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In shock move, Trump fires FBI Director Comey


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Well Trump clearly is a lying sack of sheeite!


He has just been on NBC and now said that he was going to sack Comey anyway whatever the recommendation was from the DOJ. He is clearly now trying to stop the DAG from resigning. So all the crap the White House fed us yesterday about how Trump had no choice but to act on the DAG's recommendation is just that, it is crap. I can't wait to see the pain on Sean Spicers face when he has to get out of this one.


Here it is on NBC, I am sure it will be on the tube within an hour.




As the questions keep coming it is clear by Trumps body language he is also lying about being told he is 'not under investigation'. The man is a joke.


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1 minute ago, Andaman Al said:

Well Trump clearly is a lying sack of sheeite!


He has just been on NBC and now said that he was going to sack Comey anyway whatever the recommendation was from the DOJ. He is clearly now trying to stop the DAG from resigning. So all the crap the White House fed us yesterday about how Trump had no choice but to act on the DAG's recommendation is just that, it is crap. I can't wait to see the pain on Sean Spicers face when he has to get out of this one.


Here it is on NBC, I am sure it will be on the tube within an hour.





You won't see Sean Spicer's face, he's on gardening leave or as they said on reserve duty. 

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13 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

Well Trump clearly is a lying sack of sheeite!


He has just been on NBC and now said that he was going to sack Comey anyway whatever the recommendation was from the DOJ. He is clearly now trying to stop the DAG from resigning. So all the crap the White House fed us yesterday about how Trump had no choice but to act on the DAG's recommendation is just that, it is crap. I can't wait to see the pain on Sean Spicers face when he has to get out of this one.


Here it is on NBC, I am sure it will be on the tube within an hour.




As the questions keep coming it is clear by Trumps body language he is also lying about being told he is 'not under investigation'. The man is a joke.


Oh, goody, goody! Someone who can read Trump's body language w/r his lying. Can you give us some pointers like he holds up both hands with his index and first fingers together or his lips are visibly moving? Something like that?


He's the "boss" and can fire anyone who works for him any time and probably doesn't even need a stated reason.


I would have fired dear, departed FBI Director Comey myself based on his Hillary-exonerating press conference alone. Obama should have fired him at the time, but we can easily guess why he did not. 

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5 minutes ago, MaxYakov said:

Oh, goody, goody! Someone who can read Trump's body language w/r his lying. Can you give us some pointers like he holds up both hands with his index and first fingers together or his lips are visibly moving? Something like that?


He's the "boss" and can fire anyone who works for him any time and probably doesn't even need a stated reason.


I would have fired dear, departed FBI Director Comey myself based on his Hillary-exonerating press conference alone. Obama should have fired him at the time, but we can easily guess why he did not. 

We all know, things work differently in the western world.


We demand checks and balances from even our top leaders.


You should do the same in Russia

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27 minutes ago, oilinki said:

We all know, things work differently in the western world.


We demand checks and balances from even our top leaders.


You should do the same in Russia

Who are "we", exactly? Most Western citizens are completely ignorant of government and are kept that way by the government itself. I'm not even sure checks and balances applies to any other than the US government and not the entire "western world". Are you?


I don't see how the governmental principle of Checks and balances applies to Trump's firing of Comey (except that Comey definitely got "checked"  by Trump, perhaps).


So can you explain how it does apply? If it does apply, I'm sure Trump's opposition will use it to oppose Trump, but so far I haven't seen it. Instead they are using other approaches and accusations.


BTW, I'm not Russian nor do I collude with Russians. There is a deeper meaning in my name which has (among other things) escaped you. Hint: a name does NOT necessarily identify a nationality. :biggrin:

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1 hour ago, MaxYakov said:

Why does he need to be stopped?


Are you afraid he's going to use up the entire supply of "Obama appointees"?


Relax - I believe there are plenty of them and what he's done so far doesn't even qualify as a "good start", in my view.

He needs to  be stopped because he is clearly mentally unstable. He has the mentality and personality of a spoiled five year old, and he doesn't mind one bit dragging the whole country (or the world for that matter) down with him, because for him it's only about me, me, me.

I think the majority of us are worried he will do irreversible harm, politically, socially and environmentally. If your overriding concern is how many Obama appointees he dismisses then you.....well, 'nuff said.

