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Former FBI director to lead Russia inquiry


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4 hours ago, pmarlin said:

Again the news has it wrong, It's about Russian influence of the last presidential election. Not a Trump Russian investigation.  Including the leaking of the Clinton emails and that might lead to something that will make the democrats very unhappy. If I was Hillary I would worry.  The investigation will clear Trump's name and the Democrats will have to find another nothing to complain about.  The only thing Trump is guilty of is winning the election.

Where, oh where, does someone with some actual functioning brain cells begin. Let's see...in no particular order...


*Trump and Obama warned by intelligence officials of Flynn's involvement with Russian figures. 

*Obama warns Trump immediately after election about Flynn. Trump ignores the warning (of course, he would. He hates Obama).

*Trump hires Flynn, even after being made aware of Flynn's Russian contacts.

*Trump has dinner meeting with Comey during which he asks for Comey to pledge loyalty. Comey refuses.

*Trump allegedly asks Comey to drop Flynn investigation (potential obstruction of justice, an impeachable offense).

*White House gives reason for Flynn firing that Flynn lied to Pence, even though the timing is WAY off. Pence knew about Flynn well before Flynn lied. Pence was a part of the transition team that was notified of Flynn's misdeeds.

*Kushner meets with Russian bank official whose bank is under US sanctions shortly after election. Why?

*Carter Page meets with Russian spy in 2013. The Russian spy was known to be cultivating US assets. What happened after that meeting?

*It is known that Putin ordered Russian operatives to influence the election in Trump's favor. Connections?

*Dossier compiled by British intelligence operative with an excellent reputation in the intelligence community lays out a claim that the Kremlin has for years been compiling compromising information on Trump as well as using favorable business deals to influence him.

*Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov informs a Russian media outlet that there were ongoing contacts with the Trump campaign throughout the election. Ryabkov claims that these were just contacts to establish channels with Trump, should he win. Trump spokesperson Hope Hicks denies any contact with any Russians during the campaign.

*It is discovered that Sessions had contact with Russians during the election. He lies about this during his confirmation hearings.

*Carter Page and Paul Manafort under investigation for their questionable ties to Russia, both close Trump associates.


Just a very partial listing of all of the doings in and among Trump and his associates. Had this been Obama, you uber-right keyboard warriors would have already had Obama hung, stuffed, and mounted. This is, in fact, an investigation into the ties between Trump, his buddies, and their connections to Russia, both political and financial. Seems your standards are a little different when it's you boy's head on the block.




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It appears that at least two of Trump's advisors are in serious trouble. What they do or what kind of a deal they make will likely decide Trump's future in this.


Paul Manafort for attempting to launder cash payments he recieved from pro-Russia political parties in the Ukraine. 



Michael Flynn seems to have lied to the FBI (like he did to Pence) about Christmas phone call to Russian ambassador.  



Trump's apparent attempt to stop FBI investigation into Flynn is going to be difficult to prove obstruction unless there are more actions that Manafort or Flynn will testify about. As has been said many times, the cover-up is usually worse then the actual crime. 


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Donald Trump campaign made contact with Russian officials at least 18 times during presidential campaign


Michael Flynn and other advisers to Donald Trump’s campaign were in contact with Russian officials and others with Kremlin ties in at least 18 calls and emails during the last seven months of the 2016 presidential race, current and former U.S. officials familiar with the exchanges told Reuters.


The previously undisclosed interactions form part of the record now being reviewed by FBI and congressional investigators probing Russian interference in the U.S. presidential election and contacts between Trump’s campaign and Russia.


Six of the previously undisclosed contacts described to Reuters were phone calls between Kislyak and Trump advisers, including Flynn, Trump’s first national security adviser, three current and former officials said.





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9 hours ago, In the jungle said:


Not up yet.


Tired from all that winning.

I already commented on another thread.

I predicted on that thread that the Trump haters would find some reason to attack the guy and I was not disappointed. Grouse has already begun the hate attack on him.

One thing for sure, the Trump haters will not be satisfied with anything less than HRC herself running the investigation.

