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Do you think life is fair or not

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2 minutes ago, Bikeman93 said:

Read "Double slit experiment", consciousness defines our reality.

Does it?

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23 minutes ago, Khon Kaen Dave said:

Well you asked who Pol pot was. Its like asking who Hitler was without reading about early 20ty century Germany.But if you have no need/or interest in being educated, up to you.

I am not interested in being educated on things I have no interest in. Is anybody really interested in learning about things that they have no interest in? Am I alone here?

The only countries history I have ever been interested in is American and Irish history, and I'm not American or Irish.

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7 minutes ago, Bikeman93 said:

Read "Double slit experiment", consciousness defines our reality.

I'm curious what this logic offers to the world.

Let's hear it.

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8 hours ago, marko kok prong said:

Great post Sheryl, i am lucky enough to be able to care and take care of my girl ,her kids and Mum,this has raised their quality of life a lot,i gain great pleasure from this,i like helping people,as for myself my needs are few and modest,but to be able to make a difference to some one's life and improve their lot gives me a lot of satisfaction.It is sad in this world that other people only want to destroy ,such as Isis. I feel if you can think i did a good thing today,which can be difficult you are doing well.

I understand this one hundred per cent, my gf and I take care of her niece now twelve years old who is a bright kid, looked after her for five years send her to a private school trips abroad the list goes on.

taking care of a kid has placed many restrictions on our llife together , the kid has  a dream to be a teacher we can make that dream come true, she will be the first kid in her extended family to go to university . 

This gives me more pleasure than anything I have done in my life, I should add I have two grown kids from a former marriage that are both very successful in life, but that is because whom they were born to, myself had a very good life despite been born to a poor family.

all her family is rooting for her just hope I live long enough to see it, however should I croak it my will is such that it would take care of everything, 

i must stress how happy I am to give a poor kid a break in life, beats anything I have ever done..

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Just now, Kwasaki said:

Oh !1 please no, l'm of to bed. :biggrin:


Is there someone in the world who actually cares about you?

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Its a little long-winded to explain here, but goes further still with the "quantum eraser" experiment (in which time can be transcended) and entanglement (one object or event can be in more than one place at a single time-i.e. your consciousness, and be co-dependant, regardless of distance, instantaneously)

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5 hours ago, CGW said:

Seems there are lots of happy 'wage slaves" around :shock1:

Happy to be allowed to earn minimum wages, most of which will be taxed in one form or another!

Am I alone thinking we are just bred to serve the 0.01% the elites who actually control the world we live in? :smile:

No, you are not alone
Since the dawn of time, humans may have tried to make life "fair". The "fairness-concept" originated in the human brain, and nowhere else. A noble idea


But, as long as a thin Elite controls the way "how the world turns" (and own most of the assets in this world), the noble effort of humans of making the world "fair" has no chance of succeeding.

At least not as long as the overwhelming majority of modern day wage-slaves accept this as some kind of unescapable universal law. By accepting this "universal-law" by the majority of humans, in the final analisys, unfairness is basically a "man made problem". Isn't it?

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28 minutes ago, Bikeman93 said:

Which is the reason Einstein said "god does not throw dice", which it doesn't, it leaves that to us.

You seem to be keen to refer our great physicist, but do you have even basic understanding what they say?

Do you even understand  what and why Einstein said what he said?

Do you understand the implications of those words.


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4 hours ago, bangkoken said:

Keeping God in your life kind of evens the playing field for all people. Faith is enduring.

What does "kind of" mean?


All people? 


Faith is not enduring. 

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Some 35 years, I established my Hog Farm in the heartland of the USA. As a foreighner, it was tough going. Talked to my neighbor farmer a lot, me complainig about how "unfair" and "troublesome" everything is.
One time, after sucking on his pipe and making a long pause, he mumbled:
"Young man, live is trouble, only death ain't".
The old farmer has died a long time ago, but his words come back, every time I find life "unfair and troublesome".

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16 hours ago, giddyup said:

because living on earth is not like living in heaven


Doubtful if such a place exists. Fluffy clouds and angels playing harps? Doubt it.

Gratuitous slap at religion noted with a yawn.


And now, back to the question.  Is life fair or not?


Obviously it's not.  But many of those who have been indoctrinated to feel the most "victimized" by this fact would do well to quit dwelling on it, getting off their lazy, overutilized butts, and working to start making the most of their potential.  The benefits that doing just that bestow have made poor men rich and common men powerful beyond all expectation.  The greatest, most debilitating, most regretable human failing of them all just might be self-pity.

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Just now, oilinki said:

You seem to be keen to refer our great physicist, but do you have even basic understanding what they say?

Do you even understand  what and why Einstein said what he said?

Do you understand the implications of those words.


I think it means the universe is not random, according to him.

What do you think it means? (Not a challenge, I really want to know).


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17 hours ago, colinneil said:

Yes i agree with what you say.

Only problem is i cant tie my shoe laces, i cant work, but i am learning new things everyday.


Life is not fair, i am paraplegic due to a selfish prick, driving the wrong way, and due to the police being corrupt, he walked away scot free, while i am left with my life shattered.

Well, you could have been killed. I just lost a best friend from a selfish prick, as you call it.

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10 hours ago, giddyup said:

Sorry, don't agree. Your attitude is coming from someone who has had many opportunities in life, not so if you were born in a slum in the Philippines, or a child scrabbling for plastic bottles in a dump in India to put food on the table.

If there is a god, why are the children in the slums; why are any of god's children suffering--is he not omniscient, omnipotent?  Yes, I know, the same answer to any difficult question; he works in mysterious ways.

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To whom it may concern;

we totally understand your point and even if god exists we would not believe in him because you annoy us more than the devil <deleted> with your excessive posting and please be clear even in one true post is enough thank you

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6 hours ago, hawker9000 said:

Gratuitous slap at religion noted with a yawn.

In fact, fluffy clouds and harp playing angels is how heaven is often depicted by artists, so not gratuitous at all. Not sure where you'll have to look to find a more entertaining description, that's less boring for you. Can't point you in the right direction, being neither christian or religious at all.

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9 hours ago, Khon Kaen Dave said:

I lost interest in this topic, when one poster said "when will you guys start believing in God?"


I lost interest when someone mentioned free will. I and any other person who is not mired in abject stupidity and willingness to servitude are deeply offended by a comment such as that. Was it a troll post? No. The reason why it was not a troll post is that the member actually believed it to be a valid question. Anyway, bed time.



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11 hours ago, possum1931 said:

Heavy metal??????? Musicians?????????? I cannot see any connection here:cheesy:

Ah my friend you seem to be another led astray by mainstream propaganda. The only music genres with true musicians is classical and metal. There are none so blind as those who won't see.

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27 minutes ago, Blackheart1916 said:

Ah my friend you seem to be another led astray by mainstream propaganda. The only music genres with true musicians is classical and metal. There are none so blind as those who won't see.

Yeah those jazz guys are hacks.

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11 hours ago, oilinki said:

There is no knowledge on neither. There is just belief. 


You sound like a Creationist who has never even heard of, never mind read, the dispute between Descartes and Kant some 400 years ago. Yes dear member, your argument was dismissed as an argument some 400 years ago.

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1 hour ago, Blackheart1916 said:

Ah my friend you seem to be another led astray by mainstream propaganda. The only music genres with true musicians is classical and metal. There are none so blind as those who won't see.


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