings and then with the help of lashings of confirmation bias put together what is actually nothing more than a racially biased misperception of the world around them.


having grabbed hold of a selection of misconceptions it isn't hard to find examples to back up the false premises......of course what the OP should be saying is what makes peopoe ignore rules - this sort of the behaviour occurs al over the world.

The other question might be - why do expats, visitors or travellers suddenly become so anally retentive about rules and regs in foreign countries?

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13 minutes ago, chrissables said:

You will notice i used the word rules, not laws. :)


Having said that, too many laws are there to control. Sometimes people should question them.

The laws in some countries protect its citizens from their governments.  Thailand has not such laws.   Instead, laws are not enforced in Thailand, because nobody is paid to do so.  The world over, most are lemmings.  That is why the world is the way it is. If you do not know your rights, you do not have them.  Conversely your rights should end where they infringe upon others rights.  Thailand has lousy enforcement and Thais do not respect one another.  Western countries pass way too many laws whereby its citizens must understand the laws which protect them from government and then must resort to litigation.  Neither failure is better than the other.

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41 minutes ago, chrissables said:

Why do people from the west follow every stupid rule like lemmings? Especially victimless rules.


mostly because these rules are the result of a consensus or of a democratic process, not imposed arbitrarily by unelected rulers, dictators etc. and people see and understand the reason for the rule (education) and the rules are enforced.


Rules that are imposed but not enforced are worse than no rules at all.


But every judiciary systems should have a rule that nobody has to follow an obviously stupid and unnecessary rule.   

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I had a similar problem in Big C Rama 4 in Bangkok, I was in a queue for 10 or less and had been there for sometime. When I reached the cashier there were about 6 Thais behind me when this Thai guy pushed to the front and put his one item on the desk for payment, he was a bit pissed when he had to walk 30m back into the store to retrieve his pack of pork. All the other Thais laughed as did the cashier, the security guy wagged his finger and I just shrugged my shoulders. The guy tried the same again but was blocked off by my fellow shoppers.

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1 hour ago, Sphere said:

Lack of enforcement.

Full marks to the Aussie check-out operator when a woman dumped about 20 items  onto the belt in the express lane checkout, where there was a sign saying "8 ITEMS OR LESS".

He looked her in the eye and said "madam, please select the 8 items you are going to checkout".

I'd love to know what she was thinking, but she did select 8 items and left the rest behind her.

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