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Several injured as Aeroflot flight hits turbulence before landing in Bangkok


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19 hours ago, daveAustin said:

Dunno if captain misread dodgy air approaching, but this can and does happen to any airline. People take seat belts for granted. 

Yup;  some folk are happy to fly at 900k/hr at 30,000 ft, and trust that in the next three or four thousand km, the plane will not hit some form of turbulence.


Seat belts provided.   Use 'em.

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48 minutes ago, bubba said:

Not to spread rumours, but I was reading some aviation forums and some are saying that maybe this wasn't clear air turbulence (CAT(, and that there were indeed cumulonimbus topping at 50,000 feet in the area.


Here is the Flightradar24 track:




The event happens at 2355Z. You can see that just before that, the aircraft diverted course slightly to the right, possibly to avoid weather?


If that is what really happened, then it would seem that someone is trying to lay blame on CAT rather than weather, and of course the latter can be seen and avoided.



Have a look at how the Finnair and Norwegian flights deviated in the area where Aeroflot encountered their turbulence event about 30 minutes later.


Looks to me like they could have been deviating for weather, just like SU270 deviated to the right there...but maybe not quite enough to miss a thunderstorm?



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8 hours ago, fruitman said:

The babies were thrown out of their mothers' arms by the force of the severe turbulence one hour before landing in Bangkok, said a source.

Perfect moment to forbid babies in planes...

I don't know what you classify as a baby but we travel with our 10 months old daughter

We are provided with an additional seat belt that connects to the adult

I reckon she is safer on the plane than on Thai roads even in a rear facing rear seated European made child seat and multiple air bags in the car

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6 hours ago, darren84310 said:

Not sure if you can blame the airline or pilot but agree that avoiding Aeroflot is a good idea.......  ..... ..... ....  smoking in the toilets and I'm sure a couple having sex in there too.

Most Russian planes were built to land anywhere in case of need, and as everywhere else, most of the pilots love their profession and know it very well.
Also, to repeat what was mentioned earlier, keeping seat belts on is always a good idea.
Once I caught my drink with my suddenly empty glass in mid air as we hit some turbulence.

By the way, what flight-number was that exactly, I am looking for an interesting place to spend next week's holidays ;-)


Edited by KKr
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Having experienced sudden and severe turbulence many years ago on a Colombo-Mali flight (it felt like the plane was free-falling, then lurching upward, then free-falling for ages... but probably half a minute or less really), I am stunned when I see people sitting around unrestrained.


Well best wishes to all.

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6 hours ago, PMZ said:

This is nothing do do with Aeroflot as a brand, clear air turbulence can happen to any airline at any time.


Whilst this is true, most Captains will switch on the Seatbelt Safety Sign if too many passengers are up and about wandering down the aisles, regardless of any oncoming turbulence. Basically, they prefer it if all passengers are seated. They allow the odd excursion to the loos but wandering up and done doing stretches and chatting to other passengers in another row is regarded as a no-no by the majority of airlines. It's these draconian measures that ensure passenger safety from sudden and unexpected turbulence. Saying that, I've always experienced some major turbulence coming across the Bay of Begal and over Myanmar pretty much every flight I've been on, and I fly this route a lot. I'll always avoid Aeroflot due to their past safety record, same goes for Malaysia Airlines now, but the choice is entirely yours, as it is mine, to make.

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6 hours ago, darren84310 said:

Not sure if you can blame the airline or pilot but agree that avoiding Aeroflot is a good idea....... Took this same route myself 12 years ago and it was the worst flight of my life..... More than half the passengers were roaming around, almost deafening levels of noise from drunken passengers and the area by the toilets at the back there were about 20 people with some obviously smoking in the toilets and I'm sure a couple having sex in there too.

Not sure things changed in 12 years but when I took Lufthansa 26 years ago people kept smoking it was horrible. Avoid Luftthansa... right?  Aeroflot forbids drinking. Their customer service dramatically improved. Unfortunately my native Ukrainian Airlines are still on Soviet schedule. If you want 1990's service and comfort... go with them. LOL

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5 hours ago, Bluespunk said:

Possibly, however, never personaly seen that many people get up 40 minutes before landing.


On other hand seen a lot not wearing seat belts throughout a flight.

I fly various airlines. If arrival time is in the morning, 60-40 minutes before landing it's always queue next to toilet :)

As for the 2nd sentence.. Unfortunately, yes. Many people (not only Russians, other nationalities too) often neglect safety. Not wear seat belt, get up and begin collecting things before aircraft completely stopped etc.
But in this case most of the people were wearing seat belts, so only 25 people in B777 injured, not 50%

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37 minutes ago, Cybervlad said:

I fly various airlines. If arrival time is in the morning, 60-40 minutes before landing it's always queue next to toilet :)

As for the 2nd sentence.. Unfortunately, yes. Many people (not only Russians, other nationalities too) often neglect safety. Not wear seat belt, get up and begin collecting things before aircraft completely stopped etc.
But in this case most of the people were wearing seat belts, so only 25 people in B777 injured, not 50%

25 injured, many seriously is quite a lot really.