Don't be too happy that he has been appointed, as there is no guarantee he will find anything wrong, and he might even find dirt on HRC and the DNC. His investigation can go anywhere, as it includes "other matters".

If he doesn't find anything there, NO DOUBT the Trump haters will be screaming to high heaven about it as a cover up and a white wash.


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27 minutes ago, mtls2005 said:

Donald Trump campaign made contact with Russian officials at least 18 times during presidential campaign


Michael Flynn and other advisers to Donald Trump’s campaign were in contact with Russian officials and others with Kremlin ties in at least 18 calls and emails during the last seven months of the 2016 presidential race, current and former U.S. officials familiar with the exchanges told Reuters.


The previously undisclosed interactions form part of the record now being reviewed by FBI and congressional investigators probing Russian interference in the U.S. presidential election and contacts between Trump’s campaign and Russia.


Six of the previously undisclosed contacts described to Reuters were phone calls between Kislyak and Trump advisers, including Flynn, Trump’s first national security adviser, three current and former officials said.





Enough with all the anonymous leakers. Do none of them have any guts?

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Just now, thaibeachlovers said:


One thing for sure, the Trump haters will not be satisfied with anything less than HRC herself running the investigation.



Finally something Democrats and Republicans agree on: Former FBI director is right pick for special counsel

Congressional Republicans and Democrats praised the Justice Department’s decision to appoint Robert S. Mueller III as special counsel to investigate possible coordination between Trump associates and Russia in the 2016 campaign — sparking a rare moment of bipartisanship on Capitol Hill over a politically charged issue.


I have to admit I feel a bit of sneaking admiration for someone who just goes ahead and posts stuff without checking whether it's true or false and without fear of being challenged.

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6 hours ago, pmarlin said:

Again the news has it wrong, It's about Russian influence of the last presidential election. Not a Trump Russian investigation.  Including the leaking of the Clinton emails and that might lead to something that will make the democrats very unhappy. If I was Hillary I would worry.  The investigation will clear Trump's name and the Democrats will have to find another nothing to complain about.  The only thing Trump is guilty of is winning the election.

Actually Mueller is tasked with investigating any links between Russia and the Trump campaign:


" Under the order signed Wednesday by Rosenstein, Mueller is tasked with investigating “any links and/or coordination between the Russian government and individuals associated with the campaign of President Donald Trump’’ as well as “any matters that arose or may arise directly from the investigation’’ and any other matters that fall under the scope of the Justice Department regulation covering special counsel appointments. "  https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/deputy-attorney-general-appoints-special-counsel-to-oversee-probe-of-russian-interference-in-election/2017/05/17/302c1774-3b49-11e7-8854-21f359183e8c_story.html?utm_term=.823ff01b016f


The investigations by both houses of Congress are supposed to be investigating Russian interference in the election, and I hope they do a good job of it.  However I'm not optimistic, I fear partisan politics will interfere. 

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1 hour ago, Berkshire said:

I'm no expert, but it seems that a Special Prosecutor has broad discretion.  An example is Bill Clinton.  In that case, they started with the Whitewater investigation and ended up with Monica Lewinsky.  I believe the letter appointing Mueller also states that he can pursue any matters that may arise from his investigation.  Even if someone was squeaky clean, they'd have to be a little worried.  Trump is not squeaky clean.  The Special Prosecutor has significant authority and an unlimited budget.  He can force Trump to testify under oath or subpoena his tax records.  If I was Trump's lawyer, I'd strongly encourage him to resign before he gets indicted. 

The special prosecutor law that allowed Kenneth Starr to investigate anything he wanted has lapsed.  The Justice Department has appointed a special counsel with more limited responsibilities.

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1 hour ago, Traveler19491 said:

Where, oh where, does someone with some actual functioning brain cells begin. Let's see...in no particular order...


*Trump and Obama warned by intelligence officials of Flynn's involvement with Russian figures. 

*Obama warns Trump immediately after election about Flynn. Trump ignores the warning (of course, he would. He hates Obama).

