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Trump revealed intelligence secrets to Russians in Oval Office - officials


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1 minute ago, digger70 said:

I think DT knew what he was doing,the Ruskies already knew the info and he was waiting to see who in his clan was Sharing this Back.Trying to weed out the yappers ,He's not stupid old DT.

Actually, he's really quite stupid. He admitted to obstruction of justice on a live t.v. interview. In his campaign, he invited the Russians to spy on Hillary Clinton. This list could go into the thousands. He's trying to make people numb to his outrages so that nothing matters anymore. Well, that might work, but not without a robust fight. 

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1 hour ago, impulse said:


Of course, precedent is relevant.


Just to be clear, I'm not a fan of The Donald.  Never have been.  But I am a huge fan of the fact that a private citizen has broken the stranglehold on high office that's been clutched firmly by the Republicrats and the Demicans for my entire lifetime.  I wish it were someone besides Trump.  I really do.  But he's the guy that suited up, took the field. 


And it was only his arrogance and outsized ego that saw him through when all the other potential citizens have dropped out or shrunk from the fight since Perot, Nader and all the others.  


So I'm going to cut the guy some slack while he gets his sea legs underneath him, especially since every career politician on both sides of the crooked aisle are scared to death that he's the start of a trend that's going to dash their dreams of riding their party's gravy train to the top office if only they suck up to the party elite for a few more cycles.  They'll do anything to discredit the guy and get back on their career path.  With mainstream media eager to help- for their own reasons.


Maybe in 2020, we'll get a private citizen that will bring us back to the government the founding fathers envisioned.  If we do, it will only be because Trump was arrogant and egotistical enough to stay in the race and open the door for them.  And if that happens, that's a good thing on whole, no matter how bad Trump looks in the slanted media.



You claim that precedence is relevant, but give no explanation as to why or how. I would respectfully disagree. In this case, precedence is being used to deflect, much as the "But, Hillary...But, Obama..." arguments. What Kennedy and LBJ did have no bearing whatsoever on Trump's behavior. A failure on their part in no way excuses a failure on Trump's part. If anything, their precedence should have served as both warning and instruction to Trump. But given his distaste for anything that smacks of learning, they didn't. Your insistence that the past is relevant is little more than a rather ineffective means of giving Trump a pass on what is an inexcusable breach in security. I didn't hear you or anyone else invoking Kennedy or LBJ with regard to Hillary's emails. Why is that? 

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1 minute ago, JHolmesJr said:

so who are these sources? any names on these patriotic officials….

[The information revealed by the President while in the Oval Office, was said to have been provided to the US by an American ally through a sensitive intelligence sharing arrangement. 

In a scoop that threatened still further to weaken the President's credibility and sent shock waves through the political universe, The Washington Post said the partner had not given permission for the information to be shared with Russia. After the meeting, White House officials took steps to contain the damage, placing calls to the CIA and National Security Agency. It has not been reported which third country was involved.]


The original "leak" was not to the press, but to the CIA and NSA...and the State Dept as well I believe.  From there, the leak could have come from anywhere. 



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10 minutes ago, digger70 said:

I think DT knew what he was doing,the Ruskies already knew the info and he was waiting to see who in his clan was Sharing this Back.Trying to weed out the yappers ,He's not stupid old DT.

                               Are you opining that Trump is not stupid?   Is that a joke.   He makes stupid people look smart.  He is the only person on the planet who still claims Obama personally tapped his phones.  He said he fired Comey because Comey hurt HRC's chances of winning the election.   He said the Russians never went into Ukraine.   Shall I go on.   


                       Trump is to smarts what a snail is to lumberjacking.   Note: in Reagan's 2nd term, everyone around him knew he was suffering from early signs of dementia - but they were able to hide it.  Nancy was running the show.    Trump is as old as Reagan was then, and I submit that Trump is suffering from worse mental disorders than Dementia.    I'm not a psychiatrist, but I can tell a stupid person when I see one.


                      He should voluntarily go out to pasture, and avoid furthering the demise of the USA.   He should admit he's completely unfit for the job.   If not, he will them compel lawmakers to drag him through deep mud for the next 1,001 days (or however long it takes to kick his butt out of there).    Mr. Trump: do the right thing, and resign.   In your heart of hearts you know that's what best for the American people.  

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7 hours ago, darksidedog said:

The report says he gave them the information spontaneously. I can believe that. He is like a kid showing off a new toy. And now his narcissistic tendencies have shown how he just has to get liked by people. The man is handing over top secrets to the Russians. What next? I believe the calls for his head are going to be louder and more numerous every day now.