I never said it was just Russians, report makes clear that was various nationalities I thought.


And we must fly with different airlines, because I've not seen bathroom queues that long that far from landing .

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2 hours ago, NotThatGuy said:

Not sure things changed in 12 years but when I took Lufthansa 26 years ago people kept smoking it was horrible. Avoid Luftthansa... right?  Aeroflot forbids drinking. Their customer service dramatically improved. Unfortunately my native Ukrainian Airlines are still on Soviet schedule. If you want 1990's service and comfort... go with them. LOL

I took Aeroflot a few months ago. We were delayed due to "medical emergency" just prior to pushback. Fortunately the presumed heart attack/stroke turned out to be just paralytic drunk...for a 1000 departure from BKK. 

Other than that incident,p it's pretty good, I've flown on far, far worse EG United, AA, Delta, BA, QF

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8 hours ago, Gulfsailor said:

I've flown Aeroflot quite a few times in the past. Started when they were still using Ilushin planes 12+ years ago, and only stopped flying them a few years ago, by which time their international sectors were all flown with new 777's. the reason I stopped using Aeroflot had nothing to do with the on board experience, but due to the fact that it's state owned and Russia murdered 196 of my countrymen in a single terror attack.

my experiences with Aeroflot were pretty good overall, from no alcohol served on board at all!, to almost guaranteed 3 or 4 seats per pax when sitting in the back. And from the video and mention of most victims being in the back of the plane, it appears a lot of these people might have been lying down. I used to do the same in Aeroflot in the back. Just take 4 empty middle seats and create a bed! However, Aeroflot crew wasn't bothered much by checking if you wore a seatbelt without a cue from the cockpit that turbulence was expected. Whenever I had an 'economy flat bed' I rearranged the seat belts, so that I could put on two when lying down, changing them back to normal configuration prior to landing. 

" I've flown Aeroflot quite a few times in the past "


I have also..........

I carried out some work for the representative office of Aeroflot in Sydney Australia in 1993 and afterwards I requested to receive  my remuneration as a contra deal which equated to four business class return tickets from Sydney to London via Moscow. The first part of the journey from Sydney to Moscow was always very enjoyable and very comfortable in their brand-new A310-300 with their brand-new livery which represented  a separate and new division of the old Aeroflot. In fact it seemed like it was the beginning of Aeroflot trying to shake off old image of a dreadful Soviet carrier. Does anyone remember it with it’s quite spunky design on the outside of the aircraft ? The only downside was when i changed planes in Moscow for the final leg to London on three out of four journeys they used an Ilushin which was  less comfortable.

As well as flying the new route Sydney they had also started a new route from Moscow to Hong Kong using the same aircraft. Then on the 23rd of March 1994 Aeroflot flight 593 to Hong Kong crashed over Siberia killing everyone on board. The tragedy was caused by the pilot’s teenage son who was also on board with him having disabled the autopilot after he had allowed him to be in the cockpit with him and to manipulate the controls. A disastrous decision by the father.

. It was very soon after that that this new division of Aeroflot was entirely closed down and all flights to Sydney Australia and Hong Kong were terminated :sad:but it was good while it lasted.


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For the comfort of every other passenger on the aircraft.

Why would babies make other passengers uncomfortable? Most of the time they're likely to be asleep! I thought you might be concerned about babies' safety - not just being selfish!
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4 hours ago, StevieAus said:

I don't know what you classify as a baby but we travel with our 10 months old daughter

We are provided with an additional seat belt that connects to the adult

I reckon she is safer on the plane than on Thai roads even in a rear facing rear seated European made child seat and multiple air bags in the car

Just the matter of the silencer to fit then.

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11 minutes ago, brewsterbudgen said:


Why would babies make other passengers uncomfortable? Most of the time they're likely to be asleep! I thought you might be concerned about babies' safety - not just being selfish!




They make a really annoying noise, scream and cry loudly.

They are unhygienic, vomiting all over the place, drooling and shitting themselves and smearing their food and spit all over the seats.

They stink when the shit themselves

Their parents clutter the place up with loads for bags, containers and junk they think they need for the baby and keep getting up and down from their seats to get more and more junk out the lockers, or pace up and down the aisle with the screaming baby, getting in the way of everyone.

They are not good in an emergency and don't understand the safety information.




Edited by jak2002003
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They make a really annoying noise, scream and cry loudly.
They are unhygienic, vomiting all over the place, drooling and shitting themselves and smearing their food and spit all over the seats.
They stink when the shit themselves
Their parents clutter the place up with loads for bags, containers and junk they think they need for the baby and keep getting up and down from their seats to get more and more junk out the lockers, or pace up and down the aisle with the screaming baby, getting in the way of everyone.
They are not good in an emergency and don't understand the safety information.