*Trump hires Flynn, even after being made aware of Flynn's Russian contacts.

*Trump has dinner meeting with Comey during which he asks for Comey to pledge loyalty. Comey refuses.

*Trump allegedly asks Comey to drop Flynn investigation (potential obstruction of justice, an impeachable offense).

*White House gives reason for Flynn firing that Flynn lied to Pence, even though the timing is WAY off. Pence knew about Flynn well before Flynn lied. Pence was a part of the transition team that was notified of Flynn's misdeeds.

*Kushner meets with Russian bank official whose bank is under US sanctions shortly after election. Why?

*Carter Page meets with Russian spy in 2013. The Russian spy was known to be cultivating US assets. What happened after that meeting?

*It is known that Putin ordered Russian operatives to influence the election in Trump's favor. Connections?

*Dossier compiled by British intelligence operative with an excellent reputation in the intelligence community lays out a claim that the Kremlin has for years been compiling compromising information on Trump as well as using favorable business deals to influence him.

*Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov informs a Russian media outlet that there were ongoing contacts with the Trump campaign throughout the election. Ryabkov claims that these were just contacts to establish channels with Trump, should he win. Trump spokesperson Hope Hicks denies any contact with any Russians during the campaign.

*It is discovered that Sessions had contact with Russians during the election. He lies about this during his confirmation hearings.

*Carter Page and Paul Manafort under investigation for their questionable ties to Russia, both close Trump associates.


Just a very partial listing of all of the doings in and among Trump and his associates. Had this been Obama, you uber-right keyboard warriors would have already had Obama hung, stuffed, and mounted. This is, in fact, an investigation into the ties between Trump, his buddies, and their connections to Russia, both political and financial. Seems your standards are a little different when it's you boy's head on the block.




If any of that was in fact a smoking gun, it would have been declared by now. That it's just being leaked by UNKNOWN officials is significant.

Fake news till on the record.

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Can't escape politics being a factor.

From the republican party POV, the vast majority of which are not trumpists by nature but rather trumpist by convenience, it may come down to the question of which is worse for their party and personal political future. Continue to support obviously badly damaged "goods" (trump) or cutting losses and moving on under a real republican, like Pence.

Don't forget that for almost all congressmen of both parties, priority number one is keeping their seats. 

Supporting trump has become TOXIC for many republicans already, and this has just started. 


Edited by Jingthing
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1 hour ago, Traveler19491 said:

Where, oh where, does someone with some actual functioning brain cells begin. Let's see...in no particular order...


*Trump and Obama warned by intelligence officials of Flynn's involvement with Russian figures. 

*Obama warns Trump immediately after election about Flynn. Trump ignores the warning (of course, he would. He hates Obama).

*Trump hires Flynn, even after being made aware of Flynn's Russian contacts.

*Trump has dinner meeting with Comey during which he asks for Comey to pledge loyalty. Comey refuses.

*Trump allegedly asks Comey to drop Flynn investigation (potential obstruction of justice, an impeachable offense).

*White House gives reason for Flynn firing that Flynn lied to Pence, even though the timing is WAY off. Pence knew about Flynn well before Flynn lied. Pence was a part of the transition team that was notified of Flynn's misdeeds.

*Kushner meets with Russian bank official whose bank is under US sanctions shortly after election. Why?

*Carter Page meets with Russian spy in 2013. The Russian spy was known to be cultivating US assets. What happened after that meeting?

*It is known that Putin ordered Russian operatives to influence the election in Trump's favor. Connections?

*Dossier compiled by British intelligence operative with an excellent reputation in the intelligence community lays out a claim that the Kremlin has for years been compiling compromising information on Trump as well as using favorable business deals to influence him.

*Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov informs a Russian media outlet that there were ongoing contacts with the Trump campaign throughout the election. Ryabkov claims that these were just contacts to establish channels with Trump, should he win. Trump spokesperson Hope Hicks denies any contact with any Russians during the campaign.

*It is discovered that Sessions had contact with Russians during the election. He lies about this during his confirmation hearings.