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He's the enemy within.

The tragic election of this dangerously bizarre clown is a huge test of the strength of our democratic institutions, and there is no assurance they will win.

Patriots of all political stripes are getting that now. That is the hope, that there is still time to remove this trumpist scourge with a recognizable nation still intact.






The existential threat Trump’s presidency poses

The Trump presidency now poses an existential threat to many of America’s most vital institutions. He has tried to tear down to his own tawdry level the intelligence community, the FBI, the media and the federal judiciary. (Congress has been spared only because the Republican leadership lacks the moral courage to draw Trump’s fire.) Just as he is at war with himself, Trump is at war with the nation he is supposed to lead.





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30 minutes ago, Becker said:

He needs to  be stopped because he is clearly mentally unstable. He has the mentality and personality of a spoiled five year old, and he doesn't mind one bit dragging the whole country (or the world for that matter) down with him, because for him it's only about me, me, me.

I think the majority of us are worried he will do irreversible harm, politically, socially and environmentally. If your overriding concern is how many Obama appointees he dismisses then you.....well, 'nuff said.

I am not a Trump supporter, necessarily. He is what he is and I'm not confident nor qualified to comment on his mental stability. If one didn't have at least a high level of ego and confidence, they probably wouldn't have even run for President, much less tried to perform the responsibilities.


However, his predecessor exhibited and is still exhibiting exactly the same traits you're accusing Trump of having. I've seen the word counts of pronoun references to himself by the previous president in his speeches, have you? The counts are ridiculously high, if you hadn't been aware.


Were you complaining as much about him when he was in office?

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24 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

He's the enemy within.

The tragic election of this dangerously bizarre clown is a huge test of the strength of our democratic institutions, and there is no assurance they will win.

Patriots of all political stripes are getting that now. That is the hope, that there is still time to remove this trumpist scourge with a recognizable nation still intact.







Well then ... let's wait and see who Trump assigns as the replacement Director of the FBI before we get crazy about what an existential threat Trump is w/r to the FBI, at least.


An opinion opposed to yours:


James Comey Deserved to be Fired - The Federalist - May 11, 2017


Extracts from above article: 


"At any point over the past nine months, prominent members of both parties have contended that Comey had to go."


"The overall appearance he creates as the head of the FBI has seen an utter collapse in that time from that of a respected independent career official to someone who is viewed fundamentally as a political actor who cares more about his personal image than the department he leads."


Read the article and tell us where it is in error, please.


In the meantime, the Acting Director of the FBI is Andrew G. McCabe. Maybe we should be focusing on him, since Comey is now history.

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Not too many people are upset that Comey was fired, or will dispute that there was reason.  What is causing considerable comment is the timing, the absurd claim that it was about Hillary Clinton's e-mails, Trump first stating he was acting on the Deputy Attorney General's recommendation then retracting this statement and admitting it was his idea, his clueless surprise that people would object to him firing the FBI director when there is a major investigation of election interference by Russia that has implicated past members of his staff and election campaign, insider reports that Trump was outraged that Comey was not coordinating this "independent" investigation with the White House, etc.

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On 2017-5-10 at 8:07 AM, tonray said:

The problem is not Trump, the problem is a system of checks and balances that have stopped working.The Congress, controlled by the right is unified in implementing their agenda that they have ranted about for 8 years. Even though I suspect that most in Congress despise Trump, derailing him now means wasting 2 years of a Republican administration and forcing great embarrassment to all. They will continue to look the other way when in reality they have stopped performing their oversight function and are just stalling until they can pass as much of their stuff as they want.


My suspicion is Trump will survive 4 years and depending on how effective they are in getting legislation implemented, perhaps another 4 because the DEMS have no answer to Congressional districting or Fox News and Breitbart brainwashing.


The system has failed America and we are no longer operating as the founders intended. I am very sad today.

The problem is not Trump? Really

Anyway, this is big. Time for a movie script writer to start writing. Will put "Watergate" movie to shame. And make a fortune on the screen.

If this whole show was not sad,  the movie would be billed as a comedy.   