Next time I take my 2-year-old back to visit his relatives in the UK I do hope we're sitting near you! Unfortunately he's usually well behaved, as are we.
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25 minutes ago, nchuckle said:

My experience is mostly of wailing howling toddlers and babies- the selfishness is from the parents inflicting this on other passengers so they can take a baby/toddler on a holiday/trip it will never remember or appreciate.

Kids are like farts- you can just about stand your own.

There should be some way to accommodate them in the cargo hold: special pens with soothing music and dripfeed nozzles. For everyone under 12. They might be a bit traumatised but would get over it eventually. Perhaps I'm too mean.

Edited by Prbkk
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On 01/05/2017 at 8:25 PM, daveAustin said:

Dunno if captain misread dodgy air approaching, but this can and does happen to any airline. People take seat belts for granted. 

True. Buckle up in a car or plane, so simple, so easy to do. 

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1 hour ago, midas said:

" I've flown Aeroflot quite a few times in the past "


I have also..........

I carried out some work for the representative office of Aeroflot in Sydney Australia in 1993 and afterwards I requested to receive  my remuneration as a contra deal which equated to four business class return tickets from Sydney to London via Moscow. The first part of the journey from Sydney to Moscow was always very enjoyable and very comfortable in their brand-new A310-300 with their brand-new livery which represented  a separate and new division of the old Aeroflot. In fact it seemed like it was the beginning of Aeroflot trying to shake off old image of a dreadful Soviet carrier. Does anyone remember it with it’s quite spunky design on the outside of the aircraft ? The only downside was when i changed planes in Moscow for the final leg to London on three out of four journeys they used an Ilushin which was  less comfortable.

As well as flying the new route Sydney they had also started a new route from Moscow to Hong Kong using the same aircraft. Then on the 23rd of March 1994 Aeroflot flight 593 to Hong Kong crashed over Siberia killing everyone on board. The tragedy was caused by the pilot’s teenage son who was also on board with him having disabled the autopilot after he had allowed him to be in the cockpit with him and to manipulate the controls. A disastrous decision by the father.

. It was very soon after that that this new division of Aeroflot was entirely closed down and all flights to Sydney Australia and Hong Kong were terminated :sad:but it was good while it lasted.


Sydney to Moscow in an A310-300? That aircraft does not have the range for that – where did you refuel?

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9 minutes ago, bubba said:

Sydney to Moscow in an A310-300? That aircraft does not have the range for that – where did you refuel?

Yes of course :smile:

Bangkok Thailand every time!

About 8 to 9 hours from Sydney to Bangkok and then another 8 to 9 hours to Moscow.

The flight was only once a week and the aircrew loved it because they had a six-day stopover in Bondi Beach:thumbsup:

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There's a reason I avoid Aeroflot like the plague. Lucky it was a 777 that didn't break into pieces.

Think you may be implying other reasons for your comment, rather than unexpected turbulence blamed on a specific airline. Don't think the mother nature purposely attacked Aeroflot.
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15 hours ago, soalbundy said:

I have noticed that, a herd mentality, no sooner are people on the aircraft everyone has to go to the toilet, they can't go in the airport ? same just before landing, quick, lets have a quick pee before landing, it has always astounded me. 

At the airport you have run around and worry about checking in, luggage, immigration, etc. (you don't know how long you'll wait in line to get your luggage or pass through immigration). On the plane you sit down, relax, and have the time to notice your body signaling that it needs to expel certain fluids and similar things.

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18 hours ago, bubba said:

Have a look at how the Finnair and Norwegian flights deviated in the area where Aeroflot encountered their turbulence event about 30 minutes later.


Looks to me like they could have been deviating for weather, just like SU270 deviated to the right there...but maybe not quite enough to miss a thunderstorm?



As the Flightradar24 track does show that SU270 appears to deviate just prior to the turbulence event, and also that two aircraft before SU270 also deviate, I began to think that this was not a case of clear air turbulence, but rather some weather along the track. In fact, that seems to be the case from this tweet, where SU270's flight path is overlaid on a weather satellite photo taken at the time of the turbulence.



So if this graphic is accurate, it does look like SU270 began to deviate, but too late and not quite enough then punched right into the thunderstorm. This of course would be have been clearly and intensely visible on their cockpit radar. So if all this is true, why were the fasten seat belt lights not on? Could that be why they are trying  to blame all this on unexpected clear air turbulence?

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6 hours ago, weejun said:

At the airport you have run around and worry about checking in, luggage, immigration, etc. (you don't know how long you'll wait in line to get your luggage or pass through immigration). On the plane you sit down, relax, and have the time to notice your body signaling that it needs to expel certain fluids and similar things.

I don't but then i don't sit at the bar knocking back beer before i get on the plane

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