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Trump revealed intelligence secrets to Russians in Oval Office - officials


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Trump revealed intelligence secrets to Russians in Oval Office - officials

By Jeff Mason and Patricia Zengerle




U.S. President Donald Trump arrives at Joint Base Andrews outside Washington, U.S., after a day trip to Lynchburg, Virginia, May 13, 2017. REUTERS/Yuri Gripas


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump disclosed highly classified information to the Russian foreign minister about a planned Islamic State operation during their meeting last week, two U.S. officials with knowledge of the situation said on Monday.


The intelligence, both officials said, was supplied by a U.S. ally in the fight against the militant group.


The White House said the allegations were false. "The president only discussed the common threats that both countries faced," deputy national security adviser Dina Powell said.


Reacting to the news, first reported by the Washington Post, the Senate's No. 2 Democrat, Dick Durbin, called Trump's conduct "dangerous" and reckless." The Republican head of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Bob Corker, called the allegations "very, very troubling" if true.


One of the officials said the intelligence was classified Top Secret and also held in a secure “compartment” to which only a handful of intelligence officials have access.


After Trump disclosed the information, which one of the officials described as spontaneous, officials immediately called the CIA and the National Security Agency, both of which have agreements with a number of allied intelligence services, and informed them what had happened.


While the president has the authority to disclose even the most highly classified information at will, in this case he did so without consulting the ally that provided it, which threatens to jeopardise what they called a longstanding intelligence-sharing agreement, the U.S. officials said.


The Washington Post said that Trump shared the information with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and Russian Ambassador Sergei Kislyak.


“The president and the foreign minister reviewed common threats from terrorist organizations to include threats to aviation,” said H.R. McMaster, the national security adviser, who participated in the meeting. “At no time were any intelligence sources or methods discussed and no military operations were disclosed that were not already known publicly.”


U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said in a statement that Trump and Lavrov discussed a broad range of subjects, "among which were common efforts and threats regarding counter-terrorism." Tillerson said in a statement.




During his Oval Office meeting with Lavrov and Kislyak, Trump went off-script and began describing details about an Islamic State threat related to the use of laptop computers on aircraft, the officials told the Post.


In his conversations with the Russian officials, Trump appeared to be boasting about his knowledge of the looming threats, telling them he was briefed on "great intel every day," an official with knowledge of the exchange said, according to the Post.


U.S. officials have told Reuters that U.S. agencies are in the process of drawing up plans to expand a ban on passengers carrying laptop computers onto U.S.-bound flights from several countries on conflict zones due to new intelligence about how militant groups are refining techniques for installing bombs in laptops.


(Additional reporting by David Alexander, Mark Hosenball, Susan Cornwell and Steve Holland; Editing by Peter Cooney)

-- © Copyright Reuters 2017-05-16
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This has just made anything HRC did just look like a kid stealing candy off another kid in the playground. This is VERY VERY serious and Trump has just signed his own Impeachment. Lets see how big the GOP's balls are now. Who knows if the intel guy that leaked this info would have done so if Trump would not have crapped on Comey like he did.



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Hih, the most dangerous enemy of USA is the president itself. 

USA, you do have a big problem, which need to be taken care of.


Meanwhile the rest of us will not share information with the USA as your president leaks to the Russians.

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The report says he gave them the information spontaneously. I can believe that. He is like a kid showing off a new toy. And now his narcissistic tendencies have shown how he just has to get liked by people. The man is handing over top secrets to the Russians. What next? I believe the calls for his head are going to be louder and more numerous every day now.

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John LeCarre's "Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy" is in play.  They caught him by sending out a certain piece of information, given to only a very select few.  Then it comes back from....?

This guy should have read more books.



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did you read what George Will wrote? May 3. 

"the problem isn't that he does not know this or that, or that he does not know that he does not know this or that, rather, the dangerous thing is that he does not know what it means to know something."


"a disability.. not merely the result of intellectual sloth but of an untrained mind... married to stratospheric self confidence"





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What I find equally as disturbing as Donald giving these secrets to the Russians is how McMaster and Tillerson seem to be trying to gloss it over and pretend it didn't happen. Protecting the boss is admirable, but with this boss, a total waste of time. He is unpredictable, unreliable, ungrateful and  untrustworthy.