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44 minutes ago, heybruce said:

Not too many people are upset that Comey was fired, or will dispute that there was reason.  What is causing considerable comment is the timing, the absurd claim that it was about Hillary Clinton's e-mails, Trump first stating he was acting on the Deputy Attorney General's recommendation then retracting this statement and admitting it was his idea, his clueless surprise that people would object to him firing the FBI director when there is a major investigation of election interference by Russia that has implicated past members of his staff and election campaign, insider reports that Trump was outraged that Comey was not coordinating this "independent" investigation with the White House, etc.

You should clearly differentiate between your opinion, a news source, and the facts (although the latter two items are not easily distinguishable in these days of "fake news"). If I don't see what appears to be an unedited video or audio of statements by the individual in question then I don't give it much value unless the source is trustworthy.


Here's an example of the subject material in the NBC interview with Trump (The Independent article link below contains the video. As painful as it may be, it's probably a good idea to watch it):


"Regardless of recommendation, I was going to fire Comey," Mr Trump, said in an interview that marked the president's most extensive comments since the firing of the former FBI Director, whom he referred to as a "showboat" and a "grandstander".  


The Independent UK - May 12, 2017 (with video of the NBC interview) [link]


Before you respond to this, you should watch the NBC video interview with Trump on this matter. He says several things, but none of them resemble a "retraction", IMHO. BTW, Anyway, if it had been me I wouldn't have admitted I would have fired Comey regardless of any recommendations to do so (or not). This is waaaay too much and unnecessary information - typical of Trump. Maybe he was thinking we was protecting the AG and DAG or maybe he wasn't thinking and just running off at the mouth (probably the latter).


Also, I don't see how Trump could have been surprised about the firing because he says in NBC interview: "I was going to fire Comey. There's no good time to do it by the way". Fire him regardless of recommendation which Trump also states in the interview.


Can you find a reference to where Trump "retracted his statement and admitting it was his idea"?


And I'd like it as a video of Trump saying it, not some second-hand version without video.

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5 minutes ago, MaxYakov said:

You should clearly differentiate between your opinion, a news source, and the facts (although the latter two items are not easily distinguishable in these days of "fake news"). If I don't see what appears to be an unedited video or audio of statements by the individual in question then I don't give it much value unless the source is trustworthy.


Here's an example of the subject material in the NBC interview with Trump (The Independent article link below contains the video. As painful as it may be, it's probably a good idea to watch it):


"Regardless of recommendation, I was going to fire Comey," Mr Trump, said in an interview that marked the president's most extensive comments since the firing of the former FBI Director, whom he referred to as a "showboat" and a "grandstander".  


The Independent UK - May 12, 2017 (with video of the NBC interview) [link]


Before you respond to this, you should watch the NBC video interview with Trump on this matter. He says several things, but none of them resemble a "retraction", IMHO. BTW,


Also, I don't see how Trump could have been surprised about the firing because he says in NBC interview: "I was going to fire Comey. There's no good time to do it by the way". Fire him regardless of recommendation which Trump also states in the interview.


Can you find a reference to where Trump "retracted his statement and admitting it was his idea"?


And I'd like it as a video of Trump saying it, not some second-hand version without video.

Justifying the firing on handling of Clinton emails:    http://www.latimes.com/politics/washington/la-na-essential-washington-updates-trump-fires-fbi-director-comey-1494366975-htmlstory.html


Trump first claiming he was following DAG recommendation:  " Mr Trump officially decided to dismiss Mr Comey based on comments from Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, according to documents released by the White House."  http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/trump-comey-memo-rod-rosentein-threatened-resign-deputy-ag-a7730531.html  


Trump "retracting", or reversing, changing his story, flip-flopping, whatever you want to call it from initially claiming the firing was because of the DAG letter: " President Donald Trump said Thursday he would have fired FBI Director James Comey even without the recommendation from his top political appointees at the Justice Department, contradicting earlier White House accounts."   http://www.wmcactionnews5.com/story/35401104/trump-i-was-going-to-fire-comey-even-without-recommendation


It was Trump's idea to fire Comey:  "President Donald Trump said he had already made up his mind to fire FBI Director James Comey before receiving guidance from Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein earlier this week, in contrast to statements from White House officials on when the decision was made."  https://www.wsj.com/articles/donald-trump-says-he-decided-to-fire-james-comey-before-rosenstein-meeting-1494524604  


Trump surprised to the reaction of the firing:  "Officials acknowledged, however, that Trump was surprised by the intense reaction to Comey’s dismissal."     http://www.latimes.com/nation/la-na-pol-trump-comey-20170510-story.html


You can find multiple other sources for my claims just by reading the entire thread. I thought all of the above was common knowledge by now.  Happy?