*Carter Page and Paul Manafort under investigation for their questionable ties to Russia, both close Trump associates.


Just a very partial listing of all of the doings in and among Trump and his associates. Had this been Obama, you uber-right keyboard warriors would have already had Obama hung, stuffed, and mounted. This is, in fact, an investigation into the ties between Trump, his buddies, and their connections to Russia, both political and financial. Seems your standards are a little different when it's you boy's head on the block.





1 minute ago, thaibeachlovers said:

If any of that was in fact a smoking gun, it would have been declared by now. That it's just being leaked by UNKNOWN officials is significant.

Fake news till on the record.

Most of it is undisputed fact--meetings between Trump campaign people and Russian officials, for example.  The above is a partial list of the things that are part of the investigations.

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6 minutes ago, heybruce said:

If I remember correctly, there were similar complaints during the Watergate investigation.

Probably,  but he didn't resign because of them.

An official investigation will not consider unverified information, as it is by definition gossip and rumour.

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6 minutes ago, heybruce said:


Most of it is undisputed fact--meetings between Trump campaign people and Russian officials, for example.  The above is a partial list of the things that are part of the investigations.

Yes, the meetings took place but unless it can be proved they were colluding to allow Russian interference in the election it is just business as usual. You think no US politicians have been talking to the Russians?

Trying to make the facts fit the theory rarely works.

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6 minutes ago, binjalin said:

Good news and hope it stops all the haters and we finally get to the truth which I'd be surprised to hear amounts to anything but we will see

Sorry, the haters are already attacking Mueller. Nothing is going to make them stop till Trump leaves office in 2025.

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6 hours ago, Somtamnication said:

I'm peached that he was appointed. Now for the truth.........

At least not impeached good sir. Now let all the noise and clatter stop until we find the truth and if it is nothing we can hope the haters and loudmouths on here can admit they were wrong? if collusion is found then it's goodbye Mr President 

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10 minutes ago, binjalin said:

At least not impeached good sir. Now let all the noise and clatter stop until we find the truth and if it is nothing we can hope the haters and loudmouths on here can admit they were wrong? if collusion is found then it's goodbye Mr President 

You can't handle the truth by trump






Edited by Farang hunter
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15 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Probably,  but he didn't resign because of them.

An official investigation will not consider unverified information, as it is by definition gossip and rumour.

No, but the investigations got started because journalists started investigating the statements made by anonymous sources.  Once they started looking under rocks they found slimy critters willing to testify.

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12 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Yes, the meetings took place but unless it can be proved they were colluding to allow Russian interference in the election it is just business as usual. You think no US politicians have been talking to the Russians?

Trying to make the facts fit the theory rarely works.

That's the point of investigations--to find out why Trump campaign officials were meeting with shady Russian officials at the same time that Russia was trying to influence the election.

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27 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Sorry, the haters are already attacking Mueller. Nothing is going to make them stop till Trump leaves office in 2025.

The response from Democrats and Republicans alike has been highly favorable. Do you have any respect or use for facts at all?

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7 hours ago, pmarlin said:

Again the news has it wrong, It's about Russian influence of the last presidential election. Not a Trump Russian investigation.  Including the leaking of the Clinton emails and that might lead to something that will make the democrats very unhappy. If I was Hillary I would worry.  The investigation will clear Trump's name and the Democrats will have to find another nothing to complain about.  The only thing Trump is guilty of is winning the election.

You are being ironic, of course!


I didn't think Americans really did irony. Anyway, well done ?

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56 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Can't escape politics being a factor.

From the republican party POV, the vast majority of which are not trumpists by nature but rather trumpist by convenience, it may come down to the question of which is worse for their party and personal political future. Continue to support obviously badly damaged "goods" (trump) or cutting losses and moving on under a real republican, like Pence.

Don't forget that for almost all congressmen of both parties, priority number one is keeping their seats. 

Supporting trump has become TOXIC for many republicans already, and this has just started. 


Here's a simple question:


Do you think the USA is held in higher esteem now than previously?