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Another baseless story put out by the liberal media to delegitimize Trumps presidency.  Throw shit at the wall and see if it will stick. Tune in next week for another "Sources say" breaking news story.

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This photo becomes more and more funnier with the new details the brothers talked about.


I guess Kislyak and Trump have similar ranks, while Lavrov outrank them both.


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14 minutes ago, Crowes said:

Another baseless story put out by the liberal media to delegitimize Trumps presidency.  Throw shit at the wall and see if it will stick. Tune in next week for another "Sources say" breaking news story.


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14 minutes ago, Crowes said:

Another baseless story put out by the liberal media to delegitimize Trumps presidency.  Throw shit at the wall and see if it will stick. Tune in next week for another "Sources say" breaking news story.

Oh, really now?


Screenshot 2017-05-15 17.05.31.png

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As I recall, Bobby Kennedy (on instructions from his brother) leaked classified info the the Russkies and saved the world.


That was after Adlai Stevenson revealed classified info to the UN- under orders from the President.


Given that the guy is Commander in Chief, I'd say he can decide what to tell them...

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Obviously Trumps reaction to this will be fairly predictable - hunt for the person that leaked the information about him telling the Russians closely guarded secrets.


I just hope that no undercover operative or informant is skinned alive by ISIS as a result of the info that Trump disclosed..

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4 minutes ago, impulse said:

As I recall, Bobby Kennedy (on instructions from hid brother) leaked classified info the the Russkies and saved the world.


Given that the guy is Commander in Chief, I'd say he can decide what to tell them...

Kennedy new what he was doing, it was calculated. The difference is Trump has zero idea about what he is doing and made no decision on what he should or should not tell the Russians. He was just bragging. Having Trump as the President is like giving a 5 year old a loaded RPG launcher to play with when the safety is off.

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Just now, Andaman Al said:

Kennedy new what he was doing, it was calculated. The difference is Trump has zero idea about what he is doing and made no decision on what he should or should not tell the Russians. He was just bragging. Having Trump as the President is like giving a 5 year old a loaded RPG launcher to play with when the safety is off.


Can't disagree with you there.  But as far as a legal issue- it's not.


For another example, look up why the SR71 isn't called the RS71.  LBJ bragging out of turn...

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5 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

Obviously Trumps reaction to this will be fairly predictable - hunt for the person that leaked the information about him telling the Russians closely guarded secrets.


I just hope that no undercover operative or informant is skinned alive by ISIS as a result of the info that Trump disclosed..

Trump better hope the same thing.

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50 minutes ago, darksidedog said:

What I find equally as disturbing as Donald giving these secrets to the Russians is how McMaster and Tillerson seem to be trying to gloss it over and pretend it didn't happen. Protecting the boss is admirable, but with this boss, a total waste of time. He is unpredictable, unreliable, ungrateful and  untrustworthy.

Actually they issued a non-denial denial. They didn't deny that it happened. The just said that he didn't reveal the source or sources of the info nor did it reveal disposition of military assets.

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it's okay if foreign countries, such as Russia, try to swing elections.


don't need to investigate.


it's all political games. the world is 100% Zero Sum.


 US standing in the world?


heh hey! they have me!!!!! Trump!!!!


we will win! 


say what?


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2 hours ago, Crowes said:

Another baseless story put out by the liberal media to delegitimize Trumps presidency.  Throw shit at the wall and see if it will stick. Tune in next week for another "Sources say" breaking news story.

HAHAHAHAHA. I already read this news. I just came in here to read how you Trump apologists would spin it. You didn't disappoint. Thanks for a good laugh.

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maybe he also shared with them the intelligence that aircraft carriers in the US Navy will stick to steam power... 

'only Albert Einstein' can understand what the US Navy was trying to do by switching to some kind of computerized gizmo.

hee hee!!!! the USA will win! big! huuuuggeee!!!!!

stick with steam power, that's what he told the Russians. and they suggested hey! how about giving us that computerized stuff the stupid US Navy was spending billions of dollars on.....


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