Hopefully, but calls for his head will NOT be from his Republican brothern/defenders. They choose party over country....over and over. Honestly... if this was a novel I'd imagine a civil war would be in the script.

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1 hour ago, ResandePohm said:

Now you are trolling. This has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that Trump is behaving like a moron in giving away an ally's secrets without their permission.

LOL. Like all Trump headlined threads, this thread is full of off topic trolling, so i'm just joining the general discourse.

BTW, that was a response to another post, though that isn't shown in your quote.

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2 hours ago, Rob13 said:


 My opinion of him aside, he's still innocent til proven guilty. IMHO, WaPo and NYT both are overly biased, and are too quick to to publish negative news on him..... WaPo would have done well to sit on the story a bit til they had more facts and could give more info on their source.


And their is no smoke without fire

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54 minutes ago, Berkshire said:

[The information revealed by the President while in the Oval Office, was said to have been provided to the US by an American ally through a sensitive intelligence sharing arrangement. 

In a scoop that threatened still further to weaken the President's credibility and sent shock waves through the political universe, The Washington Post said the partner had not given permission for the information to be shared with Russia. After the meeting, White House officials took steps to contain the damage, placing calls to the CIA and National Security Agency. It has not been reported which third country was involved.]


The original "leak" was not to the press, but to the CIA and NSA...and the State Dept as well I believe.  From there, the leak could have come from anywhere. 



was said to have been

is not a fact. It is fake news published by a paper that hates Trump.

When someone goes on the record and puts their name to it I'll believe it, but till then I put it in the same basket as all the other hate Trump fake news.

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 Below is a excerpt from the news article ,Unfortunately the headline is typical of bad reporting  .Who is the source ? Who are the officials?


"The intelligence, both officials said, was supplied by a U.S. ally in the fight against the militant group.


The White House said the allegations were false. "The president only discussed the common threats that both countries faced," deputy national security adviser Dina Powell said."

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Every day we wake up to yet another scandal surrounding the so-called POTUS!


Can you imagine if Obama had even remotely been accused of anything like this? Could have had a foam party with all the ensuing foaming at the mouth!

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I'm still trying to figure out which beans he spilled.  Because if it was the thingy about the laptop bomb, I'm pretty sure that cat was out of the bag when they announced the ban on laptops on flights from certain countries.  And the jig was really up when they announced they would probably expand that ban to more countries in Europe.


And even if it wasn't common knowledge, I'd like to think we'd let Russia know about threats like that given that there's usually some Brits, Yanks, Kiwis (edit: and an occasionally Israeli, too) and other friendlies on Russkie flights nowadays...

Edited by impulse
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1 hour ago, JHolmesJr said:

so who are these sources? any names on these patriotic officials….

Beats me!!   It's reported, so it must be true,especially coming from the WP .:sick:

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14 minutes ago, mrdome said:

Every day we wake up to yet another scandal surrounding the so-called POTUS!


Can you imagine if Obama had even remotely been accused of anything like this? Could have had a foam party with all the ensuing foaming at the mouth!

He has been. Currently accused of being involved in the illegal unmasking of Trump supporters before the election.

I'm not saying he is guilty, just that he has been accused and there may be a congressional investigation of it.


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2 minutes ago, impulse said:

I'm still trying to figure out which beans he spilled.  Because if it was the thingy about the laptop bomb, I'm pretty sure that cat was out of the bag when they announced the ban on laptops on flights from certain countries.  And the jig was really up when they announced they would probably expand that ban to more countries in Europe.


And even if it wasn't common knowledge, I'd like to think we'd let Russia know about threats like that given that there's usually some Brits, Yanks, Kiwis (edit: and an occasionally Israeli, too) and other friendlies on Russkie flights nowadays...

Good point(s).  WH was careful to say Trump did not reveal sources or methods so if there's anything here, that might be the rub.  We'll see. 

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He has been. Currently accused of being involved in the illegal unmasking of Trump supporters before the election.
I'm not saying he is guilty, just that he has been accused and there may be a congressional investigation of it.

Accused by who. Put some names to the accusation otherwise it is "fake news".
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5 hours ago, In the jungle said:

It's going to be interesting to see how he is received when he visits Israel and Saudi Arabia this week.

It all depends on who's reporting it.The last  time a President went to SA it wasn't good.



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1 hour ago, digger70 said:

I think DT knew what he was doing,the Ruskies already knew the info and he was waiting to see who in his clan was Sharing this Back.Trying to weed out the yappers ,He's not stupid old DT.

I respectfully wish to differ digger70.


I think he is stupid. I think he is immature in the extreme, has a very limited attention span and almost pathologically needs acceptance and approval. Playing up to the Russians is an example of this, in my opinion.