For me, at 63, I have NEVER been so embarrassed for the USA. I remember Watergate, Spiro Agnew, MLK being assassinated and all kinds of stuff.


Trump has brought the USA into disrepute and that MUST be an impeachable offence if not a hanging one.

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1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:

I already commented on another thread.

I predicted on that thread that the Trump haters would find some reason to attack the guy and I was not disappointed. Grouse has already begun the hate attack on him.

One thing for sure, the Trump haters will not be satisfied with anything less than HRC herself running the investigation.

Don't be too happy that he has been appointed, as there is no guarantee he will find anything wrong, and he might even find dirt on HRC and the DNC. His investigation can go anywhere, as it includes "other matters".

If he doesn't find anything there, NO DOUBT the Trump haters will be screaming to high heaven about it as a cover up and a white wash.


Well there are Trump haters and there are Trump supporters.  I think you will find a difference in numbers as the vast majority fall into the haters category.  You seem rather peeved that the Trump haters keep on attacking him?  Well we have plenty of ammunition whereas the supporters always fall back of knocking Clinton.  I understand that you take comfort in the fact that she was badly flawed and it is often said by the Trumpsters that "Trump is bad but not as bad as Clinton".  Hardly an endorsement for your boy who after four months as POTUS is already facing impeachment.


As you say "if he doesn't find anything there NO DOUBT the Trump haters will be screaming to high heaven about it as a cover up and a white wash".  Well I hope that if they do find that Trump and his gang are guilty then the Trumpsters will accept that they were wrong and admit it.  I won't hold my breath though.

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8 minutes ago, dunroaming said:

Well there are Trump haters and there are Trump supporters.  I think you will find a difference in numbers as the vast majority fall into the haters category.  You seem rather peeved that the Trump haters keep on attacking him?  Well we have plenty of ammunition whereas the supporters always fall back of knocking Clinton.  I understand that you take comfort in the fact that she was badly flawed and it is often said by the Trumpsters that "Trump is bad but not as bad as Clinton".  Hardly an endorsement for your boy who after four months as POTUS is already facing impeachment.


As you say "if he doesn't find anything there NO DOUBT the Trump haters will be screaming to high heaven about it as a cover up and a white wash".  Well I hope that if they do find that Trump and his gang are guilty then the Trumpsters will accept that they were wrong and admit it.  I won't hold my breath though.

Trump supporters don't always fall back on knocking Clinton. Many times they just claim that any news they dislike is fake news.

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2 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

If any of that was in fact a smoking gun, it would have been declared by now. That it's just being leaked by UNKNOWN officials is significant.

Fake news till on the record.

What you fail to acknowledge is the fact that there were no "smoking guns" in the Nixon investigation for a long, long time. It was the steady drip, drip, drip of information from your despised "anonymous sources" that led to his downfall. You might remember a catchy little moniker..."Deep Throat". He was the quintessential "anonymous source". Anonymous sources ask to remain anonymous for a reason...retribution. Just exactly how "impartial" do you think the Narcissist-in-Chief would be, were he to find out the identity of ANY individual source who revealed information about him that he didn't approve of? Surely, you're not that naive. Your insistence on "Fake news" notwithstanding, it is precisely the information leaked to the media by people close to Trump that has provided the vast majority of real data about Trump and his misdeeds. I understand completely that you object to anyone presenting the truth about your beloved orange messiah. I doubt that your protestations would have been quite as vehement had anonymous sources leaked damning information about Obama or Clinton. How about a little consistency?

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"In my capacity as acting attorney general I determined that it is in the public interest for me to exercise my authority and appoint a special counsel to assume responsibility for this matter,’’ Rod Rosenstein, the deputy Attorney General, said in a public statement."


"According to the Washington Post, the legal order that Rosenstein signed authorized the special counsel to look into “any links and/or coordination between the Russian government and individuals associated with the campaign of President Donald Trump,” as well as “any matters that arose or may arise directly from the investigation.’’


"The order also said that Mueller would have the right, if he deemed it necessary, “to prosecute federal crimes arising from the investigation of these matters.”



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