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Do you think Trump will be impeached or forced to resign?


Do you believe Trump will be impeached or forced to resign?  

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6 minutes ago, Srikcir said:

Reminds me of what Trump said as a nominee regarding his claim that the election was rigged: “I will totally accept the results of this great and historic presidential election — if I win,”




He’s the sort of guy who wears his condoms inside out, because it’s gotta be “rigged for his pleasure, not hers”

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1 hour ago, heybruce said:

" I believe it was Harvard who did some research recently, and determined that Fox News (yes, you read that correctly) provided the fairest and most balanced news coverage."

Last Friday, all the mainstream media reported that the names on Mueller's first indictments were about to be announced.  Fox barely mentioned it, instead devoted many minutes of its prime time coverage to relatively unimportant things.


On Monday, 2 specific indictments were reported, and an additional 'GUILTY PLEA' by a Trump insider.  What did Fox News report?   It spent minutes of its prime time slot reporting on an emoji - and whether a cheeseburger is still a cheeseburger if the cheese is beneath the hamburger.


If that's the fairest and most balanced news, then a canary is an aligator, and Lady Gaga is the Pope.   Fox is to news what a girlie show barker is to Catholic communion.

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18 minutes ago, habanero said:

Can't wait till the cell doors close on Hillary.


The DNC seems to be sinking, and now the rats — Democrats, that is — are clawing over each other to abandon ship.

A scathing look inside the Democratic National Committee has finally revealed what most people suspected all year. Hillary Clinton “rigged” the primary election, and funneled money around to avoid federal election laws.

The jaw-dropping exposé was released Thursday by the news magazine Politico, but it isn’t the work of investigative journalists. Amazingly, the stinging piece came from someone who was inside the Democrat party: Donna Brazile, the interim chairperson of the DNC during the 2016 election.


Both political parties are in the toilet with record low approval ratings.  Change is desperately needed.


I got a suggestion.  Quit donating and go independent.

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Looks like Trump is preparing to fire Sessions whose support in Congress is now dropping from the implications of perjury on his part arising out of the Papadopoulos guilty plea and now the Carter Page testimony.  Trump's strategy is, now that Sessions is naked, to fire him with impunity and then have the new, acting AG either fire Mueller or hobble his investigation and then probably open up some smokescreen investigation of Clinton. 


Such a step would be a sudden, new lurch toward fascism in American governance.  But from Trump's recent complaints about his inability to get control of the criminal justice system, that's clearly what he longs for.

Edited by CaptHaddock
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3 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

A comment like this makes sense from somebody who only reads Breitbart and the like.  They spin this to say polls are meaningless.  When they are not.  They are not perfect and only used to help analyze something.  To say they are meaningless is not true and just said to spin things.  You've been punked.

Breitbart and Trump herald polls - shouting them loud from the ramparts, ....when the polls indicate something they want to hear (which rarely happens).  In reality, most polls deliver news that alt-right doesn't want to hear, ....that's why right wing faux news and Trump keep bleating about 'fake news.'   


Trump has often said he hopes the NY Times and the Washington Post go out of business.   Two things are evident in those sorts of stupid statements;

A.  Those papers are doing a very good job.  Many top stories are broken by those 2 papers, and Trump and all his cadres can't prove them wrong with anything factual.  All they can do is cry 'fake news' 1,000 times a day.


B.  Trump touted himself as 'The greatest jobs president in history.'   How can he be a 'jobs president' when he advocates for the demise of two great newspapers which employ hundreds of good people?


A side note about jobs:   When Trump pulled the US out of the Paris Accords, he effectively killed tens of thousands of US jobs, and here's why:  Many countries (their people, govt's and businesses) looked to the US to design/construct alternative energy systems, like solar and wind.    Now, Trump has effectively pulled the US out of the alt.energy biz, so those countries will look to other sources, like India, Germany, China, Denmark, etc.  


Added note:  I think Denmark is #1 for sourcing electricity from non-fossil-fuels.  In contrast, Trump single-handededly knocked the US from the top 10 to around #44.

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3 hours ago, Xaos said:

They says this over and over Russians hacked elections but no one ever saw any single evidence. Apart fake news CNN

Sent from my SM-G955F using Tapatalk

Sounds like a trump tweet right down to the bizarrely poor sentence structure and absurd (and evil) labeling a very credible mainstream news source as fake.

In other words, total lies and garbage. 

Edited by Jingthing
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48 minutes ago, mogandave said:

The orange buffoon must go.....impeach 45!

Impeachment would be too nice.  He needs to do some hard time in the same sort of cell that money-laundering scam artists inhabit.  There's going to be some very interesting news coming down the tubes.  We live in exciting times.  The day before Trump leaves office will likely be rife with pardons for crimes - even pardons for people who have not yet been indicted.


