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Trump revealed intelligence secrets to Russians in Oval Office - officials


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10 minutes ago, iReason said:


Just another childish troll post.

Posted 4 minutes after my post of an article that was clearly unread.


No worries it will be gone soon...


Summed it up fairly well I think, I know you can't stand that.   Besides, you're just posting the same stuff from different sources, ad naseum, trying to dominate the field.   The source vid is nothing new.  The opinion of a Havard Professor doesn't mean chit, just more filler.  :coffee1:

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Interesting and boring at the same time to scan through all the lefty diatribe by the usuals. Give it a rest, chaps; this is all an OTT storm in a teacup (full detail of which is unknown) by folk that have nothing better to do than hope/pray their nemesis potus gets it in the neck. Keep dreaming/get back to work, he ain't going nowhere. :wink:

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11 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

The GOP opposed Trump before he won, and they haven't changed their opinion. He was elected to destroy their cosy junket on the public purse.


And opted to spend it on the golf course...


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1 hour ago, Traveler19491 said:

Interesting that you would seem to believe that Trump supports the military. Quite the opposite is true as is evidenced by his disgusting slap in the fact to all of our warriors who were ever taken as prisoners of war. "I prefer people who weren't captured." Or his disrespect to the family of a fallen warrior. Or his freezing of Federal hiring which has left 45,000 vacancies in the VA, most of which wind up being filled by veterans. Or his disrespect to all of the men and women who have earned the Purple Heart by his callous statement, "I always wanted to get a Purple Heart" (perhaps he could have gotten his wish had he not used five bogus medical deferments for "bone spurs", which mysteriously didn't keep him from playing college sports). Or his support of cutting food stamps, which a significant number of junior enlisted grade families depend on. As a Vietnam era veteran, I refuse to support someone who thinks that support for the military is measured by how much he is willing to spend on shiny new toys for our armed forces. Far better that he support the men and women who stand in harm's way...which he has demonstrated is not of consequence to him.

 In response to I prefer people who weren't. Google ,Why do veterans not like Senator McCain.Most people don't know the other side of what you believe in just ask the Rolling Thunder founder.

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It seems to me that there is something of a race going on.  In January Trump took over the ship USA and set sail for the abyss.  Now in May it has become a matter of "Will he get to the abyss before the ship (presidency) sinks".  It is carrying so many screw ups now and so many of his crew have been sacked or jumped ship that it seems the end is closing in at quite a pace.  Dump the Trump and turn the ship around before it is too late!

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Yesterday Trump had a nightmare. His wife asked him:
- What happened?
- Just a bad dream. I was participating in a Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. Comrade Putin said «Dear comrades! We have just listened reports about Bryansk Oblast and Oriel oblast. Now, I would like to know about what happening in Washington Oblast. I give the floor to the 1st secretary of the Communist Party of Washington, Tovarisch Trump»
But I was sitting in front of him and feel I was NOT READY! Not ready at all!


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18 minutes ago, dunroaming said:

It seems to me that there is something of a race going on.  In January Trump took over the ship USA and set sail for the abyss.  Now in May it has become a matter of "Will he get to the abyss before the ship (presidency) sinks".  It is carrying so many screw ups now and so many of his crew have been sacked or jumped ship that it seems the end is closing in at quite a pace.  Dump the Trump and turn the ship around before it is too late!

Are you from the US? Who would you suggest  to be Captain America's replacement?Just curious

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Trump is tweeting now. First tweet is done waiting on the second. It seems he is about to stomp all over Mc Master now! His first tweet admits he discussed with the Russians. Next tweet coming out and it will all hit the net soon.


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Tweets have just been finished by Trump. He has just cooked his goose. A tweet too far!


Remember the Trump supporters say McMaster said Trump did not release information




And that folks is not good enough reason to give the Russians secret info. All he had to do was say 'we must all step up airline security'. The owner of the secret intelligence will be pissed now, AND McMaster will probably be reviewing his position after these tweets.


Donald can do what he wants as President but that does not excuse his deplorable judgement. This will have members of the GOP in real turmoil now.


So much for fake news Trumpsters, I just do not get why Trump did not learn from blowing his staff out the water on the Comey farce.


Go Donald go.

Edited by Andaman Al
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22 minutes ago, riclag said:

Are you from the US? Who would you suggest  to be Captain America's replacement?Just curious

Not from the USA but have connections through business and some great American friends.  Consequently I feel their pain.  Well after Trump is impeached (fingers crossed) you have got to put up with Pence until the next election (unless he is impeached as well).  After that Mrs Obama will sweep to victory by a landslide.


Wishful thinking?  Maybe but the first thing is to stop Trump before he does even more damage to the USA. 

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Donald J. Trump (‪@realDonaldTrump‬)

16/5/17, 21:13

As President I wanted to share with Russia (at an openly scheduled W.H. meeting) which I have the absolute right to do, facts pertaining....


...to terrorism and airline flight safety. Humanitarian reasons, plus I want Russia to greatly step up their fight against ISIS & terrorism.


Haley Byrd (‪@byrdinator‬)

16/5/17, 21:16

so the White House narrative just went from "the WaPo story is false" to "I did it because I can and I wanted to" twitter.com/realdonaldtrum…

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12 minutes ago, dunroaming said:

Not from the USA but have connections through business and some great American friends.  Consequently I feel their pain.  Well after Trump is impeached (fingers crossed) you have got to put up with Pence until the next election (unless he is impeached as well).  After that Mrs Obama will sweep to victory by a landslide.


Wishful thinking?  Maybe but the first thing is to stop Trump before he does even more damage to the USA. 