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20 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

Can you remember that sage advice every time you and other Trump supporters mention Clinton when we are talking about Trump. Thank you.

Probably not. About the only thing I have in common with Trump is that I don't do Politically-Correctness. I also have issues with authority and censorship, in case you haven't noticed.


Anyway, which "Clinton" would you be referring to?


PS: I'm not a Trump supporter. I just hate to see someone (anyone) slandered and libeled.

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19 minutes ago, heybruce said:

Justifying the firing on handling of Clinton emails:    http://www.latimes.com/politics/washington/la-na-essential-washington-updates-trump-fires-fbi-director-comey-1494366975-htmlstory.html


Trump first claiming he was following DAG recommendation:  " Mr Trump officially decided to dismiss Mr Comey based on comments from Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, according to documents released by the White House."  http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/trump-comey-memo-rod-rosentein-threatened-resign-deputy-ag-a7730531.html  


Trump "retracting", or reversing, changing his story, flip-flopping, whatever you want to call it from initially claiming the firing was because of the DAG letter: " President Donald Trump said Thursday he would have fired FBI Director James Comey even without the recommendation from his top political appointees at the Justice Department, contradicting earlier White House accounts."   http://www.wmcactionnews5.com/story/35401104/trump-i-was-going-to-fire-comey-even-without-recommendation


It was Trump's idea to fire Comey:  "President Donald Trump said he had already made up his mind to fire FBI Director James Comey before receiving guidance from Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein earlier this week, in contrast to statements from White House officials on when the decision was made."  https://www.wsj.com/articles/donald-trump-says-he-decided-to-fire-james-comey-before-rosenstein-meeting-1494524604  


Trump surprised to the reaction of the firing:  "Officials acknowledged, however, that Trump was surprised by the intense reaction to Comey’s dismissal."     http://www.latimes.com/nation/la-na-pol-trump-comey-20170510-story.html


You can find multiple other sources for my claims just by reading the entire thread. I thought all of the above was common knowledge by now.  Happy?

I don't do MSM textual sources unless they have apparently unedited and not-out-of-context video of the person or persons in question. In fact, I rarely do a US-based MSM source at all these days. They are obviously working in collusion with the Democratic Party (or is the Democratic party working in collusion with them).


I specifically asked for video (of Trump stating ... whatever) and I'm not pawing through a stack of probably biased MSM articles of dubious factual value to find it.


But thanks a lot anyway. Maybe I'll paw through your stuff at my leisure. As far as I'm concerned, the MSM and their compatriots are doing everything they can to condemn Trump for anything they can contrive or exaggerate. Sure Trump makes mistakes, but firing Comey, regardless of the details of who did or did not recommend it was a good move, IMHO. 


It's the other shoe to drop (McCabe) that may be interesting - if and when it drops.


I gave you a link to one UK newspaper article with a video of the Trump Interview with NBC. Did you watch it?

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9 minutes ago, MaxYakov said:

I don't do MSM textual sources unless they have apparently unedited and not-out-of-context video of the person or persons in question. In fact, I rarely do a US-based MSM source at all these days. They are obviously working in collusion with the Democratic Party (or is the Democratic party working in collusion with them).


I specifically asked for video and I'm not pawing through a stack of probably biased MSM articles of dubious factual value to find it.


But thanks a lot anyway. Maybe I'll paw through your stuff at my leisure.

You only watch videos? That will definitely limit your perspective. But it does give you something else in common with Trump.


I prefer print media citing quotes or official statements from Trump or his official representatives.  If the statements are in error, or just annoy Trump, we can be sure that will be in the news.


I'll ask a question I've asked other "fake news" posters, so far without a response:  Can you give a specific example of mainstream media reporting fake news?  If not, you are just attacking the messenger and ignoring the message.


BTW, I think we can be sure that the Wall Street Journal isn't working in collusion with the Democrats.

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16 minutes ago, funandsuninbangkok said:

What's all the helabaloo?


trump fired a commie! About time!


trumps got balls and brains. He knows how to take charge, make stuff happen, and make sure your team is up and running. 