Trump relishes giving the finger to everyone who doesn't praise him.  Those pardons will be a big fat finger in the face of Americans.  

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Papadopoulos Documents Raise Questions About Assertions From Trump Administration

Former Trump aide George Papadopoulos’s Russia interactions—and new details of his effort to keep other campaign officials informed of them—are calling into question previous assertions by members of the administration that they were unaware of any contacts with Russia in the lead-up to the 2016 election.


A guilty plea by Mr. Papadopoulos unsealed Monday revealed that the former campaign aide was in contact with Russian officials who claimed they could provide “dirt” on then Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton in the form of “thousands of emails,” and that Mr. Papadopoulos informed others on the Trump campaign of his efforts.


In a March 31, 2016, meeting of the campaign’s national security advisory committee, which included President Donald Trump and Attorney General Jeff Sessions, who led the group, Mr. Papadopoulos told the group that he had connections that could “help arrange a meeting” between Mr. Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin, according to court documents.


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5 hours ago, lannarebirth said:

I'm not going to debate any of it, but I'm not sure what your Fox News reference is. The poll was conducted by Harvard and the media source we're discussing is the Chicago Tribune.

Ok, I'll make it short.  The Harvard study in no way supports the 348GTS post:


" I believe it was Harvard who did some research recently, and determined that Fox News (yes, you read that correctly) provided the fairest and most balanced news coverage."


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4 hours ago, Xaos said:

They says this over and over Russians hacked elections but no one ever saw any single evidence. Apart fake news CNN

Sent from my SM-G955F using Tapatalk

US intelligence agencies said the Russia attempted to influence the election. Countries in Europe are making similar claims.  Other sources says hackers inside Russia attempted to hack different voter rolls and other parts of the election system.  There is an investigation of possible collusion between members of the Trump campaign and Russia. 


Nobody that I know of says "Russians hacked elections".

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2 minutes ago, heybruce said:

US intelligence agencies said the Russia attempted to influence the election. Countries in Europe are making similar claims.  Other sources says hackers inside Russia attempted to hack different voter rolls and other parts of the election system.  There is an investigation of possible collusion between members of the Trump campaign and Russia. 


Nobody that I know of says "Russians hacked elections".

"the Russia attempted to influence the election" You mean the whole country?


So what if Botswana attempted it? It has nothing to do with Trump, until proven he was linked to it. I'd bet my bottom baht he wasn't. 


Little rich kids not getting what they wanted, so grasping at anything to bring down the guy. The Russian influenced the American electorate, come on, use your heads.


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47 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:



A guilty plea by Mr. Papadopoulos unsealed Monday revealed that the former campaign aide was in contact with Russian officials who claimed they could provide “dirt” on then Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton in the form of “thousands of emails


Don't you think the US citizens had a right to know this, if true?


I'm sure HC was trying to provide dirt on Trump.

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10 minutes ago, MrPatrickThai said:

"the Russia attempted to influence the election" You mean the whole country?


So what if Botswana attempted it? It has nothing to do with Trump, until proven he was linked to it. I'd bet my bottom baht he wasn't. 


Little rich kids not getting what they wanted, so grasping at anything to bring down the guy. The Russian influenced the American electorate, come on, use your heads.


It's not all about Trump and Russia.  It's about lies and breaking US laws.  Of which there seems to be many of both.  And if they can tie it to Trump, he's toast.  But the #1 problem for Trump is obstruction of justice.  Which boils down to issues with Russia meddling in the elections.


Little rich kids?  Good gosh.

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On the coming constitutional crisis.  So, as the pressure on Trump mounts from more indictments, testimony, guilty pleas, flippers, etc. how far will he go in his efforts to escape punishment for his crimes?  We know that psychopaths like Trump have neither empathy nor guilt, believe themselves to be smarter than everyone else, and lack any moral scruples.  So, what steps might Trump take to hang on to power?  My list to watch for is as follows:


1.  Fire Sessions or instigate his resignation, appoint an acting AG who would fire Mueller or restrict his investigation to the point where Mueller resigns.

2.  Pressure Sessions to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate HC or the DNC.

3.  Pardon immediately Manafort, Gates, Papadopoulos, himself, his family, and anyone else for any federal crimes they might have committed.

4.  Provoke North Korea to fire on a US military ship or plane, the traditional American way to start a war.

5.  In response to an attack of some kind against US civilians or widespread protest, suspend habeas corpus, declare martial law, and suspend investigations as "aiding the enemy." 