Those that say Trump has the right to share critically sensitive information may be formally correct but surely they concede that to hand on this information to Russia, at this time, during a CIA and House investigation into Russian interference and following a sensational and capricious sacking of the CIA director, is highly suspicious and disturbing. Growing numbers of Republicans are, or are they just part of a liberal/fake-news conspiracy?


But enough of this analysing. I have always maintained that Trump is emotionally ill and I believe that this is at the root of the almost daily disasters that embroil the White House. Just look up a definition of Narcissistic Personality Disorder -- he ticks all boxes.


I understand how Trump supporters must truly feel watching this mayhem unfold day after day. It must be demoralising but it only compounds the mess by trying to justify this sick man's erratic and dangerous zig zags and blaming it on the media, the liberals, the CIA, leaks, and so on. The man is unwell and all roads lead to him and his disturbed and disturbing actions.

Edited by Godolphin
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30 minutes ago, alanrchase said:


Accused by who. Put some names to the accusation otherwise it is "fake news".


A US senator among others. I doubt this will satisfy any Trump hater though. Expect the usual hue and cry that it's alt right lies. I expect no less, but do I care- not at all. I put all Trump hatred posts in the "entertainment but not to be taken seriously" category.

American tv is very entertaining at present as all the Dem./ liberal talking heads line up to hurl abuse at Trump. I imagine him and his staff watching them all every day after work to relax and have a good laugh. Works for me.


I don’t think we should discount how big a deal it was that Susan Rice was looking at these, and she needs to be asked, did President Obama ask her to do this? Was this a directive from President Obama?” Paul told reporters.


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3 hours ago, myfriendu said:

Get cracking Don.

The FCC is a department that you control. An EO that causes an FCC rule.


And by proving it is true you mean giving up their sources? Notice the white house denial's specificity mentioning things were not true that the article never claimed were true. 

And if by that logic the goal here is to ensure that people speak the truth, then why don't you turn your ire on Trump for his repeated false claims and doubling down on claims that nobody other than himself will back as being true. Even his own PR staff have taken to saying, "the president believes" lol.

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3 hours ago, myfriendu said:

First of all, the WaPo used annonymous sources to tell yet another raunchy fairy tale.

Then they forgot to take into account the fact that there were only 4 people in the room -- would one of them be so monumentally stupid at this point to risk geting easily tracked and caught passing information?

Maybe the WH structure itself has surveillance hidden away -- consider who controlled it all these years.

That would be a perfect way to undermine Trump and further empower the Deep State.

After all, didn't Obama, Hellish, Preet, Comey, Waters, etc., join The Resistance/The Deep State and deign to obstruct and destroy Trump?

Doesn't this stunt look a wee bit like that?

Very interesting that they chose WaPo to spread their mischief.

Like attracts like


3 hours ago, pmarlin said:

Made up story by the Washington Post. Besides the Russians four other people were in the room. The President, Sectary of State, National security adviser and deputy National security adviser.   All four said it didn't happen and the story was false.  More fake news from the left.

myfriendu says only four people.  pmarlin says the President, four other Americans, and the Russians, which included the photographer.  I suspect the real number included translators, aides, and recorders, both human and electronic.  Records and transcripts of the meeting would have then gone out for analysis.  It's been several days since the meeting, lots of time for lots of people to learn what happened.


"After all, didn't Obama, Hellish, Preet, Comey, Waters, etc., join The Resistance/The Deep State and deign to obstruct and destroy Trump?"


Oh good, the conspiracy theorist reveals himself.


" All four said it didn't happen and the story was false."


Actually they said it didn't happen 'as reported'.  That's a textbook way of not saying "The story is correct aside from minor details."

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3 hours ago, myfriendu said:

anyone who believes this fake news is a moron 

the simple fact if it was true, As President he gets to decide what is classified and what is not classified.

and as a fact only the Russians and Syria are doing the job against isis ,so if it was true its the best thing the orange one has done in his short time in office 

Revealing classified information from an allied country to Russia without first discussing it with the source country is a good way to lose allies that share valuable classified.


Russia is doing the job against opponents of the Syrian government; sometimes ISIS, more often rebel groups that the US supports.

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3 hours ago, Rob13 said:

If it's not illegal then he can do it. As far as owning it, the intel was given to the US freely by a trusted ally, that would clear any ownership problems. It was his intel for him to handle as he saw fit.

There are agreements in place between allies that share classified information that dictate how that classified can be handled.  Revealing that classified to a third party without the permission of the source country is a gross violation of these agreements.  It's a sure way to cut off future information sharing from useful sources.

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