You leftys are going to have a long 8 years squealing like girls. 

Yeah, well ... I sort of agree with you in general. I just hope he doesn't make a nuclear WW III (or would it be WW IV?) happen along with his other stuff that he's making happen. However, hope is a poor strategy or even tactic.

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5 hours ago, MaxYakov said:


In the meantime, the Acting Director of the FBI is Andrew G. McCabe. Maybe we should be focusing on him, since Comey is now history.

Acting F.B.I. Chief Contradicts White House on Russia and Comey

In a striking repudiation of official White House statements, the acting director, Andrew G. McCabe, said the inquiry was “highly significant” and pledged during a Senate Intelligence Committee hearing that the F.B.I. would resist any attempt to influence or hobble the investigation.


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A Crook as POTUS , no doubt! If the Republican congress allow this to continue then it's a test of how much American voters care about it. We know there are a few million who would strap on a body bomb for their "Crook in Chief".Trump asked Comey for "his loyalty" at a dinner before he fired him! The madman thinks he's above the law. Pretty damning situation and let's see how the so called "American constitution"'deals with it !



Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect



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2 hours ago, funandsuninbangkok said:

What's all the helabaloo?


trump fired a commie! About time!


trumps got balls and brains. He knows how to take charge, make stuff happen, and make sure your team is up and running. 


You leftys are going to have a long 8 years squealing like girls. 

The way this is going he won't make 8 more weeks. 

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9 hours ago, MaxYakov said:

Do you have inside information on how the rank and file FBI members have felt about their dearly departed director ...?


Sure. And no need for "inside" information.

It's on the news.


FBI agent groups dispute Trump's rationale for Comey firing

'His support within the rank and file of the FBI is overwhelming.' (sub-title)


"In interviews with POLITICO, the heads of the two associations representing current and retired FBI agents, analysts and other personnel said that by all available measures, Comey enjoys enormous support among the 35,000 people who work for him, and the many thousands of others who have retired or left the bureau."


"The FBI Agents Association, which O’Connor said has 13,000 members, issued a statement Tuesday night urging caution in the naming of a new FBI director given the job’s importance, and praising Comey for his “service, leadership, and support for Special Agents during his tenure.”



You would have already read this on this thread if you were paying attention...

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Experts: Trump’s Alleged Conversations With Comey Improper


"President Donald Trump's statement that he discussed the FBI's Russia investigation with former Director James Comey has raised red flags among legal experts who said such conversations would be improper."


"There generally shouldn't be communications about pending investigations and if you need an explanation why, see: Watergate, basically," said Kathleen Clark, an ethics expert at Washington University's School of Law."


"Former federal prosecutors and government ethics experts said the president and FBI director should never discuss pending investigations, at least in the way Trump described it in an exclusive interview Thursday with NBC News' Lester Holt."



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In a Private Dinner, Trump Demanded Loyalty. Comey Demurred.


"As they ate, the president and Mr. Comey made small talk about the election and the crowd sizes at Mr. Trump’s rallies."


"The president then turned the conversation to whether Mr. Comey would pledge his loyalty to him."


"Mr. Comey declined to make that pledge. Instead, Mr. Comey has recounted to others, he told Mr. Trump that he would always be honest with him, but that he was not “reliable” in the conventional political sense."



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Trump attacks on fired FBI chief meet resistance; Russia probe proceeds


"Trump's characterization was odds with that of the top Republican and Democratic lawmakers on the Senate Intelligence Committee."


"At a hearing on Thursday, the Republican chairman of the panel, Richard Burr, and the top Democrat, Mark Warner, praised Comey. Warner said he was offended at Trump's remarks."


"Acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe, testifying in place of Comey, contradicted Trump's appraisal of turmoil at the FBI, saying that Comey had "broad support" from the rank and file "and still does to this day."



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Donald Trump changes his story on FBI Director’s sacking


“I was going to fire Comey,” Mr Trump told NBC today. “Regardless of the recommendation I was going to fire Comey.”


"Mr Trump said Mr Rosenstein’s memo was not the main reason for the sacking - and implied the investigation into Russia was."


“When I decided to do it, I said to myself ... this Russia thing with Trump and Russia is a made up story,” Mr Trump said."





"this Russia thing"?  :whistling:



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