6.  Suspend elections because of widespread voting fraud until reforms can be enacted.

7.  Permanently exclude from the WH news media unfriendly to Trump.


These measures may seem in varying degrees far-fetched, but since Trump demonstrably "thinks outside the box" of American democratic traditions, we ought to consider alternatives that we ordinarily wouldn't.  I wouldn't put any of these options beyond Trump.  The only considerations that would ever hold him back would be tactical, not moral.


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1 minute ago, craigt3365 said:

As has been pointed out, this isn't about HRC.  Please stick to the topic.



A guilty plea by Mr. Papadopoulos unsealed Monday revealed that the former campaign aide was in contact with Russian officials who claimed they could provide “dirt” on then Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton in the form of “thousands of emails

It has got to do with her. Who are you to say what's on topic after 100 off-topic posts on this thread?

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6 minutes ago, MrPatrickThai said:


It has got to do with her. Who are you to say what's on topic after 100 off-topic posts on this thread?

Just trying to follow Moderator's Scott post.  You should too.




Posts removed and those who seem to think it is OK to go massively off-topic have been put on suspension.  


I'll remind people again, this topic is not about Hillary Clinton.  



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42 minutes ago, MrPatrickThai said:

"the Russia attempted to influence the election" You mean the whole country?


So what if Botswana attempted it? It has nothing to do with Trump, until proven he was linked to it. I'd bet my bottom baht he wasn't. 


Little rich kids not getting what they wanted, so grasping at anything to bring down the guy. The Russian influenced the American electorate, come on, use your heads.


Ok, I didn't proofread.  My meaning was clear to anyone of any intelligence.


If Russia, Botswana, or any other foreign power attempted to influence the election, as Russia definitely did, it needs to be investigated and prevented in future elections.


"Little rich kids not getting what they wanted".  Are you referring to Trump and family?


"The Russian influenced the American electorate, come on, use your heads."  Clearly you need to proofread as well.  Many inflammatory social media posts and advertisements originated from Russia, and as many poster here have demonstrated, there are a great many adults who can't tell fact from fiction, or fringe opinutainment sources from real news.   Come on, use your head.

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2 hours ago, MrPatrickThai said:

"the Russia attempted to influence the election" You mean the whole country?


So what if Botswana attempted it? It has nothing to do with Trump, until proven he was linked to it. I'd bet my bottom baht he wasn't. 


Little rich kids not getting what they wanted, so grasping at anything to bring down the guy. The Russian influenced the American electorate, come on, use your heads.


When a product says “Japanese made” it doesn’t mean the whole country was involved in marketing it.


If Botswana was suspected of interfering in the American elections, then THAT would be under investigation, including whether any campaign officials colluded with those attempts.


All people, including the American electorate are susceptible to influence to a greater or lesser degree. That’s what advertising, marketing, packaging, debates, education, etc are all about. FB, Twitter and Google have all admitted that Russian entities bought ads, and set up multiple fake American accounts to spread false information, almost all of it anti-Hillary. The Pro Hillary accounts they did set up were used to disseminate false information detrimental to Hillary such as falsely telling her supporters that they could vote online.

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On 11/2/2017 at 12:33 PM, amvet said:

What lies has Trump that make the grade of impeachable offense (the topic of this thread).



For starters, the  reason(s) he gave for firing Comey, his declaration after the inauguration that he's had no contact or business  with Russia, there's plenty there,, but you gotta open your eyes first.

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2 hours ago, Meljames said:



For starters, the  reason(s) he gave for firing Comey, his declaration after the inauguration that he's had no contact or business  with Russia, there's plenty there,, but you gotta open your eyes first.

Sorry no.  Comey works at the pleasure of the Pres.  Trump has to lie under oath like Bill Clinton. 

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12 hours ago, 348GTS said:


You clearly have no idea what you're talking about. I would suggest becoming more informed if you wish to discuss this matter. Until that day arrives, I will not waste my time engaging with you. Anyway I'll just leave this reminder here for you as to how effective and meaningful polls are....



FYI, that is not a poll.  That is a calculation of probability.  How far did you go in school again?

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8 minutes ago, amvet said:

Trump has to lie under oath like Bill Clinton. 


No,he doesn't have to but he 'll end up doing  it any way.


And if his reason for firing Comey was to obstruct justice then yes lying would  impeachable. 

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13 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

Good gosh.  Those are terrible sources for news.  Horrible.  It comes out in your posts.  You need to utilize better sources.



I listed the top three news sites.  Huffington, Beitbart, and Drudge.   I go to Drudge because it is a linking site.  Click on the links to see the news.  I started visiting Drudge when he broke the Lewinsky story. 

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1 minute ago, Meljames said:


No,he doesn't have to but he does it any way.


And if his reason for firing Comey was to obstruct justice then yes lying would  impeachable. 

He can fire Comey for any reason he wants to.  Check the official reason.  He has never lied under oath as President hence no impeachment. 

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