Sounds like you've got a case of "impeachment fever" that has been going around.  LOL.  http://www.frontpagemag.com/fpm/266720/impeachment-fever-matthew-vadum#.WRrhQe5fLq0.facebook

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1 hour ago, Rob13 said:


Whether or not he broke any agreements is a problem for the State Dept. As far as the law goes he can use the info as he sees fit without doing anything illegal, whether it's stupid or not. 


At this point I haven't read or seen much to clarify what was actually said in the meeting or how much info he let slip.   Until WaPo or someone else can print some definitive information the majority of the responses here are reactionary. 

Apparently you have not read the original WP article. It is specfic about what type of information was revealed,  without saying what the content of the information was. It also is specfic has to why the revelation was potentially damaging to both the safety of the original source and future relations with the intelligence partner. 


Most alarmingly, officials said, Trump revealed the city in the Islamic State’s territory where the U.S. intelligence partner detected the threat



Worth noting this has not been denied by Trump’s national security team and pretty much confirmed by Trump’s latest tweet claiming he can tell the Russians (and anybody else) anything he wants.


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So, just to be clear, President Trump has acknowledged that he leaked this information to the Russians.


Sucks to be defending him when he can tweet a comment to shoot your defense down in flames. Talk about throwing McMaster under the bus.


Again, I do feel for those low-information voters who thought Trump was rational.


I know that you we're sucked in, but please, don't let your loyalty, or shame for voting for a moron, lead you further down a path from which there is no return.



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So, just to be clear, President Trump has acknowledged that he leaked this information to the Russians.
Sucks to be defending him when he can tweet a comment to shoot your defense.
Again, I do feel for those low-information voters who thought Trump was rational.

The low information voters made a low information voter President. Oops!
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26 minutes ago, dunroaming said:

Not from the USA but have connections through business and some great American friends.  Consequently I feel their pain.  Well after Trump is impeached (fingers crossed) you have got to put up with Pence until the next election (unless he is impeached as well).  After that Mrs Obama will sweep to victory by a landslide.


Wishful thinking?  Maybe but the first thing is to stop Trump before he does even more damage to the USA. 

Sorta like the Clinton duo scheme huh? Bill then Hillary. Barack then Michelle..Michelle can follow in her husbands foot steps like Hillary tried to do with Bill.

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28 minutes ago, thaihome said:

 It is specfic about  what type of information was revealed,  without saying what the content of the information was


Exactly. .... For all we know trump told the Russians ISIS was planning some kind of laptop bomb attack on airliners and they may want to act accordingly. Which could be seen as a positive gesture   if he didn't reveal where and from whom he got the info. But like you said we don't know what the content was only that it involved confidential info as reported to WaPo from an anonymous official.  Without the content of what was said all anybody can do is come up with possibilities and conjectures about what trump did or did not say.


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27 minutes ago, Thakkar said:

Donald J. Trump (‪@realDonaldTrump‬)

16/5/17, 21:13

As President I wanted to share with Russia (at an openly scheduled W.H. meeting) which I have the absolute right to do, facts pertaining....


...to terrorism and airline flight safety. Humanitarian reasons, plus I want Russia to greatly step up their fight against ISIS & terrorism.


Haley Byrd (‪@byrdinator‬)

16/5/17, 21:16

so the White House narrative just went from "the WaPo story is false" to "I did it because I can and I wanted to" twitter.com/realdonaldtrum…


Making flights safe is a global concern and the more co-operation we see in this area, the more prepared everyone can be. I see no harm in Trump bringing the russians up to speed. People of all nationalities fly on all airlines so its in everyones best interests. I find his tweet satisfactory as an explanation, Had he mentioned the sources from where they got wind of the plot, that would be a different story.

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9 hours ago, Berkshire said:

You're correct, only speculation on my part.  Dershowitz is not a national security guy, just a well known attorney.  So to see him talk so emphatically about this was surprising.  But at one point, he did speculate that the source of the intel was probably Jordan or Israel. 

Probably Jordan. WH released following scheduled. First thing in the morning morning:


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9 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:


Making flights safe is a global concern and the more co-operation we see in this area, the more prepared everyone can be. I see no harm in Trump bringing the russians up to speed. People of all nationalities fly on all airlines so its in everyones best interests. I find his tweet satisfactory as an explanation, Had he mentioned the sources from where they got wind of the plot, that would be a different story.


OK, so now it is OK to tell the Russians. 


Did he tell anyone else about this, all in an effort to "make flights safe"?


If he wants to find the leakers he should look in the mirror.




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9 minutes ago, Rob13 said:


Exactly. .... For all we know trump told the Russians ISIS was planning some kind of laptop bomb attack on airliners and they may want to act accordingly. Which could be seen as a positive gesture   if he didn't reveal where and from whom he got the info. But like you said we don't know what the content was only that it involved confidential info as reported to WaPo from an anonymous official.  Without the content of what was said all anybody can do is come up with possibilities and conjectures about what trump did or did not say.


The information the president relayed had been provided by a U.S. partner through an intelligence-sharing arrangement considered so sensitive that details have been withheld from allies and tightly restricted even within the U.S. government, officials said.



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9 times Trump criticized others for mishandling classified information


"President Donald Trump's handling of classified information has come under scrutiny following reports he divulged "highly classified" information during a meeting with Russian officials last week at the White House."


"The president, though, has a history of routinely lashing out at political opponents, detractors and even former members of his own administration for mishandling closely guarded intelligence in the past."


"Here are nine times Trump has slammed others for their handling of classified information."


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9 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:


... Had he mentioned the sources from where they got wind of the plot, that would be a different story.

Apparently he told them the city from which the information originated from. This could lead to the source was was irrelevant to the discussion on airline safety.


After the meeting, white house national security staff immediately contacted virtually every US intelligence service to tell them the source was likely compromised.  


I imagine that the leak of the story came from one of those services that was extremely unhappy with three revelations to the Russians